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The feminist movement is often accused of [[misandry]] by "men's rights" and other anti-feminist groups; however, many (even those not identifying as feminists) question the validity of misandry as a social construct alongside similarly controversial concepts such as "reverse racism" and "heterophobia"; critics claim that these terms are nothing more than traditionally privileged groups attempting to paint themselves as oppressed. These groups accuse feminists of neglect{{citation needed|date=October 2014}}, or even being the cause {{citation needed|date=October 2014}}, of men's issues; feminists counter that mens issues are, indeed, covered within the scope of feminism - feminists were an early and vocal opponent of the draft, an issue that men's rights groups often point to as an example of anti-male bias in society. Several men's rights movements and organizations, such as [[A Voice For Men]], often criticize feminists for the creation of laws alienating men or targeting them {{citation needed|date=October 2014}}. Among the claims made by these groups is the feminist neglect for male rape victims {{citation needed|date=October 2014}} and even branding all men "potential rapists" regardless of background {{citation needed|date=October 2014}}.
However, those opposed to "men's rights movements" counter that the bulk of "men's rights" groups tend to only advocate for male rape victims et. al. as a counter to feminists advocacy for rape victims and not as an end unto itself; men's rights groups donate far less, per capita, to rape victim advocacy groups than feminists groups. Additionally, many men's rights groups serve as little more than a front group for internet trolls to attack women ranging from sexist and misogynistic insults to threats of rape and violence. In 2014, feminist speaker [[Anita Sarkeesian]] cancelled an event at Utah State when anonymous men's rights advocates threatened a school shooting if she was allowed to speak. Similarly, [[Gamergate]] has been exposed via IRC logs to be little more than an attempt to threaten and harass feminists and their allies in the gaming industry; additionally, many prominent figures within the Gamergate movement have been accused of fraud and corruption e.g. a member attempting using crowdsource fundraising in an attempt to hire a lawyer, which turned out to be his wife - an irony, given the movement's purported goal being to end fraud and corruption in the video game journalism industry.