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Thomas Schelling

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Thomas Schelling (Date of birth–Date of death) American economist, known for his work on game theory and its applications. Co recipient of the 2005 Nobel Prize in economics


<The most spectacular event of the past half century is one that did not occur. We have enjoyed sixty years without nuclear weapons exploded in anger.>

Arms control is so often identified with limitations on the possession or de- ployment of weapons that it is often overlooked that this reciprocated invest- ment in non-nuclear capability was a remarkable instance of unacknowl- edged but reciprocated arms control.

The next possessors of nuclear weapons may be Iran, North Korea, or pos- sibly some terrorist bodies. Is there any hope that they will have absorbed the nearly universal inhibition against the use of nuclear weapons, or will at least be inhibited by the recognition that the taboo enjoys widespread acclaim?

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