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South Korea

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South Korea, formally the Republic of Korea or simply Korea, is a nation-state in East Asia on Earth. It is a democratic state unlike its next-door totalitarian neighbor and major rival, North Korea. Major cities in South Korea include the capital, Seoul, and Incheon.



2005 IDW continuity

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  • In real life, South Korea has notably had one variant toyline unique to itself, the Car Bot line, the localized derivation of Robots in Disguise.
  • South Korea was until recently also known for its abysmal toy distribution when it comes to Transformers: most retailers refused to stock anything that wasn't movie-related, to the chagrin of more G1-minded fans. This also caused large quantities of shelfwarmers, which contributed to the notion that "Transformers toys don't sell" and worsened the cycle. However, the situation has improved greatly after the Bumblebee movie hit theaters in 2018, with a large percentage (but not all) of mainline Studio Series and War for Cybertron Trilogy products seeing official distribution via Hasbro Korea.
  • South Korea also produces their own original transforming robot toylines that directly compete with Transformers, with accompanying cartoons and merchandise: The two major pioneers are Young Toys's Tobot, and Sonokong's Hello Carbot.

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