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On this page, old discussions are archived. An overview of all archives can be found at this page's archive index. The current archive is located at 2015.

Previous discussion was archived at User talk:ValterVB/Archive 1 on 2015-08-10.

kkwiki description улгі Уикимедиа → Уикимедиа үлгісі

Тұран (talkcontribs)

Good afternoon, kkwiki description is not "улгі Уикимедиа", ideally will be "Уикимедиа үлгісі". Example, Q5636960, that is, it is wrong here. Most of the templates are so mistranslated that you can fix them with a bot.

ValterVB (talkcontribs)
Тұран (talkcontribs)

no one answers me, what should I do?

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

The problem is that now is end of year holiday. It is better to wait until next week.

Тұран (talkcontribs)

No one answers, what's next?

Тұран (talkcontribs)
ValterVB (talkcontribs)

I think that you must retry to ask.

Тұран (talkcontribs)

ok I'll try

Тұран (talkcontribs)
Тұран (talkcontribs)

For example, like this

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

You mean change from "улгі Уикимедиа" to "Уикимедиа үлгісі"?

Тұран (talkcontribs)

Yes, that's right

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

BOT at work, I think it will take a couple of days.

Тұран (talkcontribs)

OK, thank you

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

All done. (talkcontribs)

Post a new message to "User talk:ValterVB"Update new software in Javarobot

Call for participation in a task-based online experiment

Kholoudsaa (talkcontribs)

Dear ValterVB,

I hope you are doing well,

I am Kholoud, a researcher at King's College London, and I am working on a project as part of my PhD research, in which I have developed a personalised recommender model that suggests Wikidata items for the editors based on their past edits.

I am inviting you to a task-based study that will ask you to provide your judgments about the relevance of the items suggested by our model based on your previous edits. Participation is completely voluntary, and your cooperation will enable us to evaluate the accuracy of the recommender system in suggesting relevant items to you. We will analyse the results anonymised, and they will be published to a research venue.

The study should take no more than 15 minutes.

If you agree to participate in this study, please either contact me at [email protected] or use this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSees9WzFXR0Vl3mHLkZCaByeFHRrBy51kBca53euq9nt3XWog/viewform?usp=sf_link

Then, I will contact you with the link to start the study.

For more information about the study, please read this post: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Kholoudsaa In case you have further questions or require more information, don't hesitate to contact me through my mentioned email.

Thank you for considering taking part in this research.


.Oh1Damn. (talkcontribs)
ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Se non sai come funziona però chiedi prima di fare modifiche. Quello è l'item che da quando è nato e riferito a Tiscali, per Tessellis che è una cosa diversa va creato un item nuovo come ho fatto io Tessellis (Q726572). OTa ripristino il tutto e se continui dovrò segnalarti per edit war (talkcontribs)

Ma ci fai o ci sei? Tiscali e Tessellis sono la stessa azienda, vatti a leggere i comunicati stampa ufficiali. Sai cos'è il cambio di denominazione sociale? È evidente che non lo sai. Tiscali è ancora attiva come marchio operato da Tiscali Italia (come spiegato nei vari siti istituzionali), che è una SUSSIDIARIA di Tessellis (ex Tiscali), e non la medesima. Tessellis attraverso le sue filiali opera anche a livello europeo, mentre Tiscali Italia, come dice il nome, è addetta ai servizi di telefonia del nostro Paese. Non mi interessa se gente che come te sparge incompetenza e mi blocca globalmente, continuerò sempre a creare account per ripulire Wikipedia dalle modifiche di persone di queato genere che piuttosto che documentarsi e ammettere i propri errori, vanno a lamentarsi e piagnucolare agli amministratori nei mainspace ove non si ha la carica di sysop, oppure si interviene direttamente bloccando gli utenti se si gode di tale privilegio. Penso di aver incontrato solo un amministratore di it.wiki verso il quale porto rispetto ed è una persona corretta e onesta, con il quale ho avuto e ho ancora a che fare, e che spesso prende le mie difese. Per il resto siete tutti uguali.

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Ci sono.

Tessellis in Wikidata è un'entità diversa dalla vecchia Tiscali.Tessellis è nata ad agosto 2022, Tiscali nel 1998. Basta già solo questo per tenere separate le due entità come FIAT e Stellantis (talkcontribs)

Non è nata ad agosto del 2022, dove le leggi le informazioni? Ad agosto 2022 Tiscali ha incorporato il ramo retail di Linkem, ma l'azienda è rimasta sempre la stessa, e il mese scorso ha cambiato denominazione sociale in Tessellis. Non sono due entità separate perché si tratta della stessa azienda. Se non credi a me almeno fidati delle fonti, e se queste non ti bastano, beh il Web è pieno di articoli che ne parlano. Sono sicuro che non hai cattive intenzioni, però per il bene della community e dell'informazione, ti consiglio di mettere in discussione le tue opinioni quando ti viene messa davanti l'evidenza dei fatti.

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Io non so se sei sempre lo stesso, siete un gruppo di dipendenti o che altro, ma il modo di sistemare la cosa l'ho già indicata su Wikipedia. O segui le cose come si fanno normalmente su wikipedia con la regola del consenso , o questo tipo di modifiche saranno regolarmente annullate e gli utenti bloccati in scrittura. (talkcontribs)

Per prima cosa Wikipedia e Wikidata hanno norme differenti, e poi rispondi al mio messaggio sopra dove ti ho citato anche le fonti. Non decidi te le regole di Wiki, se un'azienda è sempre la stessa non ha senso sdoppiare l'elemento. (talkcontribs)

Inoltre parli di consenso te quando ha letteralmente sdoppiato la voce Wikidata di un'azienda, mentre io mi sono limitato a riportare la nuova denominazione.

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Se l'utente è stato bloccato evidentemente non aveva ragione o nei modi o nel contenuto. Lo sdoppiamento è prassi normalmente quando ci sono entità diverse. (talkcontribs)

Ma capisci che non sono entità diverse o te lo devo spiegare in arabo?

488 on your list of delete candidates

Klaas van Buiten (talkcontribs)

I agree to delete this one. There is only one 'Guido Thys' on Wikipedia in Dutch so no need for a Q110291609 disambiguation page

Kevin Scannell (talkcontribs)

Hi Walter, I see your bot has added Irish descriptions for many thousands of template pages but unfortunately the grammar is incorrect; it should be "teimpléad Wikimedia" and not "Vicipéid teimpléad". Could you please update the source code that I see here: User:ValterVBot/Source/Utility.cs? Do you have a way of correcting the errors that were introduced? Maybe a log file with the Wikidata items this was applied to?

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Hi @Kevin Scannell: I have used translation in MediaWiki:Gadget-autoEdit.js The first step to do is change description in this gadget, ask it in discussion page, some admin will change it, then when it has been changed come back to my discussion page so we can see how to change it.

Γέροντας Παστίτσιος (talkcontribs)

Dear Walter,

please restore the item Q6987886 of the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering. I'm absolutely not interested in the advertisement Wikipedia article (deleted years ago), but in a Wikidata item of the only notable mountaineering institute in India.

Thank you very much,


ValterVB (talkcontribs)

I can't do it, need that you ask to an admin You can ask here

Γέροντας Παστίτσιος (talkcontribs)

May I recreate a new item with the same meaning?

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

I don't remember the content of the item, but I think that the item was completely empty, so you can't create an empty item.

Oursana (talkcontribs)
ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Only 6 years :) Thank you very much for correcting it.

SurdusVII (talkcontribs)

ciao, come stai, wikicollega?? puoi unire questi 2: Q50376890 e Q1047226?? si tratta dello stesso elemento di una business school multinazionale..

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Perché non lo fai te? Basta che abiliti nelle preferenze il primo accessorio, quello chiamato: "Unisci": questo script fornisce un semplice strumento per unire due elementi.

SurdusVII (talkcontribs)

va bene ci provo.. ma ho paura di fare dell'errore..

SurdusVII (talkcontribs)

no, non mi fa funzionare, mi dà: "Errore durante "Unisci con: Q1047226": The two items cannot be merged because one of them links to the other using the properties: P361 If you believe it's an error, please report it here with source and destination of merge." non capisco dov'è ho sbagliato??

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Non te lo fa fare, ma non lo fa fare neanche a me. Se tu guardi Hult International Business School (Q50376890) vedi che c'é la proprietà part of (P361), quindi sembrerebbero 2 cose diverse. Sulla voce italiana di Hult International Business School (Q1047226) leggo: "La HULT è nata dall'unione della Arthur D. Little School of Management, fondata nel 1964 negli Stati Uniti e della Ashridge Business School", quindi probabilmente è giusto tenerle separate perché Hult International Business School (Q50376890) è la "Arthur D. Little School of Management" che unita a quella inglese ha creato la Hult International Business School (Q1047226)

SurdusVII (talkcontribs)

ciò si tratta di un errore per il titolo, cioè voglio dire il titolo dovrebbe essere in teoria: Arthur D. Little School of Management??

ValterVB (talkcontribs)

Da quel che ho capito si.

SurdusVII (talkcontribs)

per il momento non farò modifiche.. non vorrei fare degli errori.. magari qualche wikidatiano esperto saprebbe a che titolo dare quello corretto..

Call for participation in the interview study with Wikidata editors

Kholoudsaa (talkcontribs)

Dear ValterVB,

I hope you are doing good,

I am Kholoud, a researcher at King’s College London, and I work on a project as part of my PhD research that develops a personalized recommendation system to suggest Wikidata items for the editors based on their interests and preferences. I am collaborating on this project with Elena Simperl and Miaojing Shi.

I would love to talk with you to know about your current ways to choose the items you work on in Wikidata and understand the factors that might influence such a decision. Your cooperation will give us valuable insights into building a recommender system that can help improve your editing experience.  

Participation is completely voluntary. You have the option to withdraw at any time. Your data will be processed under the terms of UK data protection law (including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018). The information and data that you provide will remain confidential; it will only be stored on the password-protected computer of the researchers. We will use the results anonymized to provide insights into the practices of the editors in item selection processes for editing and publish the results of the study to a research venue. If you decide to take part, we will ask you to sign a consent form, and you will be given a copy of this consent form to keep.

If you’re interested in participating and have 15-20 minutes to chat (I promise to keep the time!), please either contact me at [] or [] or use this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmmFHaiB20nK14wrQJgfrA18PtmdagyeRib3xGtvzkdn3Lgw/viewform?usp=sf_link with your choice of the times that work for you.

I’ll follow up with you to figure out what method is the best way for us to connect.

Please contact me if you have any questions or require more information about this project.

Thank you for considering taking part in this research.

