Prioritized Bugs SOP

This document outlines the process for managing prioritized bugs.


Meetings occur every two weeks. Follow-up occurs weekly when priortized bugs exist.


Meeting prep

The day before the meeting:

  1. Update the IRC script

    1. Add the nominated bugs

    2. Check the status of accepted bugs

      1. Note any changes since the previous meeting

    3. Note any acepted bugs closed since the last meeting in the "Bugs fixed since last meeting" section

    4. Update the next meeting date

  2. Send an email with the agenda to [email protected] and cc [email protected], [email protected] . bcc the assignee of nominated and accepted bugs. bcc the nominator of nominated bugs.

If there are no nominated bugs and the accepted bugs (if any) are not stuck, cancel the meeting.

Meeting process

  1. Follow the the IRC script

  2. Try to achieve consensus on each decision

  3. Note decisions with the #agreed command

Post-meeting process

  1. For each nominated bug

    1. Note the decision in a comment

    2. For accepted bugs, set the fedora_prioritized_bug flag to +

    3. For rejected bugs, set the fedora_prioritized_bug flag to -

  2. Update the table in Friday’s Fedora Facts

Check-in process

Once a week, check that status of accepted bugs. If no progress has been recorded in 1–2 weeks, nudge the assignee. If bugs are stuck, send a summary email to the devel mailing list soliciting help.

Update the Friday’s Fedora Facts table as appropriate.