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===Language and identity dispute===
In the years after Tito's death up to nowadays, some people have disputed his identity. Tito's personal doctor, Aleksandar Matunović, wrote a book<ref>{{cite book|author=Aleksandar Matunović|title= Enigma Broz – ko ste vi druže predsedniče?|year=1997|location=Belgrade}}</ref> about Tito in which he also questioned his true origin, noting that Tito's habits and lifestyle could only mean that he was from an aristocratic family.<ref>{{cite web|title=Titov život ostaje enigma|author=Vladimir Jokanović|date=3 May 2010|publisher=NSPM|url=}}</ref> Serbian journalist [[Vladan Dinić]] (born 1949), in ''Tito nijeis titonot Tito'', includes several possible alternate identities of Tito, noting that there were 3 person who had identified as Tito.<ref>{{cite web|title=BILA SU TRI TITA|author=Vladan Dinić|publisher=Svedok|url=}}</ref>
In 2013 a lot of media coverage was given to then unclassified [[National Security Agency|NSA]]'s study in ''Cryptologic Spectrum'' that concluded that Tito didhad not speakspoken the Serbo-Croatian language as a native,. andThe report noted that his speech had features of other Slavic languages (Russian and Polish). The hypothesis that "a non-Yugoslav, perhaps a Russian or a Pole" assumed Tito's identity was included with a note that this had happened during or before the Second Wold War.<ref>{{cite web|title=Is Yugoslav President Tito Really a Yugoslav?|journal=Cryptologic Spectrum|publisher=NSA|url=|id=(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36}}</ref> The report also notes [[Draža Mihailović]]'s impressions of Tito's Russian origins after he had personally spoken with Tito.
However, the NSA's report was completely disproved by Croatian experts. The report failed to recognize that Tito was a native speaker of the very distinctive local [[Kajkavian]] dialect of Zagorje. The acute accent, present only in Croatian dialects, which Tito is perfectly pronouncing, is the strongest proof of Tito's belonging to Kajkavian dialect.<ref>{{cite news | url= | title=Tajna služba nije znala samo jednu sitnicu – da postoje kajkavci | last=Jozić | first=Željko | work=[[Jutarnji list]] | date=24 August 2013 | language=Croatian | accessdate=2013-08-24}}</ref>
===Origin of the name "Tito"===