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Seacons comic 3

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Generations Selects Special Comic
Generations Selects Seacons comic 3.jpg
Publisher TakaraTomy Mall
First published August 8, 2019
Manga Shin Sasaki
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity, Precursor World

Can Star Convoy stand against the God-King of the Sea?



As Star Convoy tries to repel a swarm of Gulfs, Turtler transforms into robot mode and leaps in to take the Silver Matrix from the Supreme Commander. After Star Convoy vocalizes his being unimpressed with Turtler's power, the Seacon leader orders the Gulfs to combine with him. The result is the towering god-king of the sea, King Poseidon!

At the photon sailer, Halfshell congratulates his "brother" on a good showing and notes the success of the redesigned Seacons's combination makes good strides on the future "that being" desires as he watches tubes containing his teammates...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



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