Sorgina | |
Sailkapen zientifikoa | |
Erreinua | Fungi |
Klasea | Agaricomycetes |
Ordena | Agaricales |
Familia | Hymenogastraceae |
Generoa | Psilocybe P.Kumm., 1871 |
Sorgina (Psilocybe)[1] Hymenogastraceae familiako ziza genero bat da. Mundu osoan zehar aurki daitezke. Espezie gehienek, ia guztiek, psilozibina, psilozina eta beozistina konposatu psikodelikoak dituzte.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Psilocybe hitza grezierazko ψιλός + κύβη hitzetatik dator[2], literalki "buru biluzia", zizaren burua erraz kentzen denari erreferentzia.
Espezie ezagunak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Espezie asko dituen generoa da, baina batzuk oso ezagunak dira:
- Psilocybe cubensis; gehien landatutako eta kontsumitutako Psilocybe espeziea, kultibatzen erraza delako eta fruituaren gorputza handia delako; tropikoetan eta subtropikoetan oso ohikoa da.
- Psilocybe cyanescens; Ipar Amerikako Pazifikoan eta Europako mendebaldean aurkitzen den espeziea.
- Psilocybe semilanceata; psilozibinadun zizarik ohikoena, klima epeletan bizi dena. Sorgin-zorrotz edo mongi ere deitua.
- Psilocybe azurescens, AEBko Washington eta Oregonen hazten den espezie oso indartsua, baina askotan kultibatzen dena.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Psilocybe acutipilea (Speg.) Guzmán
- Psilocybe aequatoriae Singer
- Psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata Guzmán
- Psilocybe antioquiensis Guzmán, Saldarr., Pineda, G. Garcia & L.-F. Velazquez
- Psilocybe atlantis Guzmán, Hanlin & C. White
- Psilocybe aquamarina (Pegler)
- Psilocybe argentipes K. Yokoy.
- Psilocybe armandii Guzmán & S.H. Pollock
- Psilocybe aucklandii Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala
- Psilocybe australiana Guzmán & Watling
- Psilocybe aztecorum R. Heim
- Psilocybe aztecorum var. bonetii (Guzman) Guzmán (aka Psilocybe bonetii Guzmán)
- Psilocybe azurescens Stamets & Gartz
- Psilocybe baeocystis Singer & A.H. Smith
- Psilocybe banderillensis Guzmán
- Psilocybe barrerae Cifuentes & Guzmán
- Psilocybe bispora Guzman, Franco-Molano and Ramírez-Guillén
- Psilocybe brasiliensis Guzmán
- Psilocybe brunneocystidiata Guzmán & Horak
- Psilocybe caeruleoannulata Singer ex Guzmán
- Psilocybe caerulescens
- Psilocybe caerulescens Murrill var. caerulescens
- Psilocybe caerulescens var. ombrophila (R. Heim) Guzmán
- Psilocybe caerulipes (Peck) Sacc.
- Psilocybe carbonaria Singer
- Psilocybe caribaea Guzmán, T.J. Baroni & Tapia
- Psilocybe chiapanensis Guzmán
- Psilocybe collybioides Singer & A.H. Smith
- Psilocybe columbiana Guzmán
- Psilocybe coprinifacies (Rolland) Pouzar s. auct., non s.Herink, non s. Krieglsteiner
- Psilocybe coprophila (Bull.) P. Kumm.
- Psilocybe cordispora R. Heim
- Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Singer
- Psilocybe cyanescens Wakef. (non sensu Krieglsteiner)
- Psilocybe cyanofibrillosa Guzmán & Stamets
- Psilocybe dumontii Singer ex Guzmán
- Psilocybe egonii Guzmán & T.J. Baroni
- Psilocybe eucalypta Guzmán & Watling
- Psilocybe fagicola R. Heim & Cailleux
- Psilocybe farinacea Rick ex Guzmán (aka Psilocybe albofimbriata (Rick) Singer)
- Psilocybe fimetaria (P.D. Orton) Watling (aka Psilocybe caesieannulata Singer; Stropharia fimetaria P.D. Orton)
- Psilocybe fuliginosa (Murrill) A.H. Smith
- Psilocybe furtadoana Guzmán
- Psilocybe galindoi Guzmán (aka Psilocybe galindii Guzmán )
- Psilocybe gallaeciae Guzmán
- Psilocybe goniospora (Berk. & Broome) Singer (aka Psilocybe lonchophora (Berk. Broome) Horak ex Guzmán )
- Psilocybe graveolens Peck
- Psilocybe guatapensis Guzmán, Saldarriaga, Pineda, Garcia & Velazquez
- Psilocybe guilartensis Guzmán, Tapia & Nieves-Rivera
- Psilocybe heimii Guzmán
- Psilocybe heliconiae Guzmán, Saldarriaga, Pineda, Garcia & Velazquez
- Psilocybe herrerae Guzmán
- Psilocybe hispanica Guzmán
- Psilocybe hoogshagenii R. Heim var. hoogshagenii (aka Psilocybe caerulipes var. gastonii Singer; Psilocybe zapotecorum R. Heim s. Singer)
- Psilocybe hoogshagenii R. Heim var. convexa Guzmán (aka Psilocybe semperviva R. Heim & Cailleux)
- Psilocybe inconspicua Guzmán & Horak
- Psilocybe indica Sathe & J.T. Daniel
- Psilocybe isabelae Guzmán
- Psilocybe jacobsii Guzmán
- Psilocybe jaliscana Guzmán
- Psilocybe keralensis K.A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán
- Psilocybe kumaenorum R. Heim
- Psilocybe laurae Guzmán
- Psilocybe lazoi Singer
- Psilocybe liniformans Guzmán & Bas var. liniformans
- Psilocybe liniformans var. americana Guzmán & Stamets
- Psilocybe magica Svrček [3]
- Psilocybe mairei Singer (aka Hypholoma cyanescens Maire; Geophila cyanescens (Maire) Kuhner & Romagn.; non Psilocybe cyanescens s. Krieglsteiner]
- Psilocybe makarorae Johnst. & Buchanan
- Psilocybe mammillata (Murrill) A.H. Smith
- Psilocybe meridensis Guzmán
- Psilocybe meridionalis Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & Guzm.-Dáv.
- Psilocybe mescaleroensis Guzmán, Walstad, E. Gándara & Ram.-Guill.
- Psilocybe mexicana R. Heim
- Psilocybe moseri Guzmán
- Psilocybe muliercula Singer & A.H. Smith (aka Psilocybe wassonii R. Heim)
- Psilocybe natalensis Gartz, Reid, Smith & Eicker
- Psilocybe natarajanii Guzmán (aka Psilocybe aztecorum var. bonetii (Guzman) Guzmáns. Natarajan & Raman]
- Psilocybe ochreata (Berk. & Broome) Horak ex Guzmán
- Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata Guzmán et Gaines
- Psilocybe papuana Guzmán & Horak
- Psilocybe paulensis (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán (aka Psilocybe banderiliensis var. paulensis Guzmán & Bononi)
- Psilocybe pelliculosa (A.H. Smith) Singer & A.H. Smith
- Psilocybe pericystis Singer
- Psilocybe pintonii Guzmán
- Psilocybe pleurocystidiosa Guzmán
- Psilocybe plutonia (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc.
- Psilocybe portoricensis Guzmán, Tapia & Nieves-Rivera
- Psilocybe pseudoaztecorum Natarajan & Raman (aka Psilocybe aztecorum var. aztecorum sensu Natarajan & Raman; Psilocybe subaztecorum' Guzmán , 1995)
- Psilocybe puberula Bas & Noordel.
- Psilocybe quebecensis Ola'h & R. Heim
- Psilocybe ramulosa (Guzmán & Bononi) Guzmán (aka Psilocybe zapotecorum var. ramulosum Guzmán & Bononi)
- Psilocybe rickii Guzmán & Cortez
- Psilocybe rostrata (Petch) Pegler
- Psilocybe rzedowskii Guzmán
- Psilocybe samuiensis Guzmán, Bandala & Allen
- Psilocybe sanctorum Guzmán
- Psilocybe schultesii Guzmán & S.H. Pollock
- Psilocybe semiinconspicua Guzmán & J. M. Trappe
- Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr. : Secr.) Kumm. (aka Psilocybe semilanceata var. caerulescens (Cooke) Sacc.: Psilocybe cookei Singer; non Psilocybe callosa (Fr. : Fr.) Quel., which is Psilocybe strictipes Singer & A.H. Smith]
- Psilocybe septentrionalis (Guzman) Guzmán (aka Psilocybe subaeriginascens Hohn. var. septentrionalis Guzmán )
- Psilocybe serbica Moser & Horak (non ss. Krieglsteiner)
- Psilocybe sierrae Singer (aka Psilocybe subfimetaria Guzmán & A.H. Sm.)
- Psilocybe silvatica (Peck) Singer & A.H. Smith
- Psilocybe singerii Guzmán
- Psilocybe strictipes Singer & A.H. Smith (aka Psilocybe callosa (Fr. : Fr.) Quel. s.Guzmán , 1983; Psilocybe semilanceata var. obtusa Bon; Psilocybe semilanceata var. microspora Singer
- Psilocybe stuntzii Guzmán & Ott
- Psilocybe subacutipilea Guzmán, Saldarriaga, Pineda, Garcia & Velazquez
- Psilocybe subaeruginascens Hohn. var. subaeruginascens (aka Psilocybe aerugineo-maculans (Hohn.) Singer & A.H. Smith
- Psilocybe subaeruginosa Cleland
- Psilocybe subbrunneocystidiata P.S. Silva & Guzmán
- Psilocybe subcaerulipes Hongo
- Psilocybe subcubensis Guzmán
- Psilocybe subpsilocybioides Guzmán, Lodge & S.A. Cantrell
- Psilocybe subtropicalis Guzmán
- Psilocybe subyungensis Guzmán
- Psilocybe subzapotecorum Guzmán
- Psilocybe tampanensis Guzmán & S.H. Pollock
- Psilocybe tasmaniana Guzmán & Watling
- Psilocybe uruguayensis Singer ex Guzmán
- Psilocybe uxpanapensis Guzmán
- Psilocybe venenata (S. Imai) Imaz. & Hongo (aka Psilocybe fasciata Hongo; Stropharia caerulescens S. Imai)
- Psilocybe veraecrucis Guzmán & Perez-Ortiz
- Psilocybe villarrealiae Guzmán
- Psilocybe washingtonensis A.H.Sm.
- Psilocybe wassoniorum Guzmán & S.H. Pollock
- Psilocybe wayanadensis K.A. Thomas, Manim. & Guzmán
- Psilocybe weilii Guzmán, Tapia & Stamets
- Psilocybe weldenii Guzmán
- Psilocybe weraroa Borov., Oborník & Noordel.
- Psilocybe wrightii Guzmán
- Psilocybe xalapensis Guzmán & A. Lopez
- Psilocybe yungensis Singer & A.H. Smith (aka Psilocybe yungensis var. diconica Singer & A.H. Smith; Psilocybe yungensis var. acutopapillata Singer & A.H. Smith; Psilocybe isaurii Singer; Psilocybe acutissima R. Heim)
- Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum Guzmán, T.J. Baroni & Lodge
- Psilocybe zapotecocaribaea Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & T.J. Baroni
- Psilocybe zapotecorum R. Heim emend. Guzmán (aka Psilocybe aggericola Singer & A.H. Smith)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- ↑ «Euskalterm» Euskararen corpus terminologikoa.
- ↑ (Grezieraz) Schrevel, Cornelis. (1826). Schrevelius' Greek lexicon, tr. into Engl. with numerous corrections. (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-08-27).
- ↑ SVRČEK M. (1989): Psilocybe (Deconica) magica sp. nov. Česká Mykologie 43: 82–84.