Paul K. Chu

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Paul K. Chu (朱劍豪) is a specialist in plasma surface modification and materials science. He is Chair Professor of Materials Engineering at City University of Hong Kong.

Paul K. Chu
File:Paul K Chu 2020.jpg


He received his BS in mathematics (cum laude) from the Ohio State University in 1977 and his MS and PhD in chemistry from Cornell University in 1979 and 1982, respectively.

He is Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), American Vacuum Society (AVS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and Materials Research Society (MRS). He received the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences (NPSS) Merit Award in 2007, MRS (Taiwan) JW Mayer Lectureship in 2008, Shanghai (China) Natural Science First Class Award 中國上海自然科學一等獎 in 2011, Chinese Ministry of Education Natural Science Award (First Class) 中國教育部自然科學一等獎 in 2017, Hubei Province (China) Natural Science Award (Second Class) 中國湖北省自然科學二等獎 in 2018, and Anhui Province (China) Science and Technology Award (Third Class) 中國安徽省科學技術三等獎 in 2020. He was awarded Leading Talents of Guangdong Province of China (中國廣東省領軍人才) and Thousand Talents of China (中國國家千人). He is a highly cited researcher in materials science / cross-field according to Web of Science / Clarivate Analytics.

He is Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (香港工程科學院院士) and Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

He is Chairman of the International Plasma-Based Ion Implantation Executive Committee which organizes the biennial International Workshop on Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition (PBII&D) and a member of the Ion Implantation Technology (IIT) International Committee that organizes the biennial International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology.

He holds or has held advisory or visiting professorship in 17 universities and research institutes in China, including Peking University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He is supervising senior editor of IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, associate editor of Materials Science and Engineering: Reports, as well as editorial board member of Biomaterials, Advanced Materials Interfaces, Surface and Coatings Technology, Surface and Interface Analysis, Current Materials Science, Versita (Physics), International Journal of Molecular Engineering, Cancer Nanotechnology, and Materials and Surfaces for Biocompatible Systems.


He has authored / co-authored more than 2,000 journal papers and given more than 150 plenary, keynote, and invited talks in international scientific conferences. He is co-author of one book, co-editor of eight books, and co-author of more than 40 book chapters on plasma science and engineering, biomaterials, and nanotechnology.


  • He has been granted fifteen US, one European, and twelve Chinese patents