User:Choess/Parliamentary business

Year Parliament Election Legislation Comments
1660 Convention Parliament (1660) 1660
1661 Cavalier Parliament 1661
1679 Habeas Corpus Parliament Mar 1679
1680 Exclusion Bill Parliament Oct 1679
1681 Oxford Parliament (1681) 1681
1685 Loyal Parliament 1685
1689 Convention Parliament (1689) 1689
  • Bill to abolish the hearth tax
  • Disabling clause in bill to restore corporations
1690 2nd Wm & Mary 1690
  • Massive expenditure on wars leads to new developments in finance
    • Paul Foley's "Million Fund" scheme of 1693; carried out by Charles Montagu (Ch. Exch.) and Bank of England founded, to avert crisis in 1694 caused by extremely large military budget
    • National Debt developed
  • "Country opposition" begins to develop (contains both Whig and Tory members)
  • Opposition organizes a "commission of accounts" to examine public expenditure, establishes point of opposition to the ministry. Attempted 1690, established 1691, renewed annually through 1697. [1] See spiritual successor, Public Accounts Committee (United Kingdom)
  • Bill to secure rights of borough corporations
  • Glass duty bill
  • In 1692-3, Junto Whigs (court) join with country opposition to condemn mismanagement of the war by foreign generals, Tory ministers for naval setbacks. Result is mostly Whig government by 1694
  • Rose Club: Whig club that met at the Rose Tavern, Covent Garden
1695 3rd Wm III 1695
  • Division over council of trade
  • Association
  • Price of guineas fixed at 22s
  • low wines duty
  • Clause protecting hereditary rights on excise duty deriving from letters patent of Car. II
  • Bill establishing land bank; clause naturalizing subscribers
  • Attainder of Sir John Fenwick
1698 4th Wm III 1698
  • Land tax bill
  • Committee of the whole on the state of the navy
Feb 1701 5th Wm III Jan 1701 1700 (12 & 13 Will. 3)
  • Tories control Parliament, but many reluctant to spend on war preparations
  • Act of Settlement 1701, Tories imposing many restrictions on the prerogative, obstruction by an alliance of 'Jacobites' and 'republicans'
  • Commons learns of Treaty of London (1700) negotiated without Parliamentary approval; leads to impeachment of Portland. Also results in discovery of the First Partition Treaty; Harley takes advantage of Junto complicity to divert odium. Montagu, Orford and Somers impeached; latter two tried and acquitted by Lords.
  • Tories order arrest of 5 Kentishmen petitioning in person for war preparations, but come around to some extent in final weeks of session
  • 'Great Mortage' = general fund to settle public debt, established by act of 8 & 9 Gul. III c. 20.
Dec 1701 6th Wm III Nov 1701 1701 (13 & 14 Will. 3)
  • Focus on preparation for war with France--"blacklist" of anti-preparation members pushed during elections
  • Harley beats Littleton (Court) as speaker; King avoids Junto in constructing ministry.
  • Tories bring in abjuration bill. Lengthy party debate over terms; Tories make it compulsory on close vote. Becomes Security of the Succession, etc. Act 1701
1702 1st Anne 1702 1702 et seq.
1705 2nd Anne 1705 1705 (4 & 5 Ann.) et seq.
  • Tory vs Whig speaker-Bromley
  • Debate over joining in the Lords' address that the Church not in danger (cf. Church in Danger)
  • 'place clause' of regency bill (see Regency Act 1705)
  • Bewdley election dispute
1707 1st GB none
1708 2nd GB 1708
1710 3rd GB 1710
1713 4th GB 1713
1715 5th GB 1715
1722 6th GB 1722
1727 7th GB 1727
1734 8th GB 1734
1741 9th GB 1741
1747 10th GB 1747
1754 11th GB 1754
1761 12th GB 1761
1768 13th GB 1768
1774 14th GB 1774
1780 15th GB 1780
1784 16th GB 1784
1790 17th GB 1790
1796 18th GB 1796