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Transformers Comic-Magazin issue 6

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Transformers Comic-Magazin #6
Tf commag 06.JPG
As the golden Megatron attacked Soundwave in his Optimus Prime costume, the Decepticons realised that this was not their finest moment.
Publisher Condor Verlag
Cover date December 1989
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity
Price 3 DM



Transformers in the Battle for Peace: A Big Day for Powermaster Optimus Prime

The Autobots are holding an assembly within the Ark to discuss the state of affairs in the battle against the Decepticons. In the course of it, they find that the Autobots are at a disadvantage because they're a band of peaceful individualists, while the Decepticons are much more selfish and ruthless. Also, Slapdash holds a passionate speech about how both Cybertron and Earth would be better off with an Autobot world government, to which everyone agrees. Optimus Prime adds that they can only reach this noble goal if they manage to keep Earth's oil reserves safe from the Decepticons.

Later, Fizzle reports suspicious Decepticon activity, which turns out to be the prelude to a raid on an oil tanker. Crossblades comes up with a battle strategy: He and some of his fellow Pretenders will sneak aboard the ship, while their shells distract the Decepticons on guard.

While the plan is a success, it turns out that the Decepticons are performing raids on targets all over the American continent, keeping the Autobots busy to the point of exhaustion. However, Optimus Prime has two aces up his sleeve: The first is that he stationed Micronaut squads at likely targets, preventing the Decepticons from capturing most of the refineries. Secondly, once the Decepticons are just as exhausted as the Autobots, Optimus reveals he had a stockpile of energon inside of his trailer! Thus revitalized, the Autobots finally manage to win the battle. (source)

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Articles and features

  • A selection of puzzles and activities, including a wordsearch presented by Blaster coloured like Powermaster Optimus Prime, and an opportunity to copy a drawing of Hot Spot coloured like Powermaster Optimus Prime.



"The Blaster, the!"
  • This issue seems to be the last to feature recoloured US material. After this point the comic moves to the Marvel UK stories, which were already formatted for printing in the same style. Meanwhile, Condor's later smaller-format Transformers Comic-Taschenbuch series would continue printing the US issues starting with issue #19.
  • Straxus speaking German is rather badass… that is, if you don't speak German. To a German speaker, his dialogue comes across as rather awkward and stilted.
  • The comic title is translated as "The Bridge to Nowhere".
  • The text story will later be reprinted in issue #17 with additional cameos by Rodimus Prime and the revelation that it takes place in 1973.
  • Slapdash appears to be some sort of robo-Marxist in his call for a benevolent world government to control Earth... and an Autobot one at that. Presumably Mann meant that the Autobots would help Earth from a world government, but what he's saying...
    • The text story in issue #4 similarly had an Autobot promoting the idea of large-scale global cooperation.
  • Needlenose, Darkwing, and Dreadwind actually use rubsigns in fiction, which are described as 'liquid crystal insignia'. Curiously enough, their toys originally came out the year Hasbro dropped the rubsigns.
  • It isn't clear if Crossblades is the only Mega Pretender or if Vroom is present (but silent).
  • It's also unclear if Crossblades's plan involves the Pretender Shells acting separately from the robots or alongside them. Either way, there's a lot of Pretenders involved. And apparently, either the Pretenders or their shells can shrink to human size.
  • Good grief, Crossblades gets to do stuff which doesn't involve dying pathetically!
  • The story mentions "Micronauts" a lot. This is probably a misnomer for Micromasters rather than a reference to the actual Micronauts.
  • The Autobots have, apparently, unanimously made the decision that flight modes provoke a demonstration of power, and so are not desirable for Autobots. In this continuity, then, Swoop, Jetfire, and the Aerialbots have presumably been locked in a gulag.
  • Comic-Magazin is making a habit of doing stories involving massive, multi-theatre Transformer battles (which are mostly undescribed!).


  • The cover depicts: The familiar Optimus Prime/Soundwave amalgam; what might very well be the weirdest rendition of Megatron ever, colored like Xaaron; either Laserbeak or Buzzsaw in purple; Ravage in green with red paws (or is that Blackcat?); and a bunch of semi-random humans, two of whom might be meant to be Sparkplug and Buster Witwicky.
  • If the Autobots don't want flight modes...what is Crossblades doing with one? And who joins him in his fly-by attack?!


  • A one-page advertisement for Powermaster Optimus Prime, Needlenose, and Crossblades
  • One-page advertisement for Hero Quest, which doesn't feature robots :(
  • One-page advertisement for the rebooted X-Men comic (Die Neuen X-Men)
  • One-page advertisement for the Transformers cartoon featuring the Powermaster Optimus Prime package art
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