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Alpha Q's universe

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Alpha Q's universe is a newly created dimension, outside of normal space, where Alpha Q has attempted to recreate the many planets destroyed by Unicron. Though it appears just like normal space, Omega Supreme claims that normal laws of physics don't apply there.

Known planets in Alpha Q's dimension include:



Unicron Trilogy cartoon continuity

Energon cartoon

When Megatron recklessly released Decepticon-flavored energon from Unicron's body, it interacted with the Autobot-flavored energon from Unicron's head. The resultant catastrophic reaction opened a rift in space, a tear in the fabric of space which led to an alternate dimension. Alpha Q traveled through the rift. Ripped Up Space

Within the new universe, Alpha Q released the seeds of the many planets destroyed by Unicron. Showering them with energon, he nurtured them back to life. Protection

The rift eventually collapsed and disappeared. This would seem to seal off access to the dimension; however, because almost everyone forgot about it being another dimension, one could arrive in Alpha Q's universe via an ordinary space bridge. Formidable

Alpha Q's dimension was first illuminated by the Energon Orb, a red sun formed from Unicron's head. When the sun was extinguished A Heroic Battle, it was eventually replaced by a new sun formed by Super Energon and the essence of Unicron. The Sun

Cybertron comic

When Unicron's essence collapsed in on itself, creating the Unicron Singularity, its location in Alpha Q's alternate universe didn't seem to matter. After consuming Alpha Q's hard-won planets, the black hole immediately threatened to destroy all of normal space-time as well. Balancing Act

Animated cartoon continuity

"Alpha Q's Realm" was a region of space located in the outskirts of the Milky Way. The AllSpark Almanac II

Its planets included:

Ask Vector Prime

In the timeline of Aurex 615.03 Epsilon, the Beast Wars was waged in Alpha Q's universe 300 years after the Autobot/Decepticon war. The Maximals and Predacons fought multiple sub-wars on these planets until the Alternity had to step in. In the War of the Waves on Ocean Planet, it was jellyfish Predacons against crustacean Maximals; on the Iron Planet, for the War of the Mines, Predacons were motile fungus and the Maximals took the form of burrowing monsters; Blizzard Planet's Ice Age War saw everyone as mega-fauna; the Data War on Circuit Planet had with varying species of mechamorph; the Dust War on Plains Planet had Maximal creatures of earth, wind, and fire against Predacon oni, tengu, and kappa; Jungle Planet's Elemental War had everyone as a Battle Beast; and the Colossus War on Rock Planet saw everyone disguised as a Rock Lord. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/03

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