The Western Australian Herbarium, a part of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ Biodiversity and Conservation Science, leads or collaborates in a range of projects, with the community, state or federal government agencies. Many of them adopt Florabase as their ‘portal’ to the biodiversity information they collect and analyse. They include:
Brixton Street Field Herbarium A flora identification tool for managers of seasonal clay-based wetlands
The Brixton Street Field Herbarium project is part of the continued documentation of the flora of these critically endangered wetlands and associated woodlands. Knowledge and understanding of their exceptionally diverse flora underpins effective protection, management and restoration of seasonal wetlands.
Swan Weeds Information on the Swan Region’s major environmental weeds
Environmental weeds pose a serious threat to the rich natural biodiversity of the Swan Region in Western Australia. Swan Weeds is a database developed to provide accessible information on the most problematic environmental weeds in the region.
Swan Weeds provides web-based delivery of information on the biology and management of environmental weeds which are problematic in Western Australia, with particular emphasis on those species occurring on the Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Scarp and Plateau (the Jarrah Forest IBRA Region).
The database is a collaboration involving the Department’s Western Australian Herbarium, our Urban Nature Program and the 2006–2008 Invasive Species Project administered by the Perth Region NRM (formerly the Swan Catchment Council). The latter project has been funded through the Commonwealth Government’s Natural Heritage Trust program. Production of the grass and herbaceous species management notes has been funded by the Department as a Specific Nature Conservation Project. This forms part of a $4.75 million targeted investment by DEC over 2009–10 to implement projects for the conservation of Western Australia’s native plants, animals and ecosystems.