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Seacons comic 5

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Generations Selects Special Comic
Generations Selects Seacons comic 5.jpg
Publisher TakaraTomy Mall
First published October 4, 2019
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Colors Gufu Kandagawa (p1-2),[1]
Josh Perez
Editor Kouji Nimura
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity, Precursor World
Chronology 2020

Optimus Prime and the Seacons face off while rumblings happen on the photon sailer.



On Earth in 2020, the defeated Turtler curses God Ginrai, but is soon met with a visitor from the future, the space pirate Halfshell. Having heard from Coelagon of a similar-looking Transformer, Halfshell sends Turtler the data necessary for him to finally assume a robot mode, then explains he has travelled to the past to propose an alliance to restore both Seacon crews—Turtler's that was damaged by God Ginrai and Halfshell's that was damaged in their collection of proton energy. Halfshell knows just what they need to rebuild the Seacons... Angolmois Energy!

In the mysterious dimension, Star Convoy is fighting King Poseidon, who is confused by the Angolmois Energy he detects from his opponent. Star Convoy explains that energy from future Autobot and Maximal leaders has allowed him to repair his damaged body and restore his full energies. Star Convoy breaks apart King Poseidon into his component Seacons, but the villains retreat to the nearby planet, forcing Star Convoy to follow.

On the planet, Optimus Prime sends his Star Trailer to assist the local denizens, noting as he lands that he wishes he had Roller with him at times like this. Engrossed in thought, he doesn't notice a Tentakil below him until it's too late. The squid is joined by the rest of the Seacons and they form King Poseidon in his "Perfect Mode". King Poseidon attempts to crush Optimus, but the Autobot manages to use his Silver Matrix to heal his injuries, a power King Poseidon recognizes as the same as his old enemy, Ginrai. Seeking revenge on Ginrai, King Poseidon knocks the Matrix away from Optimus to steal it and swears to crush his enemy.

On the photon sailer, Halfshell observes the battle, commenting on the inferiority of a king to a god but thanking Turtler for being a guinea pig for the revival of his Seacons. He similarly gloats over Galvatron, noting that they never had the ability to upgrade him in the first place and have successfully duped him into handing over the Angolmois. He immediately regrets this, however, as, the tank Galvatron is in bursts open. Halfshell wonders if the Angolmois Energy in Galvatron and the power of stars in Star Convoy are resonating and intensifying each other. The upgrading Decepticon affirms this hypothesis and claims to have attained the power of the future, the "super" power...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Continuity notes

Transformers references

  • Halfshell refers to his Seacons collecting proton energy, which was an energy source first established in The Headmasters and would go on to play a part in Sakamoto's previous comic, Legends.
  • On page 4, King Poseidon's pose is based on his original toy's boxart.
  • Halfshell's Seacons are rebuilt with new bodies based on the new ones given to Turtler's group, though Scylla is given the typical "feminization" treatment for the gender-swapped retools. Halfshell himself also sports a new body based on Turtler's upgrades.

Other notes



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