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This article is about the character group. For the comic story, see Demons!

Known to its modern population as Demons, and later Primordials after their true nature became better understood, Cybertron's original inhabitants were sealed away underground by Primus. Except for the occasional escape, they have remained sealed away by Primus's power ever since, known to the surface only in legends. According to those legends, the Demons are "the flipside of the Matrix's good creatures".

Demons are very large creatures (towering above Transformers) that can absorb energy without harm, up to direct weapons fire. At least one has demonstrated the ability to breathe fire. They "feed" on Transformers by absorbing their lifeforce, eventually killing them. If a demon absorbs too much energy, it will explode.

Ourss before yourss, thiss world!Demon, "Still Life!"



Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Do you believe?

Three Demons escaped after an explosive confrontation between Tailgate and the Mutants breached the walls of their subterranean prison. Underworld! The Demons feasted on the remains of the Decepticons they found nearby, whetting their appetite for more. They made their way to Cybertron's surface and found their next prey in three Decepticons that were besetting the Autobot Seawatch. Seawatch was so traumatized by the ensuing carnage that his mind shut down. Demons!

Later, some Autobots and Decepticons, who were both in search of answers about their fallen colleagues, were also attacked by the Demons. All attacks on their behalf only served to make the Demons grow, as the Demons absorbed the energy from their laser fire. Meanwhile, Emirate Xaaron had brought Seawatch out of his coma, and learned of the Demons' presence. Consulting ancient lore, he learned that Demons were susceptible to energy overloads, and brought a reserve of pure energon to the battlefield. Force-feeding it to the Demons, he caused all three of them to self-destruct. Dawn of Darkness

After Primus's death, another group of the Demons escaped, lurking in the shadows of Cybertron's surface after the giant battle against Unicron. As observed by Hi-Q, one of the Demons grabbed Runabout by the leg, dragged him underground, and messily devoured him. On the Edge of Extinction! Hi-Q fled until he encountered the Dinobots, whose considerable power was still not enough to defeat the Demons. They were finally beaten back by Grimlock, who had just completed his metamorphosis to an Action Master. The Demons fled from his new power, repulsed by his "light". Still Life!


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

When the Mini-Cons were created to clean up Cybertron, one of their jobs was to exterminate the Demons and Mutants. The Demons didn't go down without a fight, however, and Hacksaw would later express relief that no more Mini-Cons had to die by their hands. The New World

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

In the distant, forgotten past, Primus was responsible for creating the Primordial creatures on what would one day be called Cybertron. These creatures worshipped Primus as their creator-god. When they turned on each other after developing free will, though, Primus had attempted to wipe the slate clean. Some of these "demons" survived the cataclysm initiated by Primus, lurking deep underground in forgotten caverns, unnoticed by the Cybertronians that rose in their place. Natural Selection, Part Four

In 1991, the creatures encountered a Unicron cultist possessed by the essence of the Dark Matrix creature. It quickly dominated them and began using them as pawns in its schemes to spread evil and conflict on Cybertron. The War to End All Wars, Part 5

In 2012, Hot Rod began experiencing visions in which he fought Demons, but couldn't puzzle out what his premonitions were hinting towards. Loose Ends, Part 4 All became clear when the Autobots sent a team to find the chamber of Primus and found the Demons instead. Natural Selection, Part Two By the time Hot Rod reached the excavation site, the Demons had already porked on half of Lightspeed's team. When they saw him, they bowed in awe at their "CREEE-AAY-TORRR!", before deciding they'd rather disembowel him instead. Hot Rod fled for his life, barely staying ahead of the Demon horde. Natural Selection, Part Three Discovering the Sword of Primus and the Covenant of Primus, Hot Rod initially took the latter, seeking answers. He discovered the true origin of the demons and Primus's attempt to eliminate them. Natural Selection, Part Four

Taking up the Sword, Hot Rod announced that the will of Primus decreed that he was to use the sword to exterminate all of the remaining Demons so that the next step in the evolution of the Transformer race could begin. However, he declared that Primus's will was not his will, and he would not further the grievous wrong their creator committed, on which their race was built. Taking the Covenant of Primus as well, Hot Rod exited the chamber and, vowing to return, headed back to the surface, the Demons all parting before him, genuflecting in fear of the light of Primus's artifacts. Natural Selection, Part Five

The Autobots were less than thrilled with Hot Rod's plan to unify with their predecessors. Destiny, Part One He ended up returning to the Primus Chamber with only the Dinobots as back up, for they sought their missing leader, Grimlock. The demons shadowed the Autobots as they made their way to Cybertron's core. Destiny, Part Two At the Primus chamber, the demons attacked the Autobots, and no longer retreated in the presence of Hot Rod and the Primus artifacts. However, they refused to pursue the Autobots into the shadow of the Primus façade, the domain of the Dark Matrix. Destiny, Part Three

After Hot Rod was swept away on a vision quest by the Dark Matrix (at the time posing as Primus), the Dinobots were reunited with Grimlock and found the demons had become almost docile in the aftermath. They led the creatures back up to the surface and enlisted their ferocity in a battle against the Decepticon invasion. Destiny, Part Five Despite turning the tide of battle, the demons' presence was disturbing to the Autobots afterwards. Even Hot Rod, now arisen as Rodimus Prime, was suspicious and concerned by the sudden change in the creatures' temperament. The War to End All Wars, Part 1

The meek and unassuming demons were soon herded into a ghetto dubbed Resettlement Camp Zero, much to the Dinobots' disgust. As unsettled as the Autobots were in their presence, however, the "evolved" Cybertronians of the visiting Jhiaxus treated the creatures with outright disgust. The Primum Fugae spotted Zero Camp and immediately landed to enact a genocidal cleanse of the creatures. The Dinobots fought back against the murderers, who were eventually driven off by Autobot reinforcements. The War to End All Wars, Part 2

The demons finally proved disturbing even to the Dinobots when they spontaneously underwent a hibernation process, closing themselves off in apparent anticipation of an oncoming threat. The War to End All Wars, Part 4 Sure enough, the Dark Matrix cleansed Cybertron of virtually all life hours later before Rodimus Prime finally defeated it by severing their universe from the multiverse. The demons, meanwhile, survived in their cocoons. Millions of years later when Rodimus, the last living Transformer, returned to Cybertron to die, his falling corpse sent out a wave of energy, which triggered one of the demons to emerge in a new form—the first of a new generation! The War to End All Wars, Part 5

See also

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