English: Map showing administrative boundaries and districtwise ethnic makeup based on 1881 Census of the Turkish Empire for Vilayet of Selânik.
Sources: Kemal H. Karpat, Ottoman Population 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, 1985, University of Wisconsin
"VILAYET DE SALONIQUE", Istituto Geografico de Agostini Roma [1908]
"CARTE ETH. DE LA MACEDOINE ET DE LA THRACE", G. Stangel, National Historical Museum of Greece, 1919
Ottoman provincial map of Vilayets Selanik, Manastır and İşkodra dated 1891.
Türkçe: Türk İmparatorluğu 1881 Nüfus Sayımı sonuçlarına göre Selânik Vilayeti idari sınırları ve kaza bazında etnik dağılımları gösteren harita.
Kaynaklar: Kemal H. Karpat, Ottoman Population 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, 1985, University of Wisconsin
"VILAYET DE SALONIQUE", Istituto Geografico de Agostini Roma [1908]
"CARTE ETH. DE LA MACEDOINE ET DE LA THRACE", G. Stangel, National Historical Museum of Greece, 1919
Selanik, Manastır ve İşkodra Vilayetlerini gösteren 1891 tarihli Osmanlı siyasi haritası
Deutsch: Die Karte zeigt die Verwaltungsgrenzen und bezirksweise ethnische Verteilung des Selânik Vilayets nach dem Zensus des Türkisches Reiches von 1881
Quellen: Kemal H. Karpat, Ottoman Population 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, 1985, University of Wisconsin
"VILAYET DE SALONIQUE", Istituto Geografico de Agostini Roma [1908]
"CARTE ETH. DE LA MACEDOINE ET DE LA THRACE", G. Stangel, National Historical Museum of Greece, 1919
Osmanische politische Karte von 1891 die Vilayets Selanik, Manastır und İşkodra zeigt
Magyar: 1881. évi Török Birodalomi népszámlálásabol Selânik Vilayetje hivatalos határok és megyéki etnikai megoszlás térképe
Forrás: Kemal H. Karpat, Ottoman Population 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, 1985, University of Wisconsin
"VILAYET DE SALONIQUE", Istituto Geografico de Agostini Roma [1908]
"CARTE ETH. DE LA MACEDOINE ET DE LA THRACE", G. Stangel, National Historical Museum of Greece, 1919
Török Birodalomi Selanik, Manastır és İşkodra Vilajetekje mutató politikai térkép 1891-től