User:Marshallsumter/Radiation astronomy/Colors/Quiz

Gases above Io's surface produced a ghostly glow that could be seen at visible wavelengths (red, green, and violet). Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.{{free media}}

Color astronomy is a lecture as part of the radiation astronomy course development of principles of radiation astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on color astronomy at any time.

To improve your scores, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, and listed under See also, External links and the {{radiation astronomy resources}} and {{principles of radiation astronomy}} templates. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

This quiz may need up to an hour to take and is equivalent to an hourly.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

Enjoy learning by doing!




1 Which of the following are or likely to be relatively common red minerals?


2 True or False, MACHO is a general name for any kind of astronomical body that might explain the apparent presence of dark matter in galaxy halos.


3 Soil samples from the mare of the Moon reflect primarily cyan due to the presence in the soils of what?

4 Historically, orange astronomy is not known for which of the following?

Alpha Centauri B
Epsilon Eridani
K spectral type stars
the Bayer designation for a star
the Indian city of Pondicherry in December 1689

5 True or False, Neon has an emission line in the blue.


6 Complete the text:

Match up the violet or violet containing image with the object letter:
Sun - A
Venus - B
Earth - C
Moon - D
Mars - E
Jupiter - F
Ganymede - G
Io - H
Saturn - I
Dione - J
Titan - K
Uranus - L
Ariel - M
Miranda - N
Triton - O
Eta Carinae - P
NGC 5584 - Q















File:Blueberrysun friedman 1296.jpg



7 True or False, Beryllium has an emission line in the cyan.


8 Which of the following are green radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the Sun?

the color of the upper rim as seen from Earth
an excess brightness at or near the edge of the Sun
the iron XIV green line
neutron emission
polar coronal holes
meteor emission
changes in the line-blanketing

9 True or False, The Hubble Space Telescope currently uses the Wide Field Planetary Camera (PC-2) with its F492M filter among others for green astronomy.


10 Which orange astronomy phenomena are associated with globular clusters?

a yellow-orange filter (F606W)
many older K-type stars
spherical collection of stars
orbit the cores of galaxies
some of the more ancient stars

11 True or False, Of some 824 red giant stars, lithium is detected in several stars.


12 One of the substances discovered in the tail of Halley's comet by spectroscopic analysis is the toxic gas

13 Yes or No, Violet astronomy is the radiation astronomy over the wavelength band 380-450 nm.


14 Which of the following is not a characteristic of green astronomy?

wavelength range of 495-570 nm

15 True or False, Fluorine has an emission line in the blue.


16 Which of the following are radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the rocky-object Io?

surface regions reflecting or emitting violet or purple
an excess brightness at or near the edge
red regions that may be phosphorus
neutron emission
polar coronal holes
meteor emission

17 True or False, Boron has an emission line in the blue.


18 Why is much of the surface of Mars covered with red iron oxide dust when the rocks that compose much of its surface are blue or violet?

Mars has been systematically bombarded with small iron-nickel meteorites or micrometeorites that oxidize in its atmosphere
Mars has been frequently bombarded with hematite containing micrometeorites
asteroid impacts on Mars may have forced iron from near its core into the atmosphere and onto the surface as hematite dust that oxidized
Mars is like Earth in surface hematite composition, but Earth has much more water
precipitation from iron-rich water

19 True or False, The orange portion of the visible spectrum is from 590 to 620 nm in wavelength.


20 Which of the following are phenomena associated with the orange system?

a number of emission lines very close together
many impact craters on Io

21 True or False, Hydrogen has an emission line in the yellow.


22 Before the current era and perhaps before 6,000 b2k which classical planet may have been green?

23 True or False, Fluorine has a number of lines in the orange.


24 Which of the following is not a prominent feature associated with the yellowness response?

M cone cells
a green light source
L cones
"bluish green" 493-498 nm
"yellowish green" 530-559 nm
"yellow green" 559-570 nm

25 True or False, To date, all of the reported hypervelocity stars (HVSs), which are believed to be ejected from the Galactic center, are blue.


26 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with violet astronomy?

photographs of the planet Venus taken in 1927
the purple haze within a few arcseconds of the central star of the Homunculus
the faintness of carbon stars
the stellar abundance of aluminum
adaptive optics
the helium beta line

27 True or False, The Hβ emission line does not appear when the F492M filter is used on the Hubble Space Telescope because its wavelength is 486.1 nm.


28 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation letter with each of the detector possibilities below:
Optical rays - L
Visual rays - M
Violet rays - N
Blue rays - O
Cyan rays - P
Green rays - Q
Yellow rays - R
Orange rays - S
Red rays - T
multialkali (Na-K-Sb-Cs) photocathode materials



broad-band filter centered at 404 nm


thallium bromide (TlBr) crystals


18 micrometers FWHM at 490 nm

wide-gap II-VI semiconductor ZnO doped with Co2+ (Zn1-xCoxO)


29 True or False, Carbon has an emission line in the blue.


30 Alpha Centauri A as a star has what green astronomy property?

it's a primordial population III star
it passes once a year across the Lockman Hole
silicates have been discovered in its interior structure
it has a surface temperature of 5790 K
optical reflectance studies have found evidence of magnesium
it has a surface temperature of ~700 K

31 Light at the extreme red end of the visible spectrum, between red and infra-red light is called


32 True or False, An aurora seen from Australia may be a first blue radiation source.


33 Which of the following are the differences between a star and an astronomical yellow source?

a star may emit predominantly green rays
an astronomical yellow source is spherical
a yellow star is an astronomical yellow source
a star with nuclear fusion in its chromosphere emits neutrinos, but a yellow source with no nuclear fusion ongoing does not
a yellow source may be cloud like
an astronomical yellow source my be a rocky object

34 Yes or No, In 1926 there were no national observatories (except the Naval Observatory), very little chance for guest observing elsewhere, no radio astronomy, no X-ray astronomy, no satellite astronomy, and very little infrared or even red astronomy!


35 Complete the text:

Capella B has a surface temperature of approximately

, is spectral type

, has an orbital period with Capella A of about

, and is a


36 True or False, The XRS aboard the MESSENGER spacecraft maps mineral composition.


37 Tarapacaite is a natural mineral pigment composed of what likely source of yellow?

38 Purpurite is a natural mineral pigment composed of what likely source of violet or purple?

39 True or False, Any small luminous green dot appearing in the cloudless portion of the night sky, especially with a fixed location relative to other such dots is most likely to be an active galactic nucleus.


40 When ionization cones are present, what green characteristics are usually readily observed?

O III green emission line
green continua
biconical structure
a common cone axis and apex
ionized gas
neon clouds

41 True or False, Nitrogen has an emission line in the blue.


42 Which of the following are radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the gaseous-object Neptune?

Voyager 2
blue rays
neutron emission
polar coronal holes
meteor emission

43 Red-giant stars have (or theoretically may have) these in common:

potential 22Ne
helium-burning shells
non-standard neutrino losses
Lithium red line
N stars display F abundances up to 30 times the solar system value
RGB and AGB stars
a radius between 200 and 800 times that of the Sun

44 True or False, Any small luminous blue dot appearing in the cloudless portion of the night sky, especially with a fixed location relative to other such dots is most likely to be an active galactic nucleus.


45 For web colors the RGB decimal code (0 255 0) is what color?

46 True or False, Cosmological redshift is seen due to the expansion of the universe, and sufficiently distant light sources (generally more than a few million light years away) show redshift corresponding to the rate of increase of their distance from Earth.


47 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation type with the satellite:
meteor - A
cosmic ray - B
neutral atoms - C
neutron - D
proton - E
electron - F
positron - G
neutrino - H
gamma ray - I
X-ray - J
ultraviolet - K
optical - L
visual - M
violet - N
blue - O
cyan - P
green - Q
yellow - R
orange - S
red - T
infrared - U
submillimeter - V
microwave - W
radio - X
radar - Y
superluminal - Z



























48 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
superluminals - A
radios - B
radars - C
microwaves - D
submillimeters - E
infrareds - F
reds - G
oranges - H
deuterium enrichment of cometary water

interstellar-comet connection

a macroscopic superstring

force of life

rings of Saturn

volcanic activity throughout Vesta

a silicon composite bolometer fed by a Winston cone

present-day fluctuations an order of magnitude larger


49 True or False, In hexadecimal code, a hex triplet, #008000 or 00 80 00 is green.


50 Which of the following is not a prominent feature associated with the greenness response?

M cone cells
a green light source
L cones
"bluish green" 493-498 nm
"yellowish green" 530-559 nm
"yellow green" 559-570 nm

51 Green earth is a natural pigment composed of what likely source of green?

52 True or False, The planet Saturn exhibits a pale yellow hue due to ammonia crystals in its upper atmosphere.


53 Which of the following are associated with lunar red glasses?

produced in a volcanic fire-fountain
composed of three chemical groups
lthe presence of crocoite
the most Mg-rich group (A) was produced by partial melting of Ti-rich cumulates at a depth of about 480 km
derived from a magma by fractional crystallization

54 True or False, In 1866, after the new observatory had been completed, Schjellerup assembled a catalog of red stars.


55 The extent of the Hα absorption trough along the major axes of quenched spirals is what?

more truncated than the distribution of the Hα emission line for H I deficient galaxies
contributed to by the new stellar population
less truncated than the distribution of the Hα emission line for H I deficient galaxies
due to the quenching
disks building up from the outside in

56 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation object with the likely source:
- L
- M
- N
File:Neusun1 superk1.jpg
- O
- P
- Q
- R
File:NGC 7048.jpg
- S
File:HST NGC 5728 -O III- emission-line image.jpg
- T
a Craters of the Moon volcano

violet image of Venus

active galactic nuclear region of NGC 5728

cosmic-ray bombardment of the Moon's surface

blue lights from Io

neutrino profile of the solar octant

planetary nebula NGC 7048

ultraviolet image of the Earth

a neutron star in a binary system


57 True or False, There are green or green mineral containing meteorites.


58 Which of the following is not a phenomenon usually associated with solar wanderers?

green aurora
production of 7Be
carbon or C2

59 Complete the text:

"In the green, the

of the pure

composition qualitatively appears a better

to the shape of the observed polarization curves."

60 True or False, The silicates used to model the cometary coma dust are olivene (Mg-rich is green) and the pyroxene, asbestos.


61 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with a comet?

elongated dust particles
high albedo
coronal mass ejection

62 True or False, The V 2 rocket was first used as a sounding rocket for yellow astronomy before being converted to a weapon.


63 Using the equation   what temperature corresponds approximately to a Planckian peak wavelength of 476 nm (Use c2 = 1.438833 cm K.)?

6440 K
6300 K
5170 K
6100 K
5870 K
6250 K

64 True or False, Oxygen has an emission line in the blue.


65 With respect to protoplanetary disks what green mineral has been found?

66 Which of the following are theoretical radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the Earth?

a core which emits neutrinos
a charged particle wind which emanates out the polar ionosphere holes
near the barycenter for the Earth-Moon system
the swirls of tan, green, blue, and white are most likely sediment in the water
coronal clouds
chlorophyll-containing phytoplankton aloft in the upper atmosphere

67 True or False, A green light coming from a nebula may be due to oxygen illuminated by a stellar wind.


68 Using the equation   what temperature corresponds approximately to a Planckian peak wavelength of 580 nm?

5140 K
5800 K
5170 K
6000 K
5870 K
5250 K

69 Which of the following emission/absorption phenomena are associated with green astronomy?

Helium lines at 501 and 505 nm
the strong C2 (1,2) band
nitrogen emission in plasmas at 566.934 nm from N VIII
Helium emission line at 5876 Å
neutral iron line at 526.96 nm
Calcium yellow line at 569.4 nm

70 Green astronomy observation is performed all around the surface of the Earth by?

71 True or False, Bremsstrahlung radiation may be a source of the green continuum.


72 Which of the following are phenomena usually associated with fluorine emission?

fluorine emission lines in the green are relatively weak
fluorine lines in the near infrared are usually much stronger than the green lines
F I has lines in the green
F II has lines in the green
F III has at least one line in the green
the Fraunhofer E line

73 The chromium +1 ion has an emission line often observed in solar what?

74 True or False, Ground-based observations around the solar limb of the Fe 530.3 line vary greatly among themselves.


75 Which of the following are likely associated with a green emission line control group?

rocky objects
high peak to background
plasma objects
a G2V photosphere
watery surface

76 An emission line occurring in the solar corona at 511.603 nm is likely to be from what?

77 Which of the following are minerals that can readily or often occur orange, or yellow-orange in color?


78 True or False, The striking absence of green emission above both polar regions at activity minimum is likely due to iron deficiency.


79 Which of the following are characteristic of solar green astronomy?

limb faculae
polar coronal holes
black body temperature of the photosphere
the electron neutrino
iron (Fe XIV) green line

80 Venus at times shows the oxygen green line emission with an intensity equal to what?

81 True or False, Airglow is the emission of light by atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere after they are excited by X-ray radiation.


82 Which geographical phenomena are associated with Iapetus?

dark territory of Cassini Regio
manifesting intense magnetic fields
equatorial ridge that bisects Cassini Regio
global "color dichotomy"
global brightness dichotomy
different color hues
leading vs. the trailing side color hues

83 A fine spray of small, icy particles detected in green light is emanating from what surrounding, warm, geologically unique province of Enceladus?

84 True or False, A plume of water ice particles emanating from Enceladus is reaching altitudes as high as 400 km above the surface.


85 Phenomena associated with the green vapor above Io are?

collisions with energetic charged particles
Jupiter's magnetic field
aurora-like behavior
dense plumes of volcanic vapor
Galileo spacecraft
Io is in eclipse

86 The Na I green lines at 568.2 and 568.8 nm arise in the what?

87 True or False, Stars of spectral classes F and G, such as our sun, have color temperatures that make them look "greenish".


88 Which of the following are green observatories in orbit around the Earth?

Chandra X-ray Observatory
Big Bear
the Hubble
Lomnický štít

89 True or False, The orange color of the Namib Desert develops over time as iron in the sand is oxidized.


90 McDonald Observatory is located in.

91 True or False, Some observed properties of the Sun still defy explanation, such as the degree of Li depletion: the solar Li abundance is roughly a factor of 200 below the meteoritic abundance. This has been confirmed using the lithium 555.2 nm line.


92 Which of the following are associated with the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope?

a launch location
Fabry-Perot interferometer
a heliostat
a distinctive diagonal shaft that continues underground
a theoretical resolution of 0.07"
NOAA designations

93 Complete the text:

Methane possesses prominent

in the visible and near-infrared (IR) making

aquamarine or

in color.

94 "Carroll et al. (1976) detected a number of coincidences between laboratory lines of FeH and weak unidentified what?

95 True or False, The pale green patterns tinting the water along the Namibian coast in late February 2012 indicated high concentrations of sulfur.


96 The auroral green line at 557.7 nm has been suggested as originating from which of the following elemental emission lines?

solid nitrogen
mixtures of oxygen and helium
pure helium
pure oxygen
neon and oxygen mixtures

97 What are pale green when viewed through the water of the Persian Gulf fringing the shoreline and islands of the UAE in a Landsat image?

98 True or False, From a satellite's vantage point, the wash of green that appears across the forests of the eastern United States is one of the most noticeable signs of winter's passing.


99 Which of the following strongly influence phytoplankton blooms in the northern Arabian Sea?

seasonal wind shifts
the monsoon
southwesterly winds
large-scale ocean circulation
northeast winds in winter
landlocked to the north

100 What underwater events are the milky green swirls in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of El Hierro due to?

101 True or False, The Mauna Kea Observatories are used for scientific research across the electromagnetic spectrum from visible light to radio, and comprise the largest such facility in the world.


102 Which of the following are associated with greenstone belts?

metamorphosed mafic sequences
ultramafic volcanic sequences
Archaean and Proterozoic cratons
Humphreys series
Rydberg series
green hue of metamorphic minerals

103 True or False, The O I 557.7 nm line occurs in some meteor wake spectra generally confined to the height interval of 80 - 90 km.


104 Which of the following phenomena are associated with earthshine?

reflected earthlight
the Moon's night side
the tachocline
a test of vegetation
the Pacific Ocean
ashen light

105 True or False, The zodiacal light has components in the green that are linearly polarized.


106 Which of the following are characteristic of interstellar extinction?

redder color indices
closer stars more affected
color excess
observed color index minus intrinsic color index
red shift
blue shift

107 True or False, There are clear trends in the significant day-to-day and month-to-month changes in the zodiacal light.


108 Which of the following is not a characteristic of radiation?

throwing a beam
a stream of charged or neutral particles
the process of calculating the energy of a beam
sending out a traveling ray
a secondary hazard

109 True or False, A principle is a law or rule that has to be followed.


110 Using the equation   what temperature corresponds approximately to a Planckian peak wavelength of 510 nm?

5700 K
5800 K
5900 K
6000 K
5870 K
5880 K

111 True or False, In the first derivative of Planck's equation to generate a wavelength, temperature pair like (495 nm, 6100 K), the constant c2 has units of nm K.


112 If Osiris in ancient Egyptian mythology/observational astronomy corresponds to Saturn, and Horus is the son of Osiris, what classical planet does Horus correspond to?

the green planet

113 A cyan color can result from a freshly excavated high-Ti?

114 True or False, Telluric mercury lines are light polution lines occurring in the Martian atmosphere.


115 Which of the following are characteristic of the telluric mercury green line?

546.1 nm
light pollution at the Calar Alto observatory
a decay product of uranium
mercury vapour lamps
tropospheric scattering
y-band of the ubvy Strömgren photometric system

116 True or False, Green radiation bursts are the most luminous electromagnetic events known to occur in the universe.


117 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with optical green astronomy?

actuators may be a part of active optics
the Spitzer satellite is the first device in space ever to detect optical green bursts
the Moon
an emission with a wavelength of 520 nm
adaptive optics
airglow emissions

118 Yes or No, Boron has an emission line in the yellow.


119 Cyanogen is a natural poisonous gas composed of what likely source of cyan?

120 True or False, The rocky surface of the planet Venus can be detected when Venus is observed using green astronomy.


121 Complete the text:

A filter of type F588N allows the transmission of


122 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with green astronomy?

photographs of the planet Venus taken in 1999
Alpha Centauri A
ionization cones
a moderately intense aluminum line at 5593.302 Å
a xenon emission line at 541.915 nm
the lithium beta line

123 True or False, The dark green filter improves imaging of cloud patterns on Venus.


124 Which of the following are theoretical radiation astronomy phenomena associated with a satellite in orbit around the Earth?

background radiation
a charged particle wind which emanates out of a beam line
near the barycenter for the Earth-Moon system
swirls of tan, green, blue, and white in the water
electric arcs
chlorophyll-containing phytoplankton aloft in the upper atmosphere

125 Observations of comets have benefited greatly from what phenomena of green astronomy?

elongated dust particles
the Rosetta spacecraft
O (1S) metastable line
methane possesses prominent absorption bands in the visible
the light of the neutral CN-radical

126 True or False, Ultraviolet radiation from young massive stars carves and heats the surfaces of cold hydrogen gas clouds. The warmed surfaces glow orange and red.


127 Which of the following is a phenomenon associated with yellow astronomy?

sodium line emission
sunspots on the Sun
an emission with a wavelength of 420 nm

128 The atmosphere of Titan which has a natural orange color is composed largely of?

129 True or False, Olivine is a silicate mineral that may be detected in cometary coma dust with green astronomy.


130 Which of the following is a phenomenon associated with nebulae?

green light
oxygen line emission
297.2 nm line
aboard HST the use of the PC-2 and F547M

131 True or False, The red shift cannot affect green stars.


132 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with green astronomy?

a stellar class G dwarf
the hydrogen Balmer beta line
the photosphere of the Sun
an emission with a wavelength of 618 nm
"ionization cones"
boron ion emission

133 True or False, The Earth's atmosphere does not transmit green radiation between 480 and 500 nm in wavelength because of water vapor.


134 Green astronomy may help to detect what type of astronomical object?

a stellar class G dwarf
the hydrogen Balmer alpha line
the photosphere of the Sun
extrasolar planets
the CMB

135 Yes or No, Boron has an emission line in the cyan.


136 Observations of comets have benefited greatly from what phenomenon of cyan astronomy?

Cherenkov radiation
the electric blue glow of lightning
gas-expansion velocity decreases with increasing heliocentric distance
methane possesses prominent absorption bands in the visible
adaptive optics
the light of the neutral CN-radical

137 Yes or No, Beryllium has an emission line in the blue.


138 Which of the following emission/absorption phenomena are associated with yellow astronomy?

nitrogen emission line at 575.5 nm
the strong C2 (1,2) band
nitrogen emission in plasmas at 566.934 nm from N VIII
helium emission line at 5876 Å
neutral iron line at 526.96 nm
calcium yellow line at 569.4 nm

139 True or False, The position of the Sun can be determined directly with the use of green astronomy.


140 Green astronomy has helped to verify what famous theories?

Cherenkov radiation
the universe consists primarily of perfect vacuum
tachyonic gamma rays
extrasolar planets
warp drive
general relativity
quantum mechanics

141 True or False, A green metallic or stony object that is the remains of a meteor is called a meteoroid.


142 Various green radiation observatories occur at different altitudes and geographic locations due to what effect?

the presence of oceans on the Earth
locally available carving tools
light pollution
most astronomical objects are observed at night
currently dormant volcanoes seldom erupt
human habitation increases near an astronomical observatory

143 True or False, The V 2 rocket was first used as a sounding rocket for green astronomy before being converted to a weapon.


144 Moldavite is a mineral that may be associated with what green astronomy phenomenon?

predicting the end of the Earth
determine the accuracy of local computers
meteorite impacts
demonstrating that Venus was once a comet
predict when currently dormant volcanoes will erupt
green fireballs

145 True or False, The emission of synchrotron light from the Sun may more accurately fit the spectral radiance of the Sun than black body radiation.



What is the blue-radiation source [hint: planet] in the image at right?

147 Which of the following are theoretical radiation astronomy phenomena associated with a laboratory on Earth?

a core which emits neutrinos
a charged particle wind which emanates out of a beam line
near the barycenter for the Earth-Moon system
swirls of tan, green, blue, and white in the water
electric arcs
chlorophyll-containing phytoplankton aloft in the upper atmosphere

148 True or False, Green Bremsstrahlung radiation is not detected from the Sun because the photosphere isn't ionized enough to produce it.


149 Which of the following is involved in planetary astronomy more so than planetary science?

the occurrence of green rock types on the surface of rocky objects
the Earth and other rocky objects have a green mineral containing mantle
checking equations about complex systems
the advantages of a 559 nm band pass
digging holes in the surface of the Moon
surface temperatures low enough to produce methane lakes

150 True or False, Lithium has an emission line in the blue.


151 What green astronomy phenomena are associated with Mars?

it may help with faster-than-light travel
O(1S) lines
polar caps
the Greenwich meridian
it demonstrates that a power law is better than an exponential law

152 True or False, The Mars Exploration Rover uses its green filter to take panoramic mosaics.


153 Which of the following is not a green characteristic of solar active regions?

green spectral lines are 1.4 % shallower at solar maximum
coronal clouds
spot central meridian passage
a surface coverage of at least 95%.

154 Azurite is a natural pigment composed of what likely source of blue?

155 During the late 1600s the sunspot cycle lost its usual intensity and became what?

156 True or False, Naked sunspots seen in Hβ which are devoid of plage are never associated with coronal holes.


157 Which of the following is not a prominent contributor associated with the bluish color of water on Earth?

the blue sky
dissolved organic matter
decomposition processes from dead organic matter such as plants
highly organic soils

158 The Sun as a star has what green geographical property?

it's a primordial population III star
it passes once a year across the Lockman Hole
silicates have been discovered in its interior structure
optical reflectance studies have found evidence of magnesium
it has a surface temperature of ~700 K
polar coronal holes
it has a longitude and latitude grid system for locating active regions

159 Complete the text:

Regarding a blue haze layer near the south polar region of Titan, the difference in color

above and

nearer the

could be due to

of the haze.

160 True or False, Helium has an emission line in the blue.


161 Complete the text:

"In 1999, observations of the Venus

with the

telescope showed that the 5577 Å oxygen green line was a


162 True or False, The PC-1 F502N is centered at 501.85 nm with a band pass of 2.97 nm.


163 A terrestrial planet is composed primarily of?

164 Complete the text:

Match up the blue object with the possibilities below:
Sun - H
Mercury - I
Venus - J
Earth - K
Meteorite on Mars - L
Pallas - M
Comet Holmes - N
Europa - O
Io - P
Saturn - Q
Enceladus - R
Tethys - S
Titan - T
Neptune - U
Abell 370 - V
SN 1987A - W
Crab Nebula - X

File:Blueberrysun friedman 1296.jpg

















165 When close binary stars are present, what characteristics are readily observed?

iron XIV green line
facular excess brightness
magnetic poles
neon clouds

166 The population of coronal loops can be directly linked with the?

167 True or False, Coronal loops project into the coronal cloud, through the transition region and the chromosphere.


168 Which of the following is not a prominent contributor associated with a variable star?

star spots
chromospheric activity
brightness fluctuations
iron XIV green line

169 Astronauts onboard the International Space Station used a Nikon digital camera to take pictures of what green astronomy phenomenon?

170 Yes or No, Hydrogen has an emission line in the cyan.


171 Which chemical phenomena are associated with the Earth?

quartz is the second most abundant mineral
an atmosphere containing CO2
green, red, blue, and yellow airglow
the production and escape of hot H+ ions
oxygen emissions
helium ions

172 True or False, Chemiluminescence caused mainly by oxygen and nitrogen reacting with hydroxyl ions at heights of a few hundred kilometers contributes to airglow.


173 Which of the following is not a phenomenon usually associated with regions?

a connected part of a space
a tract of green fields
definite extent of a corn field
Capella B
temporal change in green radiation flux

174 Yes or No, Hydrogen has an emission line in the blue.


175 Complete the text:

"Auroras result from emissions of

in the Earth's upper

, above 80 km (50 mi), from ionized

atoms regaining an electron, and


atoms returning from as excited state to


176 True or False, Oxygen emissions can be green or brownish-red depending on the amount of energy absorbed.


177 Complete the text:

The swirls of tan, green, blue, and white are most likely

in the water. Some of the color may come from


178 Phenomena associated with some brown dwarfs are which of the following?

a temperature well below the stellar range
methane absorption
the lithium test
T dwarfs


  1. Color astronomy studies all the astronomical objects of the Solar System.

See also


{{Radiation astronomy resources}}