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Time User Activity Comment
09:03, 5 May 2021 Rua (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to PWG i-umlaut)
03:50, 5 May 2021 Leasnam (talk | contribs) New thread created  

PWG i-umlaut

Hi Rua ! Did i-mutation for 'e' carry over into PWG from PGmc ? For instance, I see that in the *jestu (yeast) Inflection table that the Dative singular and Nominative/Accusative plurals have *jestiwi instead of *jistiwi. Is *jestiwi correct for these cases ?

Leasnam (talk)03:50, 5 May 2021

I'm not sure, but I vaguely remember Ringe saying that alternations within a paradigm were eliminated. Maybe it was levelled in different directions though in different languages?

Rua (mew)09:03, 5 May 2021