
Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
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Об'єкти та явища


The Compositional Structure of the Asteroid Belt F. E. DeMeo, C. M. O’D. Alexander, K. J. Walsh, C. R. Chapman, and R. P. Binzel

Mineralogy and Surface Composition of Asteroids V. Reddy, T. L. Dunn, C. A. Thomas, N. A. Moskovitz, and T. H. Burbine

Astronomical Observations of Volatiles on Asteroids A. S. Rivkin, H. Campins, J. P. Emery, E. S. Howell, J. Licandro, D. Takir, and F. Vilas

Space-Based Thermal Infrared Studies of Asteroids A. Mainzer, F. Usui, and D. E. Trilling

Asteroid Thermophysical Modeling M. Delbo, M. Mueller, J. P. Emery, B. Rozitis, and M. T. Capria

Asteroid Photometry J.-Y. Li, P. Helfenstein, B. J. Buratti, D. Takir, and B. E. Clark

Asteroid Polarimetry I. Belskaya, A. Cellino, R. Gil-Hutton, K. Muinonen, and Y. Shkuratov

Radar Observations of Near-Earth and Main-Belt Asteroids L. A. M. Benner, M. W. Busch, J. D. Giorgini, P. A. Taylor, and J.-L. Margot

Asteroid Models from Multiple Data Sources J. Ďurech, B. Carry, M. Delbo, M. Kaasalainen, and M. Viikinkoski

The Complex History of Trojan Asteroids J. P. Emery, F. Marzari, A. Morbidelli, L. M. French, and T. Grav

The Active Asteroids D. Jewitt, H. Hsieh, and J. Agarwal

The Near-Earth Object Population: Connections to Comets, Main-Belt Asteroids, and Meteorites R. P. Binzel, V. Reddy, and T. L. Dunn

Small Near-Earth Asteroids as a Source of Meteorites J. Borovička, P. Spurný, and P. Brown

Meteoroid Streams and Zodiacal Dust P. Jenniskens

Identification and Dynamical Properties of Asteroid Families D. Nesvorný, M. Brož, and V. Carruba

Asteroid Family Physical Properties J. R. Masiero, F. E. DeMeo, T. Kasuga, and A. H. Parker

Collisional Formation and Modeling of Asteroid Families P. Michel, D. C. Richardson, D. D. Durda, M. Jutzi, and E. Asphaug

Asteroid Systems: Binaries, Triples, and Pairs J.-L. Margot, P. Pravec, P. Taylor, B. Carry, and S. Jacobson

Formation and Evolution of Binary Asteroids K. J. Walsh and S. A. Jacobson

Hayabusa Sample Return Mission M. Yoshikawa, J. Kawaguchi, A. Fujiwara, and A. Tsuchiyama

The Dawn Mission to Vesta and Ceres C. T. Russell, H. Y. McSween, R. Jaumann, and C. A. Raymond

The Flybys of Asteroids (2867) Šteins, (21) Lutetia, and (4179) Toutatis M. A. Barucci, M. Fulchignoni, J. Ji, S. Marchi, and N. Thomas

Phobos and Deimos S. L. Murchie, P. C. Thomas, A. S. Rivkin, and N. L. Chabot

New Paradigms for Asteroid Formation A. Johansen, E. Jacquet, J. N. Cuzzi, A. Morbidelli, and M. Gounelle

The Dynamical Evolution of the Asteroid Belt A. Morbidelli, K. J. Walsh, D. P. O’Brien, D. A. Minton, and W. F. Bottke

The Yarkovsky and YORP Effects D. Vokrouhlický, W. F. Bottke, S. R. Chesley, D. J. Scheeres, and T. S. Statler

Asteroid Differentiation: Melting and Large-Scale Structure A. Scheinberg, R. R. Fu, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, and B. P. Weiss

Hydrothermal and Magmatic Fluid Flow in Asteroids L. Wilson, P. A. Bland, D. Buczkowski, K. Keil, and A. N. Krot

Early Impact History and Dynamical Origin of Differentiated Meteorites and Asteroids E. R. D. Scott, K. Keil, J. I. Goldstein, E. Asphaug, W. F. Bottke, and N. A. Moskovitz

Asteroid Surface Alteration by Space Weathering Processes R. Brunetto, M. J. Loeffler, D. Nesvorný, S. Sasaki, and G. Strazzulla

The Formation and Evolution of Ordinary Chondrite Parent Bodies P. Vernazza, B. Zanda, T. Nakamura, E. Scott, and S. Russell

Sources of Water and Aqueous Activity on the Chondrite Parent Asteroids A. N. Krot, K. Nagashima, C. M. O’D. Alexander, F. J. Ciesla, W. Fujiya, and L. Bonal

Global-Scale Impacts E. Asphaug, G. Collins, and M. Jutzi

Modeling Asteroid Collisions and Impact Processes M. Jutzi, K. Holsapple, K. Wünneman, and P. Michel

The Collisional Evolution of the Main Asteroid Belt W. F. Bottke, M. Brož, D. P. O’Brien, A. Campo Bagatin, A. Morbidelli, and S. Marchi

Cratering on Asteroids S. Marchi, C. R. Chapman, O. S. Barnouin, J. E. Richardson, and J.-B. Vincent

Asteroid Interiors and Morphology D. J. Scheeres, D. Britt, B. Carry, and K. A. Holsapple

Asteroid Surface Geophysics N. Murdoch, P. Sánchez, S. R. Schwartz, and H. Miyamoto

Surveys, Astrometric Follow-Up, and Population Statistics R. Jedicke, M. Granvik, M. Micheli, E. Ryan, T. Spahr, and D. K. Yeomans

Orbits, Long-Term Predictions, and Impact Monitoring D. Farnocchia, S. R. Chesley, A. Milani, G. F. Gronchi, and P. W. Chodas

Asteroid Impacts and Modern Civilization: Can We Prevent a Catastrophe? A. W. Harris, M. Boslough, C. R. Chapman, L. Drube, P. Michel, and A. W. Harris

Human Exploration of Near-Earth Asteroids P. A. Abell, B. W. Barbee, P. W. Chodas, J. Kawaguchi, R. R. Landis, D. D. Mazanek, and P. Michel

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