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Leonard McCoy

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Leonard McCoy is a Federation-aligned human from Star Trek.
Please note that he is not a moon shuttle conductor, a psychiatrist, a scientist, a physicist, a bricklayer, an escalator, an engineer, a magician, a coal miner, a flesh peddler, or a mechanic.

Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy is the chief medical officer of the starship Enterprise.



Star Trek vs. Transformers

Doctor McCoy was present on the Enterprise when it detected a distress signal from the dilithium mining colony on Cygnus Seven, staying behind as Captain Kirk took a team to investigate. Later, Kirk called McCoy and Scotty to join him on the surface and attempt to repair a giant robot that he had incapacitated. McCoy protested, saying he wasn't a mechanic and should be joining the medical team in treating the injured miners, but Kirk insisted, believing it possessed consciousness and asking McCoy to run his own medical scans and compare them to Scotty's diagnostics. McCoy was shocked to find that it was as Kirk said, though he skeptically pointed out that they still didn't know how to reawaken the behemoth. Prime's Directive, Part One

Over McCoy's protests, Spock then opted to use the Vulcan mind meld on the robot, given the similarities between its neural nets and that of the average humanoid's, only to be forced out by the sheer amount of neurological information. Spock's gambit had paid off however and the robot introduced himself as Optimus Prime who corrected the misconception that he was the only Cybertronian on the planet. As the quartet compared notes, Optimus ferried the organics back to the mine shaft only for Starscream's force to seal the path, pinning them down behind the mining equipment. Prime's Directive, Part Two Though McCoy attempted to affect medical treatment to Optimus, the Prime leapt into action to allow several miners to escape Airachnid's attack. When the Decepticons later closed in, McCoy refused to allow Optimus to surrender to Starscream before Fortress Maximus burst free from the moon's surface, now reformatted into a copy of the Enterprise. The Titan instantly turned his power on the warbird who revealed itself to be Trypticon. When a force of Klingon troops beamed down, Kirk beamed McCoy and the other aboard Maximus as he transformed the Titan to robot mode, their shared mind calling itself "Fortress Tiberius". Prime's Directive, Part Three

As the two Titans duelled, McCoy called the bridge to try and have Kirk rein in Maximus's desire for vengeance, reminding him of Starfleet Order Two, before Trypticon gained the upper hand. Along with Spock and Scotty, McCoy ran to Maximus's bridge to try and help Kirk before the captain found the willpower to rein in the Autobot and downed the saurian Decepticon before Megatron ordered a retreat after Starscream. When it was found that the Seeker had aims to conquer the Klingon Empire, Maximus shuttled everyone to the real Enterprise, disabled by Trypticon, where Kirk beamed over everyone save McCoy and Ratchet to affect repairs to the ship. Prime's Directive, Part Four

Ultimately, Kirk decided that Starfleet would have to travel to Kronos. As McCoy and Ratchet butted heads, Kirk hit on the idea to use the replicators to create armoured suits so that the Enterprise crew could fight the Decepticons on equal footing. McCoy abstained from the battle for Kronos but was present on the main bridge to bear witness to the Autobots parting ways with Starfleet. Prime's Directive, Part Five


  • McCoy's oft-repeated catchphrase of "I'm a doctor, not a..." has been referenced multiple times across various Transformers media.[1]
  • McCoy was involved in IDW's Infestation, where he, Kirk, and Spock were responsible for defeating their universe's version of Britt.

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