User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-v: difference between revisions

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|[[V viratus]] {m}
| :: abbreviation of [[quinquevirātus]]

|[[V. viratus]] {m}
| :: abbreviation of [[quinquevirātus]]

|[[Vaccaei]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Celtiberian]] [[tribe]] settled on the [[plain]]s of the central [[Duero]] valley

|[[Vacua]] {prop} {f}
| :: A [[river]] of [[Lusitania]], now called [[Vouga]]

|[[Vacuna]] {prop} {f} [Roman god]
| :: The [[goddess]] of rural [[leisure]], worshipped by the [[Sabine]]s

|[[Vaga]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Numidia]], now [[Béja]]

|[[Vagellius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vagellius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Lucius Vagellius, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Vagienni]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Ligurian]] [[tribe]] who inhabited a region north of the [[Maritime Alps]]

|[[Vagoritum]] {prop} {n}
| :: The chief town of the [[Arvii]] in [[Gallia Lugdunensis]]

|[[Val.]] {mp}
| :: abbreviation of [[Valentīniānī]]

|[[Valdasus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Pannonia]], now called [[Bosna]]

|[[Valent.]] {mp}
| :: abbreviation of [[Valentīniānī]]

|[[Valentia]] {prop} {f}
| :: The name of several settlements in the Roman world, including:

|[[Valentia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Valencia]] (city in modern Spain)

|[[Valentia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Valence]] (city in modern France)

|[[Valentiniani]] {mp}
| :: [[disciple|disciples]] of the early Christian gnostic theologian [[Valentinus]], [[Valentinian|Valentinians]]

|[[Valerius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Name of a [[patrician]] [[Roman]] [[gens]]

|[[Valgius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Valgius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Valgius Rufus, a Roman [[poet]] and [[rhetorician]]

|[[Vallonia]] {prop} {f} [Roman god]
| :: The goddess of valleys

|[[Vamacures]] {prop} {m}
| :: A tribe of [[Africa]] mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Vangiones]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Germanic]] tribe of [[Gallia Belgica]], which dwelt on the [[Rhine]]

|[[Vapincum]] {prop} {n}
| :: a city of [[Gallia Narbonensis]], now [[Gap]]

|[[Varagri]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Alpine]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Varamus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Venetia]] which flows into the [[Anaxum]], now the river [[Varmo]]

|[[Varciani]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[tribe]] of [[Pannonia]] mentioned by [[Pliny]] and [[Ptolemy]]

|[[Vardaei]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Illyrian]] [[tribe]] settled on the [[Adriatic]] coast of the [[Balkans]]

|[[Varduli]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[tribe]] of [[Hispania Tarraconensis]] who dwelt westward of the [[Vascones]]

|[[Varia]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of the [[Sabine]]s situated in the valley of the [[Anio]], now [[Vicovaro]]

|[[Varini]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[German]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Varinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Varinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Varinius, a Roman [[praetor]]

|[[Varro]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[cognomen]] of the [[gens]] [[Terentius|Terentia]]

|[[Varsovia]] {prop}
| :: [[Warsaw]]

|[[Varus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Gallia Narbonensis]] which flows into the [[Mediterranean Sea]] near [[Nicaea]], now the [[Var]]

|[[Varus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[cognomen]] in the gens [[Quintilia]]

|[[Vasalaetus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[mountain]] of [[Africa]]

|[[Vascones]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[pre-Roman]] tribe who inhabited a [[region]] in the northeastern part of [[Hispania Tarraconensis]], between the [[Iberus]] and the [[Pyrenees]] and stretching as far as the northern coast, in the present [[Navarre]]

|[[Vasconia]] {prop} {f}
| :: land of the [[Vascones]]

|[[Vasconia]] {prop} {f}
| :: the [[Basque Country]]

|[[Vasio]] {prop} {m}
| :: The chief town of the [[Vocontii]] in [[Gallia Narbonensis]], now [[Vaison]]

|[[Vassei]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A tribe of [[Aquitania]] mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Vatia]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vatia]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus, a Roman [[general]]

|[[Vaticanus]] {m}
| :: The [[Vatican]], the Vatican Hill

|[[Vaticanus]] {m}
| :: The [[official]] [[residence]] of the [[Pope]] within [[Vatican City]]

|[[Vaticanus]] {m}
| :: The [[papal]] [[government]]; the [[papacy]]

|[[Vatinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vatinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Vatinius, a Roman [[statesman]]

|[[Vatrenus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Gallia Cisalpina]] that flows into the [[Padus]], now called [[Santerno]]

|[[Veamini]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Alpine]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Vecta]] {prop} {f}
| :: alternative form of [[Vectis]]

|[[Vectis]] {prop} {f}
| :: the [[Isle of Wight]] (an island off the south coast of Britannia, separated from the mainland by a narrow strait called the Solent)

|[[Vediantii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Ligurian]] [[tribe]], who dwelt at the foot of the [[Maritime Alps]]

|[[Vediovis]] {prop} {m}
| :: alternative form of [[Vēiovis]]

|[[Vedra]] {prop} {f}
| :: A river of [[Britannia]], maybe the [[Wear]]

|[[Vegetius]] {prop} {m}
| :: A male [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vegetius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus (''[[floruit|fl.]]'' late 4th C.), Late Latin writer on military matters and veterinary medicine

|[[Vegium]] {prop} {n}
| :: a town of [[Liburnia]], whose [[ruin]]s are situated near the modern town of [[Karlobag]]

|[[Veii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: [[Veii]] (ancient Etruscan city in Italy)

|[[Veiovis]] {prop} {m} [religion]
| :: [[Vejovis]], an ancient [[Roman]] [[deity]] [[considere]]d to be an [[underworld]] [[counterpart]] of [[Jupiter]], [[little|Little]] Jupiter, Anti-[[Jove]]

|[[Velauni]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Alpine]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Veldidena]] {prop} {f}
| :: a town of [[Raetia]], situated on the southern bank of the river [[Aenus]] on the road from [[Tridentum]] to [[Augusta Vindelicorum]], now [[Wilten]]

|[[Veleia]] {prop} {f}
| :: a town in [[Liguria]], situated on the frontiers of [[Gallia Cisalpina]]

|[[Velia]] {prop} {f}
| :: a Greek [[colony]], situated on the [[shore]]s of the [[Tyrrhenian Sea]] between [[Paestum]] and [[Buxentum]]

|[[Velinus]] {prop} {m}
| :: The [[river]] [[Velino]]

|[[Velinus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[lake]] in the [[Sabine]] [[territory|territories]], between [[Reate]] and [[Interamnum]]

|[[Velinus]] {adj}
| :: Of or pertaining to [[Velia]], [[Velian]]

|[[Veliocasses]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Celtic]] tribe of [[Gallia Lugdunensis]], whose chief town was [[Rotomagus]]

|[[Velitrae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: A city of [[Latium]], situated on the southern [[slope]] of the [[Alban]] hills, now [[Velletri]]

|[[Velius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Velius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Velius Longus, a Roman [[grammarian]]

|[[Vellates]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Celtic]] tribe of [[Aquitania]] mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Velleius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Velleius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Marcus Velleius Paterculus, a Roman [[historian]]

|[[Velleius]] {adj}
| :: of or pertaining to the gens Velleia

|[[Venafrum]] {prop} {n}
| :: An inland city of [[Campania]] situated in the upper valley of the [[Vulturnus]], now [[Venafro]]

|[[Venami]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A tribe of [[Aquitania]] mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Venedi]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[tribe]] of [[Sarmatia]] who dwelt along the course of the river [[Vistula]]

|[[Venerivagus]] {adj}
| :: [[vagabond]] in [[love]]

|[[Venerivagus]] {adj}
| :: [[libidinous]], [[dissolute]]

|[[Venetia]] {prop} {f}
| :: the [[country]] of the [[Veneti]]

|[[Venetia]] {prop} {f} [Medieval Latin, New Latin]
| :: [[Venice]]

|[[Venetiola]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Venezuela]]

|[[Vennones]] {prop} {m}
| :: A tribe who dwelt in [[Raetia]], in the valley of the [[Athesis]]

|[[Venostes]] {prop} {m}
| :: A tribe of the [[Alps]]

|[[Venox]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]], famously held by:

|[[Venox]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Plautius Venox, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Venta]] {prop} {f} [geography]
| :: The name of several [[town]]s of [[Britannia]]

|[[Venta Belgarum]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Britannia]], now [[Winchester]]

|[[Venta Icenorum]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Britannia]] situated near [[Norwich]]

|[[Venta Silurum]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Britannia]], now [[Caerwent]]

|[[Ventidius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Ventidius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Ventidius Cumanus, a Roman [[procurator]]

|[[Ventipo]] {prop} {f}
| :: A city in [[Hispania Baetica]]

|[[Vento]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vento]] {prop} {m}
| :: Marcus Perperna Vento, a Roman [[general]]

|[[Venus]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Venus]], Roman [[goddess]] of natural productivity

|[[Venus]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Venus]], the second planet in our [[solar system]]

|[[Venusia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Venosa]] (town in Italy)

|[[Veragri]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A tribe of [[Gallia Narbonensis]]

|[[Veranius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name", famously held by:

|[[Veranius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Quintus Veranius Nepos, a Roman [[general]]

|[[Verbanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: [[Lake Maggiore]]

|[[Verbinum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Gallia Belgica]], now [[Vervins]]

|[[Vercellae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: A town of the [[Gallia Cisalpina]] situated on the right bank of the [[Sessites]], now [[Vercelli]]

|[[Vereasueca]] {prop} {f}
| :: a small coastal town of the [[Cantabri]] in [[Hispania Tarraconensis]]

|[[Veretum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of the [[Salentini]] in [[Calabria]], situated near [[Uxentum]]

|[[Vergellus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A small rivulet of [[Apulia]] mentioned by [[Florus]] and passing through [[Cannae]]

|[[Vergentum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A city of [[Hispania Baetica]], now [[Gelves]]

|[[Vergilius]] {prop} {m}
| :: The poet Publius Vergilius Maro, known in English as [[Virgil]]

|[[Vergunni]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Alpine]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Vermina]] {prop} {m}
| :: A king of the [[Numidia]] and son of [[Syphax]]

|[[Veromandui]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[tribe]] of [[Gallia Belgica]], whose capital was [[Augusta Veromanduorum]]

|[[Verona]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Verona]] (a city in [[Transpadane Gaul]], the birthplace of the poet Catullus and of Pliny the Elder)

|[[Verrius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Verrius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Verrius Flaccus, a Roman [[grammarian]]

|[[Verrucini]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Gaulish]] [[tribe]] of [[Gallia Narbonensis]]

|[[Versaliae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: [[Versailles]]

|[[Verulae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: A city of the [[Hernici]] in [[Latium]], situated between the valley of the [[Liris]] and the valley of the [[Tolerus]], now [[Veroli]]

|[[Verulamium]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Britannia]], now [[St Albans]]

|[[Vesaevus]] {prop} {m}
| :: alternative form of [[Vesuvius]]

|[[Vesbius]] {prop} {m}
| :: contraction of [[Vesuvius]]

|[[Vescellium]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Hirpinia]], of uncertain site

|[[Veseris]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Campania]] at the foot of the [[Vesuvius]], where a battle was fought

|[[Vesevus]] {prop} {m}
| :: alternative form of [[Vesuvius]]

|[[Vesidia]] {prop} {f}
| :: a small [[river]] of [[Etruria]], now called [[Versilia]]

|[[Vesontio]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Besançon]] (city in modern France)

|[[Vespasianus]] {prop} {m}
| :: [[Vespasian]] (Roman cognomen)

|[[Vespasius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vespasius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Vespasius Pollio, the [[grandfather]] of [[Vespasianus]]

|[[Vesperies]] {f}
| :: A town of the [[Varduli]] in [[Hispania Tarraconensis]]

|[[Vesta]] {prop} {f} [Roman god]
| :: The [[goddess]] of the [[hearth]] and the [[household]]

|[[Vestalis]] {adj}
| :: Of or pertaining to [[Vesta]], goddess of hearth and home

|[[Vestalis]] {adj}
| :: [[vestal]]

|[[Vestalis]] {f}
| :: A [[priestess]] of Vesta; a [[vestal virgin]]

|[[Vestini]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Italic]] [[tribe]] who inhabited a region on the coast of the [[Adriatic]]

|[[Vestricius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vestricius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Titus Vestricius Spurinna, a Roman [[senator]]

|[[Vesunna]] {prop} {f}
| :: The chief city of the [[Petrocorii]] in [[Aquitania]], now [[Périgueux]]

|[[Vesuvinus]] {adj}
| :: of or belonging to [[Vesuvius]] (a volcano), [[Vesuvian]]

|[[Vesuvius]] {prop} {m}
| :: [[Vesuvius]] (a celebrated volcano in [[Campania]])

|[[Vesvius]] {prop} {m}
| :: contraction of [[Vesuvius]]

|[[Vettius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vettius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Vettius Valens, a Roman [[astrologer]]

|[[Vettius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Vettius Aquilinus Juvencus, a Roman [[poet]]

|[[Vettona]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Bettona]], a town in Umbria

|[[Vettones]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A possibly Celtic [[tribe]] which dwelt in the northwestern part of the [[Meseta Central]], in the Roman province of [[Lusitania]], east of modern day [[Portugal]] and north of [[Baetica]], their largest city being [[Salmantica]]

|[[Vetulonia]] {prop} {f}
| :: a [[town]] of [[Etruria]]

|[[Veturius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Veturius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Veturius Geminus Cicurinus, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Vetus Testamentum]] {prop} {n}
| :: the [[Old Testament]]

|[[Via Lactea]] {prop} {f}
| :: the [[Milky Way]]

|[[Viadus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Germany]], assumed to be the [[Oder]]

|[[Vibinum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of the interior of [[Apulia]], situated near [[Aecae]] and [[Luceria]], now [[Bovino]]

|[[Vibiscum]] {prop} {n}
| :: a town on the [[Geneva Lake]], now [[Vevey]]

|[[Vibius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vibius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Vibius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Vibius Sequester, a Roman [[writer]]

|[[Vibo]] {prop} {f}
| :: A [[city]] of [[Bruttium]], now [[Vibo Valentia]]

|[[Vibulanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vibulanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: Quintus Fabius Vibulanus, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Vicentia]] {prop} {f}
| :: alternative spelling of [[Vīcētia]]

|[[Vicentiensis]] {adj}
| :: alternative spelling of [[Vīcētiēnsis]]

|[[Vicentinus]] {m}
| :: alternative spelling of [[Vīcētīnus]]

|[[Vicentinus]] {adj}
| :: alternative spelling of [[Vīcētīnus]]

|[[Vicetia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vicenza]] or anciently [[Vicentia]] or [[Vicetia]] (a town, later city, in [[Transpadane Gaul]], between [[Verona]] and [[Padua]], in the territory of [[Venetia]], or today [[Veneto]])

|[[Vicetiensis]] {adj} [New Latin]
| :: of or from the modern [[Vicenza]] or the ancient [[Vicetia]] or [[Vicentia]]

|[[Vicetinus]] {m} [plurale tantum, as Vīcētīnī, -ōrum, in Classical Latin]
| :: a [[Vicentine]] (an [[inhabitant]] of the modern [[Vicenza]] or the ancient [[Vicetia]] or [[Vicentia]])

|[[Vicetinus]] {adj} [post-Classical]
| :: [[Vicentine]] (of or [[pertain|pertaining]] to the modern [[Vicenza]] or the ancient [[Vicetia]] or [[Vicentia]])

|[[Vicipaedia]] {noun} [New Latin]
| :: [[Wikipedia]]

|[[Viducasses]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Celtic]] tribe of [[Gallia Lugdunensis]]

|[[Vienna]] {prop} {f}
| :: a city of the [[Allobroges]] in [[Gallia Narbonensis]], now [[Vienne]]

|[[Vienna]] {prop} {f} [medieval, New Latin]
| :: [[Vienna]]

|[[Vietnamia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vietnam]]

|[[Vigenna]] {prop} {f}
| :: The river [[Vienne]] in [[France]]

|[[Villius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Villius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Villius Tappulus, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Villius]] {adj}
| :: of or pertaining to the gens Villia

|[[Viminacium]] {prop} {n}
| :: A city in [[Moesia]] near the town of [[Kostolac]] in modern Serbia

|[[Vincentius]] {prop} {m}
| :: given name

|[[Vindelici]] {prop} {m} [historical]
| :: A [[former]] [[Celtic]] [[people]] of [[Switzerland]] and [[southern]] [[Germany]]

|[[Vindelicia]] {prop} {f} [historical]
| :: The [[land]] of the [[Vindelici]], [[now]] [[part]] of [[Switzerland]] and [[southern]] [[Germany]]

|[[Vindelicus]] {m} [historical]
| :: A [[member]] of the [[Vindelici]], a [[former]] [[Celtic]] [[people]] of [[Switzerland]] and [[southern]] [[Germany]]

|[[Vindelicus]] {adj}
| :: Of or [[relating]] to [[Augsburg]], [[Germany]]

|[[Vindex]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]], famously held by:

|[[Vindex]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Iulius Vindex, a Roman [[governor]]

|[[Vindicius]] {prop} {m}
| :: the name of the slave who discovered the conspiracy to restore the Tarquins

|[[Vindilis]] {prop} {f}
| :: The island of [[Belle-Île]] in [[France]]

|[[Vindinum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Umbria]]

|[[Vindobala]] {prop} {f}
| :: a station of the [[Hadrian's Wall]], now [[Rudchester]]

|[[Vindobona]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vienna]] (capital city of Austria)

|[[Vindonissa]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Gallia Belgica]] in the territory of the [[Helvetii]], now [[Windisch]]

|[[Vinicius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name"

|[[Vinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Titus Vinius, a Roman [[general]]

|[[Vipitenum]] {prop} {n}
| :: a mountain town of the [[Venostes]], situated between [[Veldidena]] and [[Tridentum]], now [[Vipiteno]]/[[Sterzing]]

|[[Vipsanius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vipsanius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Virdo]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Vindelicia]], now called [[Wertach]]

|[[Virgilius]] {prop} {m} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin]
| :: Later spelling form of Vergilius

|[[Virginia]] {prop} {f}
| :: praenomen

|[[Virgo]] {prop} {f} [astronomy]
| :: [[Virgo]] (constellation)

|[[Virgo]] {prop} {m}
| :: given name, character in the play ''Persa'' by Plautus

|[[Viridomarus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A chief of the [[Aedui]]

|[[Virodunum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Gallia Belgica]], now [[Verdun]]

|[[Virovesca]] {prop} {f}
| :: a town of the [[Autrigones]] in [[Hispania Tarraconensis]]

|[[Virunum]] {prop} {n}
| :: One of the most important [[town]]s in [[Noricum]], situated on the road from [[Aquileia]] to [[Lauriacum]]

|[[Virus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Hispania Tarraconensis]], now the [[Anllóns]]

|[[Visellius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Visellius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Aculeo, a Roman [[knight]]

|[[Vistula]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vistula]]

|[[Visurgis]] {prop} {m}
| :: The river [[Weser]]

|[[Viterbium]] {prop} {n}
| :: [[Viterbium]] (city/provincial capital)

|[[Vitodurum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Gallia Belgica]], situated near [[Vindonissa]]

|[[Vitrasius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vitrasius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Titus Vitrasius Pollio, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Vitricium]] {prop} {n}
| :: a mountain town of the [[Salassi]], situated on the road from [[Eporedia]] to [[Augusta Praetoria]], now [[Verrès]]

|[[Vitruvius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vitruvius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, a Roman [[architect]]

|[[Vitumnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: a minor [[Roman]] god that bestows [[vita]] (life) to a [[fetus]]

|[[Voconius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Voconius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Quintus Voconius Saxa, a Roman [[tribune]]

|[[Voconius]] {adj}
| :: of or pertaining to the gens Voconia

|[[Vocontii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Gaulish]] [[tribe]], who dwelt between the [[Rhône]] and the [[Alps]]

|[[Volane]] {prop} {f}
| :: One of the [[mouth]]s of the river [[Padus]], now [[Po di Volano]]

|[[Volaterrae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: [[Volterra]] (city in [[Tuscany]], of [[Etruscan]] origin)

|[[Volero]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Volero]] {prop} {m}
| :: Volero Publilius, a Roman [[tribune]]

|[[Volsce]] {adv}
| :: ''[[à la]]'' the [[Volsci]], *Volscianly

|[[Volsci]] {mp}
| :: [[Volsci]], [[Volscian|Volscians]]

|[[Volsinii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: [[Volsinii]] (ancient Etruscan city)

|[[Volsinii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: [[Bolsena]] (city in Italy, a successor to the Etruscan city)

|[[Volubilis]] {f}
| :: A city in [[Mauritania]] on the road from [[Tocolosida]] to [[Tingis]]

|[[Volumnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: a minor [[Roman]] god that bestows good intention to a [[fetus]]

|[[Volusenus]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Volusenus]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Volusenus Quadratus, a Roman military [[officer]]

|[[Volusius]] {prop} {m}
| :: The name of a Roman [[gens]], famously held by:

|[[Volusius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Volusius Venustus (a Roman [[aristocrat]])

|[[Vomanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: One of the most important rivers of [[Picenum]], which flows into the [[Adriatic Sea]] near the city of [[Hadria]], now the river [[Vomano]]

|[[Vop.]] {prop} {m}
| :: abbreviation of [[Vopiscus]]

|[[Vopiscus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vopiscus]] {prop} {m}
| :: Flavius Vopiscus, a Roman [[historian]]

|[[Vorganium]] {prop} {n}
| :: The chief town of the [[Osismi]] in [[Gallia Lugdunensis]]

|[[Vormatia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Worms]] (city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)

|[[Vorogium]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Aquitania]] situated near the course of the [[Elaver]]

|[[Vuissasclavus]] {prop} {m}
| :: given name cognate to [[Višeslav]]

|[[Vulcanalia]] {prop} {np} [historical, Ancient Rome]
| :: A [[festival]] dedicated to the god [[Vulcan]], celebrated on [[August]] 23rd

|[[Vulcanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: The god of [[fire]] and [[metalworking]]

|[[Vulg.]] {prop} {f}
| :: abbreviation of [[Vulgāta]]

|[[Vulgata]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vulgate]] (Latin Bible translation)

|[[Vulgientes]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[pre-Roman]] tribe of [[Gallia Narbonensis]], who lived near the [[Rhône]]

|[[Vulso]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vulso]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Manlius Vulso, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Vulturnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river in [[Campania]], now the [[Volturno]]

|[[Vulturnus]] {adj}
| :: of or belonging to the river which is now the [[Volturno]]; [[Vulturnian]]

|[[Vulturnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Roman]] [[divinity]], one of the [[Di indigetes]], served by the [[flamen]] [[vulturnalis]]; perhaps the same as [[Vertumnus]]

|[[Vulturnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: The south-east wind or the east wind, depending on the source

|[[Vulturnus]] {prop} {m} [rare]
| :: the [[south-east]], or [[east]] direction, depending on the source

|[[V.viratus]] {m}
| :: abbreviation of [[quinquevirātus]]

Line 1,072: Line 28:
|[[vacca]] {f}
|[[vacca]] {f}
| :: [[cow]] (female cattle)
| :: [[cow]] (female cattle)

|[[Vaccaei]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Celtiberian]] [[tribe]] settled on the [[plain]]s of the central [[Duero]] valley

Line 1,188: Line 148:
|[[vaco]] {v}
|[[vaco]] {v}
| :: I am [[free]] to [[attend]], have time, am not under other obligation
| :: I am [[free]] to [[attend]], have time, am not under other obligation

|[[Vacua]] {prop} {f}
| :: A [[river]] of [[Lusitania]], now called [[Vouga]]

Line 1,200: Line 164:
|[[vacuitas]] {f}
|[[vacuitas]] {f}
| :: [[empty space]], [[vacancy]], [[vacuity]]
| :: [[empty space]], [[vacancy]], [[vacuity]]

|[[Vacuna]] {prop} {f} [Roman god]
| :: The [[goddess]] of rural [[leisure]], worshipped by the [[Sabine]]s

Line 1,296: Line 264:
|[[vafritia]] {f}
|[[vafritia]] {f}
| :: [[craftiness]], [[cunning]], [[artfulness]]
| :: [[craftiness]], [[cunning]], [[artfulness]]

|[[Vaga]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Numidia]], now [[Béja]]

Line 1,320: Line 292:
|[[vagatus]] {v}
|[[vagatus]] {v}
| :: [[rambled]], [[wandered]], having been strolled
| :: [[rambled]], [[wandered]], having been strolled

|[[Vagellius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vagellius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Lucius Vagellius, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Vagienni]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Ligurian]] [[tribe]] who inhabited a region north of the [[Maritime Alps]]

Line 1,372: Line 356:
|[[vagor]] {m}
|[[vagor]] {m}
| :: a [[sound]], [[sounding]]
| :: a [[sound]], [[sounding]]

|[[Vagoritum]] {prop} {n}
| :: The chief town of the [[Arvii]] in [[Gallia Lugdunensis]]

Line 1,384: Line 372:
|[[vagus]] {adj} [figuratively]
|[[vagus]] {adj} [figuratively]
| :: [[uncertain]], [[vague]]
| :: [[uncertain]], [[vague]]

|[[Val.]] {mp}
| :: abbreviation of [[Valentīniānī]]

|[[Valdasus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Pannonia]], now called [[Bosna]]

Line 1,456: Line 452:
|[[valens]] {v}
|[[valens]] {v}
| :: [[strong]], [[vigorous]], [[healthy]]
| :: [[strong]], [[vigorous]], [[healthy]]

|[[Valent.]] {mp}
| :: abbreviation of [[Valentīniānī]]

Line 1,464: Line 464:
|[[valentia]] {f}
|[[valentia]] {f}
| :: [[vigour]], bodily [[strength]]
| :: [[vigour]], bodily [[strength]]

|[[Valentia]] {prop} {f}
| :: The name of several settlements in the Roman world, including:

|[[Valentia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Valencia]] (city in modern Spain)

|[[Valentia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Valence]] (city in modern France)

|[[valentianus]] {adj}
|[[valentianus]] {adj}
| :: [[Valencian]]
| :: [[Valencian]]

|[[Valentiniani]] {mp}
| :: [[disciple|disciples]] of the early Christian gnostic theologian [[Valentinus]], [[Valentinian|Valentinians]]

Line 1,504: Line 520:
|[[valeo]] {v} [New Latin, rare]
|[[valeo]] {v} [New Latin, rare]
| :: I [[leave]]; I go away
| :: I [[leave]]; I go away

|[[Valerius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Name of a [[patrician]] [[Roman]] [[gens]]

Line 1,524: Line 544:
|[[valetudo]] {f}
|[[valetudo]] {f}
| :: [[illness]]
| :: [[illness]]

|[[Valgius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Valgius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Valgius Rufus, a Roman [[poet]] and [[rhetorician]]

Line 1,620: Line 648:
|[[vallo]] {v}
|[[vallo]] {v}
| :: I [[surround]] or [[fortify]] with a [[rampart]] or [[palisade]]
| :: I [[surround]] or [[fortify]] with a [[rampart]] or [[palisade]]

|[[Vallonia]] {prop} {f} [Roman god]
| :: The goddess of valleys

Line 1,652: Line 684:
|[[valvulæ]] {noun}
|[[valvulæ]] {noun}
| :: alternative typography of [[valvulae]]
| :: alternative typography of [[valvulae]]

|[[Vamacures]] {prop} {m}
| :: A tribe of [[Africa]] mentioned by [[Pliny]]

Line 1,676: Line 712:
|[[vanga]] {f}
|[[vanga]] {f}
| :: a [[spade]] with a [[crossbar]] for applying the foot
| :: a [[spade]] with a [[crossbar]] for applying the foot

|[[Vangio]] {prop} {m}
| :: A king of the [[Suebi]] and nephew of [[Vannius]]

|[[Vangiones]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Germanic]] tribe of [[Gallia Belgica]], which dwelt on the [[Rhine]]

Line 1,704: Line 748:
|[[vanitudo]] {f}
|[[vanitudo]] {f}
| :: [[emptiness]], [[nothingness]], [[vainglory]], [[vanity]]
| :: [[emptiness]], [[nothingness]], [[vainglory]], [[vanity]]

|[[Vannius]] {prop} {m}
| :: A chief of the [[Quadi]]

Line 1,740: Line 788:
|[[vapidus]] {adj} [of wine, etc.]
|[[vapidus]] {adj} [of wine, etc.]
| :: [[flat]] or [[vapid]]; that has lost its [[freshness]]
| :: [[flat]] or [[vapid]]; that has lost its [[freshness]]

|[[Vapincum]] {prop} {n}
| :: a city of [[Gallia Narbonensis]], now [[Gap]]

Line 1,788: Line 840:
|[[vara]] {f}
|[[vara]] {f}
| :: [[tripod]], [[easel]]
| :: [[tripod]], [[easel]]

|[[Varagri]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Alpine]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Varamus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Venetia]] which flows into the [[Anaxum]], now the river [[Varmo]]

|[[Varciani]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[tribe]] of [[Pannonia]] mentioned by [[Pliny]] and [[Ptolemy]]

|[[Vardaei]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Illyrian]] [[tribe]] settled on the [[Adriatic]] coast of the [[Balkans]]

|[[Varduli]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[tribe]] of [[Hispania Tarraconensis]] who dwelt westward of the [[Vascones]]

|[[vargus]] {m}
|[[vargus]] {m}
| :: A [[bandit]], [[scoundrel]], [[vagrant]]
| :: A [[bandit]], [[scoundrel]], [[vagrant]]

|[[Varia]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of the [[Sabine]]s situated in the valley of the [[Anio]], now [[Vicovaro]]

Line 1,864: Line 940:
|[[varietas]] {f}
|[[varietas]] {f}
| :: [[difference]], [[diversity]], [[variety]]
| :: [[difference]], [[diversity]], [[variety]]

|[[Varini]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[German]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Varinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Varinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Varinius, a Roman [[praetor]]

Line 1,900: Line 988:
|[[varro]] {m}
|[[varro]] {m}
| :: alternative spelling of [[vārō]]
| :: alternative spelling of [[vārō]]

|[[Varro]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[cognomen]] of the [[gens]] [[Terentius|Terentia]]

|[[Varsovia]] {prop}
| :: [[Warsaw]]

Line 1,916: Line 1,012:
|[[varus]] {m}
|[[varus]] {m}
| :: [[eruption]] on the [[face]], [[blotch]], [[pimple]]
| :: [[eruption]] on the [[face]], [[blotch]], [[pimple]]

|[[Varus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Gallia Narbonensis]] which flows into the [[Mediterranean Sea]] near [[Nicaea]], now the [[Var]]

|[[Varus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[cognomen]] in the gens [[Quintilia]]

Line 1,938: Line 1,042:

|[[vas muliebre]] {n}
|[[Vasalaetus]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[woman]]’s [[vagina]]
| :: A [[mountain]] of [[Africa]]

Line 1,948: Line 1,052:
|[[vasco]] {m}
|[[vasco]] {m}
| :: [[Vascon]]
| :: [[Vascon]]

|[[Vascones]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[pre-Roman]] tribe who inhabited a [[region]] in the northeastern part of [[Hispania Tarraconensis]], between the [[Iberus]] and the [[Pyrenees]] and stretching as far as the northern coast, in the present [[Navarre]]

|[[Vasconia]] {prop} {f}
| :: land of the [[Vascones]]

|[[Vasconia]] {prop} {f}
| :: the [[Basque Country]]

Line 1,980: Line 1,096:
|[[vascus]] {adj}
|[[vascus]] {adj}
| :: [[crosswise]], [[askew]]
| :: [[crosswise]], [[askew]]

|[[Vasio]] {prop} {m}
| :: The chief town of the [[Vocontii]] in [[Gallia Narbonensis]], now [[Vaison]]

|[[vas muliebre]] {n}
| :: a [[woman]]’s [[vagina]]

Line 1,988: Line 1,112:
|[[vassallus]] {m}
|[[vassallus]] {m}
| :: [[servant]]
| :: [[servant]]

|[[Vassei]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A tribe of [[Aquitania]] mentioned by [[Pliny]]

Line 2,108: Line 1,236:
|[[vates]] {m}
|[[vates]] {m}
| :: [[oracle]]
| :: [[oracle]]

|[[Vatia]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vatia]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus, a Roman [[general]]

|[[vaticanus]] {adj}
|[[vaticanus]] {adj}
| :: [[Vatican]] (relating to the Vatican)
| :: [[Vatican]] (relating to the Vatican)

|[[Vaticanus]] {m}
| :: The [[Vatican]], the Vatican Hill

|[[Vaticanus]] {m}
| :: The [[official]] [[residence]] of the [[Pope]] within [[Vatican City]]

|[[Vaticanus]] {m}
| :: The [[papal]] [[government]]; the [[papacy]]

Line 2,148: Line 1,296:
|[[vatillum]] {n}
|[[vatillum]] {n}
| :: [[shovel]]
| :: [[shovel]]

|[[Vatinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vatinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Vatinius, a Roman [[statesman]]

Line 2,160: Line 1,316:
|[[vatrax]] {adj}
|[[vatrax]] {adj}
| :: with [[crook]]ed feet
| :: with [[crook]]ed feet

|[[Vatrenus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Gallia Cisalpina]] that flows into the [[Padus]], now called [[Santerno]]

Line 2,180: Line 1,340:
|[[ve-]] {prefix}
|[[ve-]] {prefix}
| :: Used to indicate a fault of excess or deficiency, too much, too little
| :: Used to indicate a fault of excess or deficiency, too much, too little

|[[Veamini]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Alpine]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

Line 2,192: Line 1,356:
|[[vecors]] {adj}
|[[vecors]] {adj}
| :: [[mad]], [[insane]]
| :: [[mad]], [[insane]]

|[[Vecta]] {prop} {f}
| :: alternative form of [[Vectis]]

Line 2,228: Line 1,396:
|[[vectis]] {m}
|[[vectis]] {m}
| :: A [[bar]] or [[bolt]] (for [[fastening]] a door)
| :: A [[bar]] or [[bolt]] (for [[fastening]] a door)

|[[Vectis]] {prop} {f}
| :: the [[Isle of Wight]] (an island off the south coast of Britannia, separated from the mainland by a narrow strait called the Solent)

Line 2,252: Line 1,424:
|[[vectus]] {v}
|[[vectus]] {v}
| :: [[carried]]
| :: [[carried]]

|[[Vediantii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Ligurian]] [[tribe]], who dwelt at the foot of the [[Maritime Alps]]

|[[Vediovis]] {prop} {m}
| :: alternative form of [[Vēiovis]]

|[[Vedius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vedius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Vedius Pollio, a Roman [[eques]] famous for his [[cruelty]] to his [[slave]]s

|[[Vedra]] {prop} {f}
| :: A river of [[Britannia]], maybe the [[Wear]]

Line 2,296: Line 1,488:
|[[vegetatus]] {v}
|[[vegetatus]] {v}
| :: [[invigorated]]
| :: [[invigorated]]

|[[Vegetius]] {prop} {m}
| :: A male [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vegetius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus (''[[floruit|fl.]]'' late 4th C.), Late Latin writer on military matters and veterinary medicine

Line 2,304: Line 1,504:
|[[vegetus]] {adj}
|[[vegetus]] {adj}
| :: [[enlivened]], [[lively]], [[animated]], [[vigorous]], [[active]], [[brisk]], [[sprightly]]
| :: [[enlivened]], [[lively]], [[animated]], [[vigorous]], [[active]], [[brisk]], [[sprightly]]

|[[Vegium]] {prop} {n}
| :: a town of [[Liburnia]], whose [[ruin]]s are situated near the modern town of [[Karlobag]]

Line 2,380: Line 1,584:
|[[veho]] {v} [passive]
|[[veho]] {v} [passive]
| :: I [[ride]]; I am [[borne]]
| :: I [[ride]]; I am [[borne]]

|[[Veii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: [[Veii]] (ancient Etruscan city in Italy)

|[[Veiovis]] {prop} {m} [religion]
| :: [[Vejovis]], an ancient [[Roman]] [[deity]] [[considere]]d to be an [[underworld]] [[counterpart]] of [[Jupiter]], [[little|Little]] Jupiter, Anti-[[Jove]]

Line 2,412: Line 1,624:
|[[velamentum]] {n}
|[[velamentum]] {n}
| :: [[screen]]
| :: [[screen]]

|[[Velanius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Velanius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Quintus Velanius, a Roman [[tribune]]

Line 2,436: Line 1,656:
|[[velatus]] {v}
|[[velatus]] {v}
| :: [[concealed]]
| :: [[concealed]]

|[[Velauni]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Alpine]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[Veldidena]] {prop} {f}
| :: a town of [[Raetia]], situated on the southern bank of the river [[Aenus]] on the road from [[Tridentum]] to [[Augusta Vindelicorum]], now [[Wilten]]

|[[Veleia]] {prop} {f}
| :: a town in [[Liguria]], situated on the frontiers of [[Gallia Cisalpina]]

|[[veles]] {m}
|[[veles]] {m}
| :: Skirmisher, javelineer, light-armed footsoldier
| :: Skirmisher, javelineer, light-armed footsoldier

|[[Velia]] {prop} {f}
| :: a Greek [[colony]], situated on the [[shore]]s of the [[Tyrrhenian Sea]] between [[Paestum]] and [[Buxentum]]

Line 2,468: Line 1,704:
|[[veliger]] {adj}
|[[veliger]] {adj}
| :: [[sail]]-[[bearing]], [[cover]]ed with sails
| :: [[sail]]-[[bearing]], [[cover]]ed with sails

|[[Velinus]] {prop} {m}
| :: The [[river]] [[Velino]]

|[[Velinus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[lake]] in the [[Sabine]] [[territory|territories]], between [[Reate]] and [[Interamnum]]

|[[Velinus]] {adj}
| :: Of or pertaining to [[Velia]], [[Velian]]

|[[Veliocasses]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Celtic]] tribe of [[Gallia Lugdunensis]], whose chief town was [[Rotomagus]]

Line 2,476: Line 1,728:
|[[velitor]] {v}
|[[velitor]] {v}
| :: I [[attack]]
| :: I [[attack]]

|[[Velitrae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: A city of [[Latium]], situated on the southern [[slope]] of the [[Alban]] hills, now [[Velletri]]

|[[Velius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Velius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Velius Longus, a Roman [[grammarian]]

|[[Vellates]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Celtic]] tribe of [[Aquitania]] mentioned by [[Pliny]]

|[[vellatura]] {f}
|[[vellatura]] {f}
| :: a [[carrying]], [[conveyance]]
| :: a [[carrying]], [[conveyance]]

|[[Velleius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Velleius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Marcus Velleius Paterculus, a Roman [[historian]]

|[[Velleius]] {adj}
| :: of or pertaining to the gens Velleia

Line 2,620: Line 1,900:
|[[venabulum]] {n}
|[[venabulum]] {n}
| :: [[hunting]]-[[spear]]
| :: [[hunting]]-[[spear]]

|[[Venafrum]] {prop} {n}
| :: An inland city of [[Campania]] situated in the upper valley of the [[Vulturnus]], now [[Venafro]]

Line 2,632: Line 1,916:
|[[venalis]] {adj}
|[[venalis]] {adj}
| :: [[venal]]
| :: [[venal]]

|[[Venami]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A tribe of [[Aquitania]] mentioned by [[Pliny]]

Line 2,724: Line 2,012:
|[[vendundus]] {v}
|[[vendundus]] {v}
| :: alternative form of [[vendendus]]
| :: alternative form of [[vendendus]]

|[[Venedi]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[tribe]] of [[Sarmatia]] who dwelt along the course of the river [[Vistula]]

Line 2,832: Line 2,124:
|[[venerealis]] {adj}
|[[venerealis]] {adj}
| :: [[venereal]]
| :: [[venereal]]

|[[Venerivagus]] {adj}
| :: [[vagabond]] in [[love]]

|[[Venerivagus]] {adj}
| :: [[libidinous]], [[dissolute]]

Line 2,844: Line 2,144:
|[[veneror]] {v}
|[[veneror]] {v}
| :: I [[pay]] (my) [[respects]]
| :: I [[pay]] (my) [[respects]]

|[[Venetia]] {prop} {f}
| :: the [[country]] of the [[Veneti]]

|[[Venetia]] {prop} {f} [Medieval Latin, New Latin]
| :: [[Venice]]

|[[veneticus]] {adj}
|[[veneticus]] {adj}
| :: [[Venetic]]
| :: [[Venetic]]

|[[Venetiola]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Venezuela]]

Line 2,868: Line 2,180:
|[[venezuelensis]] {adj} [New Latin]
|[[venezuelensis]] {adj} [New Latin]
| :: [[Venezuelan]]
| :: [[Venezuelan]]

|[[veni, vidi, vici]] {phrase}
| :: [[I came, I saw, I conquered]]

Line 2,908: Line 2,216:
|[[veniens]] {v}
|[[veniens]] {v}
| :: [[approaching]]
| :: [[approaching]]

|[[venilia]] {f}
| :: The [[water]] of a [[wave]] that washes the [[beach]]

|[[Venilia]] {prop} {f} [Roman mythology]
| :: The name of several sea [[nymph]]s

Line 2,920: Line 2,236:
|[[veniundus]] {v}
|[[veniundus]] {v}
| :: alternative form of [[veniendus]]
| :: alternative form of [[veniendus]]

|[[veni, vidi, vici]] {phrase}
| :: [[I came, I saw, I conquered]]

|[[Vennones]] {prop} {m}
| :: A tribe who dwelt in [[Raetia]], in the valley of the [[Athesis]]

Line 2,928: Line 2,252:
|[[venor]] {v} [figuratively, mostly poetically]
|[[venor]] {v} [figuratively, mostly poetically]
| :: I hunt or seek after, pursue a thing
| :: I hunt or seek after, pursue a thing

|[[Venostes]] {prop} {m}
| :: A tribe of the [[Alps]]

Line 2,936: Line 2,264:
|[[venosus]] {adj}
|[[venosus]] {adj}
| :: [[dry]], [[meagre]]
| :: [[dry]], [[meagre]]

|[[Venox]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]], famously held by:

|[[Venox]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Plautius Venox, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Venta]] {prop} {f} [geography]
| :: The name of several [[town]]s of [[Britannia]]

|[[Venta Belgarum]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Britannia]], now [[Winchester]]

|[[Venta Icenorum]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Britannia]] situated near [[Norwich]]

|[[Venta Silurum]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Britannia]], now [[Caerwent]]

Line 2,964: Line 2,316:
|[[venter]] {m}
|[[venter]] {m}
| :: [[gluttony]]
| :: [[gluttony]]

|[[Ventidius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Ventidius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Ventidius Cumanus, a Roman [[procurator]]

Line 3,028: Line 2,388:
|[[ventio]] {f}
|[[ventio]] {f}
| :: The act of [[come|coming]]
| :: The act of [[come|coming]]

|[[Ventipo]] {prop} {f}
| :: A city in [[Hispania Baetica]]

Line 3,036: Line 2,400:
|[[vento]] {vi}
|[[vento]] {vi}
| :: I am [[wont]] to [[come]], come often, [[keep]] coming, [[resort]]
| :: I am [[wont]] to [[come]], come often, [[keep]] coming, [[resort]]

|[[Vento]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vento]] {prop} {m}
| :: Marcus Perperna Vento, a Roman [[general]]

Line 3,092: Line 2,464:
|[[ventus solaris]] {m} [astronomy]
|[[ventus solaris]] {m} [astronomy]
| :: [[solar wind]]
| :: [[solar wind]]

|[[Venuleius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Venuleius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Lucius Venuleius Apronianus Octavius Priscus, a Roman [[senator]]

Line 3,140: Line 2,520:
|[[venus]] {m}
|[[venus]] {m}
| :: [[sale]], [[purchase]]
| :: [[sale]], [[purchase]]

|[[Venus]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Venus]], Roman [[goddess]] of natural productivity

|[[Venus]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Venus]], the second planet in our [[solar system]]

|[[Venusia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Venosa]] (town in Italy)

Line 3,216: Line 2,608:
|[[veraciter]] {adv}
|[[veraciter]] {adv}
| :: [[really]]
| :: [[really]]

|[[Veragri]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A tribe of [[Gallia Narbonensis]]

|[[Veranius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name", famously held by:

|[[Veranius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Quintus Veranius Nepos, a Roman [[general]]

Line 3,228: Line 2,632:
|[[verbalis]] {adj} [Late Latin]
|[[verbalis]] {adj} [Late Latin]
| :: [[wordy]], [[verbal]]
| :: [[wordy]], [[verbal]]

|[[Verbanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: [[Lake Maggiore]]

Line 3,272: Line 2,680:
|[[verbero]] {f}
|[[verbero]] {f}
| :: [[scoundrel]], [[rascal]] (worthy of being whipped)
| :: [[scoundrel]], [[rascal]] (worthy of being whipped)

|[[Verbinum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Gallia Belgica]], now [[Vervins]]

Line 3,292: Line 2,704:
|[[verbum]] {n} [grammar]
|[[verbum]] {n} [grammar]
| :: [[verb]]
| :: [[verb]]

|[[Vercellae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: A town of the [[Gallia Cisalpina]] situated on the right bank of the [[Sessites]], now [[Vercelli]]

|[[vere]] {adv}
|[[vere]] {adv}
| :: [[truly]], [[verily]]
| :: [[truly]], [[verily]]

|[[Vereasueca]] {prop} {f}
| :: a small coastal town of the [[Cantabri]] in [[Hispania Tarraconensis]]

Line 3,344: Line 2,764:
|[[veretrum]] {n}
|[[veretrum]] {n}
| :: (male) [[genitalia]]; [[penis]]
| :: (male) [[genitalia]]; [[penis]]

|[[Veretum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of the [[Salentini]] in [[Calabria]], situated near [[Uxentum]]

|[[Vergellus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A small rivulet of [[Apulia]] mentioned by [[Florus]] and passing through [[Cannae]]

|[[vergens]] {v}
|[[vergens]] {v}
| :: [[bending]], [[turning]], [[inclining]]
| :: [[bending]], [[turning]], [[inclining]]

|[[Vergentum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A city of [[Hispania Baetica]], now [[Gelves]]

|[[Vergilius]] {prop} {m}
| :: The poet Publius Vergilius Maro, known in English as [[Virgil]]

Line 3,364: Line 2,800:
|[[vergo]] {vi}
|[[vergo]] {vi}
| :: I am [[situated]], [[lie]]
| :: I am [[situated]], [[lie]]

|[[Vergunni]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Alpine]] tribe mentioned by [[Pliny]]

Line 3,472: Line 2,912:
|[[vermiformis]] {adj}
|[[vermiformis]] {adj}
| :: [[vermiform]]
| :: [[vermiform]]

|[[Vermina]] {prop} {m}
| :: A king of the [[Numidia]] and son of [[Syphax]]

Line 3,528: Line 2,972:
|[[vero]] {v} [archaic]
|[[vero]] {v} [archaic]
| :: I [[tell]] the [[truth]]
| :: I [[tell]] the [[truth]]

|[[Veromandui]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[tribe]] of [[Gallia Belgica]], whose capital was [[Augusta Veromanduorum]]

|[[Verona]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Verona]] (a city in [[Transpadane Gaul]], the birthplace of the poet Catullus and of Pliny the Elder)

Line 3,560: Line 3,012:
|[[verres]] {m}
|[[verres]] {m}
| :: [[boar]], male [[swine]]
| :: [[boar]], male [[swine]]

|[[Verrius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Verrius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Verrius Flaccus, a Roman [[grammarian]]

Line 3,588: Line 3,048:
|[[verruca]] {f}
|[[verruca]] {f}
| :: An [[excrescence]] on precious stones
| :: An [[excrescence]] on precious stones

|[[Verrucini]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Gaulish]] [[tribe]] of [[Gallia Narbonensis]]

Line 3,600: Line 3,064:
|[[versabundus]] {adj}
|[[versabundus]] {adj}
| :: [[turn]]ing around, [[revolving]]
| :: [[turn]]ing around, [[revolving]]

|[[Versaliae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: [[Versailles]]

Line 3,908: Line 3,376:
|[[veru]] {n}
|[[veru]] {n}
| :: a [[critical]] [[sign]] on the [[margin]] of a [[book]], [[obelus]]
| :: a [[critical]] [[sign]] on the [[margin]] of a [[book]], [[obelus]]

|[[Verulae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: A city of the [[Hernici]] in [[Latium]], situated between the valley of the [[Liris]] and the valley of the [[Tolerus]], now [[Veroli]]

|[[Verulamium]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Britannia]], now [[St Albans]]

Line 3,964: Line 3,440:
|[[vervex]] {n} [pejorative]
|[[vervex]] {n} [pejorative]
| :: [[blockhead]], [[dolt]]
| :: [[blockhead]], [[dolt]]

|[[Vesaevus]] {prop} {m}
| :: alternative form of [[Vesuvius]]

Line 3,984: Line 3,464:
|[[vesanus]] {adj} [of things]
|[[vesanus]] {adj} [of things]
| :: [[fierce]], [[wild]], [[savage]], [[furious]]
| :: [[fierce]], [[wild]], [[savage]], [[furious]]

|[[Vesbius]] {prop} {m}
| :: contraction of [[Vesuvius]]

|[[Vescellium]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Hirpinia]], of uncertain site

Line 4,012: Line 3,500:
|[[vescus]] {adj}
|[[vescus]] {adj}
| :: [[thin]], [[attenuated]]
| :: [[thin]], [[attenuated]]

|[[Veseris]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Campania]] at the foot of the [[Vesuvius]], where a battle was fought

|[[Vesevus]] {prop} {m}
| :: alternative form of [[Vesuvius]]

Line 4,040: Line 3,536:
|[[vesiculosus]] {adj} [New Latin]
|[[vesiculosus]] {adj} [New Latin]
| :: [[vesiculose]]
| :: [[vesiculose]]

|[[Vesidia]] {prop} {f}
| :: a small [[river]] of [[Etruria]], now called [[Versilia]]

|[[Vesontio]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Besançon]] (city in modern France)

|[[vespa]] {f}
|[[vespa]] {f}
| :: a [[wasp]]
| :: a [[wasp]]

|[[Vespasianus]] {prop} {m}
| :: [[Vespasian]] (Roman cognomen)

|[[Vespasius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vespasius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Vespasius Pollio, the [[grandfather]] of [[Vespasianus]]

Line 4,068: Line 3,584:
|[[vesperasco]] {v}
|[[vesperasco]] {v}
| :: grow towards [[evening]]; become evening
| :: grow towards [[evening]]; become evening

|[[Vesperies]] {f}
| :: A town of the [[Varduli]] in [[Hispania Tarraconensis]]

Line 4,092: Line 3,612:
|[[vespillo]] {m}
|[[vespillo]] {m}
| :: A [[ghoul]], [[graverobber]]
| :: A [[ghoul]], [[graverobber]]

|[[Vesta]] {prop} {f} [Roman god]
| :: The [[goddess]] of the [[hearth]] and the [[household]]

|[[Vestalis]] {adj}
| :: Of or pertaining to [[Vesta]], goddess of hearth and home

|[[Vestalis]] {adj}
| :: [[vestal]]

|[[Vestalis]] {f}
| :: A [[priestess]] of Vesta; a [[vestal virgin]]

Line 4,160: Line 3,696:
|[[vestimentum]] {n}
|[[vestimentum]] {n}
| :: [[garment]], [[robe]]
| :: [[garment]], [[robe]]

|[[Vestini]] {prop} {mp}
| :: An [[Italic]] [[tribe]] who inhabited a region on the coast of the [[Adriatic]]

Line 4,204: Line 3,744:
|[[vestitus]] {m} [of inanimate things]
|[[vestitus]] {m} [of inanimate things]
| :: a [[cover]], [[covering]]
| :: a [[cover]], [[covering]]

|[[Vestricius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vestricius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Titus Vestricius Spurinna, a Roman [[senator]]

|[[Vesunna]] {prop} {f}
| :: The chief city of the [[Petrocorii]] in [[Aquitania]], now [[Périgueux]]

|[[Vesuvinus]] {adj}
| :: of or belonging to [[Vesuvius]] (a volcano), [[Vesuvian]]

|[[Vesuvius]] {prop} {m}
| :: [[Vesuvius]] (a celebrated volcano in [[Campania]])

|[[Vesvius]] {prop} {m}
| :: contraction of [[Vesuvius]]

Line 4,292: Line 3,856:
|[[veto]] {interj}
|[[veto]] {interj}
| :: I [[forbid]] it! I [[protest]]!
| :: I [[forbid]] it! I [[protest]]!

|[[Vettius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vettius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Vettius Valens, a Roman [[astrologer]]

|[[Vettius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Vettius Aquilinus Juvencus, a Roman [[poet]]

|[[Vettona]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Bettona]], a town in Umbria

|[[Vettones]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A possibly Celtic [[tribe]] which dwelt in the northwestern part of the [[Meseta Central]], in the Roman province of [[Lusitania]], east of modern day [[Portugal]] and north of [[Baetica]], their largest city being [[Salmantica]]

Line 4,300: Line 3,884:
|[[vetula]] {f}
|[[vetula]] {f}
| :: a [[corn dolly]] or small figurine, shaped as an old woman; a term in use among the [[Druidic]] [[pagan]]s of [[Flanders]] in the 7th century
| :: a [[corn dolly]] or small figurine, shaped as an old woman; a term in use among the [[Druidic]] [[pagan]]s of [[Flanders]] in the 7th century

|[[Vetulenus]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vetulenus]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Vettulenus Civica Cerealis, a Roman [[senator]]

|[[Vetulonia]] {prop} {f}
| :: a [[town]] of [[Etruria]]

Line 4,308: Line 3,904:
|[[vetulus]] {m}
|[[vetulus]] {m}
| :: [[old man]]; [[little]] [[old man]]
| :: [[old man]]; [[little]] [[old man]]

|[[Veturius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Veturius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Veturius Geminus Cicurinus, a Roman [[consul]]

Line 4,332: Line 3,936:
|[[vetustas]] {f}
|[[vetustas]] {f}
| :: [[antiquity]]
| :: [[antiquity]]

|[[Vetus Testamentum]] {prop} {n}
| :: the [[Old Testament]]

Line 4,440: Line 4,048:
|[[via]] {f}
|[[via]] {f}
| :: the [[right]] way
| :: the [[right]] way

|[[Viadus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Germany]], assumed to be the [[Oder]]

|[[Via Lactea]] {prop} {f}
| :: the [[Milky Way]]

Line 4,480: Line 4,096:
|[[vibia]] {f}
|[[vibia]] {f}
| :: A [[plank]], [[crosspiece]] supported on [[trestle]]s so as to form a [[bank]]
| :: A [[plank]], [[crosspiece]] supported on [[trestle]]s so as to form a [[bank]]

|[[Vibinum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of the interior of [[Apulia]], situated near [[Aecae]] and [[Luceria]], now [[Bovino]]

|[[Vibiscum]] {prop} {n}
| :: a town on the [[Geneva Lake]], now [[Vevey]]

|[[Vibius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vibius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Vibius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Vibius Sequester, a Roman [[writer]]

|[[Vibo]] {prop} {f}
| :: A [[city]] of [[Bruttium]], now [[Vibo Valentia]]

Line 4,520: Line 4,160:
|[[vibro]] {v}
|[[vibro]] {v}
| :: I [[glimmer]], [[gleam]]
| :: I [[glimmer]], [[gleam]]

|[[Vibulanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vibulanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: Quintus Fabius Vibulanus, a Roman [[consul]]

Line 4,568: Line 4,216:
|[[vicensimus]] {num} [ordinal]
|[[vicensimus]] {num} [ordinal]
| :: [[twentieth]]
| :: [[twentieth]]

|[[Vicentia]] {prop} {f}
| :: alternative spelling of [[Vīcētia]]

|[[Vicentiensis]] {adj}
| :: alternative spelling of [[Vīcētiēnsis]]

|[[Vicentinus]] {m}
| :: alternative spelling of [[Vīcētīnus]]

|[[Vicentinus]] {adj}
| :: alternative spelling of [[Vīcētīnus]]

Line 4,588: Line 4,252:
|[[vicesimus]] {num} [ordinal]
|[[vicesimus]] {num} [ordinal]
| :: [[twentieth]]
| :: [[twentieth]]

|[[Vicetia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vicenza]] or anciently [[Vicentia]] or [[Vicetia]] (a town, later city, in [[Transpadane Gaul]], between [[Verona]] and [[Padua]], in the territory of [[Venetia]], or today [[Veneto]])

|[[Vicetiensis]] {adj} [New Latin]
| :: of or from the modern [[Vicenza]] or the ancient [[Vicetia]] or [[Vicentia]]

|[[Vicetinus]] {m} [plurale tantum, as Vīcētīnī, -ōrum, in Classical Latin]
| :: a [[Vicentine]] (an [[inhabitant]] of the modern [[Vicenza]] or the ancient [[Vicetia]] or [[Vicentia]])

|[[Vicetinus]] {adj} [post-Classical]
| :: [[Vicentine]] (of or [[pertain|pertaining]] to the modern [[Vicenza]] or the ancient [[Vicetia]] or [[Vicentia]])

Line 4,644: Line 4,324:
|[[vicinus]] {m}
|[[vicinus]] {m}
| :: [[neighbour]]/[[neighbor]]
| :: [[neighbour]]/[[neighbor]]

|[[Vicipaedia]] {noun} [New Latin]
| :: [[Wikipedia]]

Line 4,776: Line 4,460:
|[[vide infra]] {phrase}
|[[vide infra]] {phrase}
| :: [[see]] [[below]]!, a term used to [[refer]] a reader to a [[later]] place in a [[text]]
| :: [[see]] [[below]]!, a term used to [[refer]] a reader to a [[later]] place in a [[text]]

|[[vide supra]] {phrase}
| :: [[see]] [[above]]!, a term used to [[refer]] a reader to an [[earlier]] place in a [[text]]

Line 4,852: Line 4,532:
|[[video]] {v} [passive, used impersonally]
|[[video]] {v} [passive, used impersonally]
| :: It seems [[proper]] or [[right]]
| :: It seems [[proper]] or [[right]]

|[[vide supra]] {phrase}
| :: [[see]] [[above]]!, a term used to [[refer]] a reader to an [[earlier]] place in a [[text]]

Line 4,860: Line 4,544:
|[[vidua]] {f}
|[[vidua]] {f}
| :: [[unmarried]] woman
| :: [[unmarried]] woman

|[[Viducasses]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Celtic]] tribe of [[Gallia Lugdunensis]]

Line 4,892: Line 4,580:
|[[viduvium]] {n}
|[[viduvium]] {n}
| :: [[widowhood]]
| :: [[widowhood]]

|[[Vienna]] {prop} {f}
| :: a city of the [[Allobroges]] in [[Gallia Narbonensis]], now [[Vienne]]

|[[Vienna]] {prop} {f} [medieval, New Latin]
| :: [[Vienna]]

Line 4,908: Line 4,604:
|[[vietnamensis]] {adj}
|[[vietnamensis]] {adj}
| :: [[Vietnamese]]
| :: [[Vietnamese]]

|[[Vietnamia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vietnam]]

Line 4,916: Line 4,616:
|[[vigeni]] {num} [distributive]
|[[vigeni]] {num} [distributive]
| :: [[twenty]] [[each]]; twenty [[at a time]]
| :: [[twenty]] [[each]]; twenty [[at a time]]

|[[Vigenna]] {prop} {f}
| :: The river [[Vienne]] in [[France]]

Line 5,120: Line 4,824:
|[[villicus]] {m}
|[[villicus]] {m}
| :: alternative form of [[vilicus]]
| :: alternative form of [[vilicus]]

|[[Villius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Villius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Villius Tappulus, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Villius]] {adj}
| :: of or pertaining to the gens Villia

Line 5,136: Line 4,852:
|[[villus]] {noun}
|[[villus]] {noun}
| :: [[shaggy]] hair
| :: [[shaggy]] hair

|[[vim vi repellere licet]] {phrase} [legal]
| :: It is [[permitted]] to [[repel]] [[force]] with force

Line 5,156: Line 4,868:
|[[vimentum]] {n}
|[[vimentum]] {n}
| :: An [[osier]], [[withy]]
| :: An [[osier]], [[withy]]

|[[Viminacium]] {prop} {n}
| :: A city in [[Moesia]] near the town of [[Kostolac]] in modern Serbia

Line 5,172: Line 4,888:
|[[vimineus]] {adj} [attributive]
|[[vimineus]] {adj} [attributive]
| :: [[wickerwork]]
| :: [[wickerwork]]

|[[vim vi repellere licet]] {phrase} [legal]
| :: It is [[permitted]] to [[repel]] [[force]] with force

Line 5,216: Line 4,936:
|[[vincens]] {v}
|[[vincens]] {v}
| :: [[winning]]
| :: [[winning]]

|[[Vincentius]] {prop} {m}
| :: given name

Line 5,296: Line 5,020:
|[[vinculum]] {n}
|[[vinculum]] {n}
| :: Any instrument whereby anything is [[bind|bound]] or [[tie up|tied up]]; [[bond]], [[band]], [[fetter]], [[chain]], [[cord]], [[tie]], [[link]]
| :: Any instrument whereby anything is [[bind|bound]] or [[tie up|tied up]]; [[bond]], [[band]], [[fetter]], [[chain]], [[cord]], [[tie]], [[link]]

|[[Vindelici]] {prop} {m} [historical]
| :: A [[former]] [[Celtic]] [[people]] of [[Switzerland]] and [[southern]] [[Germany]]

|[[Vindelicia]] {prop} {f} [historical]
| :: The [[land]] of the [[Vindelici]], [[now]] [[part]] of [[Switzerland]] and [[southern]] [[Germany]]

|[[Vindelicus]] {m} [historical]
| :: A [[member]] of the [[Vindelici]], a [[former]] [[Celtic]] [[people]] of [[Switzerland]] and [[southern]] [[Germany]]

|[[Vindelicus]] {adj}
| :: Of or [[relating]] to [[Augsburg]], [[Germany]]

Line 5,328: Line 5,068:
|[[vindex]] {mf}
|[[vindex]] {mf}
| :: [[claimant]], [[vindicator]]
| :: [[claimant]], [[vindicator]]

|[[Vindex]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]], famously held by:

|[[Vindex]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Iulius Vindex, a Roman [[governor]]

Line 5,380: Line 5,128:
|[[vindicia]] {f}
|[[vindicia]] {f}
| :: provisional possession (for the duration of the [[vindicātiō]], of the property so disputed)
| :: provisional possession (for the duration of the [[vindicātiō]], of the property so disputed)

|[[Vindicius]] {prop} {m}
| :: the name of the slave who discovered the conspiracy to restore the Tarquins

Line 5,408: Line 5,160:
|[[vindicta]] {f}
|[[vindicta]] {f}
| :: a means of vindication
| :: a means of vindication

|[[Vindilis]] {prop} {f}
| :: The island of [[Belle-Île]] in [[France]]

|[[Vindinum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Umbria]]

|[[Vindobala]] {prop} {f}
| :: a station of the [[Hadrian's Wall]], now [[Rudchester]]

|[[Vindobona]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vienna]] (capital city of Austria)

|[[Vindonissa]] {prop} {f}
| :: A town of [[Gallia Belgica]] in the territory of the [[Helvetii]], now [[Windisch]]

Line 5,448: Line 5,220:
|[[vinibua]] {f}
|[[vinibua]] {f}
| :: [[female]] [[wine]]-[[bibber]]
| :: [[female]] [[wine]]-[[bibber]]

|[[Vinicius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name"

Line 5,464: Line 5,240:
|[[vinitorius]] {adj}
|[[vinitorius]] {adj}
| :: Of or pertaining to one who [[work]]s on a [[vineyard]], of a [[vine]]-[[dresser]]
| :: Of or pertaining to one who [[work]]s on a [[vineyard]], of a [[vine]]-[[dresser]]

|[[Vinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vinius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Titus Vinius, a Roman [[general]]

Line 5,624: Line 5,408:
|[[vipio]] {m}
|[[vipio]] {m}
| :: kind of small [[crane]]
| :: kind of small [[crane]]

|[[Vipitenum]] {prop} {n}
| :: a mountain town of the [[Venostes]], situated between [[Veldidena]] and [[Tridentum]], now [[Vipiteno]]/[[Sterzing]]

|[[Vipsanius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vipsanius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, a Roman [[consul]]

Line 5,656: Line 5,452:
|[[viratus]] {m} [Late Latin]
|[[viratus]] {m} [Late Latin]
| :: manly [[conduct]], [[manliness]]
| :: manly [[conduct]], [[manliness]]

|[[Virdo]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Vindelicia]], now called [[Wertach]]

Line 5,748: Line 5,548:
|[[virgetum]] {n}
|[[virgetum]] {n}
| :: a [[thicket]] of [[twig]]s or [[osier]]s
| :: a [[thicket]] of [[twig]]s or [[osier]]s

|[[Virgilius]] {prop} {m} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin]
| :: Later spelling form of Vergilius

Line 5,760: Line 5,564:
|[[virgineus]] {adj}
|[[virgineus]] {adj}
| :: [[maidenly]]
| :: [[maidenly]]

|[[Virginia]] {prop} {f}
| :: praenomen

Line 5,796: Line 5,604:
|[[virgo]] {f} [by extension, of things]
|[[virgo]] {f} [by extension, of things]
| :: an [[adjectival]] [[appellative]] for [[unwedded]], [[pure]], [[unused]]
| :: an [[adjectival]] [[appellative]] for [[unwedded]], [[pure]], [[unused]]

|[[Virgo]] {prop} {f} [astronomy]
| :: [[Virgo]] (constellation)

|[[Virgo]] {prop} {m}
| :: given name, character in the play ''Persa'' by Plautus

Line 5,824: Line 5,640:
|[[viria]] {f}
|[[viria]] {f}
| :: sort of [[bracelet]] worn by men
| :: sort of [[bracelet]] worn by men

|[[Viriathus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A chief of the [[Lusitani]] who fought against the [[Roman]]s

Line 5,892: Line 5,712:
|[[virido]] {v}
|[[virido]] {v}
| :: I become green or [[verdant]]
| :: I become green or [[verdant]]

|[[Viridomarus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A chief of the [[Aedui]]

Line 5,948: Line 5,772:
|[[viritim]] {adv}
|[[viritim]] {adv}
| :: per man
| :: per man

|[[Virius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Virius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Virius Lupus, a Roman [[consul]]

|[[Virodunum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Gallia Belgica]], now [[Verdun]]

Line 5,960: Line 5,796:
|[[virosus]] {adj} [Late Latin]
|[[virosus]] {adj} [Late Latin]
| :: [[poisonous]]
| :: [[poisonous]]

|[[Virovesca]] {prop} {f}
| :: a town of the [[Autrigones]] in [[Hispania Tarraconensis]]

Line 5,988: Line 5,828:
|[[virulentus]] {adj}
|[[virulentus]] {adj}
| :: [[poisonous]]
| :: [[poisonous]]

|[[Virunum]] {prop} {n}
| :: One of the most important [[town]]s in [[Noricum]], situated on the road from [[Aquileia]] to [[Lauriacum]]

Line 5,996: Line 5,840:
|[[virus]] {n}
|[[virus]] {n}
| :: [[poison]], [[venom]]
| :: [[poison]], [[venom]]

|[[Virus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river of [[Hispania Tarraconensis]], now the [[Anllóns]]

Line 6,012: Line 5,860:
|[[vis]] {f} [New Latin, physics]
|[[vis]] {f} [New Latin, physics]
| :: [[energy]], [[force]]
| :: [[energy]], [[force]]

|[[vis major]] {phrase}
| :: [[vis major|Vis major]]; "greater force"; "act of God"; unavoidable accident

Line 6,048: Line 5,892:
|[[viscus]] {n} [anatomy]
|[[viscus]] {n} [anatomy]
| :: [[entrails]], [[viscera]]
| :: [[entrails]], [[viscera]]

|[[Visellius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Visellius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Aculeo, a Roman [[knight]]

Line 6,144: Line 5,996:
|[[visito]] {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin]
|[[visito]] {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin]
| :: I [[punish]]
| :: I [[punish]]

|[[vis major]] {phrase}
| :: [[vis major|Vis major]]; "greater force"; "act of God"; unavoidable accident

Line 6,156: Line 6,012:
|[[vispillo]] {m}
|[[vispillo]] {m}
| :: [[undertaker]]
| :: [[undertaker]]

|[[Vistula]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vistula]]

Line 6,164: Line 6,024:
|[[visum]] {n}
|[[visum]] {n}
| :: [[vision]], [[mental]] [[image]]
| :: [[vision]], [[mental]] [[image]]

|[[Visurgis]] {prop} {m}
| :: The river [[Weser]]

Line 6,292: Line 6,156:
|[[vitellus]] {m}
|[[vitellus]] {m}
| :: the [[yolk]] of an egg
| :: the [[yolk]] of an egg

|[[Viterbium]] {prop} {n}
| :: [[Viterbium]] (city/provincial capital)

Line 6,396: Line 6,264:
|[[vito]] {v}
|[[vito]] {v}
| :: I [[shun]]
| :: I [[shun]]

|[[Vitodurum]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Gallia Belgica]], situated near [[Vindonissa]]

|[[Vitrasius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vitrasius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Titus Vitrasius Pollio, a Roman [[consul]]

Line 6,404: Line 6,284:
|[[vitreus]] {adj}
|[[vitreus]] {adj}
| :: [[vitreous]]
| :: [[vitreous]]

|[[Vitricium]] {prop} {n}
| :: a mountain town of the [[Salassi]], situated on the road from [[Eporedia]] to [[Augusta Praetoria]], now [[Verrès]]

Line 6,428: Line 6,312:
|[[vitrum]] {n}
|[[vitrum]] {n}
| :: [[woad]]; a blue dye used by the Britons made from that plant
| :: [[woad]]; a blue dye used by the Britons made from that plant

|[[Vitruvius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Vitruvius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, a Roman [[architect]]

Line 6,468: Line 6,360:
|[[vitulus]] {m}
|[[vitulus]] {m}
| :: a [[bull]] [[calf]]
| :: a [[bull]] [[calf]]

|[[Vitumnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: a minor [[Roman]] god that bestows [[vita]] (life) to a [[fetus]]

Line 6,556: Line 6,452:
|[[vivax]] {adj}
|[[vivax]] {adj}
| :: [[lively|Lively]], [[vigorous]], [[vivacious]], [[energetic]]
| :: [[lively|Lively]], [[vigorous]], [[vivacious]], [[energetic]]

|[[vive ut vivas]] {phrase}
| :: (literally) "live that you may live". One should live a very full life, without [[fear]] of a possible future [[consequences]]

|[[vive ut vivas]] {phrase}
| :: "[[live life to the fullest]]."

|[[vive ut vivas]] {phrase}
| :: "live that you may live forever."[]

Line 6,604: Line 6,488:
|[[viverrinus]] {adj} [New Latin]
|[[viverrinus]] {adj} [New Latin]
| :: [[viverrine|Viverrine]]; [[civet]]-like
| :: [[viverrine|Viverrine]]; [[civet]]-like

|[[vive ut vivas]] {phrase}
| :: (literally) "live that you may live". One should live a very full life, without [[fear]] of a possible future [[consequences]]

|[[vive ut vivas]] {phrase}
| :: "[[live life to the fullest]]."

|[[vive ut vivas]] {phrase}
| :: "live that you may live forever."[]

Line 6,852: Line 6,748:
|[[voco]] {v}
|[[voco]] {v}
| :: I [[bring]] or [[put]] (into a state or condition)
| :: I [[bring]] or [[put]] (into a state or condition)

|[[Voconius]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Voconius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Quintus Voconius Saxa, a Roman [[tribune]]

|[[Voconius]] {adj}
| :: of or pertaining to the gens Voconia

|[[Vocontii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: A [[Gaulish]] [[tribe]], who dwelt between the [[Rhône]] and the [[Alps]]

Line 6,868: Line 6,780:
|[[vocula]] {f}
|[[vocula]] {f}
| :: a little [[word]], [[particle]]
| :: a little [[word]], [[particle]]

|[[Vocula]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vocula]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Dillius Vocula, a Roman [[commander]]

Line 6,892: Line 6,812:
|[[volandus]] {v}
|[[volandus]] {v}
| :: which is to be [[flown]]
| :: which is to be [[flown]]

|[[Volane]] {prop} {f}
| :: One of the [[mouth]]s of the river [[Padus]], now [[Po di Volano]]

Line 6,900: Line 6,824:
|[[volantes]] {cp}
|[[volantes]] {cp}
| :: [[bird]]s
| :: [[bird]]s

|[[Volaterrae]] {prop} {fp}
| :: [[Volterra]] (city in [[Tuscany]], of [[Etruscan]] origin)

Line 6,960: Line 6,888:
|[[volentior]] {adj}
|[[volentior]] {adj}
| :: more [[willing]] or [[welcome]]
| :: more [[willing]] or [[welcome]]

|[[Volero]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Volero]] {prop} {m}
| :: Volero Publilius, a Roman [[tribune]]

Line 7,068: Line 7,004:
|[[volpes]] {f}
|[[volpes]] {f}
| :: alternative form of [[vulpes]] ("[[fox]]")
| :: alternative form of [[vulpes]] ("[[fox]]")

|[[Volsce]] {adv}
| :: ''[[à la]]'' the [[Volsci]], *Volscianly

|[[Volsci]] {mp}
| :: [[Volsci]], [[Volscian|Volscians]]

Line 7,076: Line 7,020:
|[[volsella]] {f}
|[[volsella]] {f}
| :: A kind of [[forceps]]
| :: A kind of [[forceps]]

|[[Volsinii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: [[Volsinii]] (ancient Etruscan city)

|[[Volsinii]] {prop} {mp}
| :: [[Bolsena]] (city in Italy, a successor to the Etruscan city)

Line 7,100: Line 7,052:
|[[volubilis]] {adj} [figuratively, of fate]
|[[volubilis]] {adj} [figuratively, of fate]
| :: [[changeable]], [[mutable]]
| :: [[changeable]], [[mutable]]

|[[Volubilis]] {f}
| :: A city in [[Mauritania]] on the road from [[Tocolosida]] to [[Tingis]]

Line 7,140: Line 7,096:
|[[volumen]] {n} [poetic]
|[[volumen]] {n} [poetic]
| :: [[fold]], [[coil]], [[whirl]]
| :: [[fold]], [[coil]], [[whirl]]

|[[Volumnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: a minor [[Roman]] god that bestows good intention to a [[fetus]]

Line 7,204: Line 7,164:
|[[voluptuosus]] {adj}
|[[voluptuosus]] {adj}
| :: [[agreeable]], [[delightful]], [[pleasant]]
| :: [[agreeable]], [[delightful]], [[pleasant]]

|[[Volusenus]] {prop} {m}
| :: a [[Roman]] [[nomen gentile]], [[gens]] or "family name" famously held by:

|[[Volusenus]] {prop} {m}
| :: Gaius Volusenus Quadratus, a Roman military [[officer]]

|[[Volusius]] {prop} {m}
| :: The name of a Roman [[gens]], famously held by:

|[[Volusius]] {prop} {m}
| :: Volusius Venustus (a Roman [[aristocrat]])

Line 7,268: Line 7,244:
|[[volvo]] {v}
|[[volvo]] {v}
| :: I [[roll]], [[tumble]]
| :: I [[roll]], [[tumble]]

|[[Vomanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: One of the most important rivers of [[Picenum]], which flows into the [[Adriatic Sea]] near the city of [[Hadria]], now the river [[Vomano]]

Line 7,332: Line 7,312:
|[[vomo]] {vt}
|[[vomo]] {vt}
| :: I vomit up or forth; discharge, [[emit]]
| :: I vomit up or forth; discharge, [[emit]]

|[[Vop.]] {prop} {m}
| :: abbreviation of [[Vopiscus]]

|[[vopiscus]] {adj}
|[[vopiscus]] {adj}
| :: born [[alive]] after the [[death]] of the other, said of a pair of [[twin]]s
| :: born [[alive]] after the [[death]] of the other, said of a pair of [[twin]]s

|[[Vopiscus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vopiscus]] {prop} {m}
| :: Flavius Vopiscus, a Roman [[historian]]

Line 7,384: Line 7,376:
|[[vorax]] {adj}
|[[vorax]] {adj}
| :: [[voracious|Voracious]]; [[gluttonous]]
| :: [[voracious|Voracious]]; [[gluttonous]]

|[[Vorganium]] {prop} {n}
| :: The chief town of the [[Osismi]] in [[Gallia Lugdunensis]]

|[[Vormatia]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Worms]] (city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)

Line 7,404: Line 7,404:
|[[voro]] {v} [vulgar]
|[[voro]] {v} [vulgar]
| :: I [[fellate]]
| :: I [[fellate]]

|[[Vorogium]] {prop} {n}
| :: A town of [[Aquitania]] situated near the course of the [[Elaver]]

Line 7,492: Line 7,496:
|[[vox]] {f} [grammar]
|[[vox]] {f} [grammar]
| :: [[voice]]; indicating the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses
| :: [[voice]]; indicating the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses

|[[vox Dei]] {f}
| :: [[voice]] of [[God]]

Line 7,512: Line 7,512:
|[[vox clandestina]] {f} [idiomatic]
|[[vox clandestina]] {f} [idiomatic]
| :: a [[whisper]]
| :: a [[whisper]]

|[[vox Dei]] {f}
| :: [[voice]] of [[God]]

Line 7,532: Line 7,536:
|[[vox populi]] {f}
|[[vox populi]] {f}
| :: [[voice]] of the [[people]]
| :: [[voice]] of the [[people]]

|[[vox populi vox Rindvieh]] {proverb}
| :: Semi-German Version of [[vox populi vox bovi]]

Line 7,544: Line 7,544:
|[[vox populi vox dei]] {proverb}
|[[vox populi vox dei]] {proverb}
| :: [[the voice of the people, the voice of God]]
| :: [[the voice of the people, the voice of God]]

|[[vox populi vox Rindvieh]] {proverb}
| :: Semi-German Version of [[vox populi vox bovi]]

|[[Vuissasclavus]] {prop} {m}
| :: given name cognate to [[Višeslav]]

|[[Vulcanalia]] {prop} {np} [historical, Ancient Rome]
| :: A [[festival]] dedicated to the god [[Vulcan]], celebrated on [[August]] 23rd

|[[Vulcanus]] {prop} {m}
| :: The god of [[fire]] and [[metalworking]]

|[[Vulg.]] {prop} {f}
| :: abbreviation of [[Vulgāta]]

Line 7,576: Line 7,596:
|[[vulgariter]] {adv}
|[[vulgariter]] {adv}
| :: [[commonly]], [[vulgarly]], after the [[ordinary]] manner
| :: [[commonly]], [[vulgarly]], after the [[ordinary]] manner

|[[Vulgata]] {prop} {f}
| :: [[Vulgate]] (Latin Bible translation)

Line 7,596: Line 7,620:
|[[vulgatus]] {m}
|[[vulgatus]] {m}
| :: a [[publishing]], [[divulging]], [[broadcasting]]
| :: a [[publishing]], [[divulging]], [[broadcasting]]

|[[Vulgientes]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[pre-Roman]] tribe of [[Gallia Narbonensis]], who lived near the [[Rhône]]

Line 7,720: Line 7,748:
|[[vulpis]] {f}
|[[vulpis]] {f}
| :: alternative form of [[vulpes]] ([[fox]])
| :: alternative form of [[vulpes]] ([[fox]])

|[[Vulso]] {prop} {m}
| :: A Roman [[cognomen]] — famously held by:

|[[Vulso]] {prop} {m}
| :: Publius Manlius Vulso, a Roman [[consul]]

Line 7,748: Line 7,784:
|[[vulturnus]] {m}
|[[vulturnus]] {m}
| :: alternative case form of [[Vulturnus]]
| :: alternative case form of [[Vulturnus]]

|[[Vulturnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A river in [[Campania]], now the [[Volturno]]

|[[Vulturnus]] {adj}
| :: of or belonging to the river which is now the [[Volturno]]; [[Vulturnian]]

|[[Vulturnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: A [[Roman]] [[divinity]], one of the [[Di indigetes]], served by the [[flamen]] [[vulturnalis]]; perhaps the same as [[Vertumnus]]

|[[Vulturnus]] {prop} {m}
| :: The south-east wind or the east wind, depending on the source

|[[Vulturnus]] {prop} {m} [rare]
| :: the [[south-east]], or [[east]] direction, depending on the source

Line 7,768: Line 7,824:
|[[-vus]] {suffix}
|[[-vus]] {suffix}
| :: alternative form of [[-uus]]
| :: alternative form of [[-uus]]

|[[V viratus]] {m}
| :: abbreviation of [[quinquevirātus]]

|[[V. viratus]] {m}
| :: abbreviation of [[quinquevirātus]]

|[[V.viratus]] {m}
| :: abbreviation of [[quinquevirātus]]

Revision as of 00:09, 30 March 2018

v {letter} [sometimes with littera] :: The 20th letter of the Latin alphabet
vacans {v} :: emptying
vacans {v} :: vacating
vacans {v} :: idling
vacatio {f} :: freedom, exemption, immunity (from service)
vacatio {f} :: privilege
vacca {f} :: cow (female cattle)
Vaccaei {prop} {mp} :: A Celtiberian tribe settled on the plains of the central Duero valley
vaccinatus {adj} :: cow (attributive)
vaccinatus {adj} :: vaccination (attributive)
vaccinium {n} :: the bilberry, blueberry, whortleberry
vaccinus {adj} :: of or derived from a cow; cow- (attributive)
vaccula {f} :: heifer (or small cow)
vacefio {v} :: I am emptied or vacated
vacerra {f} :: log, stock, post
vacerra {f} :: stupid person
vacerrosus {adj} :: mad, crazed, demented
vacillandus {v} :: which is to be wavered
vacillans {v} :: swaying
vacillans {v} :: staggering, tottering
vacillans {v} :: wavering, hesitating
vacillans {v} :: vacillating
vacillatio {f} :: rocking to and fro
vacillaturus {v} :: about to waver
vacillatus {v} :: wavered
vacillo {v} :: I sway to and fro
vacillo {v} :: I stagger, reel, totter
vacillo {v} :: I waver, hesitate
vacillo {v} :: I vacillate
vacive {adv} :: leisurely
vacivitas {f} :: emptiness
vacivitas {f} :: lack, want
vacivus {adj} [ante-Classical, governs the genitive] :: empty, void
vaco {v} :: I am empty, void
vaco {v} :: I am unoccupied, vacant
vaco {v} :: I am idle, at leisure
vaco {v} :: I am free to attend, have time, am not under other obligation
Vacua {prop} {f} :: A river of Lusitania, now called Vouga
vacuefacio {v} :: I empty, evacuate
vacuefactus {v} :: emptied, evacuated
vacuitas {f} :: empty space, vacancy, vacuity
Vacuna {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: The goddess of rural leisure, worshipped by the Sabines
vacuolatus {adj} [New Latin] :: vacuolated
vacuus {adj} :: empty, vacant, unoccupied
vacuus {adj} :: devoid or free of, without
vacuus {adj} :: [of time] free, unoccupied
vademecum {noun} :: guide
vadens {v} :: going, rushing
vadimonium {n} :: a promise secured by bail
vadimonium {n} [figuratively] :: an appointment
vado {v} :: I go, walk, rush
vado {v} :: I ford, wade through
vador {v} :: To put under bail to appear in court
vador {v} [in passive constructions] :: to bind, pledge, or obligate to do something in general
vadosus {adj} :: full of shallows
vadum {n} :: A shallow, ford, shoal
vadum {n} :: A body of water; sea, stream
vadum {n} :: The bottom of a body of water
vae {interj} :: woe, alas
vaecordissimus {adj} :: alternative form of vecordissimus
vaecors {adj} :: alternative form of vecors
vaesanus {adj} :: alternative form of vesanus
vafer {adj} :: sly, cunning, crafty, artful
vaframentum {n} :: trick, quirk, artifice
vafre {adv} :: slyly, craftily
vafritia {f} :: craftiness, cunning, artfulness
Vaga {prop} {f} :: A town of Numidia, now Béja
vagabundus {adj} [Late Latin] :: strolling about
vagandus {v} :: which is to be rambled
vagans {v} :: rambling
vagatio {f} :: strolling about, wandering, roaming
vagaturus {v} :: about to ramble
vagatus {v} :: rambled, wandered, having been strolled
Vagellius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vagellius {prop} {m} :: Lucius Vagellius, a Roman consul
Vagienni {prop} {mp} :: A Ligurian tribe who inhabited a region north of the Maritime Alps
vagiens {v} :: wailing
vagina {f} :: sheath, scabbard
vagina {f} :: covering, sheath, holder of any thing
vagina {f} :: sheath of an ear of grain, etc., the hull, husk
vagina {f} :: female vagina
vagina {f} :: sheath of a claw, in cats
vaginalis {adj} [New Latin] :: vaginal
vagio {v} :: I wail (in distress)
vagitus {m} :: crying, wailing
vago {v} :: I wander
vagor {v} :: I ramble, wander, stroll about
vagor {v} :: I waver, am unsettled
vagor {m} :: a sound, sounding
Vagoritum {prop} {n} :: The chief town of the Arvii in Gallia Lugdunensis
vagulus {adj} :: diminutive of vagus
vagus {adj} :: wandering, rambling, strolling
vagus {adj} [figuratively] :: uncertain, vague
Val. {mp} :: abbreviation of Valentīniānī
Valdasus {prop} {m} :: A river of Pannonia, now called Bosna
valde {adv} :: very, very much, exceedingly
valde {adv} :: strongly, vigorously, intensely
valdissime {adv} :: superlative of valde
valdius {adv} :: comparative of valde
vale {interj} :: Goodbye, farewell
valedicendus {v} :: which is to be bidden farewell
valedicendus {v} :: which is to be given a valediction
valedicens {v} :: bidding farewell
valedicens {v} :: giving a valediction
valedico {v} :: I bid farewell
valedico {v} :: I give a valediction
valedicturus {v} :: about to bid farewell
valedicturus {v} :: about to give a valediction
valedictus {v} :: bidden farewell, having been bidden farewell
valedictus {v} :: given a valediction, having been given a valediction
valefaciens {v} :: saying farewell
valefacio {v} :: I say farewell
valens {v} :: strong, vigorous, healthy
Valent. {mp} :: abbreviation of Valentīniānī
valenter {adv} :: strongly, forcefully, powerfully, vigorously, sturdily
valentia {f} :: vigour, bodily strength
Valentia {prop} {f} :: The name of several settlements in the Roman world, including:
Valentia {prop} {f} :: Valencia (city in modern Spain)
Valentia {prop} {f} :: Valence (city in modern France)
valentianus {adj} :: Valencian
Valentiniani {mp} :: disciples of the early Christian gnostic theologian Valentinus, Valentinians
valentior {adj} :: stronger, healthier, more vigorous
valentissime {adv} :: superlative of valenter
valentissimus {adj} :: strongest, healthiest
valentius {adv} :: comparative of valenter
valeo {v} :: I am strong
valeo {v} :: I am well, healthy
valeo {v} :: I am worth
valeo {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin, Medieval Latin] :: I can; I prevail
valeo {v} [New Latin, rare] :: I leave; I go away
Valerius {prop} {m} :: Name of a patrician Roman gens
valesco {v} :: I grow strong, acquire strength
valete {interj} :: goodbye, farewell
valetudinarius {adj} :: sickly, weak, infirm
valetudo {f} :: state of health (usually bad unless deliberately expressed otherwise)
valetudo {f} :: illness
Valgius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Valgius {prop} {m} :: Valgius Rufus, a Roman poet and rhetorician
valgus {adj} :: knock-kneed
valgus {adj} :: not straight, shoddy
validicornis {adj} :: strong-horned
validior {adj} :: stronger
validior {adj} :: healthier
validior {adj} :: worthier
validissimus {adj} :: strongest
validissimus {adj} :: healthiest
validissimus {adj} :: worthiest
validus {adj} :: strong
validus {adj} :: healthy, well
validus {adj} :: worthy
validus {adj} :: valid
valitudo {f} :: alternative form of valetudo
valiturus {v} :: about to strengthen
vallatus {v} :: surrounded or fortified with a rampart or palisade
valles {f} :: alternative form of vallis
vallettus {m} [Medieval Latin] :: squire, armiger, scutifer
vallettus {m} [Medieval Latin] :: servant
vallettus {m} [Medieval Latin] :: valet
vallicula {f} :: glen, dell (little valley)
vallis {f} :: valley, vale
vallis {f} [by extension] :: hollow
vallo {v} :: I surround or fortify with a rampart or palisade
Vallonia {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: The goddess of valleys
vallonicus {adj} :: Walloon
vallum {n} :: wall, rampart, entrenchment
vallus {m} :: palisade
vallus {m} :: stake, pole
valor {m} :: value
valva {f} :: double or folding door (in plural)
valva {f} :: one leaf of such doors
valvulæ {noun} :: alternative typography of valvulae
Vamacures {prop} {m} :: A tribe of Africa mentioned by Pliny
vanadium {n} [New Latin] :: vanadium
vancouverensis {adj} [New Latin] :: Vancouver (attributive)
vandalicus {adj} :: Vandalic
vandalismus {m} [New Latin] :: vandalism
vanesco {v} :: I vanish
vanga {f} :: a spade with a crossbar for applying the foot
Vangio {prop} {m} :: A king of the Suebi and nephew of Vannius
Vangiones {prop} {m} :: A Germanic tribe of Gallia Belgica, which dwelt on the Rhine
vaniloquium {n} :: idle talk
vanissimus {adj} :: vainest, emptiest, very empty
vanissimus {adj} :: boastful, proud, etc
vanitas {f} :: emptiness, nothingness
vanitas {f} :: falsity, falsehood, deception, untruth, untrustworthiness, fickleness
vanitas {f} :: vanity, vainglory
vanitudo {f} :: emptiness, nothingness, vainglory, vanity
Vannius {prop} {m} :: A chief of the Quadi
vanno {v} :: I fan, winnow
vannus {f} :: a winnowing basket
vanus {adj} :: vain, empty, vacant, void
vanus {adj} :: unsubstantial
vanus {adj} [figuratively] :: groundless, baseless, meaningless
vanus {adj} :: ostentatious, boastful
vanus {adj} :: deceptive, untrustworthy
vapidus {adj} :: that has emitted steam or vapor (i.e. its "spirit")
vapidus {adj} [of wine, etc.] :: flat or vapid; that has lost its freshness
Vapincum {prop} {n} :: a city of Gallia Narbonensis, now Gap
vapor {m} :: steam, exhalation, vapour; smoke
vapor {m} :: warm exhalation, warmth, heat
vapor {m} :: ardour of love, warmth
vaporarium {n} :: steam pipe (which conveyed heat to the sweating room in Roman baths)
vaporo {v} :: I steam, reek
vaporo {v} :: I smoke, fumigate
vappa {f} :: flat wine (wine that is almost vinegar)
vappa {f} [figuratively, by extension] :: worthless person, fop
vappo {m} :: a moth, butterfly
vapulo {vi} :: I am flogged or beaten
vara {f} :: fork, forked branch
vara {f} :: tripod, easel
Varagri {prop} {mp} :: An Alpine tribe mentioned by Pliny
Varamus {prop} {m} :: A river of Venetia which flows into the Anaxum, now the river Varmo
Varciani {prop} {mp} :: A tribe of Pannonia mentioned by Pliny and Ptolemy
Vardaei {prop} {mp} :: An Illyrian tribe settled on the Adriatic coast of the Balkans
Varduli {prop} {mp} :: A tribe of Hispania Tarraconensis who dwelt westward of the Vascones
vargus {m} :: A bandit, scoundrel, vagrant
Varia {prop} {f} :: A town of the Sabines situated in the valley of the Anio, now Vicovaro
variabilis {adj} :: variable, changeable
variandus {v} :: which is to be diversified; variegated
varians {v} :: diversifying; variegating
varians {v} :: varying, fluctuating
variatio {f} :: difference, divergence, variation
variaturus {v} :: about to diversify; variegate
variatus {v} :: diversified, variegated, transformed etc
varico {v} :: I straddle
varicolor {adj} :: varicoloured
varicus {adj} :: with feet spread apart, straddling
variegandus {v} :: which is to be variegated
variegans {v} :: variegating
variegatio {f} :: variegation
variegaturus {v} :: about to variegate
variegatus {v} :: variegated
variego {v} :: I variegate
variego {v} :: I am variegated
varietas {f} :: difference, diversity, variety
Varini {prop} {mp} :: A German tribe mentioned by Pliny
Varinius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Varinius {prop} {m} :: Publius Varinius, a Roman praetor
vario {vt} :: I diversify, variegate, change, transform, make different or various, alter, vary, interchange
vario {vi} :: I am diversified or variegated; I waver, change, alter, vary
variola {noun} :: an infectious disease causing pustules; pox
variolosus {adj} [New Latin] :: variegated
varipes {adj} :: having different types of feet or legs
varius {adj} :: diverse, different, various, variegated
varix {mf} [medicine] :: a varicose vein
varo {m} :: a stupid, boorish fellow; clodpate
varro {m} :: alternative spelling of vārō
Varro {prop} {m} :: a Roman cognomen of the gens Terentia
Varsovia {prop} :: Warsaw
varulus {m} :: stye (in the eye)
varus {adj} :: bent outwards
varus {adj} :: bandy, bow-legged
varus {m} :: eruption on the face, blotch, pimple
Varus {prop} {m} :: A river of Gallia Narbonensis which flows into the Mediterranean Sea near Nicaea, now the Var
Varus {prop} {m} :: A cognomen in the gens Quintilia
vas {n} :: vessel, dish
vas {n} :: vase
vas {n} :: utensil, instrument
vas {n} [in the plural] :: equipment, apparatus
vas {m} :: bail, surety
Vasalaetus {prop} {m} :: A mountain of Africa
vascellum {n} [Late Latin] :: a small vase or urn
vasco {m} :: Vascon
Vascones {prop} {mp} :: A pre-Roman tribe who inhabited a region in the northeastern part of Hispania Tarraconensis, between the Iberus and the Pyrenees and stretching as far as the northern coast, in the present Navarre
Vasconia {prop} {f} :: land of the Vascones
Vasconia {prop} {f} :: the Basque Country
vasconicus {adj} :: Basque
vascularius {m} :: A maker of metal pots etc
vasculosus {adj} :: highly vascular; full of veins
vasculum {n} :: A small vessel or container
vasculum {n} :: A small beehive
vasculum {n} [by extension] :: A seed-capsule or seed-vessel
vasculum {n} [by extension] :: The calyx of a fruit
vascus {adj} :: crosswise, askew
Vasio {prop} {m} :: The chief town of the Vocontii in Gallia Narbonensis, now Vaison
vas muliebre {n} :: a woman’s vagina
vassallus {m} :: vassal
vassallus {m} :: servant
Vassei {prop} {mp} :: A tribe of Aquitania mentioned by Pliny
vastabundus {adj} :: wasting, desolating, devastating
vastandus {v} :: which is to be devastated
vastans {v} :: devastating, ravaging
vastatio {f} :: desolating, ravaging, devastation
vastator {m} :: destroyer (person), ravager
vastatorius {adj} :: wasting, ravaging, devastating
vastatrix {f} :: destroyer, ravager (female)
vastaturus {v} :: about to devastate
vastatus {v} :: devastated, ravaged
vastior {adj} :: emptier
vastior {adj} :: more deserted
vastior {adj} :: vaster
vastissimus {adj} :: emptiest, very empty or deserted
vastissimus {adj} :: vastest, very vast
vastitas {f} :: waste (empty place), desert
vastitas {f} :: desolation, devastation, ruin, destruction
vastitas {f} :: immensity, vastness
vastitudo {f} :: ruin, destruction
vastitudo {f} :: fearful size, hugeness, immensity, largeness
vasto {v} :: I devastate, ravage or lay waste
vastus {adj} :: empty, unoccupied
vastus {adj} :: wasted, deserted
vastus {adj} :: vast, immense
vasum {n} :: dish, vessel
vasum {n} :: vase
vasum {n} :: utensil
vasum {n} :: tool
vates {m} :: seer, soothsayer, prophet
vates {m} :: poet, poetess
vates {m} :: oracle
Vatia {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Vatia {prop} {m} :: Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus, a Roman general
vaticanus {adj} :: Vatican (relating to the Vatican)
Vaticanus {m} :: The Vatican, the Vatican Hill
Vaticanus {m} :: The official residence of the Pope within Vatican City
Vaticanus {m} :: The papal government; the papacy
vaticinans {v} :: prophesying, foretelling
vaticinatio {f} :: prophecy, prediction
vaticinatus {v} :: prophesied, foretold
vaticinium {n} :: prediction, prophesy
vaticinius {adj} :: prophetic, vaticinal
vaticinor {v} :: I prophesy, foretell
vaticinor {v} [figuratively] :: I sing, celebrate (as a poet)
vaticinor {v} [figuratively] :: I rave, rant, spout foolishness
vatillum {n} :: shovel
Vatinius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vatinius {prop} {m} :: Publius Vatinius, a Roman statesman
vatius {adj} :: bent outwards
vatius {adj} :: bow-legged
vatrax {adj} :: with crooked feet
Vatrenus {prop} {m} :: A river of Gallia Cisalpina that flows into the Padus, now called Santerno
vavato {m} :: A puppet, marionette
-ve {conj} [always enclitic] :: or, leaving the choice free between two things or among several
-ve {conj} [especially in negative sentences or questions implying a negative sentence] :: and, with the same meaning as -que
-ve {conj} [poetic, repeated or with correlative part] :: either...or
ve- {prefix} :: Used to indicate a fault of excess or deficiency, too much, too little
Veamini {prop} {mp} :: An Alpine tribe mentioned by Pliny
veclus {adj} [Vulgar Latin] :: elderly or old
vecordissimus {adj} :: maddest, most or very insane
vecors {adj} :: mad, insane
Vecta {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Vectis
vectensis {adj} :: Isle of Wight (attributive)
vectigal {n} :: tax, tribute, revenue
vectigal {n} :: (figurative) windfall, profit
vectigalior {adj} :: that yields more taxes
vectigalis {adj} :: tax (attributive)
vectigalis {adj} :: subject to tax
vectis {m} :: A strong pole or bar used for leverage; lever; crowbar; handspike
vectis {m} :: A carrying-pole
vectis {m} :: A bar or bolt (for fastening a door)
Vectis {prop} {f} :: the Isle of Wight (an island off the south coast of Britannia, separated from the mainland by a narrow strait called the Solent)
vecto {v} :: I bear, carry, convey
vector {m} :: bearer, carrier
vector {m} :: passenger
vectorius {adj} :: transport, carrying (attributive)
vecturus {v} :: about to carry
vectus {v} :: carried
Vediantii {prop} {mp} :: A Ligurian tribe, who dwelt at the foot of the Maritime Alps
Vediovis {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Vēiovis
Vedius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vedius {prop} {m} :: Publius Vedius Pollio, a Roman eques famous for his cruelty to his slaves
Vedra {prop} {f} :: A river of Britannia, maybe the Wear
vegeiia {f} :: A kind of light boat
vegeo {vt} :: I move, excite, quicken, arouse
vegeo {vi} :: I am lively or active
vegetabilis {adj} :: animating, enlivening, vivifying
vegetabilis {adj} :: able to produce and support growth, vegetative
vegetandus {v} :: which is to be invigorated
vegetans {v} :: invigorating
vegetatio {f} :: enlivening, quickening, excitement
vegetatio {f} :: vegetation
vegetaturus {v} :: about to invigorate
vegetatus {v} :: invigorated
Vegetius {prop} {m} :: A male cognomen — famously held by:
Vegetius {prop} {m} :: Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus (fl. late 4th C.), Late Latin writer on military matters and veterinary medicine
vegeto {v} :: I arouse, enliven, quicken, animate, invigorate
vegetus {adj} :: enlivened, lively, animated, vigorous, active, brisk, sprightly
Vegium {prop} {n} :: a town of Liburnia, whose ruins are situated near the modern town of Karlobag
veglio {m} :: alternative form of veglō
veglo {m} [Medieval Latin] :: an old man
veglonus {m} :: alternative form of veglō
vegrandis {adj} :: not very large; little, small, diminutive, puny
vehemens {adj} :: very eager; impetuous, ardent, furious
vehemens {adj} :: vehement
vehemens {adj} :: emphatic
vehementer {adv} :: violently, forcefully, strongly, loudly
vehementer {adv} :: exceedingly, very much
vehementer {adv} :: impetuously
vehementior {adj} :: more furious, vehement, or emphatic
vehementissime {adv} :: superlative of vehementer
vehementissimus {adj} :: most or very furious, vehement or emphatic
vehendus {v} :: which is to be carried
vehens {v} :: carrying
vehiculum {n} :: A means of transport; vehicle, conveyance, carriage; wagon, cart; ship
vehiculum {n} :: An agricultural implement for cutting down grain; reaping-machine
veho {v} :: I carry, bear, convey, transport
veho {v} [passive] :: I ride; I am borne
Veii {prop} {mp} :: Veii (ancient Etruscan city in Italy)
Veiovis {prop} {m} [religion] :: Vejovis, an ancient Roman deity considered to be an underworld counterpart of Jupiter, Little Jupiter, Anti-Jove
vel {conj} :: or; and/or
vel {conj} :: even
vela {f} :: Gallic synonym of īriō
velamen {n} :: cover, covering
velamen {n} :: clothing, robe, garment
velamen {n} :: veil
velamentum {n} :: covering
velamentum {n} :: screen
Velanius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Velanius {prop} {m} :: Quintus Velanius, a Roman tribune
velans {v} :: covering, wrapping, veiling
velans {v} :: concealing
velarium {n} :: awning
velarium {n} :: covering (over a theatre)
velatus {v} :: covered, wrapped, veiled
velatus {v} :: concealed
Velauni {prop} {mp} :: An Alpine tribe mentioned by Pliny
Veldidena {prop} {f} :: a town of Raetia, situated on the southern bank of the river Aenus on the road from Tridentum to Augusta Vindelicorum, now Wilten
Veleia {prop} {f} :: a town in Liguria, situated on the frontiers of Gallia Cisalpina
veles {m} :: Skirmisher, javelineer, light-armed footsoldier
Velia {prop} {f} :: a Greek colony, situated on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea between Paestum and Buxentum
velifer {adj} [nautical] :: sail-bearing
velificans {v} :: veil-wielding
velificatio {f} [nautical] :: sailing
velificor {v} [nautical] :: I A make sail, spread sail, set sail
velificor {v} :: I direct my effort towards
velificor {v} :: I wield the (billowing) veil
veliger {adj} :: sail-bearing, covered with sails
Velinus {prop} {m} :: The river Velino
Velinus {prop} {m} :: A lake in the Sabine territories, between Reate and Interamnum
Velinus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Velia, Velian
Veliocasses {prop} {m} :: A Celtic tribe of Gallia Lugdunensis, whose chief town was Rotomagus
velitatio {f} :: skirmishing (especially with words), bickering, wrangling
velitor {v} :: I attack
Velitrae {prop} {fp} :: A city of Latium, situated on the southern slope of the Alban hills, now Velletri
Velius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Velius {prop} {m} :: Velius Longus, a Roman grammarian
Vellates {prop} {m} :: A Celtic tribe of Aquitania mentioned by Pliny
vellatura {f} :: a carrying, conveyance
Velleius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Velleius {prop} {m} :: Marcus Velleius Paterculus, a Roman historian
Velleius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Velleia
vellens {v} :: plucking out
vellens {v} :: depilating
vellens {v} :: demolishing
vellereus {adj} :: made of wool
vellicans {v} :: plucking, twitching, pinching, nipping
vellico {v} :: I pluck, twitch, pinch, nip
vellico {v} :: I suck (of bees)
vello {v} :: I pluck out (feathers etc)
vello {v} :: I depilate
vello {v} :: I pull or tear down; I demolish
vellus {n} :: The wool shorn from a sheep; fleece; wool
vellus {n} :: The hide or pelt of an animal
velo {v} :: I cover, wrap, veil
velo {v} [figuratively] :: I conceal, cover
velocior {adj} :: swifter, quicker
velocissime {adv} :: superlative of vēlōciter
velocissimus {adj} :: swiftest, most or very speedy etc
velocitas {f} :: speed, velocity, swiftness, rapidity, fleetness
velociter {adv} :: swiftly, rapidly
velociter {adv} :: quickly
velocius {adv} :: comparative of vēlōciter
velox {adj} :: swift, quick, fleet, rapid, speedy
velum {n} :: the sail of a ship
velum {n} :: a cloth, curtain, veil, awning
velut {adv} :: even as, as, just as, like, as if
veluti {adv} :: alternative form of velut
velutinus {adj} :: velvety
velutinus {adj} :: velutinous
vemens {adj} :: alternative form of vehemēns
vena {f} [anatomy] :: A vein, blood vessel
vena {f} :: An artery
vena {f} :: Of things that resemble a veinvein of metal, a water course
vena {f} :: natural quality of something
vena {f} :: disposition
venabulum {n} :: hunting-spear
Venafrum {prop} {n} :: An inland city of Campania situated in the upper valley of the Vulturnus, now Venafro
venalicius {adj} :: for sale
venalis {adj} :: for sale
venalis {adj} :: venal
Venami {prop} {mp} :: A tribe of Aquitania mentioned by Pliny
venans {v} :: hunting, pursuing
venaticus {adj} :: of hunting, especially canis venaticus "hunting dog"
venatilis {adj} :: springing from a vein
venatio {f} :: hunting, the chase, venery
venatio {f} :: hunt
venator {m} :: hunter
venatrix {f} :: huntress
venaturus {v} :: about to hunt
venatus {v} :: hunted
venatus {v} :: pursued
venatus {m} :: hunting, hunt
vendendus {v} :: which is to be sold
vendens {v} :: selling, vending
vendibilis {adj} :: sellable, saleable
venditio {f} :: selling, vending (act of); sale
vendito {v} :: I offer for sale
vendito {v} :: I pay court to
venditor {m} :: seller, vendor
venditor {m} :: one who sells for bribes and corrupt payments
venditurus {v} :: about to sell
venditus {v} :: sold
vendo {v} :: I sell, vend
vendundus {v} :: alternative form of vendendus
Venedi {prop} {mp} :: A tribe of Sarmatia who dwelt along the course of the river Vistula
venedicus {adj} :: Wenedyk
venefica {f} :: a sorceress, witch
veneficium {n} :: an instance of poisoning; poisonous substance
veneficium {n} :: the preparation of magic potions; sorcery, witchcraft, magic,magic potion
veneficus {adj} :: poisonous
veneficus {adj} :: sorcerous, magic, magical
veneficus {m} :: poisoner
veneficus {m} :: sorcerer, wizard
venenatus {adj} :: venomous, poisonous
venenatus {adj} :: poisoned
venenatus {adj} :: enchanted, bewitched
venenifer {adj} :: containing poison
veneno {v} :: I poison, imbue or infect with poison; I injure by slander
veneno {v} :: I color; dye
venenosus {adj} :: very poisonous
venenum {n} :: a potion, juice
venenum {n} :: poison, venom
veneo {v} :: I am sold (as a slave)
venerabilis {adj} :: venerable, august
venerabundus {adj} :: venerating, revering, reverential
venerandus {v} :: which is to be venerated
venerans {v} :: worshipping
veneratio {f} :: reverence, veneration
veneratio {f} :: worship
veneraturus {v} :: about to worship
veneratus {v} :: worshipped, adored, revered, venerated
venerealis {adj} :: venereal
Venerivagus {adj} :: vagabond in love
Venerivagus {adj} :: libidinous, dissolute
venero {v} :: alternative form of veneror
veneror {v} :: I worship, adore, revere, venerate
veneror {v} :: I pay (my) respects
Venetia {prop} {f} :: the country of the Veneti
Venetia {prop} {f} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: Venice
veneticus {adj} :: Venetic
Venetiola {prop} {f} :: Venezuela
venetus {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Veneti; Venetian
venetus {adj} :: blue, blue-green, sea-blue
venetus {adj} [substantive] :: a racing faction or team of the Roman circus, clothed in blue; the Blue faction
venezuelanus {adj} :: Venezuelan
venezuelensis {adj} [New Latin] :: Venezuelan
venia {f} :: indulgence, kindness
venia {f} :: mercy, grace, favour
venia {f} :: pardon
venia {f} :: forgiveness
venialis {adj} [Late Latin] :: gracious
venialis {adj} [Late Latin] :: pardonable, venial
veniendus {v} :: which is to come
veniens {v} :: coming
veniens {v} :: approaching
venilia {f} :: The water of a wave that washes the beach
Venilia {prop} {f} [Roman mythology] :: The name of several sea nymphs
venio {vi} :: I come
venio {vi} :: I approach
veniundus {v} :: alternative form of veniendus
veni, vidi, vici {phrase} :: I came, I saw, I conquered
Vennones {prop} {m} :: A tribe who dwelt in Raetia, in the valley of the Athesis
venor {v} :: I hunt, chase, pursue
venor {v} [figuratively, mostly poetically] :: I hunt or seek after, pursue a thing
Venostes {prop} {m} :: A tribe of the Alps
venosus {adj} :: full of veins, venous
venosus {adj} :: dry, meagre
Venox {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen, famously held by:
Venox {prop} {m} :: Gaius Plautius Venox, a Roman consul
Venta {prop} {f} [geography] :: The name of several towns of Britannia
Venta Belgarum {prop} {f} :: A town of Britannia, now Winchester
Venta Icenorum {prop} {f} :: A town of Britannia situated near Norwich
Venta Silurum {prop} {f} :: A town of Britannia, now Caerwent
venter {m} [anatomy] :: belly, abdomen
venter {m} [anatomy] :: body, trunk
venter {m} [anatomy] :: stomach
venter {m} [anatomy] :: womb
venter {m} :: unborn offspring, especially son
venter {m} :: sensual lust
venter {m} :: gluttony
Ventidius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Ventidius {prop} {m} :: Ventidius Cumanus, a Roman procurator
ventilabrum {n} :: winnowing fork or shovel
ventilabundus {adj} :: swinging to and fro, wavering
ventilans {v} :: brandishing
ventilans {v} :: ventilating
ventilans {v} :: winnowing, fanning
ventilatio {f} :: airing
ventilatio {f} :: ventilation
ventilator {m} :: winnower
ventilatus {v} :: brandished
ventilatus {v} :: ventilated
ventilatus {v} :: winnowed, fanned
ventilo {v} :: I toss, swing, brandish in the air
ventilo {v} :: I expose to a draught
ventilo {v} :: I winnow, fan
ventilo {v} [figuratively] :: I incite
ventio {f} :: The act of coming
Ventipo {prop} {f} :: A city in Hispania Baetica
ventito {v} :: I am wont to come, come often, keep coming, resort
vento {vi} :: I am wont to come, come often, keep coming, resort
Vento {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Vento {prop} {m} :: Marcus Perperna Vento, a Roman general
ventosus {adj} :: windy
ventralis {adj} :: ventral; of or pertaining to the belly
ventricosus {adj} [New Latin] :: ventricose
ventriculus {m} :: belly
ventriculus {m} :: stomach
ventriculus {m} :: ventricle
ventriosus {adj} :: having a large belly
ventulus {m} :: a slight wind, breeze
venturus {v} :: about to come
venturus {v} :: about to approach
ventus {m} :: a wind
ventus {v} :: having come
ventus {m} :: arrival
ventus solaris {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
Venuleius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Venuleius {prop} {m} :: Lucius Venuleius Apronianus Octavius Priscus, a Roman senator
venum {m} :: something for sale, something to sell
venumdandus {v} :: which is to be sold
venumdans {v} :: selling
venumdaturus {v} :: about to sell
venumdatus {v} :: sold
venumdo {v} :: I sell
venumdo {v} :: I offer for sale
venundatus {v} :: sold
venundatus {v} :: for sale
venundo {v} :: I sell
venundo {v} :: I offer for sale
venus {m} :: sale, purchase
Venus {prop} {f} :: Venus, Roman goddess of natural productivity
Venus {prop} {f} :: Venus, the second planet in our solar system
Venusia {prop} {f} :: Venosa (town in Italy)
venustandus {v} :: which is to be beautified
venustans {v} :: beautifying
venustas {f} :: loveliness, comeliness, charm, grace, beauty, elegance, attractiveness
venustaturus {v} :: about to beautify
venustatus {v} :: beautified
venustior {adj} :: more beautiful
venustissimus {adj} :: most or very charming etc
venusto {v} :: I beautify
venustus {adj} :: charming, friendly, lovely, pleasing, comely, beautiful, elegant
venustus {adj} [of style] :: artistic, elegant
venustus {adj} [figuratively] :: affable, elegant, charming
vepallidus {adj} :: very pale, very pallid
veprecula {f} :: small thorn or brier bush
vepres {m} :: bramble, thornbush
vepres {m} :: briar bush
vepris {f} :: brier (thorn bush), bramble
ver {n} :: spring [season]
veraciter {adv} :: truly, truthfully
veraciter {adv} :: really
Veragri {prop} {mp} :: A tribe of Gallia Narbonensis
Veranius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by:
Veranius {prop} {m} :: Quintus Veranius Nepos, a Roman general
verax {adj} :: truthful
verba facit emortuo {phrase} :: He or she speaks to the dead (i.e. He or she does something to no avail or in vain)
verbalis {adj} [Late Latin] :: wordy, verbal
Verbanus {prop} {m} :: Lake Maggiore
verbascum {n} :: The mullein
verbatim {adv} :: verbatim, word for word
verbena {f} :: foliage, especially that of olive, myrtle etc having religious and medicinal uses
verber {n} :: lash, whip, scourge, rod
verberabundus {adj} :: whipping, flogging
verberandus {v} :: which is to be lashed
verberans {v} :: lashing, scourging, whipping, beating
verberaturus {v} :: about to lash
verberatus {v} :: lashed
verbero {v} :: I lash, scourge, whip, beat
verbero {f} :: scoundrel, rascal (worthy of being whipped)
Verbinum {prop} {n} :: A town of Gallia Belgica, now Vervins
verbosior {adj} :: wordier, more verbose
verbosus {adj} :: wordy, verbose, prolix
verbum {n} :: word
verbum {n} :: proverb
verbum {n} [grammar] :: verb
Vercellae {prop} {fp} :: A town of the Gallia Cisalpina situated on the right bank of the Sessites, now Vercelli
vere {adv} :: truly, verily
Vereasueca {prop} {f} :: a small coastal town of the Cantabri in Hispania Tarraconensis
verecundia {f} :: knowing one's place, regarded as a virtue; coyness, modesty
verecundia {f} :: shame, awe
verecundior {adj} :: more shamefaced, bashful, shy or modest
verecundus {adj} :: feeling shame, shamefaced, bashful, shy, modest
verecundus {adj} [by extension] :: worthy of reverence, venerable
veredarius {m} :: A post boy, courier
veredus {m} :: A fast or light breed of horse; courier's horse; hunter
verendus {adj} :: awesome, awe-inspiring
verens {v} :: fearing
vereor {v} :: I have respect for, revere, stand in awe
vereor {v} :: I am afraid, fear; dread
veretrum {n} :: (male) genitalia; penis
Veretum {prop} {n} :: A town of the Salentini in Calabria, situated near Uxentum
Vergellus {prop} {m} :: A small rivulet of Apulia mentioned by Florus and passing through Cannae
vergens {v} :: bending, turning, inclining
Vergentum {prop} {n} :: A city of Hispania Baetica, now Gelves
Vergilius {prop} {m} :: The poet Publius Vergilius Maro, known in English as Virgil
vergivius {adj} [geography] :: of or pertaining to the Celtic Sea and the Irish Sea
vergo {vt} :: I bend, turn, incline
vergo {vi} :: I bend, turn, verge, slope down
vergo {vi} :: I am situated, lie
Vergunni {prop} {mp} :: An Alpine tribe mentioned by Pliny
vericulum {n} :: a small pointed rod
verificandus {v} :: which is to be verified
verificans {v} :: verifying
verificatio {f} :: verification
verificaturus {v} :: about to verify
verificatus {v} :: verified
verifico {v} :: I verify (confirm the truth)
verior {adj} :: truer, more real etc
verisimilis {adj} :: apparently true
verisimiliter {adv} :: likely, probably, plausibly, credibly
verisimilitudo {f} :: true likeness; verisimilitude
verisimillimus {adj} :: having the most appearance of truth
verissime {adv} :: superlative of vēre
verissimus {adj} :: truest, realest etc
veritas {f} :: truth
veriturus {v} :: About to fear, about to revere
veritus {v} :: respected, revered
veritus {v} :: feared, dreaded
verius {adv} :: comparative of vēre
veriverbium {noun} :: truthfulness, veracity (a telling of the truth)
vermicularis {adj} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet of many taxonomic species names
vermiculate {adv} :: in a vermiculated manner
vermiculatus {adj} :: wormy, worm-eaten
vermiculor {v} :: I am wormy, worm-eaten
vermiculus {m} :: grub, larva
vermiferus {adj} :: vermiferous
vermiformis {adj} :: vermiform
Vermina {prop} {m} :: A king of the Numidia and son of Syphax
verminosus {adj} :: full of worms
vermis {m} :: a worm
verna {m} :: a slave born in her/his master's house, a homeborn slave
vernaculus {adj} :: native, domestic, indigenous, vernacular (originally of slaves)
vernalis {adj} :: spring (the season, attributive); vernal
vernatio {f} :: The sloughing or shedding of the skin of snakes
vernatio {f} :: The slough cast off by a snake
vernix {m} [Medieval Latin] :: varnish
vernix {m} [Medieval Latin] :: resin
vernus {adj} :: spring (attributive), vernal
vero {adv} :: verily, truly, really, in truth
vero {adv} :: in particular, specifically
vero {adv} :: (as a postpositive) but
vero {v} [archaic] :: I tell the truth
Veromandui {prop} {mp} :: A tribe of Gallia Belgica, whose capital was Augusta Veromanduorum
Verona {prop} {f} :: Verona (a city in Transpadane Gaul, the birthplace of the poet Catullus and of Pliny the Elder)
verpa {f} [vulgar] :: a penis, a dick
verpus {adj} [vulgar, of a penis] :: erect
verpus {adj} [of a person or a penis] :: circumcised
verpus {m} :: A circumcised person, a Jew
verrendus {v} :: which is to be skimmed, which is to be swept, which is to be passed over
verrendus {v} :: which is to be covered, which is to be concealed
verrens {v} :: trailing, scraping, sweeping
verres {m} :: boar, male swine
Verrius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Verrius {prop} {m} :: Verrius Flaccus, a Roman grammarian
verro {v} :: I scrape, sweep out or up, brush, scour, clean out
verro {v} :: I sweep along, drive, impel
verro {v} :: I sweep away, carry off, take away
verro {v} :: I cover, hide, conceal
verruca {f} :: a steep place, height
verruca {f} :: A wart on the human body
verruca {f} :: An excrescence on precious stones
Verrucini {prop} {mp} :: A Gaulish tribe of Gallia Narbonensis
verrucosus {adj} :: warty
verrucosus {adj} :: rough, rugged
versabundus {adj} :: turning around, revolving
Versaliae {prop} {fp} :: Versailles
versandus {v} :: which is to be turned, twisted
versans {v} :: turning, twisting
versatilis {adj} :: that turns or moves around, revolving, movable
versatilis {adj} [figuratively] :: versatile
versatio {f} :: turning (around)
versatio {f} :: change, alteration, mutation
versaturus {v} :: about to turn, twist
versatus {v} :: turned
versatus {v} :: experienced, skilled, versed
versicolor {adj} :: particoloured; of various colours; that changes its colour
versiculus {m} :: short verse, single line (of prose or poetry)
versiculus {m} [in the plural] :: humble lines, unpretentious verses
versificator {m} :: a versifier
versificator {m} [by extension] :: a poet
versifico {vt} :: I put into verse, versify
versiformis {adj} [post-classical] :: changeable
versio {f} [Medieval Latin] :: a turning, change, version
versipellis {adj} :: shape-shifting, capable of transforming itself or altering its appearance
versipellis {adj} [figuratively] :: sly, cunning, crafty
versipellis {m} :: a werewolf
verso {v} :: I turn often, keep turning, handle, whirl about, turn over
verso {v} :: I turn over in mind, meditate
versor {v} :: I move around
versor {v} :: I dwell
versoria {f} [nautical] :: sheet (rope)
versura {f} :: A turning around
versura {f} :: The borrowing of money to repay a debt; a borrowing, loan
versurus {v} :: about to turn (around)
versus {v} :: turned, changed, having been turned
versus {adv} :: towards, turned to or in the direction of, facing
versus {m} :: a furrow (turned earth)
versus {m} :: [transf.] a line, row
versus {m} :: [partic.] a line of writing, a verse
versus {m} :: a land measure (= πλέθρον)
versus {m} [dance] :: a turn, step
versus {v} :: swept
versutia {f} :: cunning, craft
versutia {f} :: subtlety
versutia {f} :: ingenuity
versutior {adj} :: more adroit etc
versutus {adj} :: adroit, dexterous, versatile
versutus {adj} :: shrewd, clever, ingenious
versutus {adj} :: wily, cunning
vertagus {m} :: greyhound
vertebra {f} :: joint
vertebra {f} [anatomy] :: vertebra
vertebralis {adj} :: vertebral
vertebratus {adj} :: jointed, articulated
vertendus {v} :: which is to be turned (about)
vertens {v} :: turning
vertex {m} :: whirlpool, eddy, vortex
vertex {m} :: crown (of the head)
vertex {m} :: top, peak, summit
vertex {m} :: pole (North or South)
vertibilis {adj} :: changeable, variable, †vertible
verticalis {adj} [Medieval Latin, ecclesiastical] :: highest in the hierarchy
verticalis {adj} [New Latin, astronomy] :: located over the head, vertically above
verticalis {adj} [New Latin, taxonomy] :: whirling
verticaliter {adv} [New Latin, taxonomy, botany] :: with a vertical whirl
verticillatus {adj} :: having whorls; verticillate
verticillus {m} :: whirl
verticillus {m} :: eddy
verticitas {f} :: vertical
verticitas {f} :: verticality
vertiginosus {adj} :: Suffering from vertigo or giddiness
vertiginosus {m} :: One who suffers from vertigo or giddiness
vertigo {f} :: gyration, giddiness, dizziness
verto {v} :: I turn, revolve
verto {v} :: I turn around
verto {v} :: I reverse (transitive)
verto {v} :: I exchange
verto {v} :: I translate
verto {v} :: I retreat
veru {n} :: spit, broach (esp. for roasting)
veru {n} :: dart, javelin
veru {n} [in plural] :: paling or railing around an altar or tomb
veru {n} :: a critical sign on the margin of a book, obelus
Verulae {prop} {fp} :: A city of the Hernici in Latium, situated between the valley of the Liris and the valley of the Tolerus, now Veroli
Verulamium {prop} {n} :: A town of Britannia, now St Albans
verum {adv} :: truly; even so
verum {adv} :: but; yet; however
verum {adv} :: still
verum {n} :: reality, fact
verumtamen {conj} :: notwithstanding, however, nevertheless
veruntamen {conj} :: notwithstanding, however, nevertheless
verus {adj} :: true, real
verus {adj} :: proper, suitable
verus {adj} :: right, just
verutum {n} :: A light javelin used primarily by the Vēlitēs
verutus {adj} :: equipped for battle with a javelin or dart
vervecinus {adj} :: of or pertaining to a wether (a castrated ram)
vervex {n} :: a wether; a castrated ram
vervex {n} [pejorative] :: blockhead, dolt
Vesaevus {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Vesuvius
vesania {f} :: madness, insanity
vesaniens {adj} :: raging, frenzied
vesanio {v} :: I rave, rage, am insane, am in a frenzy or rage
vesanus {adj} [of people] :: mad, insane, frenzied; impetuous
vesanus {adj} [of things] :: fierce, wild, savage, furious
Vesbius {prop} {m} :: contraction of Vesuvius
Vescellium {prop} {n} :: A town of Hirpinia, of uncertain site
vescendus {v} :: which is to be fed
vescens {v} :: eating; feeding upon
vescor {v} [with accusative or ablative] :: I eat, feed upon
vescor {v} [with accusative or ablative] :: I make use of, enjoy, use
vescor {vi} :: I eat
vescurus {v} :: about to feed
vescus {adj} :: thin, attenuated
Veseris {prop} {m} :: A river of Campania at the foot of the Vesuvius, where a battle was fought
Vesevus {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Vesuvius
vesica {f} [anatomy] :: bladder, urinary bladder
vesica piscis {f} :: The shape made by the intersection of two circles of the same radius; used in art to surround a sacred figure
vesicarius {adj} :: bladder (attributive)
vesico {v} :: I blister; form blisters
vesicula {f} :: Little bladder
vesicula {f} :: Blister (which is like a little bladder as a small sac of fluid)
vesiculosus {adj} [New Latin] :: vesiculose
Vesidia {prop} {f} :: a small river of Etruria, now called Versilia
Vesontio {prop} {f} :: Besançon (city in modern France)
vespa {f} :: a wasp
Vespasianus {prop} {m} :: Vespasian (Roman cognomen)
Vespasius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vespasius {prop} {m} :: Vespasius Pollio, the grandfather of Vespasianus
vesper {m} :: the evening or vespers
vesper {m} :: supper, dinner (evening meal)
vesper {m} [by extension] :: the evening star
vesper {m} [by extension] :: the West
vespera {f} :: evening, eventide
vesperasco {v} :: grow towards evening; become evening
Vesperies {f} :: A town of the Varduli in Hispania Tarraconensis
vespertilio {m} :: a bat (animal)
vespertinus {adj} :: evening (attributive)
vesperugo {f} :: The evening-star
vespex {f} :: A thicket, a shrubbery
vespillo {m} :: An undertaker who buries paupers
vespillo {m} :: A ghoul, graverobber
Vesta {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: The goddess of the hearth and the household
Vestalis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Vesta, goddess of hearth and home
Vestalis {adj} :: vestal
Vestalis {f} :: A priestess of Vesta; a vestal virgin
vester {pron} [possessive] :: your, yours, of you [plural]
vestibularis {adj} :: vestibular
vestibulum {n} :: vestibule, forecourt, an enclosed area at the front of a house
vestiendus {v} :: Dressed
vestiens {v} :: clothing, dressing
vestiens {v} :: adorning, attiring
vestiens {v} [of vegetation] :: covering, blanketing
vestiens {v} [figuratively] :: making (someone) emperor
vestigium {n} :: footprint, track
vestigium {n} :: trace, vestige, mark
vestigium {n} :: sole of the foot
vestigium {n} :: horseshoe
vestigium {n} [figuratively, of time] :: moment, instant
vestigo {v} :: I follow a track, search
vestigo {v} :: I investigate
vestimentum {n} :: clothes
vestimentum {n} :: garment, robe
Vestini {prop} {mp} :: An Italic tribe who inhabited a region on the coast of the Adriatic
vestinus {adj} :: Vestinian
vestio {v} :: I clothe, dress
vestio {v} :: I adorn, attire, deck
vestio {v} [of vegetation] :: I cover, blanket
vestio {v} [figuratively] :: I make emperor (i.e. clothe in imperial purple)
vestis {f} :: garment, gown, robe, vestment, clothing, vesture
vestitus {v} [rare] :: clothed, clad, dressed, having been clothed
vestitus {v} [of vegetation] :: covered, blanketed, having been covered by vegetation
vestitus {v} [figuratively] :: having been made emperor
vestitus {m} :: clothing, apparel, raiment
vestitus {m} [of inanimate things] :: a cover, covering
Vestricius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vestricius {prop} {m} :: Titus Vestricius Spurinna, a Roman senator
Vesunna {prop} {f} :: The chief city of the Petrocorii in Aquitania, now Périgueux
Vesuvinus {adj} :: of or belonging to Vesuvius (a volcano), Vesuvian
Vesuvius {prop} {m} :: Vesuvius (a celebrated volcano in Campania)
Vesvius {prop} {m} :: contraction of Vesuvius
vet. {adj} :: abbreviation of vetus
vetandus {v} :: which is to be forbidden
vetans {v} :: forbidding
vetatus {v} :: forbidden, opposed, vetoed
vetera {np} :: the old; old times, ancient times, antiquity
veteramentarius {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or concerning old things
veteranus {adj} :: old, veteran
veterasco {v} :: I age, grow old
veterasco {v} :: I wear out
veterator {m} :: orator, one wedded to routine
veteratorius {adj} :: wily, crafty, cunning, sly
veteres {mp} :: the ancients, men of old, forefathers
veteresco {v} :: I age, grow old
veteretum {n} :: ground that has long lain fallow, old fallow ground
veternus {m} :: old age
veternus {m} :: lethargy, somnolence
vetero {v} :: to age, make old
veterrimus {adj} :: oldest, very old or ancient
vetiturus {v} :: about to forbid
vetitus {v} :: forbidden
veto {v} :: I forbid, oppose, veto
veto {interj} :: I forbid it! I protest!
Vettius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vettius {prop} {m} :: Vettius Valens, a Roman astrologer
Vettius {prop} {m} :: Gaius Vettius Aquilinus Juvencus, a Roman poet
Vettona {prop} {f} :: Bettona, a town in Umbria
Vettones {prop} {mp} :: A possibly Celtic tribe which dwelt in the northwestern part of the Meseta Central, in the Roman province of Lusitania, east of modern day Portugal and north of Baetica, their largest city being Salmantica
vetula {f} :: old woman
vetula {f} :: a corn dolly or small figurine, shaped as an old woman; a term in use among the Druidic pagans of Flanders in the 7th century
Vetulenus {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vetulenus {prop} {m} :: Gaius Vettulenus Civica Cerealis, a Roman senator
Vetulonia {prop} {f} :: a town of Etruria
vetulus {adj} :: old; little old, poor old
vetulus {m} :: old man; little old man
Veturius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Veturius {prop} {m} :: Gaius Veturius Geminus Cicurinus, a Roman consul
vetus {adj} :: old, aged, ancient
vetus {adj} :: long-standing
vetus {adj} :: former, previous
vetustas {f} :: old age
vetustas {f} :: long existence or duration
vetustas {f} :: antiquity
Vetus Testamentum {prop} {n} :: the Old Testament
vetustior {adj} :: older, more aged
vetustissimus {adj} :: oldest, most or very aged
vetustus {adj} :: that which has existed a long time; old, ancient, aged; established, lasting
vetustus {adj} :: after or in the manner of the ancients
vetustus {adj} :: from ancient times or antiquity; archaic
vetustus {adj} [figuratively, of a disease] :: chronic, prolonged, lingering, established
vexandus {v} :: which is to be shaken
vexans {v} :: shaking
vexatio {f} :: shaking (or similar violent movement)
vexatio {f} :: agitation
vexatio {f} :: discomfort, annoyance, hardship, distress
vexatio {f} :: trouble, vexation
vexator {m} :: troubler, harasser, abuser, vexer
vexaturus {v} :: about to shake
vexatus {v} :: shaken, jolted
vexatus {v} :: harassed, annoyed
vexatus {v} :: vexed, troubled
vexillifer {adj} :: flag-bearing
vexillifer {adj} :: standard-bearing
vexillum {n} :: flag, banner
vexo {v} :: I shake or jolt violently
vexo {v} :: I harass, annoy
vexo {v} :: I vex, trouble
v.i. {abbr} :: vide infra (see below)
via {f} :: road, street or path
via {f} :: way, method, manner
via {f} :: the right way
Viadus {prop} {m} :: A river of Germany, assumed to be the Oder
Via Lactea {prop} {f} :: the Milky Way
viaticum {n} :: travelling-money; provision for a journey
viaticum {n} [figuratively] :: a journey
viaticum {n} :: resources; means
viaticum {n} :: money made abroad, especially as a soldier, or used to travel abroad
viaticus {adj} :: Pertaining to traveling or a journey
viator {m} :: traveller, wayfarer
viator {m} :: messenger
viatrix {f} :: (female) traveller, wayfarer
vibex {f} [pathology] :: wound left by a lash, weal or welt
vibia {f} :: A plank, crosspiece supported on trestles so as to form a bank
Vibinum {prop} {n} :: A town of the interior of Apulia, situated near Aecae and Luceria, now Bovino
Vibiscum {prop} {n} :: a town on the Geneva Lake, now Vevey
Vibius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vibius {prop} {m} :: Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus, a Roman consul
Vibius {prop} {m} :: Vibius Sequester, a Roman writer
Vibo {prop} {f} :: A city of Bruttium, now Vibo Valentia
vibrabundus {adj} :: tremulous, glimmering
vibrans {v} :: shaking, agitating, brandishing
vibratio {f} :: A brandishing, vibration, agitation
vibratiuncula {f} :: A little or slight vibration or agitation
vibrissae {f} :: The hairs of the nose
vibro {v} :: I shake, agitate, brandish
vibro {v} :: I launch, hurl
vibro {v} :: I threaten
vibro {v} :: I tremble, vibrate, quiver
vibro {v} :: I glimmer, gleam
Vibulanus {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Vibulanus {prop} {m} :: Quintus Fabius Vibulanus, a Roman consul
vicanus {adj} :: village (attributive)
vicanus {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: villager, peasant
vicarialis {adj} :: vicarial; of or pertaining to an vicar
vicarianus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a deputy or vicarvicarial
vicariatus {m} :: a vicariate, the office of a vicar
vicarius {adj} :: vicarious, substituted
vicarius {m} :: substitute, proxy, deputy
vicatim {adv} :: through the streets
vicatim {adv} :: through the village(s)
vice {prep} :: in place of, subordinate to
viceni {num} [distributive] :: twenty each; twenty at a time
vicensimus {num} [ordinal] :: twentieth
Vicentia {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Vīcētia
Vicentiensis {adj} :: alternative spelling of Vīcētiēnsis
Vicentinus {m} :: alternative spelling of Vīcētīnus
Vicentinus {adj} :: alternative spelling of Vīcētīnus
viceregalis {adj} :: viceroyal
viceregalis {adj} :: of or pertaining to a viceroy
viceregnum {n} :: viceroyalty
vicerex {m} :: viceroy
vicesimus {num} [ordinal] :: twentieth
Vicetia {prop} {f} :: Vicenza or anciently Vicentia or Vicetia (a town, later city, in Transpadane Gaul, between Verona and Padua, in the territory of Venetia, or today Veneto)
Vicetiensis {adj} [New Latin] :: of or from the modern Vicenza or the ancient Vicetia or Vicentia
Vicetinus {m} [plurale tantum, as Vīcētīnī, -ōrum, in Classical Latin] :: a Vicentine (an inhabitant of the modern Vicenza or the ancient Vicetia or Vicentia)
Vicetinus {adj} [post-Classical] :: Vicentine (of or pertaining to the modern Vicenza or the ancient Vicetia or Vicentia)
vicia {f} :: vetch
viciens {adv} :: alternative form of vicies
vicies {adv} :: twenty times
vicina {f} :: (female) neighbour/neighbor
vicinalis {adj} :: neighboring, near
vicine {adv} :: nearby, in the neighborhood
vicinia {f} :: neighbourhood
vicinia {f} :: nearness, vicinity
vicinior {adj} :: more nearby, closer
vicinitas {f} :: neighborhood
vicinitas {f} :: proximity
vicinus {adj} [chiefly poetic] :: near, neighboring
vicinus {adj} :: like, similar, kindred
vicinus {m} :: neighbour/neighbor
Vicipaedia {noun} [New Latin] :: Wikipedia
vicis {f} :: change, alternation, turn
vicis {f} :: time, instance
vicis {f} :: succession
vicis {f} :: condition, lot
vicissim {adv} :: in turn, again
vicissitas {f} :: change, alternation
vicissitudo {f} :: change, interchange, alternation, vicissitude
victima {f} :: sacrificial victim
victimarius {adj} :: belonging to victims
victimarius {m} :: attendant at a sacrifice
victimarius {m} :: sacrificer
victimo {v} :: I offer for sacrifice
victor {m} :: conqueror, vanquisher, victor
victor {adj} :: triumphant, conquering
victoria {f} :: victory
victoriatus {m} :: victoriatus
victoriosus {adj} :: victorious
victrix {f} :: victoress, conqueress; female conqueror
victualis {adj} :: nutritional
victuma {f} :: alternative form of victima ("sacrificial victim")
victurus {v} :: about to win
victurus {v} :: about to live
victurus {v} :: about to be alive, about to survive
victurus {v} :: about to reside in
victus {m} :: living, way of life
victus {m} :: nourishment, provision, diet, that which sustains life
victus {v} :: conquered, subdued, having been conquered
viculus {m} :: a small vilage or hamlet
viculus {m} [Medieval Latin] :: a minor lane, side-street, or alley
vicus {m} :: street; quarter, neighbourhood; row of houses
vicus {m} :: village; hamlet
vicus {m} :: municipal section or ward, farm
vide infra {phrase} :: see below!, a term used to refer a reader to a later place in a text
videlicet {adv} :: Videlicet: namely, to wit, that is to say
videlicet {adv} :: clearly, evidently
viden {contraction} :: Do you not see?
videndus {v} :: which is to be seen
videndus {v} :: which is to be looked (at)
videndus {v} :: which is to be observed
videndus {v} :: which is to be understood
videns {v} :: seeing
videns {v} :: looking (at)
videns {v} :: observing
videns {v} :: understanding
video {v} :: I see, perceive; look (at)
video {v} :: I observe, note
video {v} :: I understand, perceive, comprehend
video {v} :: I look (at), consider, reflect (upon)
video {v} :: I look out for, see to, care for, provide, make sure
video {v} [passive] :: I am regarded, seem, appear
video {v} [passive, used impersonally] :: It seems proper or right
vide supra {phrase} :: see above!, a term used to refer a reader to an earlier place in a text
vidua {f} :: widow
vidua {f} :: unmarried woman
Viducasses {prop} {m} :: A Celtic tribe of Gallia Lugdunensis
viduitas {f} :: widowhood
viduitas {f} :: bereavement
vidulus {m} :: A suitcase
viduo {v} :: I deprive, bereave (of something)
viduus {adj} :: destitute, deprived
viduus {adj} :: widowed, bereaved
viduus {adj} [substantive] :: widower
viduvium {n} :: widowhood
Vienna {prop} {f} :: a city of the Allobroges in Gallia Narbonensis, now Vienne
Vienna {prop} {f} [medieval, New Latin] :: Vienna
viennensis {adj} :: Viennese
viens {v} :: bending
vieo {vt} :: I bend or twist, plait, weave
vietnamensis {adj} :: Vietnamese
Vietnamia {prop} {f} :: Vietnam
vietnamicus {adj} :: Vietnamese
vigeni {num} [distributive] :: twenty each; twenty at a time
Vigenna {prop} {f} :: The river Vienne in France
vigens {v} :: flourishing
vigeo {v} :: I am vigorous or thriving; thrive, flourish
vigeo {v} :: I am in honor, esteem or repute; prosper
vigeo {v} :: I am alive, live
vigesco {v} :: I become lively or vigorous
vigesco {v} :: I begin to bloom or flourish
vigesimus {adj} :: alternative form of vicesimus
vigil {adj} :: awake, watching, alert
vigil {m} :: watchman, sentinel
vigil {m} [in the plural] :: the watch, police
vigilandus {v} :: which is to be watched
vigilans {v} :: watching (e.g. through the night)
vigilans {adj} :: vigilant, watchful
vigilanter {adv} :: vigilantly, alertly
vigilantia {f} :: vigilance, alertness
vigilantia {f} :: wakefulness
vigilantior {adj} :: more vigilant
vigilantissime {adv} :: superlative of vigilanter
vigilantissimus {adj} :: most or very vigilant
vigilaturus {v} :: about to watch
vigilatus {v} :: watched
vigilia {f} :: watch, vigil
vigilia {f} :: wakefulness
vigilo {vt} :: I watch through, spend in watching, do or make while watching
vigilo {vi} :: I watch, remain awake, keep or am awake at night
vigilo {v} :: I rise, wake up
vigilo {vi} [figuratively] :: I am watchful or vigilant
viginti {num} [cardinal] :: twenty; 20
vigintivir {m} :: a member of a commission of twenty people
vigor {m} :: vigor, liveliness, activity
vigor {m} :: power, strength
vigoro {v} :: I animate or invigorate
vilica {f} :: wife of a vilicus
vilicatio {f} :: the care or management of an estate in the country
vilico {v} :: I superintend a farm estate, act as bailiff
vilicus {m} :: bailiff, steward of a farm/estate
vilifico {v} :: I make of little value
vilior {adj} :: cheaper
vilis {adj} :: cheap, inexpensive
vilis {adj} :: base, vile, mean, worthless, cheap
vilissimus {adj} :: cheapest, most or very inexpensive
vilitas {f} :: cheapness, inexpensiveness
vilitas {f} :: meanness, baseness, worthlessness, vileness
vilitas {f} :: contempt
villa {f} :: country house; villa
villa {f} :: estate, farm
villanus {m} [Medieval Latin] :: A villein: a serf or low-class farm worker
villanus {m} [Medieval Latin] :: A villager or other rural resident (opposed to burgensis)
villaticus {noun} :: a village
villica {f} :: alternative form of vilica
villicus {m} :: alternative form of vilicus
Villius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Villius {prop} {m} :: Publius Villius Tappulus, a Roman consul
Villius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Villia
villosus {adj} :: hairy, shaggy
villula {f} :: small villa (country house of farmstead)
villus {noun} [anatomy] :: hair, tuft of hair
villus {noun} :: shaggy hair
vimen {n} :: twig, shoot
vimen {n} :: osier
vimen {n} :: branch for wickerwork
vimentum {n} :: An osier, withy
Viminacium {prop} {n} :: A city in Moesia near the town of Kostolac in modern Serbia
viminalis {adj} :: osier, willow (attributive)
viminalis {adj} :: twig, shoot (attributive)
viminetum {n} :: a willow copse
vimineus {adj} [attributive] :: wickerwork
vim vi repellere licet {phrase} [legal] :: It is permitted to repel force with force
vin {contraction} :: Do you want?
vinacea {f} :: The skin or husk of a grape
vinaceum {n} :: The skin or husk of a grape
vinaceus {adj} :: of or belonging to wine or a grape
vinaceus {adj} [substantive] :: the stone or skin of a grape
vinalis {adj} :: of or pertaining to wine
vinarium {n} :: A pot or flask for wine
vinarius {adj} :: of or pertaining to wine
vinarius {adj} [substantive] :: vintner
vincendus {v} :: that is to win
vincens {v} :: winning
Vincentius {prop} {m} :: given name
vincibilis {adj} :: vincible, conquerable
vincibilis {adj} :: refutable
vinciendus {v} :: which is to be bound
vinciens {v} :: binding, tying up, fettering
vinciens {v} :: lacing, fastening
vinciens {v} :: surrounding, guarding
vincio {v} :: I bind, tie up, fetter
vincio {v} :: I lace, fasten
vincio {v} :: I surround, guard
vinclum {n} :: alternative form of vinculum ("any instrument whereby anything is bound or tied up")
vinco {v} :: I win, conquer
vinctio {f} :: The act of binding together; binding, ligature
vinctor {m} :: binder
vinctura {f} :: A bandage, ligature, vincture
vincturus {v} :: about to bind
vinctus {v} :: bound, tied up, having been tied up
vinctus {v} :: laced, fastened, having been fastened
vinctus {v} :: surrounded, guarded, having been surrounded
vinculo {vt} :: I fetter, bind, chain
vinculum {n} :: Any instrument whereby anything is bound or tied up; bond, band, fetter, chain, cord, tie, link
Vindelici {prop} {m} [historical] :: A former Celtic people of Switzerland and southern Germany
Vindelicia {prop} {f} [historical] :: The land of the Vindelici, now part of Switzerland and southern Germany
Vindelicus {m} [historical] :: A member of the Vindelici, a former Celtic people of Switzerland and southern Germany
Vindelicus {adj} :: Of or relating to Augsburg, Germany
vindemia {f} :: a grape-gathering, vintage
vindemialis {adj} :: of or pertaining to the vintage time
vindemiatio {f} :: vintage (process)
vindemiator {m} :: a grape-gatherer
vindemio {vi} :: I harvest grapes, gather the vintage
vindemio {vt} :: I harvest grapes, gather the vintage from
vindemiola {f} :: A little yield of grapes or vintage
vindex {mf} :: claimant, vindicator
Vindex {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen, famously held by:
Vindex {prop} {m} :: Gaius Iulius Vindex, a Roman governor
vindicalis {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: avenging, punishing, vengeful, vindictive, †vindicative
vindicandus {v} :: which is to be avenged or punished
vindicandus {v} :: which is to be liberated or protected
vindicans {v} :: avenging
vindicatio {f} :: civil lawsuit
vindicatio {f} :: protection, defence; vindication
vindicatio {f} :: avenging
vindicatio {f} :: punishment
vindicaturus {v} :: about to avenge
vindicatus {v} :: avenged
vindicia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: a laying claim to (a thing, before the praetor, by both contending parties)
vindicia {f} :: a legal claim (made in respect to a thing, whether as one’s own property, or for its restoration to a free condition)
vindicia {f} :: provisional possession (for the duration of the vindicātiō, of the property so disputed)
Vindicius {prop} {m} :: the name of the slave who discovered the conspiracy to restore the Tarquins
vindico {v} :: I avenge, vindicate, claim, punish
vindico {v} :: I liberate, deliver, spare
vindico {v} :: I protect
vindicta {f} :: ceremonial staff used in manumission
vindicta {f} :: punishment, vengeance
vindicta {f} :: redress, satisfaction
vindicta {f} :: a means of vindication
Vindilis {prop} {f} :: The island of Belle-Île in France
Vindinum {prop} {n} :: A town of Umbria
Vindobala {prop} {f} :: a station of the Hadrian's Wall, now Rudchester
Vindobona {prop} {f} :: Vienna (capital city of Austria)
Vindonissa {prop} {f} :: A town of Gallia Belgica in the territory of the Helvetii, now Windisch
vinea {f} :: vineyard
vinea {f} :: a vine, especially a grapevine
vinea {f} :: a moveable bower used as a shelter
vinealis {adj} :: of, pertaining to or suitable for vines
vinearius {adj} :: of, pertaining to or used for vines
vineaticus {adj} :: of, pertaining to or used for vines
vinetum {n} :: vineyard
vineus {adj} [attributive] :: wine
vineus {adj} :: vinous
vinibua {f} :: female wine-bibber
Vinicius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
vinicolor {adj} :: wine-coloured
vinifer {adj} :: wine-producing
vinitor {m} :: one who works on the vineyard; vine-dresser
vinitorius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to one who works on a vineyard, of a vine-dresser
Vinius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vinius {prop} {m} :: Titus Vinius, a Roman general
vinnulus {adj} :: delightful, sweet (of voice)
vinolentia {f} :: wine-drinking
vinolentia {f} :: intoxication with wine
vinolentus {adj} :: Affected by or with wine; drunk, intoxicated
vinosior {adj} :: more fond of wine
vinosior {adj} :: more vinous
vinositas {f} :: the flavor of wine
vinosus {adj} :: fond of wine; wine-bibbing
vinosus {adj} :: having the flavor of wine; vinous
vinulentus {adj} :: alternative form of vinolentus
vinum {n} :: wine
vinum {n} [figuratively] :: grapes
vinum {n} [figuratively] :: a grapevine
vinus {m} :: alternative form of vinum
vio {v} :: I travel, I journey
viola {f} :: violet (flower)
violaceus {adj} :: violet (coloured)
violandus {v} :: which is to be violated
violans {v} :: maltreating
violans {v} :: violating
violascens {adj} :: becoming violet
violator {m} :: injurer, profaner, violator
violaturus {v} :: about to violate
violatus {v} :: violated
violens {adj} :: violent
violenter {adv} :: violently, impetuously, vehemently
violentia {f} :: violence
violentia {f} :: aggressiveness
violentior {adj} :: more violent
violentissime {adv} :: superlative of violenter
violentissimus {adj} :: most or very violent etc
violentius {adv} :: comparative of violenter
violentus {adj} :: forcible, violent, vehement
violentus {adj} :: impetuous; boisterous
violo {v} :: I treat with violence; I maltreat
violo {v} :: I violate, defile, profane
vipera {f} :: viper
vipereus {adj} :: of or pertaining to a viper or snake; snaky
viperinus {adj} :: viperine; Of or relating to a viper/vipers
vipio {m} :: kind of small crane
Vipitenum {prop} {n} :: a mountain town of the Venostes, situated between Veldidena and Tridentum, now Vipiteno/Sterzing
Vipsanius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vipsanius {prop} {m} :: Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, a Roman consul
vir {m} :: male human, man; man (human)
vir {m} :: grown man
vir {m} :: brave man, hero
vir {m} :: husband
vir {m} :: (in military contexts) foot soldier
virago {f} :: a warlike woman
viratus {adj} [Late Latin] :: of a manly spirit, manly
viratus {m} [Late Latin] :: manly conduct, manliness
Virdo {prop} {m} :: A river of Vindelicia, now called Wertach
virectum {n} :: greensward
virens {v} [of plants] :: green
virens {v} :: flourishing; vigorous
vireo {v} :: I am verdant, green; I sprout new green growth
vireo {v} :: I flourish; I am lively, vigorous
vireo {m} :: a bird, probably the greenfinch
virescens {v} :: growing green or verdant
virescens {v} [New Latin] :: Used as a specific epithet
viresco {v} :: I grow
viresco {v} :: I become green, become verdant
viresco {v} :: I shoot forth
viresco {v} :: I flourish, prosper, grow
viretum {n} :: alternative form of virectum
virga {f} :: twig, switch
virga {f} :: rod, switch for flogging
virga {f} :: staff, walking stick
virga {f} :: wand (magical)
virga {f} [figuratively, vulgar] :: penis
virgata {f} :: The yardland or virgate, an English land measure usually comprising ¼ of a hide and notionally equal to 30 acres
virgator {m} :: flogger; whipper
virgatus {adj} :: made of twigs
virgatus {adj} :: striped
virgetum {n} :: a thicket of twigs or osiers
Virgilius {prop} {m} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin] :: Later spelling form of Vergilius
virginalis {adj} :: maidenly; of or pertaining to a maiden or virgin
virgineus {adj} [attributive] :: virgin
virgineus {adj} :: maidenly
Virginia {prop} {f} :: praenomen
virginianus {adj} [New Latin] :: Virginian
virginibus puerisque {phrase} :: Without offense; morally safe for the young or naive
virginicus {adj} :: virgin (attributive)
virginicus {adj} [New Latin] :: Of or from Virginia
virginitas {f} :: virginity, maidenhood
virgo {f} :: a maid, maiden, virgin, sexually intact woman (compare puella)
virgo {f} [by extension] :: a young woman, girl
virgo {f} [by extension, Ecclesiastical, of the Church Fathers] :: a male virgin
virgo {f} [by extension, of things] :: an adjectival appellative for unwedded, pure, unused
Virgo {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Virgo (constellation)
Virgo {prop} {m} :: given name, character in the play Persa by Plautus
virgula {f} :: a small rod, stick, wand, or staff
virgula {f} [medieval, typography] :: the slash markUser:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-v/⟩, particularly [historical or obsolete] in its medieval use as a scratch comma
virgultum {n} :: bush, thicket, copse, shrubbery
virgultum {n} :: plant
virgultus {adj} :: full of bushes or thickets, shrubby
virguncula {f} :: diminutive of virgō
viria {f} :: sort of bracelet worn by men
Viriathus {prop} {m} :: A chief of the Lusitani who fought against the Romans
viridans {v} :: greening
viridans {v} :: verdant
viridarium {n} :: plantation (of trees)
viridarium {n} :: arboretum
viridarium {n} :: (hunting) preserve
viridescendus {v} :: which is to become green
viridescens {v} :: greening (becoming green)
viridescens {v} :: greenish (especially as a taxonomic epithet)
viridesco {v} :: I become green
viridiflorus {adj} :: having green flowers
viridis {adj} :: green
viridis {adj} :: young, fresh, lively, youthful
viridissimus {adj} :: greenest, very green
viridissimus {adj} :: youngest, freshest, very young, fresh etc
viriditas {f} :: greenness, verdure, viridity
virido {v} :: I make (something) green
virido {v} :: I become green or verdant
Viridomarus {prop} {m} :: A chief of the Aedui
viridulus {adj} [New Latin] :: greenish
virilior {adj} :: more manly, more youthful
virilis {adj} :: manly, mature, masculine
virilis {adj} :: mature
virilissime {adv} :: superlative of virīliter
virilissimus {adj} :: superlative of virīlis; most, or very manly: manliest
virilitas {f} :: (the age of) manhood
virilitas {f} :: virility
virilitas {f} :: manliness, masculinity
viriliter {adv} :: manfully
virilius {adv} :: comparative of virīliter
viritim {adv} :: individually
viritim {adv} :: man by man, to each separately
viritim {adv} :: per man
Virius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Virius {prop} {m} :: Virius Lupus, a Roman consul
Virodunum {prop} {n} :: A town of Gallia Belgica, now Verdun
viror {m} :: greenness, verdure
virosus {adj} :: stinking
virosus {adj} [Late Latin] :: poisonous
Virovesca {prop} {f} :: a town of the Autrigones in Hispania Tarraconensis
virtuosus {adj} :: good, virtuous
virtus {f} :: manliness, manhood, virility
virtus {f} :: courage, resoluteness
virtus {f} :: virtue, goodness
virtus {f} :: character
virtus {f} :: excellence
virulentus {adj} :: poisonous
Virunum {prop} {n} :: One of the most important towns in Noricum, situated on the road from Aquileia to Lauriacum
virus {n} :: slimy liquid, slime
virus {n} :: poison, venom
Virus {prop} {m} :: A river of Hispania Tarraconensis, now the Anllóns
vis {f} :: force, power, strength
vis {f} :: violence
vis {f} [figuratively] :: assault, affront
vis {f} [New Latin, physics] :: energy, force
viscericola {m} [New Latin, of parasites, etc.] :: Living in intestines
viscidus {adj} :: sticky, glutinous
viscivorus {adj} :: mistletoe-eating
viscosus {adj} :: full of birdlime, viscous, sticky
viscum {n} :: mistletoe
viscum {n} :: birdlime made from this plant
viscus {n} :: Any internal organ of the body.
viscus {n} [anatomy] :: entrails, viscera
Visellius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Visellius {prop} {m} :: Gaius Aculeo, a Roman knight
visendus {v} :: which is to be looked at
visens {v} :: looking at
visibilis {adj} :: that may be seen, visible
visibilis {adj} :: that can see, seeing
visibilitas {f} :: visibility
visio {f} :: seeing, sight, vision, view
visitandus {v} :: which is to be visited
visitans {v} :: seeing
visitans {v} :: going to see, visiting
visitans {v} [legal] :: sending
visitans {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: punishing
visitatio {f} :: sight, appearance
visitatio {f} :: visit
visitatio {f} :: visitation, punishment
visitator {m} [Late Latin] :: (frequent) visitor
visitaturus {v} :: about to visit
visitatus {v} :: seen, having been seen
visitatus {v} :: visited, having been visited
visitatus {v} [legal] :: sent, having been sent
visitatus {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: punished, having been punished
visito {v} :: I see
visito {v} :: I go to see; I visit
visito {v} [legal] :: I send
visito {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: I punish
vis major {phrase} :: Vis major; "greater force"; "act of God"; unavoidable accident
viso {v} :: I look at, look into, stare at, view
viso {v} :: I go to see, visit, call upon
vispillo {m} :: undertaker
Vistula {prop} {f} :: Vistula
visula {f} :: a type of vine
visum {n} :: vision, mental image
Visurgis {prop} {m} :: The river Weser
visurus {v} :: about to see
visurus {v} :: about to look at
visurus {v} :: about to observe
visurus {v} :: about to understand
visus {m} :: The action of looking
visus {m} :: The power of sight
visus {m} :: A vision, sight, apparition
visus {m} :: Appearance
visus {v} :: having been seen
visus {v} :: having been looked (at)
visus {v} :: having been observed
visus {v} :: having been understood
vita {f} :: life
vita {f} [by extension] :: living, support, subsistence
vita {f} :: a way of life
vita {f} :: real life, not fiction
vita {f} [figuratively] :: mankind, the living
vitabundus {adj} :: shunning, avoiding, evading
vitalis {adj} :: of or pertaining to life; vital, life-giving
vitalitas {f} :: life, vitality (vital force)
vitam impendere vero {phrase} :: to devote one’s life to truth
vitandus {v} :: which is to be avoided
vitandus {v} :: which is to be shunned
vitans {v} :: Present active participle of vītō
vitatio {f} :: shunning, avoiding, avoidance
vitaturus {v} :: about to avoid
vitaturus {v} :: about to shun
vitatus {v} :: avoided, having been avoided
vitatus {v} :: shunned, having been shunned
vitellinus {adj} :: deep yellow, like egg yolk
vitellus {m} :: a small calf
vitellus {m} :: the yolk of an egg
Viterbium {prop} {n} :: Viterbium (city/provincial capital)
viteus {adj} [attributive] :: vine
vitex {f} :: chaste tree, Vitex agnus-castus (a small Mediterranean tree)
vitiandus {v} :: which is to be damaged
vitians {v} :: damaging
vitiaturus {v} :: about to damage
vitiatus {v} :: damaged
vitiatus {v} :: violated, raped
vitiensis {adj} :: Fijian
vitifolius {adj} [New Latin] :: a taxonomic epithet meaning "having leaves like that of a grape vine"
vitiligo {f} :: a skin disease
vitiligo {f} :: leprosy
vitio {v} :: I make faulty, spoil, damage
vitio {v} :: I violate sexually
vitiose {adv} :: faultily, defectively, badly, corruptly
vitiosior {adj} :: more wicked etc
vitiosissimus {adj} :: most of very wicked etc
vitiosus {adj} :: full of faults or defects; faulty, defective, bad, corrupt
vitiosus {adj} :: morally faulty, wicked, depraved, vicious
vitiparra {f} :: A bird, perhaps the titmouse
vitis {f} :: vine
vitis {f} [historical] :: a vine staff, the baton or cane of a Roman centurion
vitium {n} :: crime
vitium {n} :: vice
vitium {n} :: fault, defect, blemish, error
vito {v} :: I avoid, evade
vito {v} :: I shun
Vitodurum {prop} {n} :: A town of Gallia Belgica, situated near Vindonissa
Vitrasius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vitrasius {prop} {m} :: Titus Vitrasius Pollio, a Roman consul
vitreus {adj} :: glassy, translucent
vitreus {adj} :: vitreous
Vitricium {prop} {n} :: a mountain town of the Salassi, situated on the road from Eporedia to Augusta Praetoria, now Verrès
vitricus {m} :: stepfather
vitriolum {n} :: vitriol
vitripennis {adj} :: glassy-winged, glassy-feathered
vitrum {n} :: glass
vitrum {n} :: a woad; a plant used for dying blue
vitrum {n} :: woad; a blue dye used by the Britons made from that plant
Vitruvius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Vitruvius {prop} {m} :: Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, a Roman architect
vitta {f} :: band, ribbon
vitta {f} :: fillet, chaplet
vittatus {adj} :: banded
vittatus {adj} :: having a fillet or chaplet
vittea {f} [Medieval Latin] :: a fitt or section of an old Germanic poem
vitticollis {adj} :: having a banded or striped neck or stem
vitula {f} :: a young cow, a female calf, a heifer
vitula {f} [Medieval Latin] :: a stringed musical instrument, probably the viola
vitulamen {n} :: shoot, sucker, sprig
vitulus {m} :: a bull calf
Vitumnus {prop} {m} :: a minor Roman god that bestows vita (life) to a fetus
vituperabilis {adj} :: blameworthy
vituperandus {v} :: which is to be cursed
vituperans {v} :: censuring
vituperans {v} :: scolding, blaming
vituperans {v} :: disparaging
vituperatio {f} :: a censuring; blaming
vituperatio {f} :: censure; blame
vituperator {m} :: scolder, blamer
vituperaturus {v} :: about to censure
vituperatus {v} :: censured
vitupero {v} :: I censure
vitupero {v} :: I scold, tell off, blame
vitupero {v} :: I disparage, find fault with
vivacitas {f} :: natural vigor, vital force, vivaciousness, tenaciousness
vivacitas {f} :: liveliness, vivacity
vivaciter {noun} :: vigorously, with liveliness or spirit
vivacius {adv} :: comparative of vīvāciter
vivarium {n} :: park, preserve, enclosure
vivatim {adv} :: whilst alive
vivax {adj} :: Tenacious of life, long-lived, vivacious; venerable
vivax {adj} :: Long-lasting, enduring, durable
vivax {adj} :: Lively, vigorous, vivacious, energetic
vivendus {v} :: which is to be lived
vivendus {v} :: which is to be survived
vivendus {v} :: which is to be resided in
vivens {v} :: living
vivens {v} :: being alive, surviving
vivens {v} :: residing in
viverra {f} :: a ferret
viverrinus {adj} :: Ferret-like
viverrinus {adj} [New Latin] :: Viverrine; civet-like
vive ut vivas {phrase} :: (literally) "live that you may live". One should live a very full life, without fear of a possible future consequences
vive ut vivas {phrase} :: "live life to the fullest."
vive ut vivas {phrase} :: "live that you may live forever."[1]
vividus {adj} :: alive, animated
vividus {adj} :: lively, vigorous
vivificandus {v} :: which is to be vivified
vivificans {v} :: reviving, vivifying
vivificatio {f} :: quickening, vivification
vivificaturus {v} :: about to vivify
vivificatus {v} :: vivified
vivifico {v} :: I vivify (bring back to life)
viviparus {adj} :: that brings forth its young alive, viviparous
vivo {v} :: I live
vivo {v} :: I am alive, I survive
vivo {v} :: I reside in
vivum {n} :: that which is alive
vivus {adj} :: alive, living
vivus {adj} [of inanimate things] :: having properties like a living thing, e.g. moving, fresh, uncut
vivus {adj} [substantive] :: living thing
vix {adv} :: with difficulty; scarcely, barely
vix {adv} :: [of time] hardly, merely, just
vixdum {adv} :: only just, hardly yet, barely
vobiscum {adv} :: with you all, with ye (where "you" refers to several subjects)
vobismet {pron} :: yourselves
vocabularium {n} [Late Latin] :: vocabulary, dictionary, wordlist
vocabulum {n} :: designation, name, expression
vocalis {adj} :: vocal, having a voice, speaking
vocalis {adj} :: sounding, not silent
vocalis {adj} :: sonorous, melodious
vocalis {adj} :: never silent
vocalis {adj} :: prophesying
vocalis {f} [grammar] :: vowel
vocandus {v} :: which is to be called, summoned, invoked
vocandus {v} :: which is to be named, designated
vocandus {v} :: which is to be brought or put into a state or condition
vocans {v} :: calling, invoking, summoning
vocans {v} :: naming, designating
vocans {v} :: bringing or putting into a state or condition
vocatio {f} :: summons
vocatio {f} :: invitation, bidding
vocatio {f} :: calling, vocation
vocativus {adj} [grammar] :: of or belonging to calling, vocative
vocativus {adj} [masculine noun, scilicet casus] :: vocative case, vocative
vocaturus {v} :: about to call, summon, invoke
vocaturus {v} :: about to name, designate
vocaturus {v} :: about to bring or put into a state or condition
vocatus {v} :: called, invoked, having been summoned
vocatus {v} :: named, designated, having been named
vocatus {v} :: having been brought into a state or condition
vociferans {v} :: shouting, screaming, exclaiming
vociferatio {f} :: cry, scream, yell, clamour
vociferatus {v} :: shouted, screamed, exclaimed
vociferor {v} :: I cry out, shout, scream, exclaim
vocitandus {v} :: which is to be called
vocitans {v} :: calling
vocitaturus {v} :: about to call
vocitatus {v} :: called
vocito {v} :: I call or name
vocitus {adj} [Late Latin] :: emptied; empty
vocivus {adj} :: alternative spelling of vacivus
voco {vt} :: I call, summon, beckon (with one's voice)
voco {vt} [by extension] :: I invoke, call upon (a person, especially a god)
voco {vt} [by extension] :: I summon, convene, call together
voco {vt} :: I name, designate
voco {v} :: I bring or put (into a state or condition)
Voconius {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Voconius {prop} {m} :: Quintus Voconius Saxa, a Roman tribune
Voconius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Voconia
Vocontii {prop} {mp} :: A Gaulish tribe, who dwelt between the Rhône and the Alps
vocula {f} [literally] :: a small or feeble voice
vocula {f} :: a soft note or tone
vocula {f} :: a little, petty speech
vocula {f} :: a little word, particle
Vocula {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Vocula {prop} {m} :: Gaius Dillius Vocula, a Roman commander
-vocus {suffix} :: Forms adjectives that denote meaning
voisgra {f} :: An unknown kind of bird
vola {f} [anatomy] :: The palm of the hand or the sole of the foot; a volar surface
vola {f} :: A footprint
volaemum {n} :: large kind of pear
volandus {v} :: which is to be flown
Volane {prop} {f} :: One of the mouths of the river Padus, now Po di Volano
volans {v} :: flying
volantes {cp} :: birds
Volaterrae {prop} {fp} :: Volterra (city in Tuscany, of Etruscan origin)
volaticus {adj} :: winged, flying
volaticus {adj} :: flighty, inconstant
volatilis {adj} :: flying, winged
volatilis {adj} :: swift, rapid
volatilis {adj} :: fleeting, transitory
volatilis {adj} :: volatile
volatura {f} :: flight
volaturus {v} :: about to fly
volatus {v} :: flown, having been flown
volatus {m} :: flying
volatus {m} :: flight
volens {v} :: wishing
volens {v} :: willing
volens {v} :: welcome
volentior {adj} :: more willing or welcome
Volero {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Volero {prop} {m} :: Volero Publilius, a Roman tribune
volgandus {v} :: alternative form of vulgandus
volgans {v} :: alternative form of vulgans
volgaritas {f} :: alternative form of vulgaritas
volgariter {adv} :: alternative form of vulgariter
volgaturus {v} :: alternative form of vulgaturus
volgatus {v} :: alternative form of vulgatus
volgiolus {m} :: an implement for levelling beds of earth, prior to planting
volgo {v} :: alternative form of vulgo
volgus {n} :: alternative form of vulgus
volitans {v} :: flying about
volitans {v} :: hastening
volitans {v} :: hovering
volito {v} :: I fly about
volito {v} :: I hasten
volito {v} :: I hover
volnerandus {v} :: alternative form of vulnerandus
volnerans {v} :: alternative form of vulnerans
volneratio {f} :: alternative form of vulneratio
volneraturus {v} :: alternative form of vulneraturus
volneratus {v} :: alternative form of vulneratus
volnero {v} :: alternative form of vulnero
volnus {n} :: alternative form of vulnus
volo {v} :: I wish
volo {v} :: I want
volo {v} :: I mean, intend
volo {v} :: I fly
volpes {f} :: alternative form of vulpes ("fox")
Volsce {adv} :: à la the Volsci, *Volscianly
Volsci {mp} :: Volsci, Volscians
volsella {f} :: A pair of tweezers for plucking out hairs
volsella {f} :: A kind of forceps
Volsinii {prop} {mp} :: Volsinii (ancient Etruscan city)
Volsinii {prop} {mp} :: Bolsena (city in Italy, a successor to the Etruscan city)
voltur {m} :: alternative form of vultur ("vulture")
volturius {m} :: alternative form of vulturius ("vulture")
voltus {m} :: alternative form of vultus
volubilis {adj} :: that turns itself around, turning, spinning, whirling, rolling, revolving
volubilis {adj} [figuratively, of speech] :: rapid, fluent, voluble
volubilis {adj} [figuratively, of fate] :: changeable, mutable
Volubilis {f} :: A city in Mauritania on the road from Tocolosida to Tingis
volubilitas {f} :: a rapid whirling motion
volubilitas {f} :: rapidity, fluency, volubility
volucer {adj} :: winged
volucer {adj} :: flying
volucra {f} :: A kind of worm or caterpillar that wraps itself up in vine-leaves
volucripes {adj} :: swift-footed
volucris {f} :: bird (or other flying creature)
volumen {n} :: book, volume, roll, scroll
volumen {n} :: revolution, turn
volumen {n} [poetic] :: fold, coil, whirl
Volumnus {prop} {m} :: a minor Roman god that bestows good intention to a fetus
voluntabundus {adj} :: rolling, wallowing
voluntarius {m} :: volunteer
voluntarius {adj} :: voluntary, willing
voluntas {f} :: will, free will, choice
voluntas {f} :: desire, inclination
voluntas {f} :: disposition towards (something or someone)
voluntas {f} :: favor, affection
voluntas {f} :: last will, testament
voluntas {f} :: goal, object, purpose, intention
voluntas {f} :: signification, import
voluntas ordinata {f} :: ordained will
volup {adv} :: pleasantly, agreeably, satisfactorily
voluptarius {adj} :: pleasant, agreeable, delightful
voluptarius {adj} :: sensual
voluptas {f} :: pleasure
voluptuosus {adj} :: agreeable, delightful, pleasant
Volusenus {prop} {m} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Volusenus {prop} {m} :: Gaius Volusenus Quadratus, a Roman military officer
Volusius {prop} {m} :: The name of a Roman gens, famously held by:
Volusius {prop} {m} :: Volusius Venustus (a Roman aristocrat)
voluta {noun} :: a spiral scroll
voluta {noun} :: a spiral decoration
volutabrum {n} :: slough (where pigs wallow)
volutans {v} :: turning
volutans {v} :: pondering
volutatio {f} :: wallowing
volutatio {f} :: instability
volutatus {v} :: twisted, tumbled about
volutatus {v} :: wallowed
volutatus {v} :: pondered
voluto {v} :: I roll, turn, twist, or tumble about
voluto {v} :: I wallow
voluto {v} :: I ponder
volutus {v} :: having been rolled, tumbled
volvens {v} :: rolling, tumbling
volvo {v} :: I roll, tumble
Vomanus {prop} {m} :: One of the most important rivers of Picenum, which flows into the Adriatic Sea near the city of Hadria, now the river Vomano
vomax {adj} :: given to vomiting
vomens {v} :: vomiting, puking
vomens {v} :: discharging
vomer {m} :: ploughshare
vomer {m} [colloquial] :: penis
vomica {f} :: abscess, boil, sore, ulcer
vomicus {adj} :: ulcerous
vomicus {adj} :: foul, filthy, noisome
vomito {v} :: I vomit often or repeatedly
vomitorium {n} :: The entrance to an amphitheatre; passage behind a tier of seats in an amphitheatre
vomitorius {adj} :: vomitory, emetic
vomitus {v} :: vomited up or forth, discharged, emitted, having been vomited up
vomitus {m} :: The act of throwing up or vomiting
vomitus {m} :: That which is thrown up by vomiting; sick, vomit
vomo {vi} :: I am sick; I vomit, puke, throw up; discharge
vomo {vt} :: I vomit up or forth; discharge, emit
Vop. {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Vopiscus
vopiscus {adj} :: born alive after the death of the other, said of a pair of twins
Vopiscus {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Vopiscus {prop} {m} :: Flavius Vopiscus, a Roman historian
voracitas {f} :: greediness, ravenousness, voracity
voraginosus {adj} :: full of pits, chasms, or abysses; voraginous
vorago {f} :: abyss
vorans {v} :: devouring
vorans {v} :: swallowing up
vorator {m} [Late Latin] :: devourer [male]
voratrina {f} :: An eating place; tavern
voratrix {f} [Late Latin] :: devourer [female]
voratus {v} :: devoured, eaten greedily, having been devoured
voratus {v} :: swallowed up, having been swallowed up
voratus {v} [figuratively] :: destroyed, overwhelmed, having been destroyed
vorax {adj} :: Voracious; gluttonous
Vorganium {prop} {n} :: The chief town of the Osismi in Gallia Lugdunensis
Vormatia {prop} {f} :: Worms (city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
voro {v} :: I devour; I eat greedily
voro {v} :: I swallow up
voro {v} [figuratively] :: I destroy, overwhelm
voro {v} [figuratively] :: I read eagerly
voro {v} [vulgar] :: I fellate
Vorogium {prop} {n} :: A town of Aquitania situated near the course of the Elaver
vorsipellis {adj} :: alternative form of versipellis
vorsum {prep} :: toward
vortex {m} :: whirlpool, eddy, vortex
-vorus {suffix} [forms adjectives] :: -eating, -devouring
vos {pron} :: you, ye, you all; nominative plural of
vos {pron} :: you, ye, you all; accusative plural of
vosmet {pron} :: yourself
voster {pron} :: alternative form of vester ("your", "yours, "of you")
vota vita mea {phrase} :: My life is devoted
votivus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a vow; promised by a vow, given in consequence of a vow; vowed, votive
votivus {adj} :: Desired, longed or wished for
votum {n} :: promise, dedication, vow
votum {n} :: determination, will, desire
votum {n} :: prayer
votus {v} :: vowed, promised; devoted to (a deity); having been vowed
voveo {v} :: I vow, promise; dedicate or devote to a deity
voveo {v} :: I wish for, desire
vox {f} :: voice
vox {f} :: accent
vox {f} :: speech, remark, expression, (turn of) phrase
vox {f} :: word
vox {f} [grammar] :: voice; indicating the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses
vox audita perit litera scripta manet {proverb} :: A heard voice perishes, but the written letter remains
vox barbara {f} :: a barbarous word; a word which is said incorrectly
vox clamantis in deserto {phrase} :: The voice of one crying out in the desert; a reference to the prophet Isaia; has the meaning of "he speaks but nobody listens to him"
vox clandestina {f} [idiomatic] :: a whisper
vox Dei {f} :: voice of God
vox et praeterea nihil {phrase} :: nonsense, claptrap; sounds without sense
vox faucibus haesit {phrase} [idiomatic] :: speechless; so astonished as to be unable to speak
vox humana {f} :: the human voice
vox humana {f} :: what a person would say
vox populi {f} :: voice of the people
vox populi vox bovi {proverb} :: the voice of the people is worth nothing
vox populi vox dei {proverb} :: the voice of the people, the voice of God
vox populi vox Rindvieh {proverb} :: Semi-German Version of vox populi vox bovi
Vuissasclavus {prop} {m} :: given name cognate to Višeslav
Vulcanalia {prop} {np} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: A festival dedicated to the god Vulcan, celebrated on August 23rd
Vulcanus {prop} {m} :: The god of fire and metalworking
Vulg. {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Vulgāta
vulgandus {v} :: which is to be published
vulgans {v} :: publishing
vulgare {adv} [proscribed] :: commonly, usually, popularly, vulgarly
vulgaris {adj} :: common, usual, commonly known
vulgaris {adj} :: simple, plain
vulgarissimus {adj} :: most or very common or usual
vulgaritas {f} :: multitude (great mass of common people)
vulgariter {adv} :: commonly, vulgarly, after the ordinary manner
Vulgata {prop} {f} :: Vulgate (Latin Bible translation)
vulgatissimus {adj} :: most or very public or well-known
vulgaturus {v} :: about to publish
vulgatus {v} :: broadcast, published, having been made known among the people
vulgatus {v} :: made common, prostituted, having been made common
vulgatus {m} :: a publishing, divulging, broadcasting
Vulgientes {prop} {m} :: A pre-Roman tribe of Gallia Narbonensis, who lived near the Rhône
vulgivagus {adj} :: wandering everywhere, roving, vagrant
vulgivagus {adj} :: inconstant
vulgo {v} :: I broadcast, publish, divulge, issue, make known among the people
vulgo {v} :: I make common, prostitute
vulgo {v} :: I cheapen, degrade
vulgo {adv} :: generally, usually
vulgo {adv} :: universally
vulgo {adv} :: publicly, commonly, popularly
vulgus {n} {m} [uncountable] :: the common people
vulgus {n} {m} [uncountable] :: the public
vulgus {n} {m} :: throng, crowd
vulgus {n} {m} :: gathering
vulnerabilis {adj} [Late Latin] :: injurious, wounding
vulnerandus {v} :: which is to be wounded
vulnerans {v} :: wounding, injuring
vulneratio {f} :: wound, wounding
vulneratio {f} :: injury
vulneraturus {v} :: about to wound
vulneratus {v} :: wounded, injured
vulnero {v} :: I wound, injure, hurt
vulnificus {adj} :: wounding (causing wounds)
vulnus {n} :: wound, injury
vulpecula {f} :: diminutive of vūlpes
vulpecula {f} :: A little fox
vulpes {f} :: a fox
vulpes {f} [figuratively] :: smart, strategy, quick thinking, adaptability, craftiness, cunning, cleverness, wisdom
vulpes {f} :: a kind of shark
vulpinus {adj} :: fox [attributive]
vulpinus {adj} :: vulpine
vulpio {m} :: A sly fox
vulpis {f} :: alternative form of vulpes (fox)
Vulso {prop} {m} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Vulso {prop} {m} :: Publius Manlius Vulso, a Roman consul
vulticulus {m} :: look, mien, air
vultur {m} :: vulture
vulturinus {adj} :: vulture-like
vulturius {m} :: vulture
vulturius {m} :: a rapacious person
vulturius {m} [dice] :: an unlucky throw
vulturnus {m} :: alternative case form of Vulturnus
Vulturnus {prop} {m} :: A river in Campania, now the Volturno
Vulturnus {adj} :: of or belonging to the river which is now the Volturno; Vulturnian
Vulturnus {prop} {m} :: A Roman divinity, one of the Di indigetes, served by the flamen vulturnalis; perhaps the same as Vertumnus
Vulturnus {prop} {m} :: The south-east wind or the east wind, depending on the source
Vulturnus {prop} {m} [rare] :: the south-east, or east direction, depending on the source
vultus {m} :: expression, appearance
vultus {m} [anatomy] :: face
vulva {f} [anatomy] :: vulva
vulva {f} [anatomy] :: womb
-vus {suffix} :: alternative form of -uus
V viratus {m} :: abbreviation of quinquevirātus
V. viratus {m} :: abbreviation of quinquevirātus
V.viratus {m} :: abbreviation of quinquevirātus