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Mindwipe (ROTF)

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The name or term "Mindwipe" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Mindwipe (disambiguation).
Mindwipe is a Decepticon from the live-action film continuity family.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

Mindwipe is not like the other Decepticons. While they focus on attacking your body, he prefers to go for the mind. Using the power of hypnosis, he subverts the programming and wills of his opponents and directs them to perform his dirty work. This makes him very much a hands-off individual. Staying aloft and away from the action below, he allows his near-zombified minions to fight his battles for him. The only being immune to his abilities is Optimus Prime, the Matrix-bearer. But when the universe shuts a door, it opens a window, and if Mindwipe can't attack the Autobot leader directly...well, his nearest and dearest work just as well.

While his powers have a scientific basis, he likes to pretend they have spookier origins. Between that and his extensive knowledge of Cybertron's supernatural lore, he's able to scare the more superstitious Transformers into thinking he's some kind of boogeyman! His closest comrade is, unsurprisingly, Bludgeon the skull-faced samurai looker.[1]



Cyber Missions

Voice actor: Bronco D. Jackson (English), Octavio Rojas (Latin American-Spanish), Reinaldo Pimenta (Brazilian Portuguese)

When Ironhide stumbled into the cave where Mindwipe had been hiding out, Mindwipe promptly hypnotised the Autobot and made him start gathering up the energon crystals which littered the cave floor. This situation didn't last for long, as Optimus Prime came in search of Ironhide and blasted Mindwipe from the ceiling. Mindwipe's blustering at this unwanted intrusion was interrupted by a punch from Prime. Recovering, he responded by trying to hypnotise Prime as well, but his mojo was not strong enough to overcome Prime's will. Mindwipe transformed and attempted to flee, only to be blasted by Optimus. His hold over Ironhide was broken. Cyber Missions #5

Mindwipe interrogated Jack to find out the location of some energon, tossing the human aside once he had the information. As he took off, he announced the energon would soon be all his, which earned him a correction from Starscream. When they reached the convoy, Mindwipe turned his hypnotic abilities on Ratchet and Sideswipe, but he and Starscream began bickering again, allowing Sideswipe to use some rock and roll to break Mindwipe's concentration. Ratchet grabbed Mindwipe and, dumping him into the energon trailer, gave him a short jolt to paralyze him, before dumping both trailer and Mindwipe off the nearest cliff. Mindwipe plummeted towards the ground while pleading for his leader to save him, but Starscream told him to save himself, and went after the energon instead. Cyber Missions #10

Megatron led the Decepticons on a mission to free the captured Soundwave. It was an Autobot trap. Mindwipe tried to hypnotize Bumblebee, but Bumblebee covered his ears and talked over Mindwipe's voice, nullifying the effect. The two fought hand to hand until an army of the Autobots' human allies surrounded the battlefield. Optimus Prime gave each Decepticon a choice: Leave Earth or be destroyed. Mindwipe and the other Decepticons chose to leave Earth. Decepticons Attack

Unite for the Universe

Mindwipe was part of a raiding party assembled by Bludgeon at Megatron's command, along with Dirge and Brakedown. They attempted to invade a NEST facility, but were spotted in advance thanks to a tip provided by Starscream, who saw Bludgeon as a potential rival. When Optimus Prime emerged from the facility with his new Jetfire-inspired armor, Mindwipe and the others beat a hasty retreat. The Secret of Project: Unite

IDW movie comics

Under Starscream's command, Mindwipe and a number of other Decepticons attacked Sam Witwicky in Philadelphia in order to retrieve the rogue scrap drone Brains. Rising Storm #2 As Sam was under the protection of the Autobots, a battle broke out between Starscream's troops and Bumblebee, Wheeljack and Mirage. Mindwipe tried to pierce through Wheeljack's personal force field, but with little success. Rising Storm #3


Revenge of the Fallen

One, one stealth jet. Ah ah ah.
Get off my back, hitchhiker!
  • Mindwipe (Voyager Class, 2010)
Mindwipe transforms from a bat-like robot into a fighter plane similar to a F-117 Nighthawk stealth ground attack aircraft. The top of the fuselage sports a symbol that's loosely based on the US Air Force roundel, replacing the star in the center with a Decepticon insignia (an identical symbol can be found on Scout Class Skystalker).
His wings are decked out in Cyberglyphics, the first three of which translate as "WYR" according to a cypher that was used in several official instances, while the fourth one was commonly found on Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Class packaging prior to the "N.E.S.T. Global Alliance" subline imprint, so they're probably not supposed to mean anything. He has two flip-out swords/daggers slung under his arms that he can deploy to use as weapons. As part of his transformation, bending his wings back in robot mode activates a Mech Alive gear-driven feature where the tips of the wings retract and four small blades reveal themselves along the edge of the wing. Although not noted in the instructions, the landing gear on his feet can extend to make him more stable. Mindwipe is designed to combine with the Scout-class figure Skystalker (and other toys using the Skystalker mold); when they are both in vehicle mode, Skystalker plugs into Mindwipe's top via two pegs, allowing Skystalker a piggy-back style transportation on Mindwipe's back similar to a Space Shuttle on the back of a Boeing 747. When Mindwipe is in robot mode, the pegs allow Skystalker (in either mode) to perch on Mindwipe's arm.
This toy was listed on Hasbro's website as "Mindswipe", although the toy's description used the correct spelling.
This mold was later redecoed as the Tokyo Toy Show exclusive Generation 2 Dreadwing and 2010 Transformers toyline Strafe.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Mindwipe (マインドワイプ Maindowaipu)


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