User:Stevie Benton (WMUK)

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Revision as of 15:53, 15 July 2014 by Stevie Benton (WMUK) (talk | contribs) (user box to make Katherine happy)
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Stevie Benton
Head of External Relations, Wikimedia UK
Stevie Benton


Stevie has worked in communications since 2004 in a variety of disciplines, including press, internal communications, online and multimedia. He believes that education and access to information are of the utmost importance. He enjoys hearing from Wikipedians and anyone with an interest in any Wikimedia projects.

Stevie is interested in all kinds of art, music and literature. He enjoys video games and is a long suffering fan of the Philadelphia Eagles NFL team.

My work

  • Build up relationships with the media and develop media opportunities.
  • Create publications for use by WMUK, e.g. Annual Reports.
  • Maintain means of communicating with the members and community including web sites, blogging and social media.
  • Work with volunteers to promote their work.

Contact me

  • Email:
  • Telephone: +44 (0)20 7065 0993
  • Mobile: +44 (0) 7803 505 173

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This user is a member of Wikimedia UK.