Turkish language reform: Difference between revisions

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Merged content from Öztürkçe to here. See Talk:Replacement of loanwords in Turkish.
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The simplification of the Turkish lexicon over time led to [[Turkification]], and attempts to replace foreign-origin loanwords used in literary works with sometimes conditioning words that did not even conform to Turkish language rules, posed a risk of the language being disconnected from its cultural and historical sources.
==Word derivations==
Most of the new Turkish words are derived from other words with thematic suffixes. For example:
''{{lang|tr|bat-}}'' is the root of the verb ''{{lang|tr|batmak}}'', which means "to sink" or "to set". The derived word ''{{lang|tr|batı}}'' means "west" or the cardinal direction in which the sun "sinks". Another example would be ''{{lang|tr|aylık}}'', which means "salary" as well as ''{{lang|tr|monthly}}''. This is derived from the word ''{{lang|tr|ay}}'', which means "moon, month".
Here are some other examples of derivations:
* ''{{lang|tr|gün}}'' means "day" → ''{{lang|tr|günce}}'' means "agenda", ''{{lang|tr|güncel}}'' means "current", ''{{lang|tr|gündem}}'' means "current events and news", ''{{lang|tr|güncellemek}}'' means "to update", ''{{lang|tr|günay}}'' means "date", ''{{lang|tr|güney}}'' means "south", ''{{lang|tr|güneş}}'' means "sun", ''{{lang|tr|günlük}}'' means "diary" or "daily", ''{{lang|tr|gündüz}}'' means "daytime" (opposite of night) or "morning",
* ''{{lang|tr|kes-}}'' is the root of the verb "to cut" → ''{{lang|tr|kesi}}'' means "incision", ''{{lang|tr|kesici}}'' means "cutter", ''{{lang|tr|kesin}}'' means "accurate", ''{{lang|tr|kesinlikle}}'' means "definitely", ''{{lang|tr|kesinleşmek}}'' means "to become definite", ''{{lang|tr|kesinsizlik}}'' means "the state of indefinity", ''{{lang|tr|keskenmek}}'' means "to pretend to hit with a hand motion", ''{{lang|tr|kesmece}}'' is a saying that means "the agreement of cutting a fruit before buying it", ''{{lang|tr|keser}}'' means "[[adze]]", ''{{lang|tr|kesiklik}}'' means "sudden feeling of tiredness, lethargy", ''{{lang|tr|kesilmek}}'' means "to act like something", ''{{lang|tr|kesit}}'' means "cross section", ''{{lang|tr|keski}}'' means "chisel", ''{{lang|tr|keskin}}'' means "sharp", ''{{lang|tr|keskinlik}}'' means "acuity" and "sharpness", ''{{lang|tr|kesim}}'' means "segment", ''{{lang|tr|kesimlik}}'' means "animal (or tree) fit or ready to be slaughtered/cut", ''{{lang|tr|kesinti}}'' means "interruption", ''{{lang|tr|kesintili}}'' means "on and off", ''{{lang|tr|kesintisiz}}'' means "uninterrupted" and "seamless", ''{{lang|tr|kesme}}'' means "an object cut in the form of a geometrical shape", ''{{lang|tr|kestirme}}'' means "short-cut", ''{{lang|tr|kesik}}'' means "interrupted", ''{{lang|tr|kestirmek}}'' means "to forecast" and "to nap", ''{{lang|tr|kestirim}}'' means "guess", ''{{lang|tr|kesen}}'' means "a line that intersects a geometrical entity", ''{{lang|tr|kesenek}}'' means "deduction", ''{{lang|tr|kesişmek}}'' means "to intersect", ''{{lang|tr|kesişim}}'' means "intersection",
* ''{{lang|tr|sap-}}'' is the root of the verb "to deviate" → ''{{lang|tr|sapık}}'' means "pervert", ''{{lang|tr|sapak}}'' means "turn" (as in roads, traffic),
* ''{{lang|tr|duy-}}'' is the root of the verb "to hear", "to feel" → ''{{lang|tr|duyu}}'' means "sensory", ''{{lang|tr|duyarlı}}'' means "sensitive", ''{{lang|tr|duyarlılık}}'' means "sensitivity", ''{{lang|tr|duygu}}'' means "feeling", ''{{lang|tr|duyarga(ç)}}'' means "sensor", ''{{lang|tr|duyargan}}'' means "allergen", ''{{lang|tr|duyarca}}'' means "allergy", ''{{lang|tr|duyum}}'' means "hearsay", ''{{lang|tr|duyumsamazlık}}'' means "apathy",
* ''{{lang|tr|yet-}}'' is the root of the verb "to suffice" → ''{{lang|tr|yeter}}'' means "sufficient", ''{{lang|tr|yetki}}'' means "authority", ''{{lang|tr|yetenek}}'' means "talent",
* ''{{lang|tr|başka}}'' means "other" → ''{{lang|tr|başkalaşım}}'' means "metamorphosis",
* ''{{lang|tr|tek}}'' means "single" → ''{{lang|tr|tekel}}'' means "monopoly", ''{{lang|tr|tekdüze}}'' means "monotonous",
* ''{{lang|tr|ev}}'' means "home" → ''{{lang|tr|evlilik}}'' means "marriage", ''{{lang|tr|evcil}}'' means "domestic",
* ''{{lang|tr|seç-}}'' is the root of the verb "to choose" → ''{{lang|tr|seçenek}}'' means "choice", ''{{lang|tr|seçkin}}'' means "elite", ''{{lang|tr|seçim}}'' means "election",
* ''{{lang|tr|düş-}}'' is the root of the verb "to fall" → ''{{lang|tr|düşük}}'' means "miscarriage",
* ''{{lang|tr|sür-}}'' is the root of the verb "to last", "to put forward" → ''{{lang|tr|süreğen}}'' means "chronic", ''{{lang|tr|sürüm}}'' means "version",
* ''{{lang|tr|yaz-}}'' is the root of the verb "to write" → ''{{lang|tr|yazar}}'' means "writer", ''{{lang|tr|yazgı}}'' means "fate", ''{{lang|tr|yazılım}}'' means "software", ''{{lang|tr|yazanak}}'' means "report", ''{{lang|tr|yazıt}}'' means "inscription", ''{{lang|tr|yazman}}'' means "secretary", ''{{lang|tr|yazıcı}}'' means "printer", ''{{lang|tr|yazın}}'' means "literature", ''{{lang|tr|yazım}}'' means "orthography", ''{{lang|tr|yazışma}}'' means "correspondence", ''{{lang|tr|yazdırım}}'' means "dictation",
* ''{{lang|tr|ver-}}'' is the root of the verb "to give" → ''{{lang|tr|veri}}'' means "data", ''{{lang|tr|vergi}}'' means "tax", ''{{lang|tr|verim}}'' means "efficiency",
* ''{{lang|tr|öz}}'' means "self", "real" → ''{{lang|tr|özel}}'' means "special", ''{{lang|tr|özen}}'' means "attention", ''{{lang|tr|özgü}}'' means "peculiar", ''{{lang|tr|özgül}}'' means "specific", ''{{lang|tr|özge}}'' means "other", ''{{lang|tr|özne}}'' means "subject", ''{{lang|tr|özgün}}'' means "original", ''{{lang|tr|özgür}}'' means "free", ''{{lang|tr|özümleme}}'' means "assimilation", ''{{lang|tr|öznel}}'' means "subjective". The verb ''{{lang|tr|özle-}}'' (meaning "to miss", "to long for") is also derived from this word, and ''{{lang|tr|özlem}}'' is a noun that means "longing".
Some of the Turkish words are also compound words, such as:
* ''{{lang|tr|Başvuru}}'' means "application". It is derived from ''{{lang|tr|baş}}'' (meaning "head") and ''{{lang|tr|vuru}}'' (meaning "hitting"), so the literal English translation of this compound word would be "head-hitting"
* ''{{lang|tr|Ayak}}'' means "foot", and ''{{lang|tr|kap}}'' means "container", and the compound word ''{{lang|tr|ayakkabı}}'' means foot-container, "shoe".
* ''{{lang|tr|Ana}}'' means "main", and ''{{lang|tr|yasa}}'' means "law", and the compound word ''{{lang|tr|anayasa}}'' means "constitution".
* ''{{lang|tr|Öz}}'' means "self", and ''{{lang|tr|veri}}'' means "giving", and the compound word ''{{lang|tr|özveri}}'' means "altruism, self-sacrifice".
* ''{{lang|tr|Büyük}}'' means "big", and ''{{lang|tr|elçi}}'' means "messenger", and the compound word ''{{lang|tr|büyükelçi}}'' means "ambassador".
* ''{{lang|tr|Kesim}}'' means "cutting", ''{{lang|tr|ev}}'' means "house", and ''{{lang|tr|kesimevi}}'' means "slaughterhouse".
For more information, see the ''related article: [[Turkish vocabulary]]''.