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Half Magic Eye, half Evangelion.

The Chronarchitect is one of the old gods, kin of Unicron and Primus. Also known as the Time Walker, he exists in abstract form outside of linear time, because his taking of a physical form disrupts our perception of time. He intervenes to support the Grand Plan.

In his guise as the Ruler of Time and Space (時と空間を統べる者 Toki to Kūkan o Suberumono), he is said to be the creator of the universe and is Heinrad's head supervisor. According to Heinrad, lives to the Ruler are nothing but worthless bugs.


—The Chronarchitect's parting plea to Leonicus, "Covenant" and "Terminus"



3H comics

Noting subtle disturbances in the world around him coupled with a strong sense of déjà vu, Leonicus meditated, recognizing the abstract existence of the Chronarchitect within the pattern of sensations. The contradictions and anomalies were the result of "temporal fallout" caused by the deity attempting to adjust to and manifest within ordinary linear time. However, attempting to perceive the Chronarchitect proved too much for Leonicus, who was staggered by countless visions of events throughout time and space; his fellow Covenant members were shaken even worse by the experience, which Leonicus alone had seen coming. By shutting off his optics to avoid further visions, Leonicus traced his way to the Covenant's Observatory, where the Chronarchitect had manifested.

Emanating from a tear in time and space, the Chronarchitect appeared to Leonicus as an immense figure in which countless stars and galaxies could be glimpsed, screaming in agony with a force that ionized the air around it, time around it lurching in pained gasps as it delivered disjointed warnings to the Covenant leader. Disappearing from perception in what Leonicus saw as reversed order, the Chronarchitect cryptically pleaded with him after vanishing into the time-stream.

While musing on the meaning of this appearance and parting words, the Covenant recalled that the Chronarchitect had last appeared in the Earth year 2005 to warn them of the death of the bearer of the Matrix, and the impending threat of Unicron should a new Prime not appear. Covenant

Leonicus recalled the Chronarchitect's attempt to prepare the Covenant for battle against Shokaract as his comrades struggled against the Predacon. It was not until Scorpius joined the battle that Leonicus realized the meaning of the Chronarchitect's warnings, and revert into beings of energy to destroy the essence of Unicron inside the Matrix of Conquest. Terminus

Beast Wars Neo manga

After using his time-controlling power to save Longrack's life from an explosion, Heinrad reported to the Ruler of Time and Space that the dire emergency necessitated the use of his power. Heinrad told the Ruler that he hadn't blown his cover and to not worry. A Battle Fought Alone

When Unicron began his resurrection, the Ruler sought to erase the current universe in an attempt to remove the cancer that was the Universal Destroyer. Heinrad disagreed with his superior and, against the Ruler's law, revealed his status as an agent of the Ruler to Big Convoy. Before being pulled out of the timestream for his disobedience, Heinrad asked Big Convoy to destroy Unicron to remove the impetus for the Ruler's plan. Double Cross

The AllSpark Almanac

The Chronarchitect was one of ten figures that made up the Cybertronian zodiac. His associated aspect is time and assigned orbital cycle is Navitaneon. His constellation formed a tanuki. The AllSpark Almanac II

Ask Vector Prime

Predaking's organic brain caused Vector Prime to fear that inhabitants of the Gargent Cluster had infiltrated more realities than he thought and decide that he needed to consult the Chronarchitect about it. Ask Vector Prime, 02/06/2015 When pressed for further information on the Chronarchitect, Vector Prime scoffed at the notion that he was the so-called "creator of the universe", but did note he probably had his hand in dealings in Cloud World. Ask Vector Prime, 17/06/2015 Vector Prime also speculated that it might have been the Chronarchitect who tried but did not very well stabilize the network of universal streams centering around Primax 785.06 Alpha after MegaZarak shattered the stable axis of the system, resulting in this incredibly convoluted thing. Ask Vector Prime, 22/06/2015 The Chronarchitect assembled the Time Warriors to slay the nigh all-powerful Mogahn the Mass for the fate of all reality. Ask Vector Prime, 12/7/2015


  • The earlier manifestation of the Chronarchitect to the Covenant seems to reference the events of The Transformers: The Movie. Since the threat the Chronarchitect was warning them against never came to pass, the Covenant simply sat back and observed the events.
  • The Chronarchitect and the Ruler of Time and Space were established to be the same character by the Facebook edition of Ask Vector Prime.
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