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The Waruders are an evil faction from the Diaclone continuity family.
Waruder Symbol.png

The Waruders have only one goal: to feed. To this end, they invade entire planets, entire systems, and even other universes in search of more material to satiate their never-ending hunger. In this pursuit, they have engineered technorganic shells piloted by various troops.

The Waruder army includes:




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What's needed: Transtech toy bios, particularly King Waruder
Game over, man! Game over!

When a hive of Waruders migrated to Nexus 208.0 Epsilon, they were cast back in time 20,000 years due to quantum instability. Left to their own devices, they built a highly advanced hive over the centuries, and began to feed on the Cybertonium within the planet. In the present day, the Waruders emerged from hibernation en masse, and their venom contaminated the global net, causing a planet-wide shutdown of the Transcendent Technomorphs. Their hive was stumbled upon by a group of wanted criminals, led by C-81. These intruders provoked a hostile reaction from the Waruders, and both sides soon found themselves exchanging blasts. General Optimus Prime and Sergeant Hound soon joined the fray, as well as Lift-Ticket/Cline and Burn Out/Dia, two human-operated mechs who were more familiar with the insectoid menace. The Waruders still had the upper hand nonetheless, thanks to their sheer numbers. The battle came to an end when C-81 captured Beet-Chit, the hive's leader, and forced the bug to negotiate. The Waruders agreed to leave peacefully and to provide a venom sample for the creation of an anti-toxin. In exchange, the Waruders received safe passage to another dimension's Cybertron, an abandoned planet where they would be allowed to feed unopposed. Cybertron's Most Wanted

After their attack on Axiom Nexus, considered the greatest security threat in generations, journalist Rook asked the authorities how in the Pit the Waruders had shown up at all. Rhinox explained to viewers that their home universal cluster was so far removed from that of Axiom Nexus, the Ministry of Higher Dimensional Sciences hadn't even realized it was part of the multiverse. Rook - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/06/29

Masterpiece toy bios

The mysterious Bluestreak fought giant insects on Earth. Masterpiece Bluestreak bio


  • The Waruders (ワルダー Warudā) were the villainous faction used for the original Diaclone toyline. Their name is based on waru (悪), the Japanese word for "evil", and "invader" (インベーダー inbēdā).
  • In the original Diaclone story, the Waruder leader was the "Emperor Waruder" (帝王ワルダー Teiō Warudā). Meanwhile, the race's insignia is the face of Ingham (インガム Ingamu), a Waruder general.
  • The Waruder toys sold at BotCon 2015 all have names derived from G.I. Joe, whose license was also held by Fun Publications at the time. The pilots and the Storm Rider mech are named after various Dreadnoks, while the others are named after vehicles (2 used by G.I. Joe and 1 used by Cobra).
  • In planning for the BotCon 2015 Waruder four-pack, Fun Publications considered making one of the Deluxe Class wasps a version of Generation 1 Venom, who has long suffered from a lack of any available molds with a cicada alt-mode. However, they shelved this plan upon learning that Hasbro also had that idea on the docket. Ultimately, Hasbro did produce a mass-retail toy of Venom (under the modern trademark-friendly name "Venin"), but using the small Mini-Con-sized mold rather than the Deluxe Class mold, and in different colours available from Acid Storm's sprue.
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