Ethical aspects of abortion: Difference between revisions

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*Feminist- “…the wellbeing of the woman and the value of her life plan should always be recognised as of intrinsic nature…”- Beverly Harrison.
*Feminists argue that the woman should have the right over her own body. Therefore a feminist would argue that women have no moral obligation to give birth; and should have the right to choose.
*[[Judith Jarvis Thomson]] Believes that the foetus is in fact a 'person' at the point of conception, but she argues that an abortion may is morally acceptable, if there is danger to the mothers life, as the mother as the right to self defence. She also argues that the mother has ownership over her own body, and that allows her to use her body in the way that she wants. <ref>Palmer, M: "Moral Problems", page 48. Luttleworth Press, 1991</ref>
On the other hand a conservative Christian would argue in favour of sanctity of life, and as having an abortion is arguably murder it is therefore wrong. They may even argue that the woman has a duty to preserve life. For example in Exodus, the 10th Commandment states that ‘thou shalt not kill’.