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Концерт (rusko Концерт ; slovensko: Koncert ) je drugi album v živo Billyja Joela , ki je izšel leta 1987. Album je bil posnet med Joelovo turnejo po Sovjetski zvezi , leta 1987. Turneja je bila zgodovinska, ker je bil radijski prenos le-te prvi prenos rock koncerta v zgodovini Sovjetske zveze.[ 2]
Joelova priredba skladbe »Back in the U.S.S.R.« (The Beatles ) je postala prvi njegov singl, katerega ni sam napisal. Na b-strani singla se je znašla Joelova priredba Dylanove skladbe »The Times They Are A-Changin'«.
Joel sam je izjavil, da je bil z albumom nezadovoljen in da njegovi vokali med produkcijo niso bili dobri.
19. maja 2014 je bil album ponovno izdan pod imenom A Matter of Trust: The Bridge to Russia . Izšel je v dveh zgoščenkah in eni DVD /Blu-ray Disc plošči. Set vsebuje enajst prej neizdanih skladb in sedem prej neizdanih videospotov skladb. DVD/Blu-ray plošča vsebuje na novo posneti istoimenski dokumentarni film z intervjuji nekdanjih in sedanjih članov Joelove spremljevalne skupine ter osebja, povezanega s produkcijo leta 1987.
Vse skladbe je napisal Billy Joel , razen kjer je posebej napisano.
1. "Odoya" (trad.) 1:17 2. "Prelude/Angry Young Man" 5:23 3. "Honesty" 3:58 4. "Goodnight Saigon" 7:20 5. "Stiletto" 5:09 6. "Big Man on Mulberry Street" 7:17 7. "Baby Grand" 6:09 8. "An Innocent Man" 6:09 9. "Allentown" 4:22 10. "A Matter of Trust" 5:09 11. "Only the Good Die Young" 3:31 12. "Sometimes a Fantasy" 3:38 13. "Uptown Girl" 3:08 14. "Big Shot" 4:44 15. "Back in the U.S.S.R." (Lennon –McCartney ) 2:43 16. "The Times They Are A-Changin'" (Bob Dylan ) 2:55
1. "Odoya" (trad.) 1:16 2. "Prelude/Angry Young Man" 5:33 3. "Honesty" 5:15 4. "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" 5:32 5. "She's Always a Woman" 3:35 6. "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" 8:21 7. "Goodnight Saigon" 6:37 8. "Stiletto" 5:10 9. "Big Man on Mulberry Street" 7:29 10. "Baby Grand" 6:14 11. "What's Your Name" 2:17 12. "The Longest Time" 5:11 13. "An Innocent Man" 6:04
1. "Pressure" 5:23 2. "Allentown" 3:52 3. "A Matter of Trust" 5:10 4. "Only the Good Die Young" 3:32 5. "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" 4:00 6. "Sometimes a Fantasy" 3:38 7. "You May Be Right" 5:35 8. "Uptown Girl" 3:09 9. "Big Shot" 4:54 10. "Back in the U.S.S.R." (Lennon –McCartney ) 2:55 11. "The Times They Are A-Changin'" (Bob Dylan ) 2:38 12. "She Loves You" (Lennon-McCartney) 2:24 13. "New York State of Mind" 6:22 14. "Piano Man" 4:25
»Prelude/Angry Young Man«
»Goodnight Saigon«
»Big Man on Mulberry Street«
»Baby Grand«
»An Innocent Man«
»The Longest Time«
»A Matter of Trust«
»Only the Good Die Young«
»It's Still Rock and Roll to Me«
»Sometimes a Fantasy«
»You May Be Right«
»Uptown Girl«
»Big Shot«
»Back in the U.S.S.R.«
Bonus skladba:
Billy Joel – vokali, klaviature, kitara
Liberty DeVitto – bobni
Doug Stegmeyer – bas kitara
Dave Lebolt – klaviature
Russell Javors – akustične kitare, električne kitare
Mark Rivera – saksofon
Kevin Dukes – električna kitara
Peter Hewlett – spremljevalni vokali
George Simms – spremljevalni vokali
The Georgian Singers Zhournalist of USSR – vokali pri »Odoya«
Oleg Smirnoff – odrski prevajalec
ZDA (RIAA)[ 3]
Studijski albumi Albumi v živo Kompilacijski albumi Singli
"She's Got a Way"
"Piano Man"
"You're My Home"
"Worse Comes to Worst"
"Travelin' Prayer"
"The Ballad of Billy the Kid"
"The Entertainer"
"Just the Way You Are"
"Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)"
"Only the Good Die Young"
"She's Always a Woman"
"The Stranger"
"My Life"
"Big Shot"
"Until the Night"
"All for Leyna"
"You May Be Right"
"It's Still Rock and Roll to Me"
"Don't Ask Me Why"
"Sometimes a Fantasy"
"Say Goodbye to Hollywood" (v živo)
"She's Got a Way" (v živo)
"Goodnight Saigon"
"Tell Her About It"
"Uptown Girl"
"An Innocent Man"
"The Longest Time"
"Leave a Tender Moment Alone"
"This Night"
"Keeping the Faith"
"You're Only Human (Second Wind)"
"The Night Is Still Young"
"Modern Woman"
"A Matter of Trust"
"This Is the Time"
"Baby Grand"
"Back in the U.S.S.R." (v živo)
"We Didn't Start the Fire "
"I Go to Extremes"
"The Downeaster Alexa"
"That's Not Her Style"
"And So It Goes"
"All Shook Up"
"The River of Dreams"
"All About Soul"
"No Man's Land"
"Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)"
"To Make You Feel My Love"
"Hey Girl"
"All My Life"
"Christmas in Fallujah"
Druge skladbe
"Everybody Loves You Now"
"Captain Jack"
"Root Beer Rag"
"New York State of Mind"
"Prelude/Angry Young Man"
"Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)"
"Scenes from an Italian Restaurant"
"Scandinavian Skies"
"Big Man on Mulberry Street"
An Innocent Man Tour
Face to Face 1994
Face to Face 1995
Face to Face 1998
Face to Face 2001
Face to Face 2003
Face to Face 2009
Face to Face 2010
Billy Joel in Concert