English: The logo and registered trademark of Homer, the independent American luxury jewelry and accessories brand founded in 2018 and commercially launched in New York City in August 2021 by Frank Ocean. The name Homer refers to the Ancient Greek poet credited as the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. The wordmark features a modified version of Neue Haas Unica™ Bold, a typeface designed by Toshi Omagari and published by Lintotype.
Copyright in the documents provided in this site (including, without limitation, the trademarks of Homer, graphics, text, photos, designs, logos, icons, images, data and software) are owned by or licensed to Homer and its affiliates. You are authorized to use this material only for personal, non-commercial purposes. You may download, print and store copies of this material for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided this Copyright Permission Notice is included in all such copies. You may not charge anyone for use of the material and you may not publish, duplicate or otherwise distribute the material to others without prior consent from Homer. You may not modify the material in any way, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Except as expressly stated in this legal notice, no rights or licenses to the material, or any portion thereof, shall be granted or implied.
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