Bowdoin College has been educating leaders on the coast of Maine since the dawn of the American republic. Founded in 1794, Bowdoin is a highly selective college of approximately 1,800 students of distinction from across America and around the world. Bowdoin offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in more than 40 majors, including interdisciplinary programs. A Bowdoin liberal arts education and residential life experience instill principled leadership, lifelong learning, and service to the common good. Visit Bowdoin College online at and follow the college on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
If you’re an unhappy voter and want other unhappy voters to hold their noses and vote for the major candidate they least dislike, think about the Golden Rule.
Decifrar como os neurônios “conversam” entre si por meio da leitura da atividade elétrica do cérebro proporcionou aos cientistas insights sobre a memória e doenças como epilepsia e Alzheimer
Deciphering how neurons talk to each other by reading the brain’s electrical activity has given scientists insights into memory and conditions like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.
Early modern societies in Latin America and Spain saw a convergence of traditional medical knowledge and the professionalization of medicine. The resulting differences in access to care endure today.
More than six years after Pavel Sulyandziga, an Indigenous activist from Russia, left the country to seek political asylum in the US, he continues to face harassment by the Russian government.
People who object to affirmative action were more likely to discriminate against job candidates with Black-sounding names than those who supported it, whether or not they had to rush.
Is Jesus a peacemaker or a warrior? A socialist or a capitalist? Depending on whom you ask, American Christians see Christ as all these things and more.
Whistleblower allegations that the government possesses UFOs may not be backed up by public physical evidence, but some argue that listening for extraterrestrial life is the first phase of contact.
Gunung berapi adalah “pasak bumi” yang menjaga semuanya tetap stabil. Namun erupsi gunung berapi menjadi sumber ketakutan bagi semua makhluk hidup di Bumi.
The idea that the least skilled are the most unaware of their incompetency is pervasive in science and pop culture. But a new analysis of the data shows that the Dunning-Kruger effect may not be true.
People tend not to think that their own emotions could simply be wrong. But research shows that people excessively dislike others who disagree with them.
When US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, he caved to war hysteria and paved the way for the incarceration of Japanese Americans.
An admissions dean seeks to take the worry out of applying for college when traditional things like grades, standardized tests and extracurricular activities have been disrupted by COVID-19.