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<nowiki>Connecticut Whale; Whale du Connecticut; Коннектикут Уэйл; Hartford Wolf Pack; Konektikutas "Whale"; 哈特福德群狼; Connecticut Whale; Connecticut Whale; Hartford Wolf Pack; Connecticut Whale; 哈特福德群狼; Hartford Wolf Pack; Connecticut Whale; Hartford Wolf Pack; Hartford Wolf Pack; Hartford Wolf Pack; 하트퍼드 울프팩; equipo profesional de hockey sobre hielo de los Estados Unidos; Amerikanisches Eishockey Team in Hartford, Connecticut; yhdysvaltalainen jääkiekkoseura; AHL ice hockey team, formerly known as Connecticut Whale (2010–2013); americký klub ledního hokeje; Hartford Wolf Pack; Wolf pack de hartford; Connecticut Whale; Hartford Wolf Pack; Hartford Wolf Pack; Hartford Wolfpack; Хартфорд Вулф Пэк; Хартфорд Вольф Пэк; Hartford Wolf Pack; Hartford Wolfpack; Hartford Wolf Pack; Connecticut Whale (AHL); Connecticut Whale; Connecticut Whale (2010–2013); Hārtfordas "Wolf Pack"; Connecticut Whale; Hartfordas "Wolf Pack"; Hartford Wolf Pack; Connecticut Whale</nowiki>
Hartford Wolf Pack
AHL ice hockey team, formerly known as Connecticut Whale (2010–2013)