முன்னொட்டுச் சுட்டி
- o'
- o'er
- o.k
- o.r.
- o.s.c.
- o2 therapy
- o and c building
- o attenuator
- o network
- o ring
- o shell
- o star
- oad-egger
- oad-gall
- oaf
- oaie
- oak
- oak-ape
- oak-beauty
- oak-fern
- oak-fig
- oak-gum-cypress association
- oak-gum-cypress forest type
- oak-hickory forest type
- oak-hook-tip
- oak-moth
- oak-pine association
- oak-pine forest type
- oak-plum
- oak-potato
- oak-spangle
- oak-um
- oak-wart
- oak-wood
- oak leaf braid
- oak plum
- oak tree
- oak wilt
- oaka
- oaken
- oakmoss resin
- oakum
- oakwood
- oar
- oar fish
- oarblade
- oarfish
- oarsman
- oarsmanship
- oases
- oasis
- oast
- oast-house
- oat
- oat bran
- oat cakes
- oat grasses
- oat meal
- oatcake
- oaten
- oateochondritis
- oateotomy
- oath
- oath of allegiance
- oath of entry
- oath of fidelity
- oath of office
- oath of office and secrecy
- oath of secrecy
- oath or affirmation
- oath or solemn affirmation
- oath taking ceremony
- oatmeal
- oatmeal gruel
- oatmeal paper
- oats
- ob association
- obbligato
- obcecation
- obclavate
- obconic
- obcordate
- obducent
- obduction
- obduracy
- obdurate
- obdurateness
- obduredness
- obeah
- obedience
- obedient
- obedientiary
- obeisance
- obelia
- obelion
- obelisk
- obelus
- obermayer’s reagent
- oberon
- oberwind
- obese
- obesitas
- obesity
- obesogenic
- obesogenous
- obesophobia
- obex
- obey
- obey orders
- obeyer
- obeying
- obfuscate
- obfuscation
- obiad
- obiettare
- obit
- obiter dicta
- obiter dictum
- obituary
- obiviate
- obivious
- object
- object, body
- object, common
- object-ate
- object-ball
- object-glass
- object-oriented
- object-oriented DBMS
- object-oriented data base
- object-oriented design
- object-oriented interface
- object-oriented operating system
- object-oriented technology
- object-staff
- object at rest
- object attribute
- object base
- object based animation
- object class
- object clause
- object code
- object computer
- object contrast
- object deck
- object designator
- object desk
- object function
- object glass
- object language
- object language programming
- object lens
- object lens, objective
- object management group
- object model
- object module
- object modules
- object of backing
- object orientation
- object oriented programming
- object oriented programming languages
- object permanence
- object plane
- object play
- object point
- object program
- object programme
- object reference
- object relational server
- object relations
- object relations theory
- object resource
- object space
- object space lens
- object staff
- object type
- object type inheritance
- object vision
- object wrapper
- objectification
- objection
- objection book
- objection book advance
- objection memo
- objection petition
- objection slip
- objection statement
- objectionable
- objectionable action
- objectionable evidence
- objectionable matter
- objectionable publication
- objectionable publications
- objections
- objective
- objective analysis tree
- objective aperture
- objective approach
- objective basic research
- objective case
- objective coil
- objective correlative
- objective data
- objective function
- objective grating
- objective idealism
- objective lens
- objective method
- objective prism
- objective probabilities
- objective probability
- objective sign
- objective test
- objective tests
- objective type test
- objective value
- objectively verifiable indicators
- objectives
- objectivism
- objectivity
- objectivity test
- objectivization
- objector
- objects
- objects and reasons
- objects of a category
- objurgate
- objurgation
- objętość
- oblanceolate
- oblangate leaf
- oblate
- oblate sphere
- oblate spheroid
- oblate spheroidal coordinate system
- oblateness
- oblation
- oblectation
- obligate
- obligate aerobes
- obligate anaerobes
- obligate parasite
- obligate saprobe
- obligate saprophyte
- obligate thelytoky
- obligation
- obligation, under an
- obligation, under no
- obligation to assist and co-operate
- obligation to pay dues
- obligatory
- obligatory commonsalism
- obligatory loss of water
- obligatory notification
- obligatory parasite
- obligatory point
- obligatory symbiosis
- obligatory transformation rule
- oblige
- obliged
- obligee
- obliging
- obligor
- obligue sides
- obliguity
- oblique
- oblique-swimming triplefin
- oblique - incidence reflectivity
- oblique - incidence transmission
- oblique angle
- oblique angular helicoid
- oblique ascension
- oblique axis
- oblique base
- oblique canal
- oblique case
- oblique centric
- oblique chart
- oblique circular cone
- oblique co-ordinates
- oblique cone
- oblique coordinates
- oblique equator
- oblique fault
- oblique fire
- oblique fissure
- oblique form
- oblique frustrum
- oblique frustum
- oblique graticule
- oblique impact
- oblique incidence
- oblique incidence pencil
- oblique lie
- oblique line
- oblique lines
- oblique mercator projection
- oblique meridian
- oblique muscle
- oblique or skew
- oblique parallel
- oblique parallelepiped
- oblique parenchyma
- oblique photograph
- oblique plane
- oblique pole
- oblique position
- oblique prism
- oblique projection
- oblique pyramid
- oblique reflection
- oblique rhumb line
- oblique rotator
- oblique septa
- oblique septum
- oblique shape
- oblique shock wave
- oblique shouldered joint
- oblique side
- oblique slash
- oblique slip fault
- oblique sphere
- oblique spherical triangle
- oblique stroke
- oblique tendon joint
- oblique tension joint
- oblique triangle
- oblique valve
- oblique vein of the left atrium
- oblique view
- oblique visual range
- obliqueline
- obliquely
- obliqueness
- obliques
- obliquity
- obliquity angle
- obliquity factor
- obliquity function
- obliquity of ecliptic
- obliquity of the ecliptic
- obliqus abdominis externus
- obliqussuperior bulbi
- obliquus inferior bulbi