Augusto Carlos Teixeira de Aragão ComACavCCavACavTE (15 June 1823 – 29 April 1903) was a Portuguese officer, doctor, numismatist, archaeologist and historian. As an officer of the Portuguese army, he retired with the rank of general. Teixeira de Aragão is considered one of the "fathers" of Portuguese numismatics.

Teixeira de Aragão
Augusto Carlos Teixeira de Aragão

(1823-06-15)15 June 1823
Died29 April 1903(1903-04-29) (aged 79)
Lisbon, Kingdom of Portugal
EducationUniversity of Lisbon
Occupation(s)Military, surgeon, numismatist, archaeologist and historian



He was the son of José Maria Teixeira de Aragão and his wife, Mariana Hermógenes da Silva. He graduated in medicine, having reached the position of surgeon-in-chief of the Portuguese Army.[citation needed]

As a surgeon in the parish of Melides in the county of Santiago do Cacém, he participated with aiding the victims of the 1849 dysentery epidemic.[1]

From an early age, he devoted himself to collecting numismatics, which paired with his extraordinary intellectual activity and a friendship with the King Luis I of Portugal. This allowed him to delve in depth to this field of science.[citation needed]

In the 1860s, he was one of the responsibles for the work of rediscovery of the archaeological site of the Roman town Balsa in Tavira.[2]

In 1867, he acted as Conservative of the Office of the Ajuda National Palace, and was responsible for organizing, cataloging and exhibition of the contents of the collection of the Ajuda Antiquities Museum. They assembled pieces of great value belonging to the treasury of the Portuguese Royal House, the extinct convents and individuals. During the performance of these functions, Teixeira de Aragão was entrusted with the task of bringing some of the objects of the Portuguese Royal Collection at the Exposition Universelle (1867) of Paris. The Commission de l'histoire du Travail of this exhibition attributed the gold medal to the collection. During the period of exposure, Teixeira de Aragão had the opportunity to get in touch with the world's most renowned personalities in the field of numismatics.

In 1870, he published Descrição Histórica das Moedas Romanas Existentes no Gabinete Numismático de sua Majestade El-Rei O Senhor D. Luiz I. A year later, he was admitted as a corresponding member of the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute by the Commission of Archaeology and Ethnography.[3]

In 1874, he joined the Independence Historical Society of Portugal-SHIP, having occupied the post of vice-treasurer of the Central Committee of 1 December 1640.[4]

In 1875, went public with the first of three volumes of the monumental work of the Descrição Geral e Histórica das Moedas Cunhadas em Nome dos Reis, Regentes e Governadores de Portugal. Teixeira de Aragão came to planning a fourth volume of this work, which include the currencies of Brazil and Portuguese West Africa countries, which failed to materialize.

In the same year was part of the Commission of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, appointed by the Government of the time, with the aim to propose the reform of Education of Fine Arts, the plan for the organization of museums, and service of Historic Monuments and archeology.[5]

He reproduced the exact design of the Medal of Olhão that Olhanenses granted to the then Prince Regent D. João.

On 28 December 1876, he was elected to the section of History and Archaeology at the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon.

In 1877, participated in the archaeological conference's Citânia de Briteiros in Guimarães.[6]

In 1880, he was appointed Royal Commissioner by the Academy of Sciences in order to proceed with the preparation and implementation of the program of repatriating remains of Vasco da Gama, from the Church of the Convent of Our Lady of Relics in Vidigueira to the Jeronimos Monastery where he still remain.[7]

He became a member of the commission created by the Portuguese Royal Association of Architects and Civil Archeologos (RAACAP). The association's main objective was related to the equity issue by holding exhibitions to governments on the conservation of historical monuments.

In the year 1881, he was part of the organizing committee nominated for the exhibition Special Loan Exhibition of Spanish and Portuguese Ornamental Art displayed at the South Kensington Museum in London.[8][9]

He was a member of the Geographical Society of Lisbon, the "Société Française de Numismatique" and the Committee of Antiquities of the "Real Academia de la Historia de Madrid".[10] In Brazil, was admitted as a counselor to Historical and Geographical Institute of São Paulo.[when?]



Awards and honours



  • BOTELHO, Luis Silveira. Médicos na toponímia de Lisboa. Lisboa: Câmara Municipal. Comissão Municipal de Toponímia, 1992. p183-184 il. (in Portuguese)
  • CORDEIRO, Valdemar. DO MODESTO DISCÍPULO-AO MESTRE TEIXEIRA DE ARAGÃO. Nº 33 VOL. X-2. NVMMVS - Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Numismática. Porto. Dezembro 1974. p9-14. (in Portuguese)
  • Grande Enciclopédia Portuguesa e Brasileira. Teixeira de Aragão. Lisboa:Editorial Enciclopédia Lda. 1936-1960. Vol31, p51. (in Portuguese)
  • FERNANDES, Manuel Bernardo Lopes. Memoria das medalhas e condecorações portuguezas e das estrangeiras com relação a Portugal.Lisboa: Typographya. 1861. p62-63. (in Portuguese)
  • FERREIRA, Licínia Rodrigues. Sócios do Instituto de Coimbra: 1852-1978. Coimbra:[s.n.], 2012. p12. (in Portuguese)
  • INCM - Exposição Numismática - Colecção D. Luís. Lisboa|Vila Viçosa. (in Portuguese)
  • LIMA, Joaquim Falcão de.Gente de Entre Searas e Montados. Guarda-Mor. 2008. p174. (in Portuguese)
  • MARQUES, J.A.. Escholiaste Médico. Nº 296, 301, 303 e 305 Vol. XVIII, 1867. (in Portuguese)
  • MATEU Y LLOPIS, Felipe. Cartas inéditas de Teixeira de Aragão. Revista de Guimarães. Separata de fasc. 1-2 do volume LIX. Guimarães [s.n.], 1948.p113-119. (in Portuguese)
  • Nota biográfica. O CENTENÁRIO DE UMA OBRA DE NUMISMÁTICA. Nº 33 VOL. X-2. NVMMVS - Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Numismática. Porto. Dezembro 1974. p1-7. (in Portuguese)
  • PEIXOTO, António Rocha. Os Mortos[permanent dead link]. Portugália - Materiaes para o estudo do povo portuguez. Porto: Portugália, tomo I, n.º 4 (24 Outubro 1903), p863. (in Portuguese)
  • PEREIRA, João Manuel Esteves e RODRIGUES, Guilherme. Augusto Carlos Teixeira de Aragão. Diccionario historico, chorographico, heraldico, biographico, bibliographico, numismatico e artistico.VOL I-A. Lisboa. João Romano Torres. 1904. p631-632. (in Portuguese)
  • VASCONCELOS, António L. T. C. Pestana de. Costados Alentejanos. 2ª edição. Évora. 2005. p101. (in Portuguese)
  • VASCONCELOS, José Leite de. Teixeira de Aragão e Cartas inéditas de vários escritores dirigidas a Teixeira de Aragão . O Archeologo Português. Lisboa. IX, 1904, p134-142, XI, p252, XII, p104, XIII, 1908, p357, XXIX, 1933, p218-222.Da Numismática em Portugal. Lisboa, s.n., 1923. (in Portuguese)
  • VENCES E COSTA, C.. General Augusto Carlos Teixeira de Aragão - Perfil biográfico de um ilustre colaborador da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. Boletim Informação. Lisboa: Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, 1985.p4-5 e p17. (in Portuguese)
  • XAVIER, Hugo. O "Museu de Antiguidades" da Ajuda: Numismática e Ourivesaria das Coleções Reais ao tempo de D. Luís Archived 3 October 2014 at the Wayback Machine. Revista de História da Arte nº8. Instituto de História da Arte FCSH/UNL. 2011. p70-87. (in Portuguese)


  1. ^ Commission of providence and aid the needy and affected by the epidemic of dysentery Archived 22 January 2012 at the Portuguese Web Archive (in Portuguese)
  2. ^ Discover Balsa Archived 23 January 2012 at the Wayback Machine (in Portuguese)
  3. ^ Opinion of the Archaeology and Ethnography Commission about the work - Descripção histórica das moedas romanas existentes no gabinete numismático de sua Majestade El-Rei O Senhor D. Luiz I (in Portuguese)
  4. ^ Post of vice-treasurer of the Central Committee of 1 December 1640 of SHIP Archived 25 December 2011 at the Wayback Machine (in Portuguese)
  5. ^ Comissão da Academia Real de Belas Artes (in Portuguese)
  6. ^ Conferência da Citânia de Briteiros Archived 3 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine (in Portuguese)
  7. ^ Vidigueira Municipal Museum(in Portuguese)
  8. ^ Catalog of Special Loan Exhibition of Spanish and Portuguese Ornamental Art
  9. ^ "Special Loan Exhibition of Spanish and Portuguese Ornamental Art". Archived from the original on 14 November 2013. Retrieved 24 June 2012.
  10. ^ Comissão de Antiguidades da Real Academia de la História de Madrid Archived 3 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine (in Spanish)
  11. ^ O Hercules Preto
  12. ^ Biblioteca Nacional
  13. ^ "Catálogo descriptivo das moedas e medalhas portuguezas que formam parte da colecção do Visconde de Sanches de Baena" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 1 June 2010. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  14. ^ "Typos politicos: Mestre Manoel Camões" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 1 June 2010. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  15. ^ Knight of Tower and Sword Military Order(in Portuguese)
  16. ^ Commander of S. Bento de Avis Military Order Archived 2 April 2015 at the Wayback Machine (in Portuguese)
  17. ^ Knight of Aviz Military Order (in Portuguese)
  18. ^ Teixeira de Aragão Medal (in Portuguese)