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Predloga:Infopolje Tenisač

Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije
(Preusmerjeno s strani Predloga:Infobox tennis biography)
Infopolje Tenisač
Dokumentacija za predlogo[poglej] [uredi] [zgodovina] [osveži]

Polno ime{{{fullname}}}
Izvirno ime{{{native_name}}}
ITF name{{{itf_name}}}
Denarne nagrade{{{careerprizemoney}}}
Hram slavnih{{{tennishofyear}}} (stran)
Spletna stran{{{website}}}
Št. naslovov{{{singlestitles}}}
Najv. rang{{{highestsinglesranking}}}
Trenutni rang{{{currentsinglesranking}}}
Grand Slam rezultati posamezniki
OP Avstralije{{{AustralianOpenresult}}}
OP Francije{{{FrenchOpenresult}}}
OP Anglije{{{Wimbledonresult}}}
OP ZDA{{{USOpenresult}}}
OP Avstralije do 18{{{AustralianOpenjuniorresult}}}
OP Francije do 18{{{FrenchOpenjuniorresult}}}
OP ZDA do 18{{{USOpenjuniorresult}}}
OP Avstralije nad 18{{{AustralianOpenseniorresult}}}
OP Francije nad 18{{{FrenchOpenseniorresult}}}
OP Anglije nad 18{{{Wimbledonseniorresult}}}
OP ZDA nad 18{{{USOpenseniorresult}}}
Ostali turnirji
Tour Finals{{{MastersCupresult}}}
WCT Finals{{{WCTFinalsresult}}}
Tour Finals{{{WTAChampionshipsresult}}}
Olimpijske igre{{{Olympicsresult}}}
Professional majors
US Pro{{{USProresult}}}
Wembley Pro{{{WembleyProresult}}}
French Pro{{{FrenchProresult}}}
Št. naslovov{{{doublestitles}}}
Najv. rang{{{highestdoublesranking}}}
Trenutni rang{{{currentdoublesranking}}}
Grand Slam rezultati dvojice
OP Avstralije{{{AustralianOpenDoublesresult}}}
OP Francije{{{FrenchOpenDoublesresult}}}
OP Anglije{{{WimbledonDoublesresult}}}
OP ZDA{{{USOpenDoublesresult}}}
OP Avstralije do 18{{{AustralianOpenDoublesjuniorresult}}}
OP Francije do 18{{{FrenchOpenDoublesjuniorresult}}}
OP Anglije do 18{{{WimbledonDoublesjuniorresult}}}
OP ZDA do 18{{{USOpenDoublesjuniorresult}}}
OP Avstralije nad 18{{{AustralianOpenDoublesseniorresult}}}
OP Francije nad 18{{{FrenchOpenDoublesseniorresult}}}
OP Anglije nad 18{{{WimbledonDoublesseniorresult}}}
OP ZDA nad 18{{{USOpenDoublesseniorresult}}}
Ostali turnirji dvojic
Tour Finals{{{MastersCupDoublesresult}}}
Tour Finals{{{WTAChampionshipsDoublesresult}}}
Olimpijske igre{{{OlympicsDoublesresult}}}
Mešane dvojice
Najv. rang{{{mixedtitles}}}
Grand Slam rezultati mešanih dvojic
OP Avstralije{{{AustralianOpenMixedresult}}}
OP Francije{{{FrenchOpenMixedresult}}}
OP Anglije{{{WimbledonMixedresult}}}
OP ZDA{{{USOpenMixedresult}}}
Olimpijske igre{{{OlympicMixedDoublesresult}}}
Ekipna tekmovanja
Davisov pokal{{{DavisCupresult}}}
Pokal Fed{{{FedCupresult}}}
Hopmanov pokal{{{HopmanCupresult}}}
Wightmanov pokal{{{WightmanCupresult}}}
Posodobljeno: {{{updated}}}.


[uredi kodo]

Vsi parametri so neobvezni. če je {{{name}}} izpuščeno, bo v za ta parameter avtomatsko uporabljen naslov članka.

{{Infopolje Tenisač
| name                  = 
| image                 = <!-- bare image name, no formatting -->
| image_size            = 
| alt                   = 
| caption               = <!-- brief text caption for the image -->
| fullname              = 
| native_name           = 
| native_name_lang      = 
| itf_name              = <!-- official name as registered by the ITF, only fill if different from article name -->
| country_represented   = <!-- this is the country represented in international play, not citizenship -->
| residence             = 
| birth_date            = <!-- {{birth date and age|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| birth_place           = 
| death_date            = <!-- {{death date and age|yyyy|mm|dd|yyyy|mm|dd}} first date is death date, second date is birth date-->
| death_place           = 
| height                = <!-- {{convert|HEIGHT IN METRES|m|abbr=on}} or {{convert|FEET|ft|INCHES|in|abbr=on}} -->
| college               = 
| turnedpro             = 
| retired               = 
| plays                 = 
| careerprizemoney      = 
| tennishofyear         = <!-- year inducted into the Tennis Hall of Fame -->
| tennishofid           = <!-- ID from the Tennis HoF website, taken from http://www.tennisfame.com/hall-of-famers/First Name-Last Name i.e. martina-navratilova, which it is all undercase letters-->
| website               = <!-- official web site address like this: [http://www.site.com site.com] -->

| singlesrecord         = 
| singlestitles         = 
| highestsinglesranking = 
| currentsinglesranking = 
| AustralianOpenresult  = 
| FrenchOpenresult       = 
| Wimbledonresult        = 
| USOpenresult           = 

| AustralianOpenjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox -->
| FrenchOpenjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox -->
| Wimbledonjuniorresult  = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox -->
| USOpenjuniorresult     = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox -->
| AustralianOpenseniorresult = 
| FrenchOpenseniorresult = 
| Wimbledonseniorresult  = 
| USOpenseniorresult     = 
| Othertournaments       = <!-- adds a "Other tournaments" title -->
| WHCCresult             =
| WCCCresult             =
| MastersCupresult       = 
| WCTFinalsresult        = 
| WTAChampionshipsresult = 
| Olympicsresult         = 
| Promajors              = <!-- adds a "Professional majors" title -->
| USProresult            =
| WembleyProresult       =
| FrenchProresult        =
| TOCresult              =

| doublesrecord          = 
| doublestitles          = 
| highestdoublesranking  = 
| currentdoublesranking  = 
| AustralianOpenDoublesresult = 
| FrenchOpenDoublesresult = 
| WimbledonDoublesresult = 
| USOpenDoublesresult       = 
| AustralianOpenDoublesjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox -->
| FrenchOpenDoublesjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox -->
| WimbledonDoublesjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox -->
| USOpenDoublesjuniorresult = <!-- do not add any jr. info once any pro result is recorded in the infobox -->
| AustralianOpenDoublesseniorresult = 
| FrenchOpenDoublesseniorresult = 
| WimbledonDoublesseniorresult = 
| USOpenDoublesseniorresult = 

| OthertournamentsDoubles   = <!-- adds a "Other doubles tournaments" title -->
| WHCCDoublesresult         =
| WCCCDoublesresult         =
| MastersCupDoublesresult   = 
| WTAChampionshipsDoublesresult = 
| OlympicsDoublesresult     = 

| Mixed                     = <!-- adds mixed information-->
| mixedrecord               = 
| mixedtitles               = 
| AustralianOpenMixedresult = 
| FrenchOpenMixedresult     = 
| WimbledonMixedresult      = 
| USOpenMixedresult         = 
| OthertournamentsMixedDoubles =
| WHCCMixedDoublesresult    =
| WCCCMixedDoublesresult    =
| OlympicMixedDoublesresult = 

| Team                     = <!-- adds team information-->
| DavisCupresult         =
| FedCupresult           =
| HopmanCupresult        =
| WightmanCupresult      =

| medaltemplates            = <!-- Olympic medal templates -->
| medaltemplates-expand     = <!-- expands the medaltemplates -->
| updated                   = <!-- adds date this template was last updated at an individual article -->

Wheelchair tennis

[uredi kodo]

Five additional fields are available for wheelchair tennis players

| WheelchairTennisMastersresult        = 
| Paralympicsresult                    = 
| WheelchairTennisMastersDoublesresult = 
| ParalympicsDoublesresult             = 
| WheelchairWorldTeamCupresult         = 

Tennis Coaches

[uredi kodo]

Seven additional fields are available for tennis coaches

| CoachYears            = 
| CoachPlayers          = 
| CoachSinglesTitles    = 
| CoachDoublesTitles    = 
| CoachTournamentRecord = 
| CoachingAwards        = 
| CoachingRecords       = 


[uredi kodo]
  • In the updated field, If the player is retired, put N/A in this field. Use the date of the previous Monday that the ATP or WTA updated player's stats.
  • Include career prize money in US Dollars.
  • For height, use the appropriate conversion template.
  • Singles and Doubles titles, include only titles won on the WTA (women) or the ATP (men) Tour, not the ITF circuit (the tier below). Titles won on the ITF Circuit can be included in brackets.
  • The Grand Slam results and Grand Slam doubles results sections show the furthest the player advanced in the Grand Slams, and in what year(s).
  • The singles and doubles career record only includes matches won and lost on the ATP or WTA Tour.
  • Please only use these fields if a player was a winner of a major team competition (e.g. Hopman Cup, World Team Cup, Davis Cup, Fed Cup and Wheelchair World Team Cup).

Integracija infopolj z Wikipodatki

[uredi kodo]

Prednosti in slabosti

[uredi kodo]


  • Zajemanje podatkov iz centralnega prostora za vse Wikipedije
  • Ustvarjanje in osveževanje podatkov na enem mestu


  • Neustrezno osveževanje ali brisanje podatkov izven nadzora naše Wikipedije, ker sprememb podatkov ne vidiš direktno v članku.

Kako Wikipodatki zbirajo podatke

[uredi kodo]

Podatki v Wikipodatke vnašajo uporabniki in boti. Nekateri boti podatke pridobijo iz Wikipedijinih infopolj, kategorij in člankov. Vsak članek (»item« v terminologiji Wikipodatkov) ima ustrezno stran v Wikipodatkih, kjer se nahajajo podatki. Nekateri boti dodajo »imported from _ Wikipedia« kot obvestilo o izvoru informacije. Ko se podatki prenašajo iz Wikipedije v Wikidata se le-ti ne spremenijo. Pri razvoju baze Wikipodatkov pomagajo izkušenejši Wikipedisti iz različnih projektov.


[uredi kodo]

V določenih infopoljih se že uporabljajo podatki iz Wikipodatkov. Za katere podatke gre so na voljo informacije v samem infopolju. Podatki se zajemajo iz Wikipodatkov le v primeru, ko določeni parameter nima že vnesene lokalne vrednosti.

  • Če je v članku na vrhu vključeno prazno infopolje brez kakršnih koli parametrov, se bodo vsi podatki napolnili iz Wikipodatkov.
  • Če ima članek v Wikipodatkih vpisane tudi rojstne podatke in podatke o smrti, zato se le-ti pojavijo v infopolju. Tukaj se izvede tudi avtomatska kategorizacija v kategoriji Rojeni leta xxxx in Umrli leta yyyy. Članek se pojavi tudi v vzdrževalni kategoriji Kategorija:Članki z redefiniranimi elementi iz Wikipodatkov, ker je v Wikipodatkih na voljo tudi slika, infopolje pa uporablja lastno sliko.

Zatorej, vedno imajo prednost lokalni podatki, ki so vneseni v parametre infopolj.

Kako vnesti podatke v Wikipodatke

[uredi kodo]

Vsak članek (objekt) ima na levi strani v menuju Orodja -> Objekt Wikipodatki možnost urejanja lastnih Wikipodatkov. Točno kako je tam treba izpolniti podatke si je najbolje ogledati kar na primeru Urška Žolnir v Wikidata.


[uredi kodo]

Koda HTML, ki jo producira ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča računalnikom, da razčlenijo subjektove podatke. Ta proces je bodisi samodejen, za katalogiziranje člankov v Wikipediji, bodisi na ročno zahtevo bralca s pomočjo orodja v brskalniku, ki na primer doda osebo v adresar.

Parametri o dnevu rojstva ("bday") bodo vključeni v mikroformatu samo, če bo infopolje vsebovalo predlogo {{Datum rojstva}} ali {{Datum rojstva in starost}}.

hCard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:

  • adr
  • agent
  • bday
  • birthplace
  • category
  • country-name
  • deathdate
  • deathplace
  • extended-address
  • family-name
  • fn (required)
  • given-name
  • honorific-prefix
  • honorific-suffix
  • label
  • locality
  • n
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • role
  • url
  • vcard

Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranite teh razredov.