Raj Reddy – razlika između verzija

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Red 8:
| nacionalnost = [[Indija|indijska]]
| etnicitet = [[Telugu]]
| polje = [[umjetna inteligencija]]<br />[[robotika]]<br />[[interakcija čovjek kompjuter|interakcija čovjeka i kompjutera]]
| radne_insituticije = [[Carnegie Mellon University]]<br />[[Stanford|Stanford University]]<br />[[Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies]]
| alma_mater = [[College of Engineering, Guindy]] <br /> [[University of New South Wales]] <br /> [[Stanford|Stanford University]]
| doktorski_savjetnik = [[John McCarthy (informatičar)|John McCarthy]]
| doktorski_studenti = [[James K Baker]]<ref name=cmu-phds>{{cite web|title=CMU Computer Science Ph.D. Awards by Advisor|url=http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~alumni/advisor.html#R|publisher=Carnegie Mellon|accessdate=3. VIII 2011}}</ref> <br /> [[Kai-Fu Lee]] <ref name=cmu-phds /> <br /> [[Harry Shum]] <br /> [[Hsiao-wuen Hon]]
| nagrade = {{nowrap|[[Legion of Honor]] (1984)<br />[[Turingova nagrada]] (1994)<br />[[Padma Bhushan]] (2001)<br />[[Vannevar Bush Award]] (2006)}}
'''Dabbala Rajagopal "Raj" Reddy''' (13. jun 1937 -) je [[Indija|indijski]] informatičar poznat po radu na polju [[umjetna inteligencija|umjetne inteligencije]]. Najveći dio života je proveo u [[Sjedinjene Američke Države|SAD]] gdje je surađivao s najprestižnijim naučnim i obrazovnim institucijama, a u svojoj domovini je poznat kao jedan od osnivača [[Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies|Univerziteta Rajiv Gandhi za tehnologije znanja]]. Osvojio je brojna priznanja među kojima se ističe [[Turingova nagrada]] 1994. godine.
== Izabrana bibliografija ==
* Machine Intelligence and Robotics: Report of the NASA Study Group&nbsp;— Executive Summary,<ref>{{cite book|title=Machine Intelligence and Robotics_Executive Summary|url=http://www.rr.cs.cmu.edu/NASA%20Ex%20Summary.pdf|publisher=Carnegie Mellon University|accessdate=7. IX 2011}}</ref> Final Report<ref>{{cite book|title=Machine Intelligence and Robotics: Report of the NASA Study Group|url=http://www.rr.cs.cmu.edu/NASA%20Sagan%20Report.pdf|publisher=Carnegie Mellon University|accessdate=7. IX 2011}}</ref> Carl Sagan (chair), Raj Reddy (vice chair) and others, NASA JPL, September 1979
* Foundations and Grand Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Presidential Address, 1988.<ref name=foundations_GC_AI />
* To Dream the Possible Dream, Turing Award Lecture presented at ACM CS Conference, March 1, 1995<ref>{{cite journal|title=To Dream the Possible Dream|url=http://www.jdl.ac.cn/turing/pdf/p105-reddy.pdf |format=PDF|journal=Communications of the ACM |date=May 1996 |volume=39 |issue=5 |pages=105–112 |doi=10.1145/229459.233436}}</ref>
== Izvori ==
Red 31:
== Vanjske veze ==
* {{MathGenealogy |id=44068 |title=Raj (Dabbala Rajagopal) Reddy}}
{{Commonscat|Raj Reddy}}