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Transformers Comic issue 2.6

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen #6
Tf mag 6 2009.JPG
Okay, it's stock images, but that still looks awesome.
Publisher Titan Comics
First published 5 November 2009
Editor Steve White
Deputy editor Den Patrick
Designer Danny Preston
Publishing manager Darryl Curtis
Price £2.70

I see no reason why Autobot treason should ever be forgot!


Outlaw Blues

Skids and Mudflap are not happy. Branded as double-agents, they're now being transported by military convoy to be exiled in orbit. A disgruntled Skids wishes they'd just ignored this Fallen wotsit, and believes someone on up there just really hates them.

"Don't worry, kids, it's only a little stun ray! I'm just sending them to sleep... (forever!)"

Up there, Soundwave orders Starscream to make his attack! In jet mode, he takes out the bridge, with most of the military escort either taken out by the explosion or falling into the river. Then Wheelie is parachuted in, landing on the twins' carrier to... dispatch their human guards and start freeing them from their bond? Mudflap tells the "moronic munchkin" to push off, but as Wheelie babbles about this being a quid pro quo for the twins helping the 'cons, Skids realises this is a further set-up... and back at Diego Garcia, Optimus Prime believes he's greatly underestimated the twins' value to the Decepticons and assures Theodore Galloway that re-apprehending them is now the Autobots' top priority! The annoyed twins have to make a run for it, while Wheelie remarks that the Decepticon door is always open...

Two days later, Sam Witwicky is off to see Mikaela; it's only a short walk, so poor Bumblebee is left in the garage. To Sam's annoyance, his journey is interrupted when Skids and Mudflap turn up. He says again that he wants the Autobots to leave him to live his own life, but the twins just say they want to talk and they'll take him wherever he wants to go. Unfortunately for them, an "anonymous source" tips off the Autobots that they're abducting Sam; they find it slightly suspicious, but as they can't ignore the threat, Bumblebee is contacted to save the day!

Back inside Skids, Sam is told that they want him to go to Optimus with the story of the Decepticon army massing on Cybertron as Prime trusts him. However, he isn't sure he trusts the twins: he doesn't know them, and they've practically abducted him. In the context, it was a probably a bad move for Skids to try to pressure the lad, especially as Bumblebee's caught up with them and Sam is now banging on the window screaming for help. Coming under fire and being rammed, the twins regroup and dump Sam at a baseball field, but a transforming Bumblebee soon has the drop on them.

But as they try to explain they're not traitors, Soundwave gets the drop on him. While Sam begs his gunned-down friend to show signs of life, Soundwave offers sanctuary to the twins. The Fallen embraces them and they can be part of the future... something Earth soon won't have!

And Mudflap takes his hand and says he never did like the planet...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

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"We should have just minded our own business! Forgotten all about the Fallen... whatever he is or they is... are?"


"My job is done. No need to thank I. Oh, and a message for you: if you ever find yourself of a place to lay low, among friends... our door is always open!"


"[Prime] trusts you."
"That's what we heard, anyway. Though exactly why escapes me."
"He'll listen to you. And someone's gone to a lot of trouble to shut us up! No mean feat."

Skids and Mudflap

"Y'know, from a certain perspective..."
"...this could look so wrong!"

Skids on abducting Sam

"Make no mistake, this is your last refuge."



  • Skids and Mudflap get their dialogue mixed up on page 7. What makes this extra funny is that it's in the panel where they're explaining which twin is which.
  • Soundwave makes it clear the Autobots will try to eliminate the twins, and Bumblebee does try to do it; it fits with the movie Autobots' brutal tactics. But they merely intended to exile the twins for treason?


  • Last issue, the twins were being taken into questioning. Guess their answers didn't convince anyone!
  • The strip doesn't explicitly say anyone in the convoy is being killed, but it also doesn't show anyone climbing out of the review, getting up etc. So they have to be dead. So Wheelie shot two guys dead at close range! How funny does he seem now, kids?
  • He goes unnamed, but that's clearly Theodore Galloway on page 5.
  • The twins really don't like Sam much, with Skids remarking his seats will need cleaning.
  • This is the first time Soundwave has walked on Earth in movieverse fiction.


Articles & features

  • More Than Meets The Eye: puzzles.
  • Competitions for toys, video games and books; a TF related competition is for an Optimus Prime head that works as a speaker.
  • Character Profile: Mudflap
  • War Paint: draw and colour in a picture of Megatron!
  • Law and Disorder: Letters, art and photos from readers, answered by Barricade and Ironhide.
  • Starscream's Stars: Comedy horrorscope.
  • Posters of the cover and All Hail Megatron issue 5's Guido Guidi cover.

Free Gift


Law and Disorder

"Let's see who the simpering human minions wish to be subjugated by this issue!"

Barricade kicks off the popularity contest

"Arguments? Sarcasm? Us? Really? Never. We get on like a house on fire."
"It's only on fire because I napalmed it."

Ironhide and Barricade

"Uh, I'm not sure where this kid's loyalties lie. He says he likes Unicron and Grimlock. I'm not sure if that makes him Decepticon, Autobot, or clinically insane."

Ironhide on Scott McNeil.

"[Unicron]'s as mad as his mouth is big — so pretty mad."
"Yeah — the moon would be like the roll the waiter offers you before you order the starters. The Earth would be on the menu under 'lite snacks'. A gas giant like Jupiter would barely give him the hiccups. He'd eat Neptune like it was a lemon sorbet! He'd —"
"... I think he gets the picture..."

Ironhide and Barricade

"I notice you left your location off your email. It doesn't matter, I'm still adding your name to the book of Autobot sympathisers, you wretched human lackey."


Small kid: "What does Scrapper look like in robot mode?"
Ironhide: "Who cares what Scrapper looks like? The only good Decepticon is one with my footprint in his face."

Starscream's Stars

"CANCER (22 Jun — 22 Jul): The light is at the end of the tunnel, but that's just the oncoming 5.17 from London Charing Cross."

"SCORPONOK (24 Oct — 21 Nov): Romance is calling! Hang up and pull the socket off the wall."

"SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov — 21 Dec): You feel a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders. That's because Megatron has finally taken his foot off your neck after you blubbed like a human baby and begged for mercy. Pathetic."

"TAURUS (20 Apr — 20 May): Your vehicle mode is a car, so why did you think a visit to the baboon enclosure in that safari park was a good idea? Now you'll never find replacements for the windscreen wipers or get the stains off the bonnet."


  • One of the books you can win is represented by... the cover of a different book.
  • Law and Disorder still promises you can win Starscream's Star Letter prize, even though he's not the host anymore.


We're rotten to the core
My congratulations
No one likes you anymore
  • A wildly different cover was shown for #6 last issue.
  • This is the longest the letters page has been since #1.
  • Animated fanart turns up and can be seen in one of the reader's photos. The legend lives on!
  • The final score for the letter page: two pro-Autobots, one pro-Decepticon, one neutral, one Minion of Unicron.
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