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The practice of character twinking can also be found in [[World of Warcraft]], where players are divided into level-brackets in [[Battlegrounds (World of Warcraft)|Battlegrounds]]. By using above-average equipment otherwise difficult to obtain by other players in the same bracket as well as using end-game enchantments, twinked characters have a significant advantage over non-twinked opponents in terms of survivability and lethality. Twinking in Battlegrounds is more common in lower level-brackets, due to the relatively lower cost to supply twink equipment.
Twinking is most always done by players who are unskilled at PVP, so they "twink" to compensate. One commonly stated myth is that twinks "twink" to fight other twinks, which has been proven untrue, however. Their sole purpose is to prey on players far less geared and leveled than they are.
Twinking can happen whenever players can interact and trade with each other, regardless of how present other players can be in the game itself; the console roleplaying game [[Pokémon]], as an example, allows players to trade their Pokémon with each other; the game features a badge system to prevent a player just starting the game from effectively using a high-level Pokémon without progressing to a certain point in the game itself.