Description when the item was discovered Represents invention (Q14208553) , discovery (Q12772819) , archaeological find (Q10855061) Data type Point in time Template parameter e.g. Infobox planet discovered , Infobox particle discovered , Infobox element discovery date , Infobox diamond found , Infobox fossil date discovered Domain all item that was discovered (e.g. astronomic objects, inventions, archaeological sites, animal/plant species...)
(note: this should be moved to the property statements)Allowed values 77986 ≤ 𝓧 ≤ unknown Example Uranus (Q324) → 13 March 1781 Bathurst Island (Q217369) → 1819 Aichbühl culture (Q403546) → 1923 M82589933 (Q67171811) → 7 December 2018 Tracking: same no label (Q42533402) Tracking: usage Category:Pages using Wikidata property P575 (Q21037783) See also start time (P580) , discoverer or inventor (P61) , time of earliest written record (P1249) Lists
Proposal discussion Proposal discussion Current uses Total 125,126 Main statement 123,900 99% of uses Qualifier 1,220 1% of uses Reference 6 <0.1% of uses
create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here ]
Discovered date after died date False positive cases exists (Help )Violations query: SELECT ?item ?discovered ?died ?diff ?nb ?person { ?item wdt : P575 ?discovered ; wikibase : statements ?nb . ?item wdt : P61 ?person . ?person wdt : P570 ?died . BIND ( ?died - ?discovered AS ?diff ) FILTER ( ?discovered > ?died ) FILTER ( ?item NOT IN ( wd : Q1434934 , wd : Q1537693 , wd : Q1156887 , wd : Q64547993 , wd : Q1628151 , wd : Q871 , wd : Q1143156 , wd : Q29592913 , wd : Q2116298 , wd : Q11035 , wd : Q10422 )) } ORDER BY ?diff
List of this constraint violations: Database reports/Complex constraint violations/P575#Discovered date after died date
This property is being used by:
it:Template:Corpo celeste , it:Template:Sport
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be:Шаблон:Малая планета , be:Шаблон:Спадарожнік
ca:Plantilla:Asteroide , ca:Plantilla:Estrella , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula d'obra artística , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula de mineral , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula de partícula , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula esdeveniment , ca:Plantilla:Cràter mercurial , ca:Plantilla:Cartografia de Mercuri , ca:Plantilla:Accident geogràfic extraterrestre , ca:Plantilla:Esdeveniment astronòmic , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula compost químic , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula d'estel , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula d'objecte astronòmic , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula de magnitud física , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula document , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula eina , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula fòssil , ca:Plantilla:Planeta extrasolar , ca:Plantilla:Proteïna , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula isòtop , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula satèl·lit , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula d'asteroide , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula sistema d'escriptura , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula accident geogràfic extraterrestre , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula asteroide
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ro:Format:Infocaseta Asteroid , ro:Format:Infocaseta Planetă , ro:Format:Infocaseta Peșteră
tt:Калып:Планета карточкасы
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my:Template:Infobox astronomical event
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lb:Schabloun:Infobox NGC
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commons:Template:Wikidata Infobox , commons:Template:Wikidata Infobox/core
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la:Formula:Capsa asteroidis Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa satellitis Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa satellitis Vicidatorum , la:Formula:Capsa asteroidis Vicidatorum
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vi:Bản mẫu:Infobox astronomical event
zh:Template:Infobox astronomical event
az:Şablon:Ulduz məlumat qutusu , az:Şablon:Planet 2 , az:Şablon:Planet
ast:Plantía:Ficha d'oxetu celeste , ast:Plantía:Ficha de documentu
cy:Nodyn:Wikidata Infobox
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shi:Talɣa:Infobox astronomical object , shi:Talɣa:Infobox intellectual work
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ga:Teimpléad:WD Bosca Sonraí Comhdhúil Cheimiceach , ga:Teimpléad:WD Bosca Sonraí Córais Scríbhneoireachta , ga:Teimpléad:WD Bosca Sonraí Dúil Cheimiceach , ga:Teimpléad:WD Bosca Sonraí Mianra
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eo:Ŝablono:Informkesto astronomia objekto
ka:თარგი:ინფოდაფა სპორტი , ka:თარგი:ინფოდაფა ავტოსპორტი
ps:کينډۍ:Wikidata Infobox/core
Please notify projects that use this property before big changes (renaming, deletion, merge with another property, etc.)
(Possibly relevant statistics: This property is used on 51265 pages. All but 1205 also have discoverer or inventor (P61) .)
Things can be discovered multiple times, by multiple people. However, we currently have no way of linking the separate time of discovery or invention (P575) and discoverer or inventor (P61) statements to each other, leaving ambiguous when any particular discoverer's discovery took place. There are a few ways this could be remedied:
P575 could be deleted, and replaced with point in time (P585) as a qualifier of discoverer or inventor (P61) . Problems: This makes it impossible to add the time without the discoverer, and also doesn't work well for discoveries by groups of people.
P61 could be deleted, and replaced by a new property that would qualify P575 to show the discoverer. Problem: This makes it impossible to show the discoverer without the time.
Either P575 or P61 could be changed to also be usable as a qualifier in particular cases where there were multiple discoveries, so as to link the data points. Problem: Introduces inconsistency in the data model, harder to query things.
If something is discovered multiple times, all but the first could be ignored. Problem: Leaving out potentially useful data.
Thoughts? --Yair rand (talk ) 08:55, 23 December 2015 (UTC) Reply
@Yair rand : you are wrong in 1 and 2, because we can set "unknown value" and "no value"
I think it would make more sense to use some property + qualifier.
Claims at hydroponics (Q191667) are not "connected" to each other
I prefer to have dates as qualifiers. d1g (talk ) 13:24, 27 September 2017 (UTC) Reply