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Loose Ends, Part 3

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The Transformers: Regeneration One #83
RG183 cvrA.jpg
"Loose Ends" Part 3
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published September 5, 2012
Cover date September 2012
Writer Simon Furman
Penciler Andrew Wildman
Inker Stephen Baskerville
Colorist John-Paul Bove
Letterer Chris Mowry
Editor John Barber
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity

The Wreckers join up with some old allies on Earth, while Optimus Prime and Bludgeon gather their forces.



"I want YOU, to stare at these guns!"

In the Mojave Desert on Earth, the cybernetic Circuit Smasher attacks and fells Rack 'n' Ruin, and then turns on Topspin. The Jumpstarter recognizes the human as former Autobot Headmaster Spike Witwicky, and keeps him talking long enough for the other Wreckers to surround him. Topspin proposes an alliance, and Spike's friend Gordon Kent encourages him to agree. Spike leads the assembled group through the Argus mountains, angrily explaining how the current state of Earth is the Autobots' fault for leaving the Ark behind on Earth. He and Fortress Maximus were initially able to protect it, but when a group of humans were able to penetrate the ship in 1994, Megatron was reactivated and began laying waste to the Earth. Humanity resorted to nuclear tactics, but Megatron was able to hack the missiles and use them to destroy major human population centers, after which he revived the various dead Transformers that had been kept in the Ark as a zombie army to eradicate what resistance remained. Leadfoot wonders where Megatron got the tech and know-how to accomplish these many feats, but Spike has no answer, and at this stage, does not particularly care. Presently, the group arrive at Argus Base, former headquarters of an ultra-secret government combat group which the rebels have taken as their own. Here, Spike introduces the Autobots to the man behind their organization, and the creator of Argus Base's tech: their old ally, G.B. Blackrock!

On Cybertron, Optimus Prime gives Hot Rod a talk on making decisions and living with their consequences, admitting that he is probably trying too hard to cling to the current peace. The Civil Defense officers Ultra Magnus and Trailbreaker then arrive with evidence that Kup has gone to Earth, and two transmissions they have consequently picked up from the planet after turning every dish in Altihex towards it: the distress call sent by Springer and a message that has been repeating for years, from Megatron, demanding Prime's presence. There can be no hesitating now—Prime orders the Autobots to Earth.

In Argus Base, Springer and Sandstorm attend a meeting with Spike, Blackrock and Kent via remote hologram projection to co-ordinate a strike against the Ark in order to take out Megatron's power base. Spike explains his transformation into Circuit Smasher: Fortress Maximus died in the conflict with Megatron, leaving Spike's mind and nervous system shut down, but his body alive. Reminded of a former employee with a similar condition, Blackrock used a cybernetic process she had developed to revive Spike. As the discussion continues, a message arrives from Megatron in Washington, D.C., demanding the Wreckers leave the planet or be hunted down. Before leaving, however, they must collect Kup, in Megatron's clutches and infected with Scraplets—an obvious trap, but one that means Megatron's attention will be focused away from the Ark, giving Springer an idea...

As an Autobot battle unit boards a shuttle bound for Earth, Optimus Prime instructs Hot Rod to stay behind, sensing in him a greatness that must be protected. Prime and Magnus are the last to board, and as the ship leaves, Hot Rod turns to go, and bumps into Dirtbag. Excusing himself, the young Autobot leaves... and Dirtbag radios Soundwave that the Autobots have left. In turn, Soundwave makes contact with Bludgeon, whose forces are busy razing the planet Torkulon, informing him that Cybertron is now under-protected... and the opportunity to rescue the remains of Thunderwing has arisen!

Featured characters

(Characters in italic text appear only in flashbacks.)
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"YOU! Stand accused ... of condemning planet Earth to a protracted and painful death!
"Who? Us?"

- Spike Circuit Smasher gets angry at Rack 'n' Ruin

"Every tiny or momentous decision we make -- in any scale of circumstances -- has consequences. Often instantaneously we must make choices, and those choices must be lived with. And learned from."

- Optimus Prime imparts his wisdom to Hot Rod.

"Wow. That sounded serious. Wonder what it is?"

- Optimus Prime learns from his own choices (whilst talking to Hot Rod).

"Where are you, Prime?! Don't you want to see what I've done to you precious planet?"

- Megatron, having gone a little stir crazy whilst trapped on Earth.


Artwork and technical errors

  • Repugnus can be seen amongst Megatron's zombie troops. This was initially assumed to be an art error, but it will be confirmed in issue #86 that there were Autobots, and specifically Monsterbots, as well as Decepticons left lying in stasis aboard the Ark. (See also "Continuity errors", below.)
  • On page 2 Circuit Smasher tells Topspin that badge he's sporting counts for nothing no more. Neither he or Rack'n'Ruin are drawn with Autobot symbols. It is also a double negative.

Continuity errors

  • The Decepticon zombies are all Underbase Saga casualties who were salvaged from the Ark. However, the Saga ended with both factions claiming they would be collecting their own fallen.
  • A caption refers to Prime's death taking place in issue #75 when in fact he managed to cling to lifelong enough to die at the beginning of issue #76.

Continuity notes

  • Unnamed and not drawn in detail for fear of legal terrors, Circuit Breaker can be spotted flying into battle alongside Fortress Maximus on page 9.
  • The former owners of Argus Base were an "ultra-secret" covert team who "went up against your lot [Transformers] way back when". While not explicitly named, this and the large eagle-head sigil on the conference desk seems to implicitly identify the team as G.I. Joe, who gained a similar avian symbol with 2009's Rise of Cobra series and did indeed fight the Transformers during Marvel's run. (It's unlikely to be RAAT as they were a public team.)
  • On a similar note, while they go unnamed, the yellow costumes and implicit motivation of the group who inadvertently revive Megatron bear a distinct resemblance to the Marvel Comics terrorist group AIM (arch-enemies of Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., who appeared in issue #3 of the Marvel Transformers (US) series). But this might just be coincidence; the characters are just wearing yellow hazmat suits, complete with backpacks and hazard markings, rather than the distinctive "beekeeper" AIM outfits.
  • The Ark's computer is referred to with its original name, Auntie, for the first time in Marvel US continuity since its very first issue. It was otherwise only referred to by this name in the UK continuity's stories "Raiders of the Last Ark" and "In the Beginning...".

Real-life references

Other trivia

Transformers references

  • The idea of Megatron taking the nuclear weapons fired by the world and using it against them is eerily similar to Galvatron's plan in the classic story "Rhythms of Darkness!". Also, that idea, combined with machines seeking out the remaining human resistance, is very similar to the Terminator franchise, which Furman has also written for.
  • The robotic battlesuits lined up in Argus Base are based on Buster's battlesuit from the Marvel UK story, "Robot Buster!".
  • The planet Torkulon originated with the original The Transformers cartoon episode "Webworld", but, aside from having vaguely spidery-looking native lifeforms that have something to do with brains, this depiction of the world seems to owe virtually nothing to its cartoon predecessor.
  • The term "Scramble City" has been used for a bunch of things in its time, but with this issue, it is the first use as the name of a city on Cybertron.
  • Bludgeon's forces appear to be travelling aboard the Warworld, just as in Generation 2.


  • In flashback the deaths of Fortress Maximus, Circuit Breaker and countless human soldiers are all implied.
  • All the backwards talking spider like creatures inhabitants of the planet Torkulon.

Covers (3)


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