Wikidata:Property proposal/uses natural resource

uses natural resource


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

Descriptionraw material processed or a natural resource converted or consumed by a factory or industrial process, to manufacture a product, or to deliver energy. Aliases: natural resource used, intermediate good used
RepresentsAny factory, industry, industrial process, machine, or production flow. Not to be confused with product components, that use made from material (P186) instead.
Data typeItem
Domainphysical goods like raw material, delving material, natural resource, intermediate goods that are consumed or converted in an (industrial) proces:
Allowed valuesAny instance of primary commodity (Q15075845), delving material (Q2518864), natural resource (Q188460), intermediate good (Q3955017)
Example 1Cotonnière des Flandres (Q108219788) raw material processed cotton (Q11457)
Example 2steam engine (Q12760) natural resource used coal (Q24489) Should use source of energy (P618) instead.
Example 3nuclear power plant (Q134447) natural resource used uranium (Q1098) Should use source of energy (P618) instead.
Example 4steam locomotive (Q171043) raw material processed water (Q283). This example is OK because water (Q283) is processed into steam (Q3251738) as by-product (P2821) by heating (source of energy (P618) coal (Q24489)) and extracting the kinetic energy (Q46276).
Example 5hydroelectric power station (Q15911738) natural resource used water (Q283). This example is probably NOK, because water (Q283) is not consumed in this case, nor converted; only the potential energy (Q155640) is converted in kinetic energy (Q46276).
Example 6blast furnace (Q181485) raw material processed iron ore (Q191552)
Example 7oil refinery (Q12353044) raw material processed petroleum (Q22656)
Example 8Volvo Cars (Q215293) raw material processed sheet steel (Q100268447)
Example 9sugar refinery (Q227857) raw material processed sugarcane (Q36940), sugar beet (Q151964)
SourceExample: w:nl:Wikipedia:GLAM/Industriemuseum Gent/Wiki Café/2021-09-02/ListeriaBot/Query
Planned use
  • Documenting any industrial or chemical process (not the product)
  • Documenting 74 textile factories that process natural fibers into diverse textile products
  • Other factories, industrial processes, and machines can use this new property to document the raw materials they use.

    Could be used in environmental projects about natural resource use, and raw materials (UN Sustainable Development Goals, climate change effects).
    Number of IDs in source100000s of items
    Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
    See alsoOther related properties, like:
    Wikidata project
  • Transport and vehicles WikiProjects
  • WikiProject Agriculture
  • Kathedralen van de industrie (Q106604493)
  • Documenting industrial processes
  • Motivatie


    I am documenting 74 textile factories in Gent for the WikiProject Kathedralen van de industrie (Q106604493), and have already a huge list of statements, but I can't register what type of raw material those factories were processing: e.g. cotton (Q11457), flax (Q47089651), jute (Q107211), hemp fiber (Q13414920), etc.

    made from material (P186) is a similar property, but it describes the components of a finished product, not the input material for a factory or an industrial process. Geertivp (talk) 17:00, 24 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

    Daniel Mietchen (talk) 21:28, 15 May 2018 (UTC) Gregor Hagedorn (talk) 15:38, 23 September 2018 (UTC) Ainali (talk) 08:00, 14 October 2018 (UTC) Michael Cieslik (talk) 13:52, 26 November 2018 (UTC) Pdehaye (talk) 00:50, 16 February 2019 (UTC) Cassandreces (talk) 17:22, 19 February 2019 (UTC) Pauljmackay (talk) 18:32, 2 March 2019 (UTC) Will (Wiki Ed) (talk) 16:31, 24 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]

      Notified participants of WikiProject Sustainable Development Ainali (talk) 22:22, 25 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]


    (industrial process, machine, or factory) - (raw material processed) - (raw material as input for the process)
    (industrial process, machine, or factory) - product or material produced or service provided (P1056) - (wanted product as primary target)
    (industrial process, machine, or factory) - by-product (P2821) - (secondary product, or any waste product as "colatoral damage")
    (industrial process, machine, or factory) - uses (P2283) - (tool to drive the process, machine, or factory)
    (industrial process, machine, or factory) - powered by (P516)/source of energy (P618) - (energy to drive the process, machine, or factory)
    Overview of process with input, output, tools and energy
    uses (P2283)

    fabrication method (P2079)

    (raw material processed) ⇒ (industrial


    chemical process)

    product or material produced or service provided (P1056)

    by-product (P2821)

    powered by (P516)

    source of energy (P618)

    Jerry can 20 l (Q48753447) made from material (P186) sheet steel (Q100268447)
    motor car (Q1420) made from material (P186) sheet steel (Q100268447)
    car manufacturing (Q108428104) (raw material processed) sheet steel (Q100268447)
    car manufacturing (Q108428104) product or material produced or service provided (P1056) motor car (Q1420)
    car manufacturing (Q108428104) fabrication method (P2079) robot welding (Q2327264)
    car manufacturing (Q108428104) uses (P2283) robot (Q11012)
    car manufacturing (Q108428104) source of energy (P618) electricity (Q12725)
    car manufacturing (Q108428104) powered by (P516) electric motor (Q72313)

      Support - In the past and still today, raw material was often the reason that different types of 'businesses' existed together so that they could use the raw material to make different products (e.g. breweries and distilleries often existed together, often also a farm, because brewing waste was fodder for the oxen). OR because they needed certain raw materials for the production of genever, they also started to produce that raw material themselves (to make genever, you need yeast, which is why there are sometimes yeast factories near to genever distilleries) OR the process is the same but the raw materials are different (distilling is also the process for making vinegar, which is why there are often vinegar distilleries and gin distilleries together).

    It could really be interesting for history researchers to investigate the evolutions, relationships and so on between the raw material and the production process. Therefore, it would be interesting to be able to define these elements. Ingehuskens (talk) 08:23, 22 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

      Strong support Another clear reason why we need this new property: leather crafting (Q1186844) can't properly express that leather (Q286) is processed as a resource in its process. Wikidata constraints are highlighting here that made from material (P186) is inappropriate in this situation. Geertivp (talk) 23:44, 9 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

      Strong support We could better use the label "raw material processed". Geertivp (talk) 09:11, 16 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]