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Children of the Vok (group)

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This article is about the group. For the real-world comic story, see Children of the Vok.

Neither Maximal nor Predacon, the Children of the Vok are Transformers who have had a spiritual awakening. Found and guided by the Vok, the Children are unfailingly loyal to their alien benefactors, a loyalty of little value to their masters.

The Children include:


2021 IDW Beast Wars comic

The nineteen Transformers who would become the Children of the Vok were originally protoforms within the Axalon's cargo hold, ejected into a stable orbit before the ship made a crash landing. Savage Landing Part 1 After Blackarachnia broke into Theta Lab, she forced all of the stasis pods to make planetfall. Pod Part 2

Having observed the Cybertronians since they arrived, Savage Landing Part 2 the Vok trio of Pakak, Tonrar, and Tikaani eventually grew tired of the Cybertronians' continued disruption to their experiments and decided to take action. Children of the Vok Pakak infiltrated Cheetor's mind and stole from the Maximal the knowledge needed to reprogram a protoform. The Speedway of Central Consciousness With this knowledge, the Vok reprogrammed nineteen protoforms into their servants. The End

The Vok sent out Polar Claw to abduct Optimus Primal and Saberback to abduct Megatron. Primal Rage Along with Tigatron, Airazor and Inferno, the two informed the leaders of the Vok and their terms. Working together, Optimus and Megatron managed to escape, coming to blows with the five children. After Megatron managed to kill Polar Claw and Saberback, Pakak used the former's corpse as an avatar with which to speak to the Predacon only to be fired upon. Angered, the three Vok appeared in their true forms and were about to kill Megatron before Primal intervened, offering the three the chance to see how Maximal and Predacon would behave when faced with a common foe. Despite Tonar's protests, Pakak and Tikaani agreed to Primal's proposal and gave the Cybertronians seven cycles to prepare. Children of the Vok

When the crew of the Darksyde discovered Tarantulas's collaboration with the Vok, The Beginning of the End he summoned the totality of the Children of the Vok to reinforce him against the Maximal-Predacon alliance.

Their attention drawn by the battle, the Vok trio materialized and decided, over Tigatron's protests, that all Cybertronians were too disruptive, immobilizing them as they activated the reversion device. As the superweapon charged, the Vok were fired on by the Axalon. With Rattrap and Waspinator having routed the energies of the ship's Transwarp Drive into its weapon systems, its unspace blasts dissipated the Vok's energy forms, ending their threat. In the aftermath, Tigatron led the Children of the Vok away, promising to leave the Maximals and Predacons be if the same courtesy was returned. The only exception to this was Inferno who quickly pledged himself to the Predacons. The End

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