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LLM Agents with Knative: An Overview

Published on: 2024-07-17

LLM Agents with Knative: An Overview

Author: Calum Murray, Software Engineering Intern @ Red Hat

LLMs are a transformative technology, enabling new forms of interactions between users and software systems. But how can we make sure that the LLM gives correct answers to users? Can we use LLMs as more than just a question answering/summarization tool and have them take actions on our behalf?

LLM Agents and Tool Calling are some emerging patterns in the space that allow for LLMs to interact with other tools and models, solving much of the problem of correctness and giving LLMs the power to take actions for users. With all of these benefits, we have been looking in the Knative community for ways that we can enable you to build LLM agent systems more easily and in a method that is more in line with how you build the rest of your system: declarative and cloud native. In this blog post we are going to first go over some background on what exactly an LLM Agent is and how LLMs can call tools, and then we will discuss where we picture Knative fitting into this paradigm.

What is an Agent?

In AI, an agent is defined as a system that is able to take in information about its environment and use that information to make decisions and take actions to accomplish a goal. In the context of LLMs, an Agent is a system with an LLM at its core that is able to make decisions on what actions to take as it works to answer the prompt it received. The most common actions LLM agents can be built to take are: sending text or other media to the user, calling a tool to help answer the user, and calling another agent to help answer the user. Generally speaking, an LLM agent will also have a system prompt explaining what its role is and giving it some rules over when to call tools and/or reply to the user. For most Agents, the control flow can be shown as follows:

One of the key properties of an LLM Agent over some other form of agent is that the decisions on whether to call more tools, to call the LLM again, to call another agent, or to finish processing is made by the LLM - not some other form of logic (hand coded or AI/ML based). So, while the above diagram shows the LLM and the Agent as two separate entities, they are generally the same entity. Whenever a tool or agent call completes, that information is sent to the LLM and it makes a decision on what to do with that information. Sometimes the LLM will decide to call itself again - for example, we have observed this happen when the LLM wants to send some text to the user before continuing to call other agents or tools.

How do LLMs call Tools?

All that is needed for an LLM to call a tool is some way for the LLM to communicate which tool it wants to call, as well as what arguments (if any) it wants to provide to the tool. As the LLM output is just a sequence of tokens there needs to be some kind of external system that can parse this information from the output, so the LLM needs to output structured or semi-structured data in a consistent way to call a tool. There are multiple different APIs on how to do this, and it currently somewhat depends on the exact model you are using (as they have been trained to handle this in different ways). For the purposes of this blog, we are going to be specifically looking at the OpenAI Chat API for doing this, however the concepts are generally the same for other models.

In the OpenAI Chat API, you are asked to pass in a list of tools that the LLM is able to use. The key information you have to provide is the name of the tool, as well as any parameters that the tool might accept. For each parameter, information about the type of the parameter, what it is used for, and its name must also be provided so that the LLM is able to call the tool as accurately as possible. As an example, the following JSON object is a valid tool:

    "type": "function",
    "function": {
        "name": "get_current_weather",
        "description": "Get the current weather in a given location",
        "parameters": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "location": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
                "unit": {"type": "string", "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"]},
            "required": ["location"],

This JSON object would be included in any calls to the OpenAI Chat API where the LLM may want to choose to call the get_current_weather function. If it was not included, the LLM would not be aware of the tool and would not be able to call it.

When the LLM is called with a set of tools, it is able to make a decision on whether or not to call any tools, and which tool(s) to call with which parameters. The way to check if the model wants to make any tool calls is to look at the tool_calls property of the response message. For example, in python you would do:

response_message = response.choices[0].message
tool_calls = response_message.tool_calls

From there, you would have an array of tools to be called as well as the arguments to pass to each tool. So, to call the tool you have to call some function or class method with the arguments the LLM chose to provide.

Using Knative for LLM Tool Calling

While investigating how LLMs call tools, we noticed that many tools are simple API wrappers: they take the parameters provided by the LLM and map them into some form of API call. We also noticed that because the LLM only knows about the name of the tool and what parameters it can accept, any tools that were not an API wrapper could very easily be turned into one (for example by placing the logic for the tool into a Knative Function which builds as a Linux Container, deploying it as a Knative Service). But why is this important?

When all the tools just are an API wrapper, all that is needed to define any tool in the system is:

  1. The name of the tool
  2. A description of the tool
  3. The parameters the tool accepts
  4. How to mape the parameters into the API of the tool

Notice that everything in the above list is just metadata about the tool, and that using these four pieces of metadata we are able to define any tool we want the LLM to be able to call. This is an extremely important result, as it allows us to generalize the tool calling and extract the definitions of the tools from the code that calls the tools. In other words, we can write the code for calling a tool based on the LLM message once, and use the metadata about the tools in our system to handle the specifics of each individual tool.

In Knative we already have a CustomResource for recording this metadata: EventTypes! EventTypes were originally created to model the types of CloudEvents that existed in a Knative Eventing system, so that developers working on Event Consumers could easily figure out what was available to them and how to consume that. However, that same information can be used to describe what a Service expects to receive (in this case as a tool call from an LLM). The EventTypes can be used without any changes to describe what tools are available an LLM Agent, as well as how to call them.

As an example, let’s say I have a service that returns the current weather for a location. I could represent the contract of what this service expects in an EventType as:

kind: EventType
    kind: Service
    name: get-current-weather
  description: "Get the current weather in a given location."
  schemaData: '{"location":{"type":"string","description":"The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA"},"unit":{"type":"string","description":"One of [celsius, farenheit]"}}'
  type: ""

The description of the EventType can be directly mapped to the tool description expected by the LLM, the name can be taken from the name of the EventType resource (but note: OpenAI models require that tools have names using only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64 so we may have to do some sanitization of the name). For the parameters of the function, we can get those by parsing the schemaData of the EventType.

As we saw above, the EventType resource contains all the information to tell the LLM how to call the Service. To call the tool with the message from the LLM containing the tool call, all we need to do is use the schemaData as well as the type field in the EventType to construct a CloudEvent with the correct data which will get sent to the correct service. To send it to the service we can either:

  1. Resolve the reference from the spec to a URI and call that directly
  2. Use a Knative Broker to handle the dispatch of all tool calls to the correct Knative Service

Given the many advantages of using Brokers (such as Delivery retries, persistent message technologies like Apache Kafka to back the broker, etc.) we chose to use a Broker to dispatch all tool calls to the correct Service. In order to get a response back with the result of the tool call (instead of just the broker acknowledging that the event was received), we added a deployment that sits in front of the broker that provides Request-Reply semantics. We plan on adding this deployment through a new CustomResource - check out the issue here for more information as well as for how it works.

In this way, all you need to do for your LLM Agent to learn how to call one of your services is to:

  1. Create a trigger from your broker to your service using a filter selecting a specific type of event
  2. Create an EventType with the same type that uses the schemaData to describe the API of your service

Wrapping up

In this blog post, we have covered what LLM agents are, how LLMs can call tools, and how Knative can be used to simplify tool calling using metadata. If you are interested in how to build an LLM agent system that uses Knative to simplify tool calling and discovery, as well as our vision for how this technology should evolve going forwards, keep your eyes out for our next blog on this topic which is coming soon! If you have any questions on this topic, we invite you to engage with us on the Knative channels in the CNCF slack instance.

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