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==Conflict and other important events==
==Conflict and other important events==
[[File:Madero at the head of his forces (LOC).jpg|300px|right|thumb|''Francisco Madero with his men in 1910.'']]

*Revolutionionary activity breaks out in Mexico.
*Revolutionionary activity breaks out in Mexico.

Revision as of 04:26, 18 July 2010

For the 1850s conflict see Bleeding Kansas
Border War
Part of the Mexican Revolution, Banana Wars, World War I

Columbus, New Mexico after Pancho Villa's attack on the border town.
Date1910 - 1918
Result Battles between Mexican and American forces ceased by 1919.
Mexico División del Norte
Mexico Constitutionalistas
Mexico Carrancistas
Mexico Maderistas
German Empire Germany
United States United States
Commanders and leaders
Pancho Villa
Alvaro Obregon
Venustiano Carranza
Francisco Madero
Herbert H. Slocum
John J. Pershing
Frank Tomkins
Frederick J. Herman

The Border War refers to the militay engagements which took place in the Mexican-American border region of North America during the Banana Wars. From the beginning of the Mexican Revolution in 1910, the United States Army was stationed in force along the border and on several occasions fought with Mexican revolutionaries or federals. The height of the conflict came in 1916 when revolutionary Pancho Villa attacked the American border town of Columbus, New Mexico. In response the United States Army under the direction of General John J. Pershing launched the Pancho Villa Expedition into northern Mexico to find and capture Villa. Though the expedition was successful in finding and engaging the Villista rebels, the revolutionary himself escaped the American army and the expedition returned to the United States in January 1917. Conflict at the border continued however and the United States launched several more smaller operations into Mexican territory. Violence decreased significantly at the border after the United States victory at the Battle of Ambos Nogales in 1918. Battle was not only subject to Villistas and Americans; Maderistas, Carrancistas, Constitutionalistas and Germans also engaged in combat with American forces during this period. The conflict was one of the highlights of the Old West era.

Conflict and other important events


Francisco Madero with his men in 1910.
  • Revolutionionary activity breaks out in Mexico.
  • United States Army deploys to several border towns to protect American lives and property and to ensure that fighting between rebel and federal forces remains on the Mexican side of the border.


American Magonistas after the First Battle of Tijuana in 1911.
  • Pofirio Diaz pressured the United States government into issuing orders for Madero's arrest. So Madero escapes across the border back into mexico on February 14th.
  • In March 1911 Francisco Madero led 130 men at the Battle of Casas Grandes in Chihuahua. The rebels won the battle and Madero began smuggling arms and ammunition on a large scale from across the border.
  • On March 16th, 1911 rebel sabatours in Ciudad Juarez bombed the barracks and homes of the Mexican Army garrison. A large nitroglycerin explosion was seen on the American side of the border. Two days later a large cannon which sat in the town square of El Paso, Texas disappeared and was presumably taken to Ciudad Juarez.
  • Maderista rebels fought federal troops loyal to Porfirio Diaz at Agua Prieta, Sonora in April. United States troops across the border in Douglas, Arizona were attacked by Mexican forces and in response the Americans intervened which left the rebels in control of the town.
Pancho Villa at camp in 1911.
  • Porfirio Diaz exiled. Francisco Madero becomes President of Mexico and calls for an end to warfare in the country. He offered to pay rebels of different factions but only if they would lay down their arms or join his new federal Mexican Army.
  • Fighting breaks out between rebel factions.


General John J. Pershing, General Pancho Villa and others at Fort Bliss, Texas in 1913.
  • United States Army continues garrisoning American border towns.
  • General Pasqual Orozco rebels against President Madero and begins a campaign in the Mexican border state of Chihuahua. Madero responds by sending an army which defeated Orozco's troops in thee major battles. Villa rebels from the Madero government soon after.
  • Federal Mexican forces of President Francisco Madero establish Fort Tijuana along the international border with California in response to the Magonista campaign.


A crumbling adobe building of Fort Naco, Arizona.
  • The Battle of Naco is fought. Alvaro Obregon's rebel army defeated the federal Mexican border town garrison of Naco, Sonora. United States troops watched the battle from across the border.
  • American troops in Naco, Arizona begin construction of Fort Naco, one of twelve forts built by the United States Army along the border for protection against warring Mexican forces.


The Mexican-American border.
  • On April 9th, Tampico Affair occurred. An incident in Tampico between United States Navy saillors and Mexican troops which resulted in the severing of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States.
  • Congress approves the invasion. The United States Navy's Atlantic fleet under Admiral Frank Fletcher was sent to Veracruz and occupied the city after an amphibious assault and a street battle with Mexican defenders.
  • The longest battle of the Mexican Revolution was fought at Naco, Sonora, across the border from Fort Naco and Naco, Arizona. Pancho Villa's men attacked General Obregon's garrison on October 17th, 1914. During the 119 following days of siege warfare Villa was defeated. Also during the battle several United States Army Buffalo Soldiers stationed in Naco, Arizona were wounded by rebels shooting into their camp. Eight men were wounded but they did not return fire and were later recognized for their good discipline.


Pancho Villa and his army near Ojinaga in 1916.
  • Pancho Villa attacks General Obregon's Constitutionalist garrison at Nogales, Sonora. Villa initiates a siege but over time is defeated to the lack of artillery and sufficient supplies. During the siege the United States 12th Infantry garrison of Nogales, Arizona was attacked by Villistas and in turn skirmished for a half hour. Only one American was killed along with several of Villa's rebels.
  • Villistas and Constitutionalists fought again at Agua Prieta in November of 1915. Later Villa attributed his defeat to large searchlights used during the battle by the United States Army garrison of Douglas, Arizona. The battle ended in defeat for Villa and led to the more disasterous Battle of Hermosillo on November 21st, 1915. During which Villa's forces pillaged the city instead of fighting the garrison, resulting in a repulse. Also at this time Constitutionalist forces were allowed access to American railways for troop movement.
  • Pancho Villa and Emilio Zapata capture Mexico City but soon after are forced to retreat by Alvaro Obregon's army.


The expanded United States Army fort at Columbus, New Mexico, a staging area for the Pancho Villa Expedition.
  • Now losing the war, Pancho Villa decided to raid Columbus, New Mexico for supplies on March 9th of 1916. The raid did no go as planned and Villa's 500 cavalrymen were defeated by over 300 United States infantry and cavalry who were stationed in a border fort outside of town. Columbus was heavily damaged by the Villistas who burned several of the town's buildings. Sixty to eighty Villistas were killed along with over a dozen American troops and civilians.
  • In response to the attack on Columbus, American President Wilson ordered General John J. Pershing to proceed into Mexico with over 5,000 men to capture or kill Pancho Villa, thus beginning the Pancho Villa Expedition.
  • On May 5th, 1916 Villas rebels attacked two more American border towns, Glenn Springs, Texas and Boquillas. Over 200 men under Rodriguez Ramirez and Natividad Álvarez crossed the Texas border with the intention of capturing supplies. At Glenn Springs a United States Army squad of nine men resisted the Villista attack for several hours but eventually the raiders set fire to the adobe building the Americans were held up in and forced the 14th Infantry men to retreat. Three of the United States troops were killed and four others were wounded. One young American boy was also killed by the Mexicans. At Boquillas, twelve miles from Glenn Springs, the Americans there captured Alvarez and discovered he was a Lieutenant Colonel in Pancho Villa's Division del Norte and was a veteran of the Battle of Celaya.
  • The raiders of Glenn Springs and Boquillas took two captives with them when they withdrew across the border. Jesse Deemer and Monroe Payne who were later rescued by American Army forces during a small cavalry expedition into Mexico. The expedition of eighty men, two wagons and a car began on May 8th from Marathon, Texas and was under the command of Colonel Frederick W. Sibley and Colonel George T. Langhorne. The rebels were held up at El Pino, Chihuahua and at first Colonel Langhorne negotiated for the release of the two Americans and when this failed he ordered his men to embark his personal car and head for El Pino. Upon their arrival the Villistas fled and deemer and Payne were freed. During the operation which ened on May 21st, five Mexicans were killed in skirmishes with no American losses.
American infantry in a skirmish line near Deming, New Mexico in 1916.
  • President Wilson orders the National Guard to reinforce the United States Army garrisons at the border line. By August 1916 an estimated 117,000 guardsmen were stationed along the border in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
  • On April 12th, 1916, American forces and Carrancistas fight the Battle of Parral in Chihuahua. When United States troops under Major Frank Tompkins attempted to leave the city of Parral they were attacked by Carrancista riflemen. The Americans returned fire and over the course of several hours forty-five Mexicans lay dead along with two Americans, including Major Tompkins. The engagement marked the furthest penetration into northern Mexico by American forces, Parral is over 500 miles from the border.
  • In June Buffalo Soldiers of the 10th Cavalry suffered a defeat at the Battle of Carrizal. Federal Mexican troops loyal to President Madero attacked 100 cavalrymen when they attempted to enter the town of Carrizal. The most famous battle of the Border war was fought and ended with the deaths of forty-five Mexicans and sixteen Americans. Forty-four other Mexicans and Americans were wounded.


United States Army troops returning to America in January of 1917.
  • Due to the defeat at Carizzal, President Wilson ordered General Pershing to withdraw from Mexico and end the expedition. By January 1917 most of the American expeditionary troops had left Mexican territory and were back at garrison duty along the border.


Ambos Nogales in 1899. Battle occurred here several times during the revolution.
  • United States Army Intelligence stationed at Fort Huachuca, Arizona detected a German military presence in Sonora and ordered troops to begin surveillance operations to prepare for war with Mexico. Mexican railways, train stations, and other related enterprises were inspected as possible routes for a large scale American invasion.
  • Revolutionary Yaqui native Americans established a base in Bear Valley, Arizona to store weapons intended to be smuggled into Mexico. This base was discovered by the United States Army so Blondy Ryder of the 10th Cavalry was ordered to evict the rebel Yaquis. On January 9th, 1918, Ryder's patrol attacked the Yaquis in a small half-hour engagement. The camp was destroyed, one Yaqui was killed and nine others were captured. The United States Cavalry suffered no casualties.
  • In mid August, Lieutenant Colonel Frederick J. Herman received an anymous message from a Mexican revolutionary about a possible attack on Nogales, Arizona by federal Mexican soldiers and a group of German military advisors. A few days later on August 27th, a Mexican suspected of gun smuggling crossed the border into Nogales, Sonora followed by an American Custom agent and two United States Army troops. A Mexican soldier watched the incident and fired on the American agent. The shot was a miss but hit one of the soldiers instead, the remaining two Americans returned fire and killed the Mexican soldier. From there the incident escalated from a small dispute into a battle. Reinforcements from both sides rushed to the border to fight, men of the 35th Infantry Regiment called for aid and a squadron of 10th Cavalry under Herman responded. When they arrived they attacked the Mexican positions on top of hills along the other side of the border. The assault was successful and the Mexican troops with their German advisors were defteated. Thirty to 129 Mexicans, two Germans and seven Americans died in the fighting. After the battle German military activity in Sonora ceased. The Battle of Ambos Nogales became the last major engagement of the Border War.

See also


  • Britton, John A. Revolution and Ideology Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States. Louisville: The University Press of Kentucky (1995)