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Sami Brady and EJ DiMera

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EJ Wells-DiMera and Sami Brady (James Scott and Alison Sweeney)

EJ Wells-DiMera and Samantha "Sami" Brady (also known by the portmanteau EJami for EJ and Sami) are fictional characters and a popular pairing from the American soap opera Days of our Lives. Since 1993, the role of Sami Brady has been portrayed by actress Alison Sweeney. James Scott has portrayed the role of EJ Wells since the character's introduction on May 30, 2006. The pairing is noted for the controversy surrounding their union, often compared to that of daytime's most famous power couple, Luke Spencer and Laura Webber. They are also noted for being one of today's most prominent fixtures in the soap opera medium.[1]


EJ's arrival in Salem happens on May 30, 2006, and EJ and Sami have a memorable first meeting, with EJ in only a towel and Sami drenched because of a plumbing problem in her apartment. The sparks between EJ and Sami are immediate and the chemistry is undeniable (the character Lucas Roberts states "there is some serious chemistry between those two").

Over the summer of 2006, EJ and Sami share many romantic moments, but since Sami is engaged to be married to Austin Reed, nothing more than a few passionate dances and one accidental kiss the morning of her wedding to Austin are exchanged between EJ and Sami. EJ treats Sami with a unique respect and admiration, unlike anything Sami’s boyfriends, fiancés, or family have ever shown her. EJ is a true friend to Sami from the beginning.

Sami does not end up marrying Austin because one of her many misdeeds results in her being blackmailed into calling off the wedding. EJ is there to help her and support her, and very soon they start dating. Their dates are often cut short due to Sami's son and ex-fiance, Lucas Roberts meddling. One such interruption comes when her son and ex-fiance show up unannounced at her apartment when she and EJ are making out on the couch. EJ is annoyed by the interruption and asks Sami to choose him or Lucas and Will. When she makes her choice not to ask Lucas and Will to leave, EJ starts to leave, telling her "when they leave you, and they will, don't come to me." One interpretation of this scene is that EJ was asking Sami to choose him over Lucas, and another is that EJ was forcing Sami to choose him over her son. After this rejection from Sami, EJ becomes sexually involved with Sami's archenemy, Kate Roberts.

A further obstacle is placed between EJ and Sami when Sami finds out that EJ has been sleeping with Kate Roberts and that he has been hiding his true identity as a DiMera since he came to town. Following the breakup, EJ makes some horrible decisions that end up hurting Sami, and one such mistake happens on December 29, 2006. In the course of the story, Sami and Lucas end up in a cabin in the woods. A ceiling beam falls on Lucas, and Sami leaves the cabin to go look for help. When Sami reaches the main road, she foolishly jumps into the first car that passes by. The driver is EJ, who needs her help getting through a police roadblock. He forces her at gunpoint to get him through the roadblock and then wants Sami to leave so that he can escape to Mexico. She refuses to get out of the car and pleads for his help in saving the life of Lucas, saying that she will do anything to get him to help her. EJ agrees on one condition — Sami has to have sex with him. Sami reluctantly agrees to his terms, and EJ holds up his end of the bargain and saves Lucas' life. EJ later states that his motivation for making the indecent proposal to Sami was in order to get her pregnant so that stem cells from the baby could be used to save his father's life.

In 2007, after that day, EJ torments Sami with the truth about the night on the country road even after he discovers that Sami is pregnant, possibly with his child. Celeste, Lexie's mother, learns of what happened between Sami and EJ and convinces Sami, that she needs to kill EJ. Celeste helps her put it together, drugging EJ with special lipstick, and burning down the cabin where they meet, the same cabin that had trapped Lucas. Sami is unable to go through with killing a human being, but the building goes up in flames anyway. It's later revealed that EJ had pressured Celeste into convincing Sami to kill him, and was party to the whole thing. Eventually, the truth comes out, and viewers start to see a gradual yet seemingly sincere change in EJ as he realizes the magnitude of what he did and the pain that he caused Sami. EJ apologizes for what he did on several occasions, most recently referring to what he did as vile and inhuman.

EJ saving Sami's life.

He does use the word "rape" in one of his apologies, but does not say that he believes what he did was rape, which calls his overall character into question. He does everything he can to earn back Sami’s trust and he has saved her life and the life of her husband on numerous occasions.

Viewers are shown scenes depicting EJ and Sami scheming together. The Suds Report: May 28, 2007 wondered if NBC is redeeming EJ.[1] Sami is shown to trust him a little bit more than she did before, although she does not forgive him for what he did. The story leaves it open for that to happen.[2]

NBC Promo Advertisement for "The Reveal" storyline.

EJ and Sami are soon at the center of the Brady/DiMera feud storyline (Bradys vs DiMeras, "The Reveal"). The origin of the DiMera vendetta against the Bradys, said to have begun with a forbidden affair between Santo DiMera and Colleen Brady who, as fate would have it, look exactly like EJ and Sami respectively. Their story is told in a way that parallels EJ and Sami's and many comparisons have been made between Santo and Colleen and EJ and Sami.

On June 29, 2007, EJ is informed that he is the father of Sami Brady's twins. However, during the same episode, it is revealed that the DNA test was never actually done because Kate blackmailed Nick Fallon, the lab tech, who was supposed to run the test. Eventually, Nick had the test run and a current test result indicates Lucas Roberts is the father of the twins, not EJ.

Current status

Sami remains conflicted about her feelings for EJ, and while giving him CPR after he is electrocuted in a steam room, she kisses him. Later this same week, she and EJ read some of the Santo and Colleen love letters while lying in her hospital bed together. EJ points out many similarities between himself and Sami and Santo and Colleen, but Sami does not agree that there are any similarities between them. When they finish reading the letters, EJ once again declares his love for Sami and challenges her to admit that she has feelings for him. After a nurse gives Sami some medication to make her sleep, EJ kisses her. She gets caught up in the kiss but then realizes what she is doing and yells at EJ to get out of her room. She throws a flower vase at his head as he leaves.

Once the terms for ending the Dimera vendetta are revealed, that EJ and Sami must marry, EJ reminds Sami what is at stake if they don't marry. When Sami decides not to go through with the terms, EJ points out that her son may be in danger. Rather than go after Will to prove his point, EJ decides to set his sights on Sami's sister Belle Black. Before executing any plan to harm or scare Belle, Sami calls EJ to come to the pub and, again, discuss their possible marriage and her annulment from Lucas. Shortly thereafter, while EJ is with Sami at the pub, Sami's stepfather, John Black, is killed in a hit-and-run. Sami assumes that John was killed because of her decision not to marry EJ. Sami quickly reverses her decision and agrees to divorce Lucas and marry EJ.

On October 23, 2007, Sami gives birth to her twins at Marlena's house with only Lucas by her side. Lucas has handcuffed EJ to a pole at the pub to keep him from being at the birth. EJ eventually frees himself and arrives at Marlena's house. Immediately he comments that the twins look as though they could have different fathers.

After some convincing, Sami agrees to have a new DNA test done on the twins. While the DNA test is being performed, Sami leaves for Santo Domingo to divorce Lucas and leaves the twins with Steve Johnson and Kayla Brady. EJ learns, before Sami, that he is the father of John Roman and wants to see his son, but he is prevented from doing so even after getting a court order stipulating that he has the right to see his son and take temporary custody.

After Sami and Lucas return from Santo Domingo, EJ stops by Sami and Lucas' apartment and explains that he has made arrangements for he and Sami to marry the following night. Sami protests but eventually agrees. EJ then insists on seeing his son, once again producing the court order. Sami begins to protest EJ's involvement with his son again, citing that little Johnny needs to be with his twin sister. EJ tries to understand, but wants to see his son. The two continue their discussion until Lucas departs. Once Lucas is gone, Sami allows EJ to hold his son at which point EJ agrees to let Johnny stay with Sami until she goes to live with him after they marry. On November 8, 2007, Sami and EJ are married. As Father Kelly pronounces them "husband and wife", three gun shots are heard. EJ is struck in the back by one of the bullets and when he is able to speak, he weakly comments that he can not feel his legs. Sami holds vigil at the hospital with Stefano. Later, Stefano tells EJ that he is paralyzed and they don't know if it is permanent or not. EJ is devastated. Sami arrives at the hospital in time to silently witness EJ crying in Stefano's arms.

On December 20, Lucas reveals to Kate that he hired a nurse to watch Johnny and Allie and went to the church, got his gun, and shot EJ. He confesses and is sent to prison for shooting EJ in the back. EJ makes a full recovery. Still married, EJ and Sami plan to get a divorce when EJ discovers he is about to be deported. They move in together to prove to the immigrations officer that they are a loving family. EJ has a law degree and joins Mickey Horton's firm. He takes on his first case, which he is defending no other than Nicole Walker Kiriakis, whom Sami cannot stand.

On May 15, 2008, EJ and Sami have their first real conversation about the night that Johnny was conceived. Sami tells EJ how she feels, that she cannot look at her own son without thinking about that night and about all the emotional damage that he did. EJ does not make excuses for himself and tells her straight out that he was wrong and if he could go back and do it over, he would. EJ tells her why he acted like a jerk to her afterwards, which was because he did not expect Sami to react the way that she did, which was disgust, and he took out his anger on her even though he should not have. He tells her that that night not only changed her life, but his. He then goes on to relay to her that he has tried to change from the man that he was by turning his father in, telling Marlena where to find John, and leaving all his family behind him, hoping to make up for what he has done. Sami decides that it is time for them to wipe the slate clean and for them to move on for Johnny’s sake. Sami then tells him about the time she "forced" herself onto Austin, and how he eventually forgave her. Later, on Tuesday May 20, 2008, EJ and Sami finally give in and make love for the first time.

On October 1, 2008, Sami finds out that she is pregnant with her and EJ's second child together. As of January 29 2009, Sami shares two children with EJ, their one year old son John "Johnny" DiMera and a newborn daughter named Sydney DiMera that currently is believed to be the daughter of EJ and his new fiancée Nicole Walker that switch Sydney with a baby girl she was suppose to adopt from a teenage girl named Mia that Sami named Grace Brady. On Februry 13 2009 Sami reads in the newspaper that Nicole and EJ are going to wed on March 18 2009 and that Nicole had a baby girl the same day that she had Grace and Nicole gets a phonecall from Mia in Japan who wants to talk about the baby.

Cultural impact


Recognition and rival couple

The relationship between EJ and Sami has been recognized as a top couple to view by Sympatico/MSN/TV Guide[1] and have often won "Most Wanted Couple" at website www.votethesoaps.com.

The pairing won Best Couple in Soap Opera Digest's Hot Off The Net poll, published the week of September 17, 2007,[3] and their portrayers won the Best Actor and Best Actress honors in the same poll the week of September 10, 2007.

In a September 10 Soap Opera Weekly issue of that year, an interview with Bryan Dattilo, portrayer of Days of our Lives' Lucas Roberts, discussed the popularity and appeal of the EJ and Sami storyline. In the interview, the interviewer stated that Soap Opera Weekly receives more fan mail from EJ and Sami fans than from Lucas and Sami fans.[4]

When asked if he would be okay if Sami and EJ became a supercouple, Dattilo responded: "Yeah. I think Sami and EJ have the ability to be a supercouple like Luke and Laura."[4]

With the couple's growing popularity, EJ and Sami have proved formidable to rival couple Lucas and Sami.[4]


There is a heated debate among viewers of Days of our Lives over whether or not what EJ did to Sami in the December 29, 2006 episode could be considered rape.[2] One interpretation is that it was a deal and another interpretation is that it was rape. NBC put on their website that Sami "obliged" EJ in his request for payment to help Lucas,[5] but the writers have had most characters on the show refer to what happened as rape.

A portrayer's thoughts

In a May 3, 2007 interview, actor James Scott, portrayer of EJ, was interviewed by Sympatico/MSN/TV Guide about the subject of the highly debated EJ and Sami storyline. He referred to EJ's actions as rape himself, though also commented on how he truly believes that EJ is in love with Sami:

I would be lying if I said I didn’t worry about my future on the soap. I don’t think they handled the rape very well, and I’ll tell you why. EJ raped Sami, and then afterwards, he’s hanging out in her house — alone with her. It’s irresponsible on so many levels. However, had it been handled well, I think it would have been an interesting story choice. Now the story focus has shifted to her pregnancy and the classic soap story of paternity. Having said that, I chose to believe that EJ is in love with Samantha — he just can’t communicate it.[6]

On November 6, 2007, Cindi Rinehart interviewed James Scott during a segment of her KOMOTV.com talk show.[7]

When asked his opinion about Sami and EJ getting together, Scott expressed his desire for the couple to be together, all the while acknowledging that EJ has a large hurdle to overcome. He admitted that the writers cannot just forget the scenes from December 29, 2006, but acknowledged that they are trying to find a way to get past them.

Days former Co-Executive Producer

In an article about the Santo DiMera/Colleen Brady storyline in the July 17, 2007 edition of Soap Opera Digest, Days of our Lives former Co-Executive Producer Stephen Wyman referred to the December 29, 2006 incident between EJ and Sami as rape. He is quoted as saying:

"Naturally, we don’t expect anyone to forget about the rape, nor do we expect anyone to take EJ’s rape of Sami lightly. However, we know life goes on. People can change. At some point, the issue of the rape is going to have to be dealt with in the fundamental way, but meanwhile, there is the audience that wants to see EJ and Sami together. [But] they aren’t forgetting about the rape, either.”[2]

The article is about the Santo/Colleen storyline, in which the actors, Alison Sweeney and James Scott, portray two characters from the past falling in love. Soap Opera Digest noted, "this story provides an opportunity for the actors to work together romantically in a less controversial tale."[2]

Luke and Laura

Some viewers who do believe that EJ raped Sami, and magazines such as Soap Opera Weekly (editorial in magazine week of June 11, 2007) are comparing EJ and Sami to Luke and Laura from General Hospital (see below). Luke and Laura became a supercouple in part due to a reworking of the storyline as a "seduction", even though it is currently an undisputed fact that Luke raped Laura. Whether the original intent of the scene between EJ and Sami on December 29 2006 is ever confirmed by Days of our Lives executives or writers, to be compared to such a power couple as Luke and Laura arguably shows the potential for EJ and Sami to become a Days of our Lives supercouple, in spite of the controversy surrounding the pairing.[4]

In June 2007, Soap Opera Weekly printed an opinion column that addressed concerns that rape is being portrayed as romantic on soap operas. The author opined that soap operas such as General Hospital, Guiding Light and Days of our Lives (citing EJ and Sami) are portraying rape as romantic because these soap operas are seen to be pairing or considering pairing a female character with a character who raped her or with a character who some viewers believe raped her.

Sorry folks. If daytime's most famous couple [Luke and Laura from General Hospital] cannot escape the horror of the campus disco after 28 years, how could GL's and Days' non-couples hope to gloss over sexual assaults that aired just recently? Do the soaps think audiences can forgive and forget so quickly?[8]

Later within the same opinion column, the author noted that "chemistry is a great thing", but that she did not believe it was enough to overcome the controversial scenes, even though a "unique formula" gave Luke and Laura a "free pass" to allow them to become one of the most popular supercouples on daytime television.[8]

There are viewers who agree with the opinion presented by the author of the referenced Soap Opera Weekly column,[8] but others do not agree that the controversial scenes are being glossed over by the soap operas in question. As yet, no publication has addressed this opposing point of view or the issue that in all three cases quoted in the column, the male character is going through or has gone through a character redemption. This is of no consequence to some, but is a key point for others.[2]

See also


  1. ^ a b c "The Suds Report: May 28, 2007". Sympatico MSN. Retrieved 2007-06-30.
  2. ^ a b c d e "New Twist in Days' Most Controversial Tale", Soap Opera Digest, week of July 17 2007.
  3. ^ "Soap Opera Digest, Hot Off The Net Poll, week of September 17, 2007". Soap Opera Digest. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  4. ^ a b c d "Soap Opera Weekly, editorial in magazine, week of September 10 2007". Soap Opera Weekly. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  5. ^ Sami Brady
  6. ^ "James Scott: an ideal leading man". Sympatico, MSN. Retrieved 2007-06-30.
  7. ^ Cindi Rinehart [1]
  8. ^ a b c "Soap Opera Weekly, editorial in magazine, week of June 11 2007". Soap Opera Weekly. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)