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Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club issue 44

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Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club #44
Don't know what they're fighting for, they were both inducted back in 2010...
Publisher Fun Publications
First published late April 2012
Cover date April/May 12

Hall of Fame 2012: And the nominees are...


Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club issue #44

Editor-In-Chief: Brian Savage
Editor: Pete Sinclair
Creative Director/Layout: Lanny Lathem
Associate Editor: Ben Yee
Associate Editor: Jesse Wittenrich
Research Editor: Karl Hartman
Columnist: Rob Meyer
Head Proofreader: Heather Choplin
Proofreader: Jeremiah McNatt
Contributors: David Willis, Greg Black, Heather T. Smith, Jim Sorenson, Bill Forster, Derrick Wyatt
Resident Artist: Evan Gauntt
Staff: Greg Sepelak, Trent Troop, Rosemary Ward, Drew Eiden
TCC SD Runamuck Design: Richard Chang



  • Characters mentioned in Sizzle's bio include: Ultra Magnus.
  • Characters mentioned in Jhiaxus' bio include: Shockwave, Megatron, Thunderclash, Kup, Optimus Prime, and Alpha Trion.
    • Jhiaxus was created after the end of the previous year's "Battle Lines" storyline; several events from the final chapter are referenced, including the majority of the Autobots entering stasis lock to save energy, and Kup and Thunderclash forming the Cybertron Defense Team (referencing the team of the same name from Cybertron).
    • Jhiaxus was built from the remains of a Decepticon shuttle, similar to the Aerialbots in the Transformers cartoon, who were rebuilt from old Cybertronian shuttles.
  • This issue shipped two weeks late due to Fun Publications' scooching around of their member renewal deadline.


  • A contributor credit to Heather T. Smith - who helped write SG Sari's diary entry, was left out of the magazine, although she is credited on the club website.
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