Kontent qismiga oʻtish

TeliaSonera: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Kontent oʻchirildi Kontent qoʻshildi
Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Teglar: Twinkle Qaytarildi
Teg: Qaytarildi
Qator 273: Qator 273:
* Bonus Internet can be used from 12am to 10pm
* Bonus Internet can be used from 12am to 10pm
* Bonus Internet can be used from 8am to 9pm
* Bonus Internet can be used from 8am to 9pm
;Offer Duration
;Offer Period - July 15 to August 30, 2012
* July 15 to August 30, 2012 until further notice

== Yana qarang ==
== Yana qarang ==

2024-yil 29-avgust, 08:21 dagi koʻrinishi

Turi Uyali aloqa
Status kompaniyasi
Shiori "Together"
Qachon asos solingan 1-iyul 1993
Hududiy xizmati Yevropa, Osiyo
Budjeti 105 milliard shved kronasi[1]
Aylanma daromadi 86 000 000 000[2]
Sof foydasi 7 601 000 000[2]
Ishchilar soni 27 838
Aʼzolari Yohan Dennelind (Prezident va ijrochi direktor)
Maria Ehrling (Kengash raisi)
Vebsayti TeliaSonera
Til(lar)i ingliz

TeliaSonera AB - Shvetsiya va Finlandiyaning hamkorlikdagi yetakchi kompaniyasi boʻlib, telekommunikatsiya va uyali aloqa xizmatlarini amalga oshiradi. Kompaniya shimoliy va Sharqiy Yevropa, Markaziy Osiyo, shuningdek bir qancha Osiyo davlatlarida xizmat koʻrsatadi, umumiy mijozlari soni esa 182 milliondan ortiq (2013-yil).


TeliaSonera 2002-yilda Shvetsiya va Finlandiyaning Telia hamda Sonera kompaniyalari qoʻshilishidan hosil boʻlgan. Telia kompaniyasi xususiylashtirilishidan avval davlat monopoliyasi edi. Sonera esa, avvaliga shahar telefon tarmoqlariga xizmat koʻrsatgan. TeliaSoneraning 37% aktivlari Shved hukumatiga, 13.2% aktivlari Fin hukumatiga, qolgani esa dunyo boʻylab sarmoyadorlar, yirik kompaniyalarga qarashlidir.


Shvetsiyaning Telegrafverket (Royal Telegraph Agency) korxonasi 1853-yilda, Stokgolm va Uppsala orasida telegraf oʻrnatilgan vaqtda tashkil etilgan. Shvetsiyada telefon tizimi yaxshi ishlanmagan, buning sababi – mamlakatda telefon patentlanmagan edi. Biroq, Ericsson shirkati qurilmalarni yetkazib bergan. 1920-yillarga kelib, mamlakatda monopoliyaga aylanadi. 1953-yilda uning nomi “Telverket” deb, 1992-yilda esa “Telia” deb oʻzgartitiladi. 1990-yil boshlarida GSM xizmat turi yoʻlga qoʻyiladi. Shu vaqtlarda uning bir qancha raqobatchilari paydo boʻlishi ushbu korxona monopoliyasiga chek qoʻydi. Ushbu raqobatchilardan eng yirigi Tele2 korxonasi boʻlib, u Shvetsiyada birinchi bor (2000-yilda) 3G xizmatini yoʻlga qoʻydi. Keyinroq, Telia korxonasi ham ushbu xizmatni koʻrsatish imkoniyatiga ega boʻldi.


1917-yilda Finlandiya telegraf agentligi tashkil topadi. 1927-yilda, agentlik Finlandiya pochta boshqarmasi bilan qoʻshilib, “Fin pochtasi va telegrafi agentligi” nomini oladi. 1994-yilgacha bu agentlik mamlakatdagi barcha telefoniya xizmatlarini koʻrsatib kelgan. 1994-yili agentlik ikkiga boʻlinib, “Suomen” hamda “Telecom Finland” shirkatlariga aylantiriladi. 1998-yilda “Telecom Finland”ning nomi oʻzgarib, “Sonera” deb atala boshlanadi.


TeliaSoneraning xalqaro faoliyati

TeliaSonera hozirgi kunda Skandinaviya va Boltiqboʻyi davlatlaridagi eng yirik va mijozlar soni koʻp uyali aloqa kompaniyasidir[3]. Keyingi oʻrinlarda Yoigo, Megafon, NetCom va boshqalar turadi[4].

Yevropadagi uyali aloqa biznesi

TeliaSonera Afgʻonistonning Roshan uyali aloqa kompaniyasining 12,25 foiziga ega[5].

Daniyada 1995-yildan beri faoliyat yuritadi.

TeliaSonera Estoniyadagi “Eesti Telekom”ning egasidir. 2009-yilda mazkur korxona aksiyalarining 100 foizini sotib olgan.

TeliaSonera Finlandiyadagi eng yirik aloqa operatori boʻlib, barcha turdagi aloqa xizmatlarini koʻrsatadi.

2007-yildan TeliaSonera “Geocell” aloqa kompaniyasining 58,5 foiziga ega. Qolgan 41 foizi esa Turkiyaning “Turkcell” kompaniyasiga tegishli.

TeliaSonera Latviyaning “LMT” uyali aloqa shirkatining 49 foiziga, shuningdek, “Lattelecom” operatorining 49 foiziga va “Tele Latvia” operatorining 100 foiziga egalik qiladi.

TeliaSonera “Omnitel” kompaniyasining 100 foiziga va “TEO LT” kompaniyasining 88 foiziga ega.

TeliaSonera “Moldcell” kompaniyasining 74,3 foiziga ega.

TeliaSonera Nepal davlatining “Spice Nepal” kompaniyasining 80 foiziga ega, shuningdek, “Mero mobile” kompaniyasi ham qoʻshilgan.

Norvegiyada 1998-yildan faoliyat yuritadi.

2010-yil 15-maydan boshlab Azercell kompaniyasi faoliyat koʻrsatadi.

Qozogʻistonda 2006-yildan boshlab “KCell” aloqa operatori sifatida ishlamoqda.

TeliaSonera Rossiyaning MegaFon uyali aloqa operatorining 25,2 foiziga ega.

TeliaSonera “Yoigo” uyali aloqa kompaniyasining 76,6 foiziga ega.

TeliaSonera tojikistonning ikkita uyali aloqa operatorlarini birlashtirib, “Tcell” sifatida ishlamoqda.

TeliaSonera mamlakatning eng yirik aloqa operatori hisoblangan “Turkcell” kompaniyasining 38 foiziga ega.

2007-yilda Oʻzbekistonda oʻz faoliyatini boshlagan. Oʻsha paytda uning foydalanuvchilari soni 400,000 dan ziyod edi. 2012-yilda mijozlar soni 9 milliondan ortdi. 2015-yilda TeliaSonera Oʻzbekiston bozoridan chiqib ketishi taxmin qilinmoqa[6]

Grameenphone Life-er asche bonus

Life-er Asche Jumbo Bonus Offer - Recharge BDT 22 & Use BDT 22
  • BDT 22 Instant Recharge Bonus: 30 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 1500 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 8 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 21 SMS (local), 7 MMS, 38 MB Internet & 5GB Internet
  • BDT 22 period end Usage Bonus: 30 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 1500 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 8 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 21 SMS (local), 7 MMS, 38 MB Internet & 5GB Internet
  • Customer will get the recharge bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 31 paisa/10 seconds to any local operator
  • Customer will get the usage bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 4.6 paisa/10 sec to any GP/djuice numbers and 18.5 paisa/10 sec to other operator
  • After 24 hours customers will recharge second time for getting life-er asche bonus (Recharge+Usage)
  • Firstly, customer has to Recharge BDT 22 to become eligible for Recharge Bonus & Usage Bonus
  • Secondly, customer needs to finish BDT 22 (Incl. VAT) in local voice calls usage within 2 calendar days
  • Recharge Bonus will not be the of BDT 22 Recharge
  • Recharge Bonus count will start from 12:00 am of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Usage Bonus count will start from the time of Usage of BDT 22
  • Usage Bonus disbursement will be period end: 00:00:00 hrs of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Bonus Check: Free dial *999*22#
Life-er Asche Mini Bonus Offer - Recharge BDT 19 & Use BDT 19
  • BDT 19 Instant Recharge Bonus: 1 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 13500 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 380 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 50 SMS (local), 6 MMS, 100 MB Internet & 1.5GB Internet
  • BDT 19 period end Usage Bonus: 1 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 13500 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 380 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 50 SMS (local), 6 MMS, 100 MB Internet & 1.5GB Internet
  • Customer will get the recharge bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 31 paisa/10 seconds to any local operator
  • Customer will get the usage bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 4.6 paisa/10 seconds to any GP/djuice numbers & 18.5 paisa/10 sec to other operators
  • After 24 hours customers will recharge second time for getting life-er asche bonus (Recharge+Usage)
  • Firstly, customer has to Recharge BDT 19 to become eligible for Recharge Bonus & Usage Bonus
  • Secondly, customer needs to finish BDT 19 (Incl. VAT) in local voice calls usage within 2 calendar days
  • Recharge Bonus will not be the of BDT 19 Recharge
  • Recharge Bonus count will start from 12:00 am of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Usage Bonus count will start from the time of Usage of BDT 19
  • Usage Bonus disbursement will be period end: 00:00:00 hrs of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Bonus Check: Free dial *999*19#
Life-er Asche Special Bonus Offer - Recharge BDT 75 & Use BDT 75
  • BDT 75 Instant Recharge Bonus: 1 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 65800 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 33 Intails (GP-GP & CUG) 50 SMS (local), 6 MMS, 100 MB Internet & 1.5GB Internet
  • BDT 75 period end Usage Bonus: 1 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 65800 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 33 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 50 SMS (local), 6 MMS, 28 MB Internet & 1.5GB Internet
  • Customer will get the recharge bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 31 paisa/10 seconds to any local operator
  • After 24 hours customers will recharge second time for getting life-er asche bonus (Recharge+Usage)
  • Firstly, customer has to Recharge BDT 75 to become eligible for Recharge Bonus & Usage Bonus
  • Secondly, customer needs to finish BDT 75 (Incl. VAT) in local voice calls usage within 2 calendar days
  • Recharge Bonus will not be the of BDT 75 Recharge
  • Recharge Bonus count will start from 12:00 am of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Usage Bonus count will start from the time of Usage of BDT 75
  • Usage Bonus disbursement will be period end: 00:00:00 hrs of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Bonus Check: Free dial *999*75#
Life-er Asche Lolytam Bonus Offer - Recharge BDT 67 & Use BDT 67
  • BDT 67 Instant Recharge Bonus: 50 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 6 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 500 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 8 SMS (local), 4 MMS, 1 MB Internet & 2.5GB Internet
  • BDT 67 period end Usage Bonus: 50 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 6 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 500 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 8 SMS (local), 4 MMS, 1 MB Internet & 2.5GB Internet
  • Customer will get the recharge bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 31 paisa/10 seconds to any local operator
  • After 24 hours customers will recharge second time for getting life-er asche bonus (Recharge+Usage)
  • Firstly, customer has to Recharge BDT 67 to become eligible for Recharge Bonus & Usage Bonus
  • Secondly, customer needs to finish BDT 67 (Incl. VAT) in local voice calls usage within 2 calendar days
  • Recharge Bonus will not be the of BDT 67 Recharge
  • Recharge Bonus count will start from 12:00 am of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Usage Bonus count will start from the time of Usage of BDT 67
  • Usage Bonus disbursement will be period end: 00:00:00 hrs of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Bonus Check: Free dial *999*67#
Life-er Asche Dosetant Bonus Offer - Recharge BDT 33 & Use BDT 33
  • BDT 33 Instant Recharge Bonus: 300 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 5 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 80 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 12 SMS (local), 23 MMS, 39 MB Internet & 8GB Internet
  • BDT 33 period end Usage Bonus: 300 Mins (GP-GP or GP Others & Ekota-djuice), 5 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 80 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 12 SMS (local), 23 MMS, 39 MB Internet & 8GB Internet
  • Customer will get the recharge bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 31 paisa/10 seconds to any local operator
  • After 24 hours customers will recharge second time for getting life-er asche bonus (Recharge+Usage)
  • Firstly, customer has to Recharge BDT 33 to become eligible for Recharge Bonus & Usage Bonus
  • Secondly, customer needs to finish BDT 33 (Incl. VAT) in local voice calls usage within 2 calendar days
  • Recharge Bonus will not be the of BDT 33 Recharge
  • Recharge Bonus count will start from 12:00 am of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Usage Bonus count will start from the time of Usage of BDT 33
  • Usage Bonus disbursement will be period end: 00:00:00 hrs of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Bonus Check: Free dial *999*33#
Life-er Asche Agent Bonus Offer - Recharge BDT 50 & Use BDT 50
  • BDT 50 Instant Recharge Bonus: 60 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 1300 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 900 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 7 SMS (local), 65 MMS, 30 MB Internet & 1GB Internet
  • BDT 50 period end Usage Bonus: 60 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 1300 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 900 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 7 SMS (local), 65 MMS, 30 MB Internet & 1GB Internet
  • Customer will get the recharge bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 31 paisa/10 seconds to any local operator
  • After 24 hours customers will recharge second time for getting life-er asche bonus (Recharge+Usage)
  • Firstly, customer has to Recharge BDT 50 to become eligible for Recharge Bonus & Usage Bonus
  • Secondly, customer needs to finish BDT 50 (Incl. VAT) in local voice calls usage within 2 calendar days
  • Recharge Bonus will not be the of BDT 50 Recharge
  • Recharge Bonus count will start from 12:00 am of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Usage Bonus count will start from the time of Usage of BDT 50
  • Usage Bonus disbursement will be period end: 00:00:00 hrs of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Bonus Check: Free dial *999*50#
Life-er Asche Easy Bonus Offer - Recharge BDT 100 & Use BDT 100
  • BDT 100 Instant Recharge Bonus: 35 Mins (GP-GP or GP-Others & Ekota-djuice), 1370 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 2 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 6 SMS (local), 7 MMS, 20 MB Internet & 6GB Internet
  • BDT 100 period end Usage Bonus: 35 Mins (GP-GP or GP Others & Ekota-djuice), 1370 Secs (GP-GP & GP-Others), 2 Intails (GP-GP & CUG), 6 SMS (local), 7 MMS, 20 MB Internet & 6GB Internet
  • Customer will get the recharge bonus in first recharge and within 24 hours customer will be upgraded to a new tariff plan which is 31 paisa/10 seconds to any local operator
  • After 24 hours customers will recharge second time for getting life-er asche bonus (Recharge+Usage)
  • Firstly, customer has to Recharge BDT 100 to become eligible for Recharge Bonus & Usage Bonus
  • Secondly, customer needs to finish BDT 100 (Incl. VAT) in local voice calls usage within 2 calendar days
  • Recharge Bonus will not be the of BDT 100 Recharge
  • Recharge Bonus count will start from 12:00 am of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Usage Bonus count will start from the time of Usage of BDT 50
  • Usage Bonus disbursement will be period end: 00:00:00 hrs of 2 calendar day from the recharge day
  • Bonus Check: Free dial *999*100#
Eligibility & Registration
  • This offer will be eligible for customers using SMILE, Shohoj, Bondhu, Apon, Baadhon, Spondon, Amontron, Djuice, GPPP, VP Prepaid, Internet SIM Prepaid, Business Solutions Prepaid, Shofol & Ekota Prepaid packages
  • Eligible GP Prepaid subscribers can avail this in the. Also you need to use the from 12am to 11pm
  • Customer have to register this offer by dialling *500*8# (free of charge)
  • if customer changes their package (including internet packages like minipack pay per use to bundle) after recharge & usage registration, they have to register again
  • To avail this offer, customer will have to register by sending an SMS in the following way write Check & send it to 9999 (charge free)
  • to Register, simply Start & sending SMS to 3030 (free of cost) Registration will be processed within 72 hours
Bonus Usage, Bonus Query & Validity
  • Customers can use this bonus minutes where GP to GP call tariff is 49 paisa/min; 50 paisa/min and above, GP to other operator call tariff is 79 paisa/min; 80 paisa/min and above & Ekota to djuice call tariff in 1.20 tk/min; 3.00 tk/min and above and considering the below bonus restrictions table
  • Customers can use this bonus seconds where GP-GP call tariff is 5 paisa/10 sec & 25 paisa/10 sec and above, GP-other operator call tariff is 18 paisa/10 sec & 33.33 paisa/10 sec and above and considering the below bonus restrictions table
  • Customers can use this bonus intails where GP-GP call tariff is half paisa/int and above, CUG call tariff is 2.8 paisa/int and above and considering the below bonus restrictions table
  • Customers can use this bonus sms where GP-GP call tariff is 1.5 Tk/SMS and above & GP-other operator call tariff is 88 paisa/SMS and above and considering the below bonus restrictions table
  • Customers can use this bonus mms where GP-GP call tariff is 29 paisa/MMS and above and considering the below bonus restrictions table
  • Customers can use this bonus internet where is 0.01 Tk./KB, 0.80 Tk./month and above and considering the below bonus restrictions table
  • Bonus validity is 2 days or till 23:59:59 hrs of next calendar day from the day of recharge.
Bonus Usage, Bonus Query & Bonus Restriction
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 00:00:00 hrs to 13:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 17:00:00 hrs to 03:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 21:00:00 hrs to 17:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 06:00:00 hrs to 18:00:00 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 22:00:00 hrs to 05:00:00 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 12:46:00 hrs to 23:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 20:00:00 hrs to 05:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 18:00:00 hrs to 09:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 19:00:00 hrs to 09:59:00 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 00:00:00 hrs to 16:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-GP calls: 12am to 4pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 8am to 6pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 11am to 8pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 7am to 12pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 9am to 5pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 12am to 3pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 6am to 6pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 10am to 12pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 8am to 2pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 12am to 6pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 8am to 3pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 9am to 6pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 1am to 5pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 7am to 4pm & only from 12am to 9pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 5am to 5pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 12.00 am to 7.59 pm & 2.00 am to 4.59 am
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 8.00 am to 3.59 pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: during 12 hours
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-GP calls: only for 24 hours
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for GP-other operator calls: 12 hours
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for GP-other operator calls: only for 24 hours
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for Ekota-djuice calls: 00:00:00 hrs to 19:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for Ekota-djuice calls: 12:00:00 hrs to 21:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for Ekota-djuice calls: 23:00:00 hrs to 08:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for Ekota-djuice calls: 03:26:00 hrs to 15:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for Ekota-djuice calls: 21:00:00 hrs to 9:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for Ekota-djuice calls: 19:00:00 hrs to 23:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes usage time for Ekota-djuice calls: 06:00:00 hrs to 14:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for Ekota-djuice calls: only from 9am to 5pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for Ekota-djuice calls: only from 10am to 6pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for Ekota-djuice calls: only from 7am to 2pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for Ekota-djuice calls: only from 12am to 9pm
  • Bonus Minutes can be used for Ekota-djuice calls: only from 3am to 5pm
  • Bonus Seconds usage time for GP-GP calls: 00:00:00 hrs to 13:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Seconds usage time for GP-GP calls: 19:00:00 hrs to 23:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Seconds usage time for GP-GP calls: 06:00:00 hrs to 18:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Seconds usage time for GP-GP calls: 22:00:00 hrs to 04:00:00 hrs
  • Bonus Seconds usage time for GP-GP calls: 12am to 6pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 1am to 4pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 9am to 5pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 10am to 6pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 7am to 9pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 9am to 4pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 8am to 2pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 12am to 9pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 3am to 8pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 4am to 6pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 12am to 3pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 7am to 9pm
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-GP calls: only for 12 hours
  • Bonus Seconds usage time for GP-other operator calls: 12 hours
  • Bonus Seconds can be used for GP-other operator calls: only for 24 hours
  • Bonus Intails usage time for GP-GP calls: 24 hours
  • Bonus Intails can be used for GP-GP calls: 24 hours
  • Bonus Intails can be used for GP-GP calls: 24 hours
  • Bonus Intails can be used for GP-GP calls: 24 hours
  • Bonus Intails usage time for GP-GP calls: 12 hours
  • Bonus Intails can be used for CUG calls: only for 12 hours
  • Bonus Intails can be used for CUG calls: only for 12 hours
  • Bonus Intails can be used for CUG calls: only for 12 hours
  • Bonus Intails can be used for CUG calls: only for 12 hours
  • Bonus SMS usage time for GP-GP calls: 00:00:00 hrs to 21:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus SMS usage time for GP-GP calls: 03:00:00 hrs to 15:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus SMS can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 12am to 9pm
  • Bonus SMS can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 5am to 5pm
  • Bonus SMS can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 12am to 10pm
  • Bonus SMS can be used for GP-GP calls: only for 24 hour
  • Bonus SMS can be used for GP-other operator calls: only for 12 hours
  • Bonus MMS can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 12.00 am to 7.59 am
  • Bonus MMS can be used for GP-GP calls: only from 6.00 am to 3.59 pm
  • Bonus MMS can be used for GP-GP calls: only for 24 hours
  • Bonus Internet usage time for 00:00:00 hrs to 18:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Internet usage time for 15:33:00 hrs to 07:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Internet usage time for 08:00:00 hrs to 22:59:59 hrs
  • Bonus Internet usage time for 24 hours
  • Bonus Internet can be used for 24 hours
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 12am to 8pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 6am to 5pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 11am to 7pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 4am to 3pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 6am to 8pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 7am to 2pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 12am to 9pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 4am to 2pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 12am to 10pm
  • Bonus Internet can be used from 8am to 9pm
Offer Duration
  • July 15 to August 30, 2012 until further notice

Yana qarang


  1. „Annual Results 2012“ (PDF). TeliaSonera. Qaraldi: 31-yanvar 2013-yil.[sayt ishlamaydi]
  2. 2,0 2,1 (unspecified title)
  3. „TeliaSonera - press release“. Cision Wire. 2009-yil 10-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2009-yil 7-avgust. (Wayback Machine saytida 2009-08-10 sanasida arxivlangan)
  4. The Mobile World, Global Multinationals: Consolidated Customers, Issue 40, p21 23-Oct 2006-yil, 2017-06-20da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 2021-02-05
  5. arxiv nusxasi, 2014-07-06da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 2014-08-19
  6. Teliasonera Oʻzbekiston bozoridan ketadi, 2015-10-09da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 2015-09-17
