William Butler Yeats

William Butler Yeats (13. júní, 186528. janúar, 1939) var írskt skáld og leikskáld sem var einn af frumkvöðlum írsku bókmenntaendurreisnarinnar fyrir aldamótin 1900. Hann var einn af stofnendum Abbey Theater leikhússins í Dublin 1904. Hann var einnig mikill áhugamaður um dulspeki og guðspeki og kynnti sér Hindúatrú. Hann fékk sæti í írsku öldungadeildinni 1922. Þótt hann sé eitt af lykilskáldum á ensku á 20. öldinni fékkst hann ekki við óbundið form líkt og svo mörg önnur módernísk skáld heldur orti undir hefðbundnum bragarháttum. Hann hlaut bókmenntaverðlaun Nóbels árið 1923.

Yeats árið 1903


  • 1886 — Mosada
  • 1888 — Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry
  • 1889 — The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems
  • 1891 — Representative Irish Tales
  • 1891 — John Sherman and Dhoya
  • 1892 — Irish Faerie Tales
  • 1892 — The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics
  • 1893 — The Celtic Twilight
  • 1894 — The Land of Heart's Desire
  • 1895 — Poems
  • 1897 — The Secret Rose
  • 1899 — The Wind Among the Reeds
  • 1900 — The Shadowy Waters
  • 1902 — Cathleen ni Houlihan
  • 1903 — Ideas of Good and Evil
  • 1903 — In the Seven Woods
  • 1907 — Discoveries
  • 1910 — The Green Helmet and Other Poems
  • 1912 — The Cutting of an Agate
  • 1913 — Poems Written in Discouragement
  • 1914 — Responsibilities
  • 1916 — Reveries Over Childhood and Youth
  • 1917 — The Wild Swans at Coole
  • 1918 — Per Amica Silentia Lunae
  • 1921 — Michael Robartes and the Dancer
  • 1921 — Four Plays for Dancers
  • 1921 — Four Years
  • 1924 — The Cat and the Moon
  • 1925 — A Vision
  • 1926 — Estrangement
  • 1926 — Autobiographies
  • 1927 — October Blast
  • 1928 — The Tower
  • 1929 — The Winding Stair
  • 1933 — The Winding Stair and Other Poems
  • 1934 — Collected Plays
  • 1935 — A Full Moon in March
  • 1938 — New Poems
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