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Don Daley

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The name or term "Don" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Don (disambiguation).

Don Daley (born October 1, 1958) was an American editor of the Marvel Comics Transformers book. He held this job from issues 22 through 69 and also edited G.I. Joe and the Transformers. His other editing work at Marvel included editing G.I. Joe Special Missions, The Punisher, Captain America, and Fantastic Four, among many others, including Hasbro license Inhumanoids. Since leaving Marvel, he has become a teacher at the Department of Education in New York.


  • The Marvel "Bullpen Bulletins" for July 1987 notes that Daley "gave up a career as a rock drummer" in order to start work with Marvel.
  • Don Daley had a working relationship with fellow editor Daryl Edelman; not only was Daley the one to bring Edelman on board at Marvel, according to the same "Bullpen Bulletin" the two men also at one point shared an office. They were noted as having the best stereo system in the office, but dared not use it because publisher Mike Hobson's office was next door to their own.

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