Ethical aspects of abortion: Difference between revisions

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*[[Abortion]]: This is the deliberate killing of a fertilised egg from a pregnant woman.
*[[Pre-embryo]]: this is the name given to the fertilised egg between the points of conception and 14 days after conception.
*[[Embryo]]: This is 2-8 weeks after conception.
*[[Foetus]]: The happens 8 weeks after conception up to the time of birth.
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General abortion facts.'''
*An estimated 68,000 women a year die from ‘unsafe’ illegal abortions ([].
*The total amount of abortions carried out in England and Wales in 2004 was 185,400, compared to 181,600 in 2003 (increase of 2.1%).
*More abortions are done earlier in the pregnancy (88% of abortions in 2004 were under 18 weeks jestation. []
Key Laws'''
*[[like this|Offences Against the Person Act 1861]] : This basically disalowed using implements or drugs to induce a miscaridge is illegal, the punishment for this was a life sentance in prison.
*[[The Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1929]]: This ruled that it was wrong to kill a child after it could be have been born alive. Unless to preserve the life of the mother.
*[[Steele’s Abortion Act 1967]]: This stated that two doctors could decide to do an abortion if the continuation of the pregnancy, caused a significant risk to the mothers life, if the new child would cause significant risk of physical or mental injury to the mother or existing children and if the child would be born with substansial mental or physical abnormalities. This legally protected the doctors, and made it wasier for a woman to obtain an abortion.
*[[Alton’s Abortion Reform Act 1991]]: This meant that babies over 24 weeks old were given legal protection from abortion.
Stages of development'''