National Railway Museum

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Revision as of 13:26, 10 June 2011 by (talk | contribs) (ce)
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Comment This event is set for 22 June 2011. This article is currently being drafted and is expected to be available shortly.

National Railway Museum Wikimedia workshop


This event is an all day workshop, demonstrations and presentations hosted by the National Railway Museum in York.

It is anticipated that attending will be:

  • NRM staff interested in working with Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects
  • Representatives from other museums - to be sought through the Museum Computer Group mailing list
  • Wikipedians already involved with the NRM or with GLAM outreach
  • Wikipedians interested in working with GLAM and/or the NRM - to be sought through promotion on wikipedia (e.g. banner ad, related wikiprojects)


The expectation is for the workshop day to involve 9 museum professionals from York and nearby and 9 experienced Wikipedians/Wikimedians with relevant interest and experience. Total numbers will be limited to a maximum of 24.

Please add your name to the list below with your related interest and/or professional capacity if you are planning to attend and in addition email Simon who is the Wikimedia coordinator for the day.


  • Tagishsimon - Coordinating event
  • Victuallers - WM-UK Chair, involved in NRM liaison - will attend, real life permitting
  • - UK GLAM task force lead and WM-UK director
  • Wittylama - WMF GLAM Fellow, will attend, possible opening presenter
  • Geof Sheppard - have offered to help this project because of my work on railway history articles. Can probably attend but I need to know what time - after lunch would work better.
  • PatHadley - Hoping to attend. Know nothing about trains and little more about Wikipedia, but really excited about how this might work!
